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Kråkenes faces the open sea on the west coast of Norway. During the Younger Dryas a cirque glacier deposited a large outer and a smaller inner moraine in a cirque at the site and melt-water entered a small lake depositing glaciolacustrine sediments. The glaciolacustrine succession can be divided into three sub-units corresponding to the advance, the still-stand and the retreat phases of the glacier. The sediment succession contains both varves and other types of rhythmites, the latter being mainly deposited as turbidity underflows caused by localized slumping events. Lee-side accumulation of snow by wind and avalanching into the cirque was crucial to form and maintain the cirque glacier once summer temperatures were low enough. At maximum, the glacier likely was in equilibrium with climate. The initial retreat from the maximum position might have been triggered by fall-out of volcanic ash from Iceland, but the continued retreat was due to increased ablation season temperatures. The most rapid change in climate at the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition occurred after the cirque glacier had melted away completely.  相似文献   
新元古代的地球表层系统经历了超大陆裂解与重组、大规模冰期、古海洋氧化、埃迪卡拉生物群辐射与灭绝、后生动物兴起等一系列重大变革,这些地质事件与生物演化在时空上的耦合关系长期受多学科交叉研究领域的广泛关注。Rodinia超大陆的裂解伴随有超级地幔柱活动、古地磁真极移等复杂响应,裂解过程影响了大气圈和水圈中氧气和二氧化碳的循环,并可能直接导致了新元古代极端的气候条件。构造格局的变动对生物的影响主要体现在物质来源和生存环境的改变上,强上升洋流和强地表径流区域的富营养化促使生物大量繁盛。“雪球地球”期间巨大的选择压力为生物的多样化演变提供了可能,而其后冰川的快速消融则促进了生产力的爆发式增长及多种沉积矿产的形成。与此同时,大气-海洋氧气含量的增加和海水化学结构的改变使得多项元素及同位素指标发生了地质历史上最大幅度的波动,这种特殊的地质背景可能最终对生物演化产生了极为深刻的影响。  相似文献   
The recent discovery of ice-striated surfaces associated with the late Paleozoic Aquidauana Formation suggests that glaciers coming from southwest Africa reached westernmost parts of the Paraná Basin in central Brazil. Abrasion features were developed by glaciers moving from SSE towards NNW, mainly on an unconsolidated bed. These records expand to about 1,050,000 km2, the coverage of the late Paleozoic glaciation in the region of the Paraná Basin in Western Gondwana.


A recente descoberta de superfícies estriadas associadas à Formação Aquidauana, de idade permocarbonífera, sugere que as geleiras provenientes do sudoeste da África alcançaram as porções ocidentais da Bacia do Paraná, na região central do Brasil. As feições de abrasão foram geradas pelo deslocamento de geleiras de SSE para NNW, principalmente sobre substrato inconsolidado. Estes novos registros evidenciam que a glaciação neopaleozóica cobriu uma área de pelo menos de 1.050.000 km2 na região ocupada pela Bacia do Paraná no Gondwana Ocidental.  相似文献   
A profile across the unglaciated coast of northeast Greenland at 77°N was studied with regard to the Quaternary stratigraphy and glacial history. The Germania Land peninsula is characterised by till-covered lower ground which contrasts sharply with the blockfields and extensive gelifluction deposits of its higher altitudes. Two glaciations are distinguished. The older one extended over the entire area and had its margin on the continental shelf. The younger one, of Late Weichselian age, reached the present coastline and several mountains and high plateaus on western Germania Land formed nunataks. The Late Weichselian glaciation was more extensive and occurred later on the Germania Land peninsula than on the coast further south. Radiocarbon dates suggest that the glacier margin rested to the east of the present coastline until ca. 10 000 yr BP. This correlates with the Late Weichselian Milne Land Stage, which is found as a late glacial readvance along the coast of East Greenland. A series of recessional moraines formed during the deglaciation were probably caused by glacier dynamics, as opposed to being of climatic origin.  相似文献   
Central Ethiopia comprises a high plateau at 2000–3000 m, formed from Tertiary lava flows and bisected by the Eastern African Rift. Ten volcanic mountains rise to altitudes of just over 4000 m, but on only three has Quaternary glaciation been substantiated by published field observations. On the Bale Mountains (4400 m), a previous report based on limited evidence proposed an ice‐cap extending to 600 km2. Based on aerial photographs and ground surveys, this paper reports evidence of a more complex situation. A wide spread of large erratic boulders on the plateau records a central ice cap of 30 km2, though ice probably extended for a further 40 km2. Further north two groups of deeply incised and clearly glaciated valleys contain moraines and roches moutonnées (60 km2). On interfluves between them and on the open north slopes are moraines from an earlier stage of the same glaciation or from a distinct older event. Altogether about 180 km2 may have been glaciated. Cores dated by 14C from inside and outside the glaciated area suggest that at least the northern valley glaciers may date from the Last Glacial Maximum. Estimated equilibrium line altitudes for these glaciers and the ice‐cap are 3750–4230 m. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Markus Wagner 《GeoJournal》2005,62(3-4):91-113
In semi-arid orographic left tributaries of the Kali Gandaki at the northern and western flank of the Nilgiri Himal, glacio-geomorphological and pedological investigations were carried out on prehistoric moraines. Geomorphological relief analysis was derived from other literature and the own fieldwork of the author. The resulting glacial chronology was used as benchmark to explore the limits of different pedological dating methods regarding the degree of soil development. These methods are based on iron fractionation, total element contents and particle size distribution. In general the different glacial stages are mirrored correctly in the relative graduation of soil development. The ratio of well crystallised pedogenic iron-oxides to the total iron content and the ratio fine clay to total clay are most suitable, because they are almost independent from existing changes in the lithological composition. The total element based weathering indices are less suitable, because they react highly sensitive to the geology dependent shift to higher carbonate contents. Most of the grain size based weathering indices are inapplicable because of the typically high textural variability within till deposits.  相似文献   
现代长江口的形成及末次冰消期以来沉积环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用在长江口崇明岛获得的一个第四纪钻孔,对中更新世末以来的沉积物进行了OSL、14C测年,在此基础上进行岩性、微体古生物和孢粉分析,以探讨现代长江口形成的基础以及末次冰消期以来在气候-海平面波动控制下河口沉积环境的演变。研究结果显示,本孔所在地中更新世末处于湖沼环境,但晚更新世一直以河流环境为主,且主要发育末次冰期的河道滞留相沉积。在此基础上,随着末次冰消期海平面的上升,先后发育了河口湾和三角洲沉积体系。末次冰消期的海平面快速上升在本孔沉积物记录中体现为微体古生物化石较丰富,潮流作用显著。全新世早期长江口堆积速率明显高于全新世中晚期,应当反映了温暖湿润的季风气候条件下入海泥沙非常丰富。  相似文献   
青藏高原东缘是全球重要的活动构造区,高原峡谷区斜坡陡峻,高位崩滑灾害多发。采用遥感解译、地面调查、钻孔勘探及测年分析等方法,研究了西藏洛隆察达沟和易贡扎木弄沟两处高位崩滑堆积体的多动力多期次演化特征。研究结果表明:(1)沿陡峻沟道发生的高位崩滑灾害多为复合成因,兼具内动力和外动力作用交替促发特征;(2)洛隆察达沟晚更新世以来的堆积物形成序列可分为4期,分别经历了以冰川作用为主的冰碛物堆积、古地震引发的高位崩滑-碎屑流堆积、气候变暖背景下的冰-岩崩滑堆积及近代重力崩滑堆积;(3)易贡扎木弄沟在过去5500年中,先后发生了8次以上较大规模崩滑堆积,测年结果显示了巨型崩滑事件存在百年数量级的复发周期,由于不同期次巨型崩滑体的成因不同,复发周期可能存在长、中、短的差异;(4)近年来受全球气候变化影响,冰-岩崩滑灾害频现,可能成为高原峡谷区高位远程地质灾害研究的焦点。本文关于高位崩滑灾害多期次演化过程的认识对于高原峡谷区重大地质灾害防灾减灾具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   
Mass balance of glaciers in mountain areas varies not only with altitude and regional position but also with aspect, gradient, glacier size, glacier type and detailed topographic position. These factors are combined here in models of how glacier altitude varies, tested with data for the Alps edited from the World Glacier Inventory. An overall northward tendency in glacier numbers (toward 005 ± 4°) and lower altitudes (013 ± 5°) is maintained across a range of glacier sizes, types, altitudes and the major divisions of the Alps. Variation with aspect of glacier altitude (and, by implication, of glacier balance) in the Alps is essentially unimodal, and north‐facing glaciers average 220 m lower in middle altitude than south‐facing: 148 m in the Western Alps, 232 m in the West‐central, 252 m in the East‐central, and 268 m in the Eastern Alps. For smaller subdivisions, confidence intervals on estimates are broader and many differences lack statistical significance. Contrasts are greater in the higher massifs, with greater relief, and lower in cloudy, windward areas. There are small windrelated tendencies east of north along the northern and western fringes, but trends across space are weak: position is thus treated by subdivision into districts and groups. Mid‐altitude averages 2891 m overall and varies from 2552 to 3127 m for 27 glacier districts, and from 2124 to 3209 m for 103 glacier groups. Glacier mid‐altitude varies also with glacier form, nourishment, height range and area, which account for over two‐thirds of variance in combined models.  相似文献   
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