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Mike Coombes  Simon Raybould 《Area》2004,36(2):202-222
Early results from the 2001 census of England allow a preliminary analysis of joblessness. People in the prime working ages (25–49) are more likely to be in work than those in their 50s, but the differences are quite subtle: in particular, men without qualifications are not much more likely to be in work when they are younger, despite the suggestions that too many men cease working in their 50s. The evidence supports the view that there is a national shortfall of demand for labour, that the low-skilled are the least able to compete for scarce jobs, and older people are the most likely to be unqualified. Moreover there is a strong spatial clustering of areas where job availability has declined or grown least, undermining the government's claim that there were often available jobs near to concentrations of people without work.  相似文献   
山地蒸发的计算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
傅抱璞 《气象科学》1996,16(4):328-335
本文研讨了山地下垫面蒸发的计算,提出了根据迳流系数和降水强度确定计算蒸发公式中与地形、植被、土壤等下垫面特性降水性质有关的参数的方法,经实际检验,结果令人满意。  相似文献   
Protected areas (PAs) serve as a critical strategy for protecting natural resources, conserving biodiversity, and mitigating climate change. While there is a critical need to guide area-based conservation efforts, a systematic assessment of PA effectiveness for storing carbon stocks has not been possible due to the lack of globally consistent forest biomass data. In this study, we present a new methodology utilizing forest structural information and aboveground biomass density (AGBD) obtained from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission. We compare PAs with similar, unprotected forests obtained through statistical matching to assess differences in carbon storage and forest structure. We also assess matching outcomes for a robust and minimally biased way to quantify PA efficacy. We find that all analyzed PAs in Tanzania possess higher biomass densities than their unprotected counterfactuals (24.4% higher on average). This is also true for other forest structure metrics, including tree height, canopy cover, and plant area index (PAI). We also find that community-governed PAs are the most effective category of PAs at preserving forest structure and AGBD – often outperforming those managed by international or national entities. In addition, PAs designated under more than one entity perform better than the PAs with a single designation, especially those with multiple international designations. Finally, our findings suggest that smaller PAs may be more effective for conservation, depending on levels of connectivity. Taken together, these findings support the designation of PAs as an effective means for forest management with considerable potential to protect forest ecosystems and achieve long-term climate goals.  相似文献   
梁流涛  翟彬  樊鹏飞 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1522-1530
在农户土地利用引起的环境问题日益严重的背景下,如果农户土地利用效率的测度只考虑“好”产出,而忽略“非意欲”的环境产出,可能造成测度结果不准确。因此,将“非意欲”产出引入农户土地利用效率评价模型,利用河南省粮食生产核心区农户抽样调查数据测度环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率,并探讨其效率状况及影响因素。主要的结论如下:调查区域环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率平均值仅为0.612,效率值总体不高,有较大的提升空间。不同规模农户的土地利用效率差异较大,二者呈现“U型”变化趋势。环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的影响因素来自多个方面。其中,农户生计方式兼业化在一定程度上降低了环境约束下的农户土地利用效率;种植结构调整虽然能够增加农户农业收入,但不利于环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的提升;农地经营规模扩大对环境约束下的农户土地利用效率产生正面影响,但现实中普遍存在的小规模化经营和土地细碎化消减了正面影响。土地产权的稳定性能够提升环境约束下的农户土地利用效率,但无论是集体土地产权还是承包经营权以及农户间非正式的土地流转产权关系稳定性较差,不利于环境约束下的农户土地利用效率的提高。  相似文献   
大兴安岭火烧迹地土壤动物生态地理分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
不同恢复年份森林火烧迹地的土壤动物群落特征明显不同。火烧过后的前13年,大型土壤动物的种类和数量很少,特别是常见类群中的线蚓所占的比例很小,但运动能力较强的蜈蚣、蜘蛛等所占比例较高。火烧35年后,土壤中线蚓数量才逐渐增多并趋于稳定。中小型土壤动物中的原尾虫只出现在16年迹地和对比样地中,表明原尾虫确是稳定生境的指示动物。火烧过后,土壤环境中最先侵入的是运动能力较强的大型土壤动物,之后中小型土壤动物才逐渐得到恢复。火烧后67年是中小型土壤动物发展的盛期,随后土壤动物种类和数量开始减少并趋于稳定。火烧的强度对土壤动物群落的恢复有一定的影响,轻度火烧影响地区的土壤动物恢复较快,经过67年,土壤动物种类和数量能超过未受火烧影响的地区;而中、重度火烧地区,土壤动物恢复到正常水平则需要超过16年的更长的时间。  相似文献   
地理科学与资源科学智库建设在地理科学与资源科学发展及学科建设中具有非常重要的战略地位。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所80年来,地理科学与资源科学智库为传播人类文明、保障国家资源安全和持续利用、维护国家和全球可持续发展做出了重大贡献。本文回顾了80年来、尤其是2000年以来地理资源所在高端智库建设方面取得的辉煌成就,以时间为主线,总结了智库建设的重点领域及特色方向,包括综合科学考察与资源环境承载力评价、国家重大区划与规划、国情分析与区域可持续发展、新型城镇化与城市群建设、精准扶贫与乡村振兴、生态文明体制改革与美丽中国建设、“一带一路”建设与国家安全、生态环境保护与科技防灾减灾等方面研究和决策服务;提出要继续瞄准国家发展战略需求,继续提升智库建设在研究所发展与学科建设的战略地位、围绕国家“两个一百年”奋斗目标、对标SDGs实现国家可持续发展目标建好智库,围绕美丽中国与生态文明制度建设、国家重大区域发展战略和应急重大事件建好智库,强化地理模拟技术和智能化技术对智库建设的技术支撑,以智库建设推动地理科学与资源科学建设。力争通过5~10年努力,把研究所建成最具影响力的国家高端智库,成为生产智库产品和支撑国家发展决策的中坚力量。  相似文献   
李禄增 《热带地理》1994,14(1):27-33
本文分析了广东山区工业发展的有利条件与存在问题,提出山区工业发展要采取超常规,跳跃式发展战略,立足本地优势资源,发展资源型工业,重点发展以生物资源为原料的工业,把资源优势转变为经济优势,同时根据市场需求发展市场型工业,尤其高新技术工业;既要立足理现有工业,加速改造挖潜,促其上水平、上规模、出效益、又要选准项目,大胆投入,发展有造血功能的骨干企业并调整和优化工业结构。  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(2):103-105
Since the late 1980's there has been renewed interest in the study of employment polynucleation within metropolitan areas, fed in part by the move to suburban locations of high-order service functions. In parallel, a growing body of research has underlined the role which proximity plays in information exchange, innovation and growth. So far there have been only limited attempts to merge these two approaches and investigate the degree to which local agglomeration economies and positive externalities may underpin the creation of suburban employment poles. In this paper a first step is taken in this direction by proposing an approach to systematically investigate the colocation of economic activities within a metropolitan context. It is found that the groups of economic activities which systematically tend to colocate closely mirror those activities which would be grouped together along sectoral lines.  相似文献   
依据松辽盆地西南部新站地区嫩江组三段孢粉和藻类化石百分含量纵向变化特征,自下而上划分7个能识别水体盐度变化的孢粉和藻类组合:Cyathidites Pinuspollenites Dinogymniopsis组合,指示缩小的微咸水湖相沉积环境;Dinogymniopsis Leiosphaeridia Pinuspollenites组合,代表水域扩大的微咸水湖相沉积环境;Cicatricosisporites Pinuspollenites Botryococcus组合,代表水域缩小的淡水-微咸水湖相沉积环境;Dinogymniopsis Chlamydophorella Taxodiaceaepollenites组合,反映淡水与微咸水频繁交互变化的浅湖相沉积环境;Cicatricosisporites Pinuspollenites Pediastrum组合,代表水域缩小的淡水湖相沉积环境;Nenjiangella Balmula Cyathidites组合,代表水域范围较大的淡水湖相沉积环境;Cyathidites Trilobosporites Botryococcus组合,指示水域缩小的微咸水湖相沉积环境。  相似文献   
中国西北地区北部主要盆地蚀源区包括银额盆地周缘、北山盆地群周缘、三塘湖盆地周缘、准噶尔盆地周缘,主体位于中亚构造域中西部南缘(部)或与之毗邻区。通过对研究区1 416件中性、酸性及碱性岩浆岩样品的年龄和铀含量数据进行分区统计处理,计算其在地史上的铀迁移量和古铀含量,结果显示,研究区岩浆活动主要发生在早石炭世-早三叠世(349~248 Ma),其次在中奥陶世-早泥盆世(470~396 Ma)。这分别与古亚洲洋开始俯冲消减(O2S1)和最终关闭、中亚-蒙古碰撞褶皱带形成(C-T1)的大地构造演化阶段及重大事件相对应。各区富铀岩石主要形成于早石炭世-早三叠世(334~250 Ma),其与晚古生代岩浆活动具有时间上的一致性。在地域上, 两者有从西向东时代变新的趋势。这亦与古亚洲洋关闭、中亚构造域形成西早东晚的演化特征相一致。各蚀源区岩石的铀含量不尽相同,综合对比和评价表明:北山柳园区、准噶尔盆地东北缘阿勒泰-蕴都地区和东南部清河地区岩石铀含量与宗乃山区铀含量相当或更富;准噶尔盆地东北缘卡拉麦里区岩石铀含量偏富;银额盆地南缘雅布赖山、巴彦诺日公及庆格勒地区及其北部的沙拉扎山区,北山盐滩及马鬃山区,三塘湖盆地周缘,以及准噶尔盆地东北缘的阿勒泰西北区和西缘的北部区铀含量中等;其他地区铀含量相对较贫。研究区现今富铀蚀源区的大部地区,在晚三叠世开始隆升,此后进一步发展,为邻近中新生代盆地提供了丰富的沉积物和铀物质,成为相邻中新生代陆相盆地砂岩型、煤岩型及泥岩型铀矿床的主要成矿物质来源;盆内深部烃源岩层富含铀元素,可降低烃源岩的生烃门限温度并增加烃源岩生烃总量,具有重要的地质、成矿意义。  相似文献   
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