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Doodson进行引潮位展开时的原始数据采自Brown及Newcomb表,其黄赤交角系采用1900年1月1日之值。目前Brown系数已重新计算,黄赤交角每世纪相对变化5×10-4;地球轨道偏心率每世纪相对变化25×10-4。由此引起的潮波振幅长趋势变化已可辨别,这就是所谓潮波振幅的时间依赖问题。作者采用EJC表及2000.0年的黄赤交角和地球轨道偏心率数值,重新用计算机演绎了引潮位展开式,解决了时间依赖问题。文中给出了属于J2000.0系统的引潮位完全展开表。  相似文献   
西秦岭漳县地区保存了2套角度不整合分隔的新生代沉积地层单元,即下部渐新统—中新统含盐沉积地层和之上的上新统粗砾岩地层。通过对该地区上新统砾岩层的沉积旋回、砾岩中砾石大小、磨圆度、排列、成分等特征及垂向变化地观测统计分析,这套砾岩及砾石主要特征可以归纳为:①这套砾岩主要由厚层中-粗砾砾岩组成,厚度达480 m,呈近水平或缓倾斜角度不整合在下伏渐新统—中新统之上,自下而上可以分为洪积砾岩、冲积砾岩、冲洪积砾岩、冲积砾岩和冲洪积砾岩5个岩性段;②砾岩的砾石大小混杂,粒径分布范围大,最大粒径达120~240 mm,但以10~80 mm粒径砾石为主,砂砾质胶结,基质支撑为主,下部发育颗粒支撑筛状砾岩,砾石以次棱角状-次圆状为主,个别层位可见滚圆状砾石;③砾石成分为复成分,主要以灰绿色变质长石砂岩、长石石英砂岩、灰色或肉红色灰岩和斑状花岗岩、花岗闪长岩或闪长玢岩为主,且不同岩性段的砾石成分差异明显,洪积砾岩段以花岗质岩石和各种砂岩为主,而冲积砾岩段以灰岩砾石为主,且砾石磨圆度较好;④砾石叠瓦斜列方向主要指向南,指示了自南向北的古流向。根据这套砾岩的特征,结合其空间分布受向南陡倾的F2逆冲断层控制,以及砾石成分与西秦岭造山带岩石组成的一致性分析,认为这套上新统粗砾岩是以西秦岭北缘断层为边界的山前近源快速堆积的冲洪积扇沉积,具有再生前陆粗磨拉石盆地性质。结合青藏高原东北缘出现的一系列时代相同、构造背景一致的基本类似的粗砾岩,如循化盆地甘家砾岩和临夏盆地的积石山砾岩等,提出西秦岭北缘漳县地区的这套上新统砾岩是印度-欧亚板块碰撞汇聚向北扩展到青藏高原东北缘西秦岭北缘构造边界,不仅造成西秦岭造山带快速隆升,且引发了北缘断裂带复活而强烈向北逆冲,从而形成的再生前陆磨拉石盆地沉积的认识。  相似文献   

The widespread Lago-Mare facies show that the Mediterranean was fully isolated from the World Ocean at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC): the Plio-Quaternary Gibraltar Strait has no geographical feature in common with the Miocene Portals, which were continentalised before the end of the MSC. A copy of a budget model has been modified to study the infilling of the Mediterranean. The yearly Atlantic water supply follows an exponential increase law. The level of the basins does not change significantly during the 26 early years, but the refill of the Mediterranean basins is completed within the next 10–11 years. The high velocity of the flow of Atlantic water can be reconfirmed by hydraulic calculations. The morphological study of the area suggests that the Gibraltar Strait originates from an eastwards flowing stream, which drained the eastern slope of an emergent Gibraltar Isthmus to the Mediterranean Basins at the end of the Messinian. Similar canyons are still found in the marine topography towards the Alboran Sea. The present Spartel and Camarinal Sills both originate from the coeval mass sliding of the northern bank of the strait. The strait of Gibraltar results from the work of a stream, which managed water-piracy from an Ocean. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We investigate the left-lateral slip on the 240-km- long, NE-SW-trending, Malatya-Ovacik fault zone in eastern Turkey. This fault zone splays southwestward from the North Anatolian fault zone near Erzincan, then follows the WSW-trending Ovacik valley between the Munzur and Yilan mountain ranges. It bends back to a SW orientation near Arapkir, from where we trace its main strand SSW beneath the Plio-Quaternary sediment of the Malatya basin. We propose that this fault zone was active during ~5–3 Ma, when it took up 29 km of relative motion between the Turkish and Arabian plates; it ceased to be active when the East Anatolian fault zone formed at ~3 Ma. The geometry of the former Erzincan triple junction, which differs from the modem Karliova triple junction, where the North and East Anatolian fault zones intersect, suggests a possible explanation for why slip on the Malatya- Ovacik fault zone was unable to continue. We interpret the SW- and SSW-trending segments of the Malatya-Ovacik fault zone as transform faults, which define an Euler pole ~1 400 km to the southeast. Its central part along the Ovacik valley, which is ~30° oblique to the adjoining transform faults, is interpreted as the internal fault of a stepover. The adjoining mountain ranges, which now rise up to ~3 300 m, ~2 000 m above the surrounding land surface, are largely the result of the surface uplift which accompanied the components of shortening and thickening of the upper crustal brittle layer that occurred around this stepover while the left-lateral faulting was active. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
塬堡全新世黄土剖面有机质碳同位素的气候记录   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
对甘肃临夏塬堡全新世黄土剖面古土壤有机质碳同位素的分析表明,δ13C变化范围在-28.23‰~-25.19‰之间,平均值为-26.88‰.结合该剖面孢粉以及地层研究结果,观察到在温暖湿润气候期间,δ13C表现为高值,而在干燥寒冷期间,δ13C表现为低值,这较好地反映了该地区全新世气候演化的历史.结合其他研究,认为黄土高原地区全新世地表植被中草本植物C3和C4植物比例的变化是引起土壤有机质δ13C变化的直接原因,由于气候变化引起了地表植被类型的改变,古土壤中有机质δ13C发生了变化.对比塬堡剖面与西安、旬邑剖面土壤有机质的δ13C,观察到西安和旬邑两剖面的δ13C平均值要高于塬堡剖面约5‰左右,这是由于全新世期间两地气候的暖湿程度要高于临夏地区,地表植被中喜暖湿气候的C4植物比例较高,导致土壤有机质δ13C增大.因此δ13C是研究古气候变化的一个较好的手段.  相似文献   
早二叠世早期,豫西地区处于热带陆表海环境.这一时期形成的海陆交替相含煤地层,太原组下部灰岩段中的I3煤层,其直接顶、底板均为浅海碳酸盐沉积,煤层本身具有明显的风暴沉积层序,是风暴作用形成的异地煤.  相似文献   
High-resolution foraminiferal census of benthic taxa was undertaken on 113 closely spaced samples drawn from the Late Pliocene (ca. 2.6−1.7 Ma) cyclothemic marine strata of the Rangitikei Group, eastern Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. These strata comprise a ca. 1 km thick progradational stack of twenty, sixth-order, depositional sequences that accumulated in shelf and shoreline palaeoenvironments. The sequences are correlated with δ18O Stages 100−58, and each 41 ka glaciallinterglacial stage couplet is represented by an individual sequence comprising transgressive (TST), highstand (HST), and regressive (RST) systems tracts.

Statistical analysis of the census data identifies thirteen foraminiferal associations within the cyclothemic strata, that are grouped into seven depth- and lithology-related biofacies spanning the entire range of marginal marine to outer shelf palaeoenvironments. Foraminiferal palaeobathymetric analysis of the Rangitikei Group sequences reveals cyclical changes in water-depth of ca. 100–200 m amplitude with frequencies corresponding to the 41 ka obliquity orbital rhythm. Water-depth changes of this magnitude are consistent with a glacio-eustatic origin for the cyclothems, which correspond to an interval of Earth's history when successive continental glaciations of the Northern Hemisphere are known to have occurred. Furthermore the derived water-depth changes are also consistent with lithofacies and sequence stratigraphic inferences regarding palaeodepth of the sequences.

Individual sequences display a clear deepening-upward trend from shoreline to mid-shelf water-depths within TSTs. The level of resolution provided by the microfaunal analysis was insufficient to resolve the precise position of the maximum flooding surface (MFS) and its relationship to the downlap surface (DLS). However, the turn around from rising to falling relative sea level (maximum water-depth) corresponds to a < 5 m interval of section spanning the top of TSTs and lower portions of HST's. A progressive shoaling trend to shoreline and marginal marine environments is indicated for the overlying RSTs.

The amplitudes of water-depth changes for asymmetrical sequences, Rangitikeint motif (nondepositional transgression) (100–200 m), are somewhat greater than glacio-eustatic sea-level changes derived from the deep-sea δ18O record (50–100 m). This implies a significant subsidence contribution to relative sea-level changes. Notwithstanding the effect of subsidence and sedimentation on relative sea level, fluctuations in glacio-eustatic sea level are regarded as the primary factor controlling relative sea-level changes recorded in the Late Pliocene Wanganui Basin succession. Foraminifer-derived palaeobathymetric cycles within sequences display the same frequency, relative magnitude and symmetry as their correlative cycles on the δ18O sea-level curve.  相似文献   

Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Cainozoic resulted in a thick apron of molassic sediments along the northern piedmonts of the Kunlun and Altyn Mountains in the southern Tarim Basin. Early Neogene sediments are characterised by sandstone, siltstone and red mudstone, representing floodplain to distal alluvial fan environments. The Early Pliocene Artux Formation consists of medium-grained sandstone and sandy mudstone with thin layers of fine pebbly gritstone. The Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Xiyu Formation is dominated by pebble to boulder conglomerate typical of alluvial fan debris flow deposits. Sedimentological investigation, together with grain size and chemical analyses of siltstone bands intercalated with sandstone and conglomerate in the Xiyu and Artux Formations, point to an aeolian origin, suggesting desertic conditions in the Tarim Basin by the Early Pliocene. The onset of aeolian sedimentation in the southern Tarim Basin coincided with uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the lithofacies change from fine-grained mudstone and sandstone to coarse clasts. Tibetan Plateau uplift resulted in the shift of sedimentary environments northwards into the southern Tarim Basin, and could well have triggered the onset of full aridity in the Taklimakan region as a whole.  相似文献   
在华南内陆的赣南地区,发育早白垩世早期武夷群火山岩系,其不整合覆盖于南华纪-寒武纪变质岩系之上,且被早白垩世晚期罗塘群红色沉积岩系不整合覆盖。火山岩系内发育直立甚至倒转褶皱、逆掩断层等挤压变形和构造变质现象,并被南华纪变质岩系推覆逆掩;罗塘群红色沉积岩系变形微弱,底部发育近源快速堆积的砾岩层,其中所夹粗面岩具有埃达克岩和高压型粗面岩的地球化学特征。上述地质事实表明,赣南地区在武夷群火山岩系形成之后、罗塘群红色沉积岩系形成之前发生过强烈的挤压构造事件。定年资料显示,武夷群火山岩系顶部流纹岩和罗塘群红色沉积岩系底部的粗面岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄分别为131.4±1.3 Ma和110.7±1 Ma,不仅说明江西南部地区缺失131~110 Ma的地层,而且指示挤压构造事件发生在131~110 Ma之间。逆冲断层中新生矿物绢云母K-Ar稀释法年龄为118.2±3.2 Ma和112.9±3.7 Ma,指示挤压构造发生时间在118~113 Ma之间。运动学特征显示挤压应力方向为NW-SE向,与华南陆缘早白垩世中期挤压构造事件的挤压应力方向一致,指示早白垩世中期华南内陆和陆缘的挤压构造事件存在内在联系。  相似文献   
The Lower Pliocene of the Linxia Basin in Gansu Province is one of only a few representative sections for the Early Pliocene sedimentary records in northern China, and even in East Asia. Recently, abundant mammalian fossils were found from the base of red clays of the Lower Pliocene Hewangjia Formation at Duikang in Guanghe County within this basin. Previously, the Pliocene mammals were sparsely found in China, and most were collected from fluvial and lacustrine deposits in the eastern Loess Plateau. Mammals from the widely distributed Pliocene Hipparion Red Clay are less in number. The known fossils from Duikang include 20 species and belong to the Shilidun Fauna. Their faunal components are similar to the Early Pliocene Gaozhuang Fauna from Yushe, Shanxi. On the other hand, some taxa from Duikang have not been found in the Gaozhuang Fauna, are slightly more primitive in evolutionary level, and appeared mainly in the Late Miocene. As a result, the age of the Duikang fossils may be slightly earlier than that of the Gaozhuang Fauna and closer to the lower boundary of the Pliocene. The Duikang fossiliferous bed is 0.8 m above the top of the Late Miocene Liushu Formation, and the first occurrence of the three-toed horse Hipparion pater can be regarded as a biostratigraphical marker of the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. In conclusion, Duikang is an ideal candidate locality to establish as the stratotype of the lower boundary of the Chinese terrestrial Pliocene.  相似文献   
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