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作者讨论了石墨转化为金刚石时的自由能变化和影响金刚石保存的物理化学因素。提出了复位效应这一概念,分析了释压速率、催化剂和水份等因素对金刚石保存的影响。人工合成金刚石的生产实践证实,在压力降低时,由于上述因素的影响,金刚石不稳定,并向石墨转化,金伯利岩中金刚石含矿性取决于多种因素:岩浆侵位的速度、冷凝速度、围岩水份以及岩浆化学成分。现有资料发明,金伯利岩体上部富金刚石,而往深部品位变贫且质量差,在一个岩管中往往中部富而边部渐贫。  相似文献   
The Archean lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal–Zimbabwe craton of Southern Africa shows ±1% variations in seismic P-wave velocity at depths within the diamond stability field (150–250 km) that correlate regionally with differences in the composition of diamonds and their syngenetic inclusions. Seismically slower mantle trends from the mantle below Swaziland to that below southeastern Botswana, roughly following the surface outcrop pattern of the Bushveld-Molopo Farms Complex. Seismically slower mantle also is evident under the southwestern side of the Zimbabwe craton below crust metamorphosed around 2 Ga. Individual eclogitic sulfide inclusions in diamonds from the Kimberley area kimberlites, Koffiefontein, Orapa, and Jwaneng have Re–Os isotopic ages that range from circa 2.9 Ga to the Proterozoic and show little correspondence with these lithospheric variations. However, silicate inclusions in diamonds and their host diamond compositions for the above kimberlites, Finsch, Jagersfontein, Roberts Victor, Premier, Venetia, and Letlhakane do show some regional relationship to the seismic velocity of the lithosphere. Mantle lithosphere with slower P-wave velocity correlates with a greater proportion of eclogitic versus peridotitic silicate inclusions in diamond, a greater incidence of younger Sm–Nd ages of silicate inclusions, a greater proportion of diamonds with lighter C isotopic composition, and a lower percentage of low-N diamonds whereas the converse is true for diamonds from higher velocity mantle. The oldest formation ages of diamonds indicate that the mantle keels which became continental nuclei were created by middle Archean (3.2–3.3 Ga) mantle depletion events with high degrees of melting and early harzburgite formation. The predominance of sulfide inclusions that are eclogitic in the 2.9 Ga age population links late Archean (2.9 Ga) subduction-accretion events involving an oceanic lithosphere component to craton stabilization. These events resulted in a widely distributed younger Archean generation of eclogitic diamonds in the lithospheric mantle. Subsequent Proterozoic tectonic and magmatic events altered the composition of the continental lithosphere and added new lherzolitic and eclogitic diamonds to the already extensive Archean diamond suite.  相似文献   
山东蒙阴金刚石的晶体形态和晶面特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王萍  李国昌 《矿产与地质》1999,13(4):253-256
为探讨山东蒙阴金刚石的形成条件,研究了胜利Ⅰ号金伯利岩筒的金刚石晶面及晶形特征,结果认为金刚石的形成温度范围为1000~1600℃,压力范围为40×108Pa~50×108Pa。  相似文献   
The world's oldest diamond deposits occur in 2.67 Ga dikes and heterolithic breccias emplaced into greenstone belts of the Wawa and Abitibi Subprovinces, southern Superior Province, Canada. Thousands of white to yellow microdiamonds and macrodiamonds to 5 mm in width have been recovered by non-contaminating fusion techniques. The host rocks exhibit petrographic and compositional features that are characteristic of post-Archean minettes and spessartites of the calc-alkaline or shoshonitic lamprophyre clan. Based on chemical trends and petrographic evidence, host rocks that contain more than 16 wt.% MgO represent lamprophyre magmas that entrained cumulate olivine, probably at the base of the crust. Breccia bodies that are tens of metres wide at the two localities are somewhat atypical of late Archean lamprophyre occurrences in the Superior Province and owe their size to optimum conditions for magma ascent that were required to preserve the diamonds. Abundant altered ultramafic xenoliths occur in the host rocks. The majority of xenoliths studied (10 of 14) display uniform major element compositions similar to websterite cumulate suites derived from crystal fractionation processes at the base of post-Archean volcanic arcs. The xenoliths display highly variable trace element abundances that are characteristic of cryptic metasomatism associated with the flux of an oxidised fluid above a subduction zone.

The tectonic setting of the deposits and the nature of the host rocks indicate that the diamonds may be derived from the asthenospheric wedge and subducted slab at shallow depths (100 to 160 km) rather than the deep keels of Archean cratons associated with traditional diamond deposit types. Models of low-temperature Phanerozoic diamond formation in active subduction zones, or rapid uplift and emplacement of peridotite massif occurrences, can be adapted to the Archean deposits. The stability field of diamonds in most Phanerozoic subduction scenarios, however, may be too deep to be accessed by the lamprophyric magmas. In contrast, shallow subduction, as invoked for the distinctive occurrence of adakitic (slab-melt) type rocks in the southern Superior Province, could generate two different diamond stability windows at sufficiently shallow depths to account for their presence in lamprophyric magmas.

The multiple requirements imposed on Archean tectonic models by occurrences of diamonds in hydrous shoshonitic rock types (spessartite and minette lamprophyres), along with distinctively metasomatised xenoliths, strongly favour plate tectonic subduction models of orogeny. Evidence of slightly earlier mantle plumes, such as 2.7 Ga komatiites, only strengthens the need for a subduction-driven low-temperature thermal anomaly in the Archean mantle prior to lamprophyric magmatism.  相似文献   

PDC超硬复合材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结前人PDC复合材料研究工作基础上,论述了PDC材料复合途径及合成过程中几个关键技术问题,阐明了大直径优质PDC复合材料合成中存在的问题及其应采取的措施。  相似文献   
Elastic wave velocities for dense (99.8% of theoretical density) isotropic polycrystalline specimens of synthetic pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3O12) were measured to 1,000 K at 300 MPa by the phase comparison method of ultrasonic interferometry in an internally heated gas-medium apparatus. The temperature derivatives of the elastic moduli [(∂Ks/∂T) P = −19.3(4); (∂G/∂T) P = −10.4(2) MPa K−1] measured in this study are consistent with previous acoustic measurements on both synthetic polycrystalline pyrope in a DIA-type cubic anvil apparatus (Gwanmesia et al. in Phys Earth Planet Inter 155:179–190, 2006) and on a natural single crystal by the rectangular parallelepiped resonance (RPR; Suzuki and Anderson in J Phys Earth 31:125–138, 1983) method but |(∂Ks/∂T) P | is significantly larger than from a Brillouin spectroscopy study of single-crystal pyrope (Sinogeikin and Bass in Phys Earth Planet Inter 203:549–555, 2002). Alternative approaches to the retrieval of mixed derivatives of the elastic moduli from joint analysis of data from this study and from the solid-medium data of Gwanmesia et al. in Phys Earth Planet Inter 155:179–190 (2006) yield ∂2 G/∂PT = [0.07(12), 0.20(14)] × 10−3 K−1 and ∂2 K S /∂PT = [−0.20(24), 0.22(26)] × 10−3 K−1, both of order 10−4 K−1 and not significantly different from zero. More robust inference of the mixed derivatives will require solid-medium acoustic measurements of precision significantly better than 1%.  相似文献   
金刚石微粉的用途及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谈耀麟 《矿产与地质》1997,11(3):211-214
金刚石微粉是一种超硬精细磨料,在科学和工业上的应用越来越广泛。由于高新技术发展的需要,金刚石微粉的生产出现一些值得注意的发展趋势。  相似文献   
The Renard igneous bodies were discovered in late 2001 as part of a regional diamond exploration program launched by Ashton Mining of Canada and SOQUEM. Nine bodies have been discovered within a 2-km-diameter area, and are comprised of root zone to lower diatreme facies rocks including kimberlitic breccia, olivine macrocrystic hypabyssal material, and brecciated country rock with minor amounts of kimberlitic material. Many mineralogical and petrographic features are common to both kimberlite and melnoite, and strict assignment of the rocks as kimberlite is not possible with these criteria alone. Whole rock trace element compositions suggest a closer affinity to Group I kimberlite, with derivation from a garnet-bearing mantle. Exceptions to conventional classification of the rocks along petrographic or mineralogical lines may be due in part to assimilation of felsic country rock into the Renard magmas at the time of emplacement. The Renard magmas were emplaced into northeastern Laurentia at 630 Ma, when the supercontinent was undergoing a change from convergent margin magmatism to rifting, the latter being associated ultimately with the opening of the Iapetus ocean.  相似文献   
熔体包裹体均一实验是利用熔体包裹体研究原始岩浆演化和挥发分组成的基础。目前,开展包裹体均一温度实验的设备主要为Linkam系列的高温热台,而热液金刚石压腔(HDAC)是近年来才被应用到熔体包裹体均一实验中的。文章以义兴寨金矿床石英斑岩为例,对比研究了Linkam TS1500高温热台和HDAC在熔体包裹体均一实验应用中的优劣。利用Linkam TS1500高温热台得出熔体包裹体的均一温度范围为943~1190℃,而HDAC的测试结果为780~890℃。实验研究表明:HDAC能够在加热的同时提供接近熔体捕获条件的外压,更适于开展富挥发分的高内压熔体包裹体的均一实验。实验过程中得到的熔体包裹体固相初熔温度范围,可为估算义兴寨金矿床石英斑岩原始岩浆晚期结晶的压力提供依据。  相似文献   
Impact diamond is one of perspective natural type of superhard carbon materials,forming huge resources sometimes,such as Popigai impact structure counting the largest diamond storage on the Earth.By present,there are two known types of impact diamonds-after-graphitic and after-coal varieties formed from different carbon precursors.Here we present for the first time a new impact diamond type-diamond fossils,named by "karite",formed about 70 Ma from unmetamorphosed organics in the giant Kara impact crater(Pay-Khoy,Russia).A full complex of the diamond fossil characteristics is described proving its nature and phase state.Karite is presented with supernanocrystalline diamond aggregates,nicely preserves tiny cell morphology and relict features of lignin and cellulose.The diamond fossils are spread widely through the Kara impactites,point to possible wider distribution of impact diamonds within large impact occurrences around the world,can be used for impact modeling,astrobiological and material studies.  相似文献   
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