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Anomalously saline waters in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 1127, 1129, 1130, 1131 and 1132, which penetrate southern Australian slope sediments, and isotopic analyses of large benthic foraminifera from southern Australian continental shelf sediments, indicate that Pleistocene–Holocene meso‐haline salinity reflux is occurring along the southern Australian margin. Ongoing dolomite formation is observed in slope sediments associated with marine waters commonly exceeding 50‰ salinity. A well‐flushed zone at the top of all holes contains pore waters with normal marine trace element contents, alkalinities and pH values. Dolomite precipitation occurs directly below the well‐flushed zone in two phases. Phase 1 is a nucleation stage associated with waters of relatively low pH (ca 7) caused by oxidation of H2S diffusing upward from below. This dolomite precipitates in sediments < 80 m below the sea floor and has δ13C values consistent with having formed from normal sea water (? 1‰ to + 1‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite). The Sr content of Phase 1 dolomite indicates that precipitation can occur prior to substantial metastable carbonate dissolution (< 300 ppm in Holes 1129 and 1127). Dolomite nucleation is interpreted to occur because the system is undersaturated with respect to the less stable minerals aragonite and Mg‐calcite, which form more readily in normal ocean water. Phase 2 is a growth stage associated with the dissolution of metastable carbonate in the acidified sea water. Analysis of large dolomite rhombs demonstrates that at depths > 80 m below the sea floor, Phase 2 dolomite grows on dolomite cores precipitated during Phase 1. Phase 2 dolomite has δ13C values similar to those of the surrounding bulk carbonate and high Sr values relative to Phase 1 dolomite, consistent with having formed in waters affected by aragonite and calcite dissolution. The nucleation stage in this model (Phase 1) challenges the more commonly accepted paradigm that inhibition of dolomitization by sea water is overcome by effectively increasing the saturation state of dolomite in sea water.  相似文献   
In a multi‐scale approach to the study of the organic and mineral components in an active barrage‐type tufa system of southern Italy, neo‐formed deposits, in both natural depositional sites and on inorganic substrates placed in the stream for this study, were observed and compared through one year of monitoring. Dams and lobes representing the basic morpho‐facies of the deposits are composed of two depositional facies: vacuolar tufa (a mixture of phytoclastic and framestone tufa) and stromatolitic tufa (phytoherm boundstone tufa). Three petrographic components comprise both facies: micrite and microsparite, often forming peloidal to aphanitc, laminar and dendrolitic fabrics, and sparite, which occurs as isolated to coalescent fan‐shaped crystals forming botryoids or continuous crusts. All fabrics occurring in all depositional facies are organized into layers with a more or less well‐developed cyclicity, which has its best expression in stromatolitic lamination. The precipitation of all types of calcite (with Mg 1·0 to 3·2 mole % and Sr 0·5 to 0·8 mole %) takes place more or less constantly during all seasons, in spite of the low saturation state of the water (the saturation index range is 0·75 to 0·89) within the active depositional zone; the latter extends for a few hundred microns through the external surface of the deposit. The active depositional zone has a particular micro‐morphology composed of porous micro‐columns (50 to 150 μm in size), separated by interstitial channels. Mineral precipitation occurs upon both external surfaces and within internal cavities of the micro‐columns, while further point sites of precipitation occur suspended within the masses of cyanobacterial tufts. Sub‐spherical mineral units, ‘nano‐spheres’ (10 to 20 nm in diameter) are the basic biotic neo‐precipitate; they commonly form by replacing non‐living degrading organic matter and at point sites along the external surface of living cyanobacterial sheaths. Nano‐spheres agglutinate to form first rod‐shaped aggregates (100 to 200 nm) which then evolve into triads of fibres or polyhedral structures. Successively, both triads and polyhedral solids coalesce to form larger calcite crystals (mainly tetrahedrons tens of microns in size) that represent the fundamental bricks for the construction of the micro‐columns in the active depositional zone. Precipitation is attributed to the presence of a widespread biofilm that occurs in the active depositional zone; this is composed of a heterogeneous community comprising epilithic and endolithic filamentous cyanobacteria, green algae, unicellular prokaryotes, actinobacteria and fungi, with a variable amount of extracellular polymeric substances. No precipitation takes place where the biofilm is absent, indicating that the biological activities of the biofilm are crucial, with its living organisms and non‐living organic matter. Basic aggregates of neo‐precipitates do not form in association with any one particular type of organic matter substrate, but appear to be related to the seasonal temperature variation: polyhedral micro‐crystals mainly precipitate in the colder season, short triads in the intermediate seasons, and long triads in the warmest conditions. These three basic crystal aggregates have a petrographic counterpart, respectively, in the spar, microspar and micrite.  相似文献   
淡水珍珠中文石球粒的发现与成珠机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
长期以来,珍珠的成因理论很少涉及在超显微镜结构研究基础上的具体的珍珠形成机制。珍珠与贝壳珍珠层具有较多的相似性,但也存在很多不同。本文在对AFM下首次观察到的淡水珍珠表面纳米级的六方最紧密堆积文石球粒的研究基础上,结合XRD分析对珍珠内部矿物成分差异的研究,试图在贝壳珍珠层成因理论的基础上探讨淡水珍珠的成珠机制。本文将珍珠的形成过程初步归纳为碳酸钙凝胶的形成,碳酸钙球粒的形成,矿物相的转变和后继生长四个阶段。  相似文献   
贵州碳酸盐岩红色风化壳次生石英的裂变径迹测年研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
贵州位于青藏高原东南缘,由于缺乏沉积记录其新生代的地质演化历史还不很明晰,而广泛分布于云贵高原的碳酸盐岩红色风化壳可能蕴涵着重要的地质演化信息.本文对贵州多个原位碳酸盐岩红色风化壳中产出的晶体形态较好的石英进行了裂变径迹方法测年.结果显示,石英的裂变径迹年龄数据呈现出较大的变化范围,从 1 Ma到 25 Ma,且远远地小于其三叠纪和寒武纪的母岩年龄;结合贵州 25 Ma到 1 Ma的区域地质演化历史,裂变径迹年龄值可以排除石英来源于母岩碎屑、成岩过程的次生形成以及火山活动产生的热水沉淀或交代形成的可能性,而只能推断为该晶体形态较好的石英于碳酸盐岩风化作用产生的富硅流体中沉淀形成;各剖面石英的年龄值与新生代的青藏高原夷平期、华南红土期、贵州构造稳定期乃至世界范围内的风化气候期有着良好的对应关系,说明次生石英裂变径迹测年具有很好的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   
碳酸盐岩风化作用(即岩溶作用)能够吸收大气二氧化碳(CO_2),形成溶解无机碳(DIC,dissolved inorganic carbon),被认为是一种重要的陆地碳汇,其在全球碳收支平衡和未来陆地增汇中可能会有重要贡献。然而,目前对岩溶碳汇的稳定性还存在争议,一些学者认为岩溶地下水出露地表后会发生CO_2脱气,对岩溶碳汇通量估算带来不确定性。本文以广西桂林长流水表层岩溶泉补给的溪流(约2.7km长)为例,利用水化学和同位素质谱仪测试技术,研究了溪水水化学指标和溶解无机碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(DIC))沿流程变化,探讨了溪流CO_2脱气过程、通量及其影响因素,以更好地了解岩溶碳汇的稳定性。结果表明:从泉口向下游,在陡坡地段(C1~C14段,长约270m,坡度约10°),溪水pH值、方解石饱和指数和δ~(13)C_(DIC)沿流程分别升高了0.9、0.9和1.8‰,而CO_2分压、电导率、Ca~(2+)浓度和DIC浓度分别下降了85%、34μS/cm、0.2mmol/L和0.7mmol/L,说明溪水发生了显著的CO_2脱气,并伴随碳酸钙沉淀。而在平缓地段(C18~C26段,长约2.1km,坡度1°),溪水各水化学指标和δ~(13)C_(DIC)变化较小,指示CO_2脱气作用较弱。这些发现表明溪流CO_2脱气受到了地形决定的水动力条件控制。另外,在下游渠段,受支流汇入影响,溪水pH值和方解石饱和指数有所降低,在一定程度上抑制了CO_2脱气。溪流CO_2脱气能够抵消部分岩溶作用固定的大气CO_2量,但是在长流水这一高地势、低流量且有碳酸钙沉积的环境下,其抵消的量也仅占29%。对于在低缓地区受流量很大的岩溶泉/地下河补给的河流,其CO_2脱气作用对岩溶碳汇的影响有限,加之受可能增强的水生光合生物固碳效应影响,岩溶碳汇应具有很高的稳定性。  相似文献   
Geothermal energy plays an important role in urban construction of the Xiong’an New Area. Geothermal reservoir fracture distribution of the Mesoproterozoic Jixianian Wumishan Formation (Fm.) carbonate reservoir in the Rongcheng geothermal field are evaluated based on FMI log from Wells D19 and D21. The results show carbonate reservoir fracture density of Well D19 is 15.2/100 m, greater than that of Well D21 with a value of 9.2/100 m. Reservoir porosity and permeability of Well D19 are better than that of Well D21, and the water saturation is bimodally distributed. The movable fluid volume ratio (BVM) of Well D19 is 2% to 8% with some zones exceeding 20%, while the value of Well D21 is less than 4%. Therefore, reservoir fractures in Well D19 are more conducive to fluid flow. Reservoir fractures have a similar occurrence to normal faults, indicating that the tensile stress field controlled the formation of such fractures. Developed reservoir fractures provide a good channel for groundwater convection. The circulation of regional groundwater and the heat exchange between water and rock and the multiple heat accumulation patterns form a stable and high potential heat reservoir in the Rongcheng geothermal field.  相似文献   
Molar tooth structure (MTS) represented by complex ptygmatical shapes is widely distributed in the Proterozoic of the world. MTS filled by fine, equant sparry calcite (or dolomite) displays an abrupt contact with hosting rocks, which are mainly composed of carbonaceous micrites and fine-grained carbonates with local silts and stormdominated deposits with graded, cross or wave beddings, numerous erosional surfaces and truncated and fills or guttered bases. Occurrence of MTS suggests a result of the constraint of sedimentary facies, and the storm-base in ramp settings is the maximum depth for the formation of MTS. Vertical succession of MTS-bearing carbonates shows a deposition stacked by high-frequency shallow subtidal and peritidal cycles. An individual cyclic MTS-bearing sequence is characterized by thinning, shallowing and dynamic decreasing-upward, and peritidal caps of purple red iron and organic carbonaceous sediments with more complicated shapes of MTS are common on the top of individual MTS-bearing sequences.  相似文献   
李小军  李波  刘兵  关奇  李序贵  田素梅 《地质通报》2021,40(7):1047-1056
右江盆地沉积连续的泥盆纪—石炭纪岩石地层,是中国泥盆纪与石炭纪之交Hangenberg生物大灭绝事件的重点研究区域。选取右江盆地西缘云南富宁地区晚泥盆世—早石炭世地层,在岩石地层学研究的基础上对碳酸盐岩进行系统的碳、氧同位素组成研究。富宁地区晚泥盆世—早石炭世地层存在不同幅度的δ13C、δ18O负向偏移,尤其在泥盆系—石炭系界线附近负偏移明显,δ13C、δ18O值偏移层位与层序地层学转换及古生物灭绝事件发生层位一致,反映了晚泥盆世法门期海平面下降和早石炭世的海侵事件。研究区泥盆系—石炭系界线附近δ13C值负偏趋势与右江盆地内δ13C值演化偏移相似,华南其他典型剖面δ13C值亦呈现不同幅度的负向偏移,泥盆纪与石炭纪之交的碳同位素演化序列与欧洲、北美地区δ13C值负向偏移反映的海平面下降事件一致,具全球性对比意义。  相似文献   
对喀喇昆仑山大黄山稀土-铌-铁钛多金属矿化带地质特征及矿床成因进行研究,为该区找矿勘查工作部署提供依据。通过详细的野外地质调查,在总结大黄山稀土-铌-铁钛多金属矿化带地质特征的基础上,配合镜下鉴定、矿床地球化学分析,探讨矿床成因类型与成矿作用,分析成矿期后的构造变形,预测矿化体的空间就位,提出找矿方向和找矿思路。大黄山稀土-铌-铁钛多金属矿化带含矿建造沉积环境为近陆滨-浅海碳酸盐岩台地相。矿化带处于石炭系帕斯群灰岩组(a组)上段(含矿泥质灰岩段)上部,区内延伸大于30km,西段发现2条矿化体(Ⅰ-1、Ⅰ-1),东段发现7条矿化体(Ⅱ-1~Ⅱ-7)。单矿化体一般长170~2000 m,厚度10~32 m,矿化体产状与地层产状一致,层控特征明显。矿石化学测试结果表明,矿化体内含Fe、Al、Ti、LREE、Nb、Ta等多种金属成矿元素。矿床成因类型为近陆滨海相沉积型。矿源为古陆源区红土型风化壳,以沉积物重力流和胶体溶液混合流体形式快速搬运,并在近陆滨岸地带以事件沉积作用快速卸载堆积而成。成矿期后,含矿建造遭受了强烈的构造改造,形成了总体呈NWW向展布的断褶带,带内发育的复式-叠加反"S"型褶皱构造构成了区内最特征的控矿构造样式。该带找矿前景好,找矿潜力大,通过进一步的矿产地质工作,有望在该带实现Fe、Al、Ti,尤其是稀有、稀土元素的重要找矿突破。  相似文献   
用激光 -荧光显微镜等有机岩石学方法 ,挑选样品中有明显生、排烃现象的碳酸盐岩 ,再以测定的这类碳酸盐岩的有机碳含量为依据 ,确定本区高成熟碳酸盐气源岩残余有机碳的下限指标用 0 .13%~ 0 .14 %比较合理。根据碳酸盐岩储层孔隙中充填沥青和皮膜状残余沥青的分布和含量 ,论证了陕参 1井等奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层在地质历史中 ,存在若干油气有效储层。采用连续升温 ,步进取样的热模拟实验方法 ,揭示了本区煤与碳酸盐岩干酪根随热演化作用增强 ,烃类气体产物的干燥系数增大 ,δ1 3C1 、δ1 3C2 明显变重的规律 ,并根据样品实验结果推算 ,本区石炭系—二叠系煤最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为 - 2 7‰~ - 2 8‰ ,碳酸盐岩最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为- 31.7‰~ - 33‰。在气源成因判识中 ,根据主生气期阶段对天然气成藏储聚的贡献最大、甲烷碳同位素较重以及长庆气田风化壳气藏天然气δ1 3C1 重值区并不与石炭系—二叠系煤的镜质组反射率高值区匹配的现象等进行气源判识 ,认为长庆奥陶系风化壳气藏 ,具有下古生界海相碳酸盐岩气与上古生界石炭系—二叠系煤成气的混源成因  相似文献   
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