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通过石油定向井技术初步实践,为今后的定向井施工奠定了基础,并取得了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
An air‐gun survey, conducted over a total distance of 4356 km in the western end of the Kurile Arc offshore, has revealed the architecture and evolution of the Kushiro submarine canyon and Tokachi submarine channels of the Tokachi‐oki forearc basin. The Kushiro submarine canyon, which runs along the eastern margin of the forearc basin, is characterized by an entrenchment of up to several hundred metres in depth. The Tokachi submarine channels, by contrast, occupy the centre of the basin and consist of small, branching and levéed channels. The Kushiro submarine canyon is not connected to the Tokachi River, which has the largest drainage area in eastern Hokkaido, with a catchment area of approximately 9010 km2 that includes high mountains and a volcanic region. Instead, the Kushiro submarine canyon exhibits an offset connection/quasi‐connection (probably having been connected during a prior sea‐level lowstand) with the Kushiro River (drainage area of 2500 km2) which contains the Kushiro Swamp at its mouth. To understand this unusual arrangement of rivers and submarine channels, acoustic facies analysis was undertaken to establish the seismic stratigraphy of the area. Subsurface strata can be divided into six seismic units of Miocene to Recent age. Analyses of seismic facies and isopach maps indicate that: (i) the palaeo‐Kushiro submarine canyon, which was ancestral to the Kushiro submarine canyon, was an aggradational levéed channel; and (ii) the palaeo‐Tokachi submarine channel was much larger than the present‐day channel and changed its course several times. Both the palaeo‐Kushiro submarine canyon and palaeo‐Tokachi submarine channel were fed predominantly by the ancestral Tokachi River, whereas the present‐day channels are no longer connected or quasi‐connected to the Tokachi River. Entrenchment of the Kushiro submarine canyon began in its distal reaches during the Early Pleistocene and propagated landward over time, which was possibly caused by base‐level fall (i.e. subsidence of the trench floor) or uplift of the forearc basin. Entrenchment of the upper part of the Kushiro submarine canyon began during the Middle Pleistocene, which may have been related to: (i) depositional progradation; (ii) uplift of the coastal area; or (iii) a change in source area from the ancestral Tokachi River to the Kushiro River.  相似文献   
探讨了煤炭地质单位股份制改造等方面的问题,提出了股份公司的组建应灵活多样、不拘于现成模式,有条件时可组建规范化公司。还对公司的组建、运行和注意事项等方面进行了论述,并提出煤炭地质系统集团化的设想。  相似文献   
鹰扬关构造混杂岩出露于湘-粤-桂三省(区)交界处,构造上位于扬子陆块与华夏地块结合带西南段,在形成过程中保存了丰富的物质记录和构造演化信息,是研究扬子陆块与华夏地块拼合造山过程及相互关系的重要对象。对鹰扬关构造混杂岩物质组成及变形特征的详细研究表明,其由基质与岩块组成,基质为变质含凝灰质细碎屑岩,岩块为变质火山(碎屑)岩、微晶石英岩与大理岩等;根据野外变形特征及各期变形的叠加改造关系,于鹰扬关构造混杂岩中识别出5期构造变形,并建立了5期构造的相对变形序列。S1、S2代表晋宁期变形作用(D1~D2); S3及NNE向断层左行走滑运动指示加里东期NW-NNW向挤压作用(D3);印支期及早燕山期W-NWW向挤压作用(D4)对前期构造进行了改造, NNE向断层发生右行走滑运动;晚燕山期的伸展作用主要表现为正断层活动(D5)。变形序列的建立为区域构造过程的探讨和对比提供了新的基础资料。  相似文献   
共轭伸展褶劈理夹角的定量解析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
90 年代初以来,中国地质学者先后在浙、皖、赣、湘的“板溪群”及震旦系中发现了古生代的生物化石。因此,再次将“板溪群”是否是前震旦纪的一个变质地层单位、江南古陆是否存在以及华南大地构造格局是否需要重新厘定等问题提了出来。1993 年笔者于赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带内的“双桥山群”岩块中,首次发现了含晚古生代的放射虫硅质岩。1996 年又在该混杂岩带多处的“双桥山群”岩块和“下震旦统志棠组”中找到了含晚古生代的放射虫硅质岩,还首次在“登山群拔竹坑组”中发现了早古生代的几丁虫化石。经数年野外多次观察和对室内化石鉴定、岩石地球化学测试结果以及岩石学特征的综合分析表明,所发现的含晚古生代放射虫硅质岩及其岩石组合是一套洋盆深水相沉积;登山群拔竹坑组,是早古生代的一套浅水陆棚 深水陆棚 半深海相沉积。结合同行学者在邻区“板溪群”研究方面取得的新成果,笔者认为:“板溪群”不是前震旦纪的一个变质地层单位,而是一个复杂的构造岩带,江南古陆是不存在的,华南从早古生代到中生代早期还经历了一次洋盆演化过程,现在的构造格局是印支运动奠定的  相似文献   
The effect of a step change in macro‐roughness on the saltation process under sediment supply limited conditions was examined in the atmospheric boundary layer. For an array of roughness elements of roughness density λ = 0.045 (λ = total element frontal area/total surface area of the array) the horizontal saltation flux was reduced by 90% (±7%) at a distance of ≈150 roughness element heights into the array. This matches the value predicted using an empirical design model and provides confidence that it can be effectively used to engineer roughness arrays to meet sand flux reduction targets. Measurements of the saltation flux characteristics in the vertical dimension, including: saltation layer decay (e‐folding) height and particle size, revealed that with increasing distance into the array, the rate of mass flux change with increasing height decreased notably, and (geometric) mean particle diameter decreased. The distribution of the saltation mass flux in the vertical remains exponential in form with increasing distance into the roughness array, and the e‐folding height increases as well as increasing at a greater rate as particle diameter diminishes. The increase in e‐folding height suggests the height of saltating particles is increasing along with their mean speed. This apparent increase in mean speed is likely due to the preferential removal, or sequestration, of the slower moving particles across the size spectrum, as they travel through the roughness array. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
九州台古土壤S1记录的末次间冰期东亚夏季风变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对沉积速率较高的黄土高原西部地区九州台剖面S1古土壤的夏季风代用指标———磁化率、碳酸钙含量、色度进行了测量。综合分析结果表明,MIS5e开始前,夏季风有一次衰退事件,末次盛间冰期早期夏季风强于晚期,而中期夏季风强度相对较弱,然而这种变化是较为和缓的,并没有表现出类似GRIP冰心氧同位素的大幅度、快速变化,表明MIS5e期间东亚夏季风是相对稳定的。来自海洋的研究表明,西太平洋洋面温度(SST)和洋面高度在MIS5e早期和晚期相对较高,中期相对较低,证实了西太平洋环境变化和东亚夏季风强度之间存在成因上的联系。与先前有关全新世东亚夏季风研究结果的对比表明,MIS5e和全新世东亚夏季风演化具有一定的相似性,可能反映了低纬海洋和高纬大陆之间能量和物质交换对太阳辐射响应的某种内在机制。  相似文献   
目的 介绍了利用OCCAM 软件处理中国 VLBI网(CVN)4台站常规天体测量与大地测量观测资料的解算方案,包括参数设置、模型选取和数据编辑等。通过单次实验解算和联合平差,获得了ITRF2000下参考历元J2010.0时昆明和北京站cm 级的站坐标及 mm 级每年的站速度。解算值相对于嫦娥一号工程期间采用值的推算值,坐标改正最大至51.9cm,速度改正最大至11.5mm·a-1。  相似文献   
果芒错蛇绿混杂岩位于狮泉河—永珠—嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带中段,是该带中保存较好的一套蛇绿混杂岩,其形成环境是确定狮泉河—永珠—嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带构造属性的重要依据。对果芒错蛇绿混杂岩中的硅质岩进行了地球化学分析,为判断蛇绿混杂岩的形成环境提供新的约束条件。硅质岩通常呈几十厘米夹层产于玄武岩中,含有大量晚三叠世—白垩纪放射虫化石。硅质岩SiO2含量为71.38%~77.67%,Al2O3含量为8.62%~11.51%,MnO/TiO2值为0.28~0.35,(Ce/Ce*)SN值为0.92~0.94,(La/Ce)SN值为1.13~1.17,反映了陆源物质的影响,而V、Ni、Cu和V/Y值高于大陆边缘硅质岩,与洋中脊和大洋盆地硅质岩相似,说明果芒错硅质岩可能形成于受陆源物质影响且与大陆边缘有一定距离的环境中。结合变质橄榄岩、镁铁质岩墙和玄武岩的地球化学特征,初步认为果芒错蛇绿混杂岩的形成环境为靠近大陆边缘的弧后盆地。  相似文献   
A 4.3 m‐long peat sequence from the shore of Lake Tiriara, Mangaia, Cook Islands, was analyzed using an ITRAX core scanner equipped with a magnetic susceptibility meter. Variations in the elemental profiles, providing insights into long‐ and short‐term environmental changes over the last 3500 years, are supported by grain size data and diatom assemblages. The scattering ratio (Mo Inc/Mo Coh) was evaluated and found to represent a good proxy for organic matter in peat. X‐Ray Fluorescence (XRF) data were processed by principal component analysis that confirmed the distinction of biogenic and detrital phases, organic matter and elements of marine origin. The record preserved in the peat sequence includes a peatland infilling stage followed by alternating drier and wetter periods. A notable steady increase in clay associated with high counts of detrital elements from 2000–1700 cal yr BP is attributed to increased erosion, which is most probably linked with human colonization and/or more intense chemical weathering linked with a wetter climate. Freshwater gastropods (Melanoides sp.), which were possibly introduced by humans, or are native, occupied the wetland during a period of lower water level about 1000–1100 cal yr BP. Short‐term changes in the elemental profiles are often linked with slight coarsening of the inorganic fraction that is, however, only revealed after grain size analysis. Peaks in marine indicators (Br, Cl, S, and/or Ca) associated with marine‐dominated diatom assemblages most probably represent marine incursions through the underground tunnel in the makatea, a fossilized, uplifted coral limestone rim. While none of the marine event units present characteristics typical of cyclone or tsunami deposits, the concurrent or absent peak of detrital elements (Fe, Si, Rb, Ti, K) attributed to increased erosion of the volcanic cone associated with a cyclone is used to distinguish both types of events, as also suggested by principal component analysis.  相似文献   
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