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For the study of the cross-shore wave-induced hydrodynamics in the swash zone, a numerical model is developed based on the one-dimensional non-linear shallow water (NSW) equations for prediction of hydrodynamic parameters in the swash zone. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the outputs of the numerical model, the model's predictions in terms of water surface elevations and cross-shore velocities, are compared to field data from full-scale experiments conducted on three sites with different beach slope; mild and steep, several bed particle sizes and under various incident wave conditions. The quantitative and qualitative comparison of the results of the numerical model and the full-scale data reveals that the model can generally predict many aspects of the flow in the surf and swash zone on both types of beach. The accuracy is adequate for application in a sediment transport study. Considering the time-history and probability distribution of water surface elevation, the model is generally more accurate on steep beaches than on the mild beach. The model can adequately simulate the dominant frequency across the beach and saturation of higher frequencies on both mild and steep beaches for various incident wave energy characteristics. With regard to the horizontal (cross-shore) velocity, the sawtooth shape of time-history and negative acceleration of water are well predicted by the model for both mild and steep beaches. Due to the uncertainties in maximum and minimum values of velocity data, clear judgement about the accuracy of the numerical model in this matter was not possible. However, the comparison of the minimum velocities (offshore direction) revealed that the application of friction factors below the range which is suggested by literature best match the data.  相似文献   
研究一类二阶时滞差分方程,得到该类方程一切有界解都振动的新的充分条件  相似文献   
基于改进型的二阶Boussinesq方程,在交错网络下建立数值模型.利用模型模拟波浪在常水深情况下的传播,波浪反射系数均低于2%.利用该模型模拟波浪在平斜坡前的反射,并将数值结果与解析解进行对比.结果表明,对于相对水深较大情况,坡度较陡时模拟结果明显偏大;对 于相对水深较小情况,坡度超过1:1时,数值结果仍与解析解有....  相似文献   
付晓东  盛谦  张勇慧  冷先伦 《岩土力学》2016,37(4):1171-1178
非连续变形分析(DDA)方法对大规模工程问题的数值模拟耗时太长,其中线性方程组求解耗时可占总计算时间的70%以上,因此,高效的线性方程组解法是重要研究课题。首先,阐述了适用于DDA方法的基于块的行压缩法和基于试验-误差迭代格式的非0位置记录;然后,针对DDA的子矩阵技术,将块雅可比迭代法 (BJ)、预处理的块共轭梯度法 (PCG,包括Jacobi-PCG、SSOR-PCG) 引入DDA方法,重点研究了线性方程组求解过程中的关键运算;最后,通过两个洞室开挖算例,分析了各线性方程组求解算法在DDA中的计算效率。研究表明:与迭代法相比,直解法无法满足大规模工程计算需要;BJ迭代法与块超松弛迭代法(BSOR)的效率差别不大,但明显不如PCG迭代法。因此,建议采用PCG迭代法求解DDA线性方程组,特别是SSOR-PCG值得推广;如果开展并行计算研究,Jacobi-PCG是较好的选择,当刚度矩阵惯性优势明显时,BJ迭代法同样有效。  相似文献   
近岸海浪几种数值计算模型的比较   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
除了统计模型,目前可用于近岸海浪计算的主要模型基本上可以分为Boussinesq方程、缓坡方程、能量平衡方程三大类。本文在对这三类模型作简要介绍的基础上,对它们用于近岸波浪计算各自存在的优缺点作了较为详细的比较,然后综合这三类模型的优点,根据目前我们所掌握的一些先进的海浪计算方法,提出一种比较实用的计算模型。  相似文献   
岩石的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过融合Gassmann方程和由微分等效介质理论建立的干岩石骨架模型——DEM解析模型,本文提出根据纵波(和横波)速度反演岩石等效孔隙纵横比进行储层孔隙结构评价和横波速度预测的方法.首先,利用Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型建立岩石的纵、横波速度与密度、孔隙度、饱和度和矿物组分等各参数之间的关系;其次,将岩石孔隙等效为具有单一纵横比的理想椭球孔,应用非线性全局寻优算法来寻找最佳的等效孔隙纵横比使得理论预测与实际测量的弹性模量之间的误差最小;最后,将反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比代入到Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型中构建横波速度.实验室和井孔测量数据应用表明,反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比可准确反映储层的孔隙结构,对于裂缝型储层如花岗岩,其孔隙纵横比通常小于0.025,而对于孔隙型储层如砂岩,其孔隙纵横比通常大于0.08.只利用纵波与同时利用纵、横波反演得到的孔隙纵横比结果几乎完全一致,而且由纵波构建的横波与实测横波吻合良好,说明本文提出的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其横波速度预测方法是有效的.  相似文献   
The shallow water equations are used to model flows in rivers and coastal areas, and have wide applications in ocean, hydraulic engineering, and atmospheric modeling. These equations have still water steady state solutions in which the flux gradients are balanced by the source term. It is desirable to develop numerical methods which preserve exactly these steady state solutions. Another main difficulty usually arising from the simulation of dam breaks and flood waves flows is the appearance of dry areas where no water is present. If no special attention is paid, standard numerical methods may fail near dry/wet front and produce non-physical negative water height. A high-order accurate finite volume weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme is proposed in this paper to address these difficulties and to provide an efficient and robust method for solving the shallow water equations. A simple, easy-to-implement positivity-preserving limiter is introduced. One- and two-dimensional numerical examples are provided to verify the positivity-preserving property, well-balanced property, high-order accuracy, and good resolution for smooth and discontinuous solutions.  相似文献   
陈明祥  汪碧飞 《岩土力学》2010,31(2):397-402
针对各向同性材料,基于张量函数表示定理,建立了本构关系的张量不变性表示,其中,3个不可约基张量取决于应力的0~2次幂,且相互正交,3个系数由塑性应变增量和应力的不变量表示。基于塑性应变增量的不变量定义内变量,本构关系归结为确定内变量的演化。使用张量函数表示定理,给出了内变量演化方程的一般表达式,它取决于应力不变量的增量,因而与主轴旋转无关。讨论了如何根据试验资料和引入适当的假定,确定具体的演化方程。通过与塑性势理论和多重屈服面理论进行比较,表明所建模型是这些理论的最一般表示,且简捷直观、使用方便。  相似文献   
艾智勇  张逸帆 《岩土力学》2016,37(5):1243-1248
运用对偶积分方程来求解层状横观各向同性地基与墙下条形基础的共同作用问题。从直角坐标平面应变问题控制方程出发,通过傅里叶(Fourier)变换和层间连续性条件,可以得到层状横观各向同性地基的传递矩阵解。基于该传递矩阵解,并利用条形基础与地基接触的混合边值条件,推导出一组关于基础挠度和地基反力的对偶积分方程。考虑墙下条形基础受到竖向集中荷载的情况,利用弹性薄板理论先求解出条形基础挠度;随后应用雅可比(Jacobi)正交多项式和级数展开的方法,将对偶积分方程转化为线性代数方程组进行求解。编制了相应的计算程序,其计算结果与有限元软件ABAQUS的结果基本吻合,从而验证了所提理论的正确性。算例分析表明,板土相对刚度与地基成层性对地基反力、地表沉降和沿z轴竖向正应力有很大的影响。  相似文献   
基于结构网格,采用有限体积法建立了二维水动力学模型,模拟溃坝洪水在复杂实际地形条件下的流动过程。该模型采用中心迎风格式求解界面通量,并结合对界面变量的线性重构,使其具有空间上的二阶精度。分别采用中心差分方法和半隐式方法对底床坡度项和摩擦阻力项进行离散,保证了模型的和谐性和稳定性。对于复杂地形条件下溃坝洪水的模拟,负水深的产生是影响模型稳定的关键因素。当库朗特数小于0.25时,模型能够保证任何时刻的计算水深都是非负的,而无需对负水深单元进行特殊处理。因此,相比于现有的大部分溃坝洪水模型,该模型具有更强的鲁棒性和稳定性。  相似文献   
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