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阐述人才效益对经济发展的促进作用及提高人才效益的基本途径。  相似文献   
依据地域经济系统理论,一个地域经济单元状态,可以从时序特征和空间结构特征进行表达,其存在状态受制于时空关联性。一定地域在特定时序发展阶段,必有与之相对应的空间结构特征;反之,一定的空间结构特征必然反映其特定的时序阶段。据此,诊断了福建省域工业系统的时空关联性特征,并提出了该省工业阶段性跃迁的对策与建议。  相似文献   
陆域与海域的社会经济发展是沿海区域可持续发展的重要表现,共同作用于沿海区域经济,但在长期“重陆轻海”的理念下,陆域与海域社会经济关系并未得到有序发展,两者需在长期发展中寻求社会经济关系的平衡点,促进沿海区域绿色协调发展。从海洋经济与沿海陆域经济发展、陆海联动、陆海一体化、陆海统筹等4个方面综述了陆海社会经济关系的研究进展,并指出未来陆海社会经济关系研究应突破现有的研究视角与方法;加强陆海社会经济统计指标体系的构建研究;注重陆海社会经济不同尺度下的时空序列研究;强化陆海社会经济战略下综合性管理监督机制;同时优化其理论体系的构建,注重实践性与对比性的研究。  相似文献   
Political regulation has traditionally been regarded as antagonistic to innovation, whereas the removal of regulations has been perceived as a precondition for innovations. This paper proposes an alternative position and claim that regulations can have various connections with the innovation process. Regulations can obviously restrict innovations, but they can also facilitate such processes. Systematic empirical research on the relation between political-administrative regulation and innovation has been moderate, and the debate has been highly anecdotal. This article presents an empirical study on how political-administrative regulation within the pelagic fisheries sector in Norway affects innovation. The study confirms that regulations had varied influences on the innovation process, and documents that actor's appraisals of regulations were affected by whether a given regulation is beneficial for the firms and their competitive position or not. Finally, the paper corroborate that the implementation of regulations can promote innovation in firms by providing them with deeper insights into their production processes and to encourage a more intense focus on development and improvement. Implementation of regulations also implies learning, which can increase the firms’ abilities to innovate as well as their insight into the necessity of such practices. The analysis is based on survey data from processors and vessels in the pelagic sector.  相似文献   
创意产业的兴起及其理论研究探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创意产业是知识经济时代的产物,以知识经济为基础的创意产业结合灵感、创意带来发展潜能与就业,成为一些国家特别是具有丰厚历史文化资产的国家未来发展及转型的契机。创意产业已成为城市发展理论界关注和研究的焦点。该文对创意产业的理论研究和相关文献进行了梳理和简评,结合我国发展创意产业的背景,提出需要进一步研究的问题和对策。  相似文献   
This paper examines the interrelationship between urbanization and water supply privatization in cities in the global South. The purpose of the paper is not to evaluate the impacts of privatization; rather, the paper analyses the differences in pathways and modes of water supply privatization, focusing on urban and contrasting with rural areas. A distinction is drawn between privatization (organizational change) and commercialization (institutional change) of water supply. Emphasis is placed upon the interrelationship between regulatory change (a shift from public to private management of water supply systems), human use of and access to water, and urban waterscapes. In contrast to metaphors of 'networks' so often applied in analyses of water management, the 'archipelago' is posited as a metaphor which better captures the complex overlapping strategies of water supply provision in urban areas in the South. Building on this metaphor, and in response to the 'public–private' dualism often invoked in studies of privatization, the paper outlines an alternative typology of water management in urban areas in the South. This typology foregrounds the concepts of the territorialization of corporate power as a means of understanding the articulation between privatization and urbanization processes in the South.  相似文献   
刘玉  刘毅 《地理研究》2003,22(2):192-200
论文通过财政转移支付制度的案例研究,分析了我国区域政策的调控效应。认为现行财政转移支付制度虽存在不足,但对调控区域经济仍然发挥了积极作用。首先,财政转移支付很大程度上缓解了欠发达地区的财政困难。其次,财政转移支付与大多数地区经济增长的相关性较强。目前欠发达地区财政转移支付对地区经济增长的带动作用低于发达地区,与各区域所处的经济发展阶段和资金投向有关。第三,财政转移支付对欠发达地区城镇居民收入的提高起到了较大的作用  相似文献   
黄河中游地区农村经济发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄河中游地区是我国自然条件较差、生态环境脆弱、农村经济基础较薄弱的地区之一,本文对该地区农村经济发展的区位、资源等优势条件和生态环境、科技文化等限制因素进行了分析,对农村经济发展的现状和潜力进行了评价和分析,探讨了今后本区农村经济发展的方向与途径等问题。  相似文献   
焦利民  雷玮倩  许刚  徐智邦  周正梓 《地理学报》2020,75(12):2744-2758
城市标度律刻画了城市系统中城市要素与人口数量之间的规模缩放关系,但标度律在中国城市系统中的适用性和意义尚不明确。本文采用中国275个地级及以上城市数据,探究不同城市要素与人口规模的标度关系,并从时空维度探究标度因子的时空演化规律。结果表明:作为典型的快速城市化发展中国家,中国城市发展符合标度律,且呈现出与发达国家不同的特征:中国城市人口集聚带来的经济产出集聚效应显著,而土地利用、基础设施与公共服务的规模经济效应还有待增强。部分基础设施、生活设施要素与人口规模呈超线性或线性关系,与预期的次线性相悖,基础教育、医疗等要素的标度因子则远低于发达国家的次线性阈值,反映了公共资源向大城市聚集、不同规模城市发展不平衡等快速城镇化进程中城市系统的独特性。标度因子的区域分异反映城市发展协调程度差异,其中东北地区不同规模城市差异最为显著。主要城市要素标度因子随时间的变化表明,中国大城市的经济产出集聚效应在2009年最为显著,而后略有下降;中国大城市土地扩张总体上自2000年以来持续加速,2008年以后仍维持在较高水平,管控城市特别是大城市的外延式扩张、提高土地利用效率具有紧迫性。中国城市标度律研究有助于认知快速城市化地区城市系统特征和演化规律,为实现区域协调发展与落实新型城镇化发展战略提供支持。  相似文献   
王玉婷  徐红罡  劳丽芬 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1246-1257
饮食符号是旅游目的地符号系统的重要组成部分,以地方特色饮食为基础的旅游餐饮也是旅游地的重要经济活动。文章以阳朔啤酒鱼为例,分析旅游地饮食符号经济的特点与形成机制。研究发现,1)旅游地饮食符号的形成既是对地方特色的营销与建构,也是特定饮食产品生产与消费集聚的路径依赖结果。2)从饮食生产的角度,就地取材、利润高、制作工艺简单等特点使啤酒鱼餐饮能够大规模、低成本地发展;从饮食消费的角度,啤酒鱼既具有地方特色又能够被大众口味所接受,同时满足游客的符号性和支持性的餐饮体验。3)消费性服务业的集聚能够营造良好的氛围并产生累积吸引力,使得啤酒鱼的营销成本更低、销量更高,从而形成正反馈机制。  相似文献   
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