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以碳同位素值的波动变化与沉积环境、海平面升降及地层界面突变等地质事件相对应为理论依据,开展碳同位素地层研究,建立了各组值域划分标准,解决碳酸盐岩地层缺乏标准生物化石情况下,地层归属难确定的问题。指出奥陶系自下而上碳同位素曲线呈现稳定-上升-正漂移的过程。其中,下统蓬莱坝组—鹰山组δ~(13)C值范围为(-4.2~-0.2)×10~(-3),始终为负值;中统一间房组δ~(13)C值范围为(-0.4~0.6)×10~(-3),以分布在零值附近为特征;上统恰尔巴克组—良里塔格组δ~(13)C值范围(0.7~3.1)×10~(-3),均为正值。在此基础上,开展了巴楚典型露头剖面与麦盖提斜坡井下奥陶系碳同位素地层与岩石地层对比研究,提出麦盖提斜坡中部及东部断洼区发育上奥陶统,除东部断裂带外,普遍残存下奥陶统顶部泥晶灰岩段。  相似文献   
The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up predominantly of shallow-water carbonates of the Middle Jurassic (Dogger) to Eocene age and, to a lesser extent, of Paleogene clastic deposits (flysch and calcareous breccia). This study focuses on a Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) succession of strata at five localities in western Istria. Stratigraphic determinations are based on identification of nine microfossil assemblages (benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae Dasycladales) and on using their taxa as index fossils. The age of strata with these microfossil assemblages, however, is questionable. Most of the age uncertainties are associated with a regional emersion, which occurred on the ADCP during the Aptian or close to the Aptian-Albian transition. It is unclear what portions of the Upper Aptian and/or Lower Albian are missing along this unconformity. A stable isotope study was conducted on homogenous micritic matrix samples in an attempt to resolve some of these uncertainties. Variations in carbon isotope compositions proved useful for stratigraphic correlation between the examined successions of strata, for improving their age determination, and for relating them to other coeval successions that span an important time interval of major oceanographic changes and carbon-cycle perturbations associated with the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a).  相似文献   
This article reviews the applications of light stable isotope, including carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, in thestudies on origin and formation temperature of authigenic carbonate, quartz and clay minerals. Theoretical knowledge andanalytical methods for major light stable isotopes are introduced in detail. Negative and positive δ13C values indicatesignificant differences on the origin of carbonate cements. The δ18O value is an effective palaeotemperature scale forauthigenic minerals formation. Various fractionation equations between δ18O and temperature are proposed for carbonatecements, quartz cements and clay minerals, whose merit and demerit, applicable conditions are clarified clearly. Clumpedisotope analysis can reconstruct the temperature of carbonate precipitation with no requirement on the δ18O of initial waters,which makes temperature calculation of carbonate cements formation more convenient and accurate. Hydrogen and oxygenisotopes mainly reflect the origin of diagenetic fluid for clay mineral formation, providing reliable evidence for diageneticenvironment analysis. This work aims at helping researchers for better understanding the applications of light stable isotopein sandstone diagenesis.  相似文献   
Carbonate sediments in non‐vegetated habitats on the north‐east Adriatic shelf are dominated by shells of molluscs. However, the rate of carbonate molluscan production prior to the 20th century eutrophication and overfishing on this and other shelves remains unknown because: (i) monitoring of ecosystems prior to the 20th century was scarce; and (ii) ecosystem history inferred from cores is masked by condensation and mixing. Here, based on geochronological dating of four bivalve species, carbonate production during the Holocene is assessed in the Gulf of Trieste, where algal and seagrass habitats underwent a major decline during the 20th century. Assemblages of sand‐dwelling Gouldia minima and opportunistic Corbula gibba are time‐averaged to >1000 years and Corbula gibba shells are older by >2000 years than shells of co‐occurring Gouldia minima. This age difference is driven by temporally disjunct production of two species coupled with decimetre‐scale mixing. Stratigraphic unmixing shows that Corbula gibba declined in abundance during the highstand phase and increased again during the 20th century. In contrast, one of the major contributors to carbonate sands – Gouldia minima – increased in abundance during the highstand phase, but declined to almost zero abundance over the past two centuries. Gouldia minima and herbivorous gastropods associated with macroalgae or seagrasses are abundant in the top‐core increments but are rarely alive. Although Gouldia minima is not limited to vegetated habitats, it is abundant in such habitats elsewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. This live–dead mismatch reflects the difference between highstand baseline communities (with soft‐bottom vegetated zones and hard‐bottom Arca beds) and present‐day oligophotic communities with organic‐loving species. Therefore, the decline in light penetration and the loss of vegetated habitats with high molluscan production traces back to the 19th century. More than 50% of the shells on the sea floor in the Gulf of Trieste reflect inactive production that was sourced by heterozoan carbonate factory in algal or seagrass habitats.  相似文献   
安徽无为-巢湖地区中下二叠统碳酸盐岩成岩作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成岩作用控制孔隙演化,对油气开采具有重要的指示作用.安徽无为-巢湖地区中下二叠统碳酸盐岩广泛发育,有机质丰富,多年来主要集中在地层、古生物及沉积相方面的研究,成岩作用的工作较少.镜下鉴定显示研究区发育溶解作用、去白云化作用、压溶作用、破裂作用4种主要的建设性成岩作用和泥晶化作用、压实作用、胶结作用、白云化作用、硅化作用...  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地中奥陶统马家沟组由于受加里东运动影响而隆起抬升遭受风化,形成良好的岩溶油气储层,对其沉积特征的研究是油气勘探的重点。本文以沉积岩石学为指导,以单因素作图为方法论,结合钻井岩心资料、测井资料的细致分析、统计,选取了地层厚度、白云岩含量、灰岩含量、膏盐含量及泥岩含量等单因素,绘制出马五21的岩相古地理图。研究表明,研究区马五12期处于一个相对的海退期,其主要发育膏云坪、云坪、泥云坪和含泥云坪。根据岩相古地理图,结合马五12地层厚度,推测研究区中部存在一个较浅的洼地,并建立了符合本区马五12的沉积模式。综合以上研究,马五21期岩相古地理特征可概括"陆外为坪,云坪广布,坪中有洼,洼中有膏"。根据本区的岩相古地理条件及区域地质特征,对良好的天然气储层的形成进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
The Oligocene–Miocene carbonate record of the Zagros Mountains, known as the Asmari Formation, constitutes an important hydrocarbon reservoir in southern Iran. This marine carbonate succession, which developed under tropical conditions, is explored in terms of larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy, facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy in a new section at Papoon cropping out in the western Fars sub-basin, in the south-east of the Zagros belt. Facies analysis shows evidence of re-working and transport of skeletal components throughout the depositional system, interpreted here as a carbonate ramp. The foraminifera-based biozones identified include the Globigerina–Turborotalia cerroazulensis–Hantkenina Zone and Nummulites vascus–Nummulites fichteli Zone, both of Rupelian age, the Archaias asmaricus–Archaias hensoni–Miogypsinoides complanatus Zone of Chattian age and the ‘Indeterminate’ Zone of Aquitanian age. The vertical sedimentary evolution of the formation exhibits a progressive shallowing of the facies belts and thus the succession is interpreted as a high-rank low-order regressive systems tract. This long-lasting Rupelian–Aquitanian regressive event is in accordance with accepted global long-term eustatic curves. Accordingly, long-term eustatic trends would have been a factor controlling accommodation during the deposition of the Asmari Formation studied in the western Fars sub-basin.  相似文献   
撒兴昌  高天明  张艳 《地球学报》2023,44(2):341-350
随着新能源产业的快速发展, 全球碳酸锂贸易量逐渐增长, 但其出口集中于少数国家, 这意味着全球碳酸锂供应存在一定的风险。为了深入了解全球碳酸锂贸易格局演变、供应危机传播路径及影响, 本文构建了2000—2021年全球碳酸锂贸易网络和级联失效模型, 概述了主要出口国贸易流向和贸易格局演变过程, 并模拟了不同供应危机来源的雪崩规模、传播路径及其影响。我们得到: (1)20多年来全球碳酸锂贸易集中度逐渐增加, 出口前三位国家保持稳定, 而主要进口大国变化明显, 贸易格局已由南美供应全球转变为南美供应东亚; (2)碳酸锂贸易供应危机的影响范围逐渐扩大, 间接传播逐渐占据主导地位; (3)智利供应危机对中日韩的影响程度逐渐扩大, 但对欧洲的影响时间最长; 阿根廷和中国的雪崩规模在上升、传播次数增加, 而美国则相反。本文将贸易格局演变与危机传播结合, 明确了全球碳酸锂主要贸易国智利、阿根廷、中国、德国等作为供应危机来源的影响程度及其传播路径。以上分析结果将有利于维护全球碳酸锂贸易稳定和主要贸易国采取应对策略缓解供应危机。  相似文献   
Due to strong remodification and sparse trace remnants, tectonic restoration is critical for the reconstructing of the paleography and basin-prototype in the multiple-cycles superimposed basin, which is also fundamental for the hydrocarbon exploration of the deep marine carbonate in the Tarim Basin. This study presents the tectonic framework of the transition phase from the Sinian to the Cambrian Period and its constrains on the paleography of the Cambrian in the Tarim Basin based on comprehensive analysis of new geochronology data, seismic data and regional tectonic data. The results showed that (1) there is a large regional unconformity between the Cambrian and Precambrian, suggesting a discontinuous deposition from the Sinian to the Cambrian that is contrary to the major view; (2) a broad flattened paleotopography formed before Cambrian Period, which is favorable for the wide epicontinental sea environment and a gentle homoclinal ramp platform development in the early Cambrian, and the residual basement low relief uplifts that influence the microfacies differentiation in the carbonate platform; (3) the Cambrian carbonate platform has been involved much into the marginal orogenic belts, and the proto-platform is probably of 200 km out of the present basin in S-N direction; (4) there is a weak extensional setting in the Cambrian-Early Ordovician rather than a strong rifting setting with a large aulacogen into the platform, in which a inter-platform shallow depression and stable ramp platform developed in the Cambrian; (5) there is not troughs, but rather low relief uplifts developed in the Early Cambrian in the southwestern Tarim Basin, and lack of large uplifts along the carbonate platform margins; (6) it is showed a broad architecture of platform-wide slope-ocean basin from the inner Tarim plate to its margin in the Cambrian Period. Considering the basin prototype, the restoration of the tectono-paleography in the early Cambrian in the Tarim Basin is distinct from those of the previously proposed. We propose that a gentle pattern with “two platforms and one inter-depression” in E-W striking other than multiple small platform constrained in the basin, and further subdivision of the western platform with inner platform low uplift and sag in N-S striking, which is possibly inherited from the basement architecture. On the outer of the united platform, there is probably broad gentle slope for transition to ocean basin. We therefore argue that tectonic restoration is crucial for reconstruction of the paleogeography and basin prototype, especially for basins experienced multiphase of tectonic cycles. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
This paper examines the transport of calcareous sand in unidirectional flow and its prediction through existing sediment transport models. A flume experiment of four sand samples collected on Oahu, Hawaii, provides 29 sets of sediment transport data in the bed-form and suspended transport stages. The measured transport data are compared with direct predictions from four energy-based transport models developed for siliceous particles. Corrections for the grain-size, fall velocity, and critical velocity of calcareous sand based on recent research are applied to the models and the results are compared with the direct calculations and measured data. The comparison illustrates the important role particle shape plays in the transport of calcareous sand. All four sediment transport models give consistent predictions and good agreement with the majority of the measured data. Two of the models respond positively to the corrections in both the bed-form and suspended transport stages indicating that such an approach may provide an interim solution for the transport of calcareous sand.  相似文献   
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