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泥河湾盆地虎头梁湖相叠层石的生态环境分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文作者之一曾于1993年报道过在泥河湾盆地虎头梁剖面发现的第四纪湖相叠层石,并根据测年数据和其中所含的藻类化石,认为它是末次间冰期的温暖期中藻类生命活动的产物。近年来,作者对叠层石的生态环境做了进一步的分析。结果表明,所发现的湖相叠层石主要生活在古泥河湾湖水深0.4~46cm左右的湖滨浅水地带;在末次间冰期中气温最高的时期,温暖干燥的气候环境和盐度较大的湖泊水体,为藻类的繁衍和叠层石的形成提供了适宜的条件。通过湖相叠层石的生态环境分析,不仅有助于重建古泥河湾湖的环境,而且也有助于加深对本区末次间冰期气候的了解。  相似文献   
前寒武纪叠层石命名和分类的研究历史及现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹瑞骥 《华北地质》2003,26(2):80-83
作者从历史角度介绍了关于叠层石生物学命名上存在的争议,简要论述了建立叠层石命名法规的重要性,并讨论了叠层石分类原则.为了摆脱叠层石命名和分类上的误区,作者提出了三点建议.  相似文献   
荆襄磷矿优质磷块岩的形成与藻类的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈辉能  朱士兴 《地质科学》1996,31(2):176-185
中国荆襄磷矿共有4个含矿层,自下而上分别为ph1、ph2、ph3和ph4,ph1是该区主要由磷质叠层石构成的最高品位的磷块岩。它不仅具有特征的化学成分和丰富的藻类化石,而巨其中的磷质主要富集在叠层石柱体、富藻层和藻化石中,磷的含量分别达到36.90%、38.10%和40.02%,而在叠层石柱间和富屑层中仅为3.22%和1.32%.这些资料表明,高品位磷块岩的凝聚和富集,主要是由古代生活在清水潮坪中的藻类生物代谢活动造成的生物和生物化学作用所致。  相似文献   
Stromatolite, as the representative of recorder in the early life history of the Earth, has been traced back from 3.5 billion years to 3.7 billion years ago. Stromatolites do provide indirect evidence for the existence of early life on the Earth, especially the composition of modern carbonate stromatolites, which further proves that stromatolites are calcified structures of cyanobacterial mats. Among the modern carbonate stromatolites, the following examples have been studied for a long time: Coarse stromatolites on the platform of Bahamas, fine stromatolites in the ultra-salinity environment of Australia and ultra-salinity lagoon of southeastern Brazil. Based on the predecessors' research results, by tracing the growth mechanism of modern carbonate stromatolites and the complex microbial activities and deposition processes, the formation of stromatolites in the middle of the Zhangxia Formation of Cambrian in the Huolianzhai section of Benxi is obviously different from that of modern carbonate stromatolites, which indicates that the sedimentary model of modern stromatolites cannot be fully applied in the ancient stromatolites. Therefore, the comparison between modern carbonate stromatolites and ancient stromatolites provides a rich way to further understand the construction of Cambrian stromatolites and microbial carbonate factory.  相似文献   
微指状叠层石(microdigitate stromatolites,以下简称MDS)是新太古代—中元古代一种重要的沉积构造。由于其内部以纤维状组构为重要特征,而缺乏直接的微生物化石证据,被认为代表特定海洋化学条件下形成的一种海底碳酸盐沉淀,属无机成因。本文对华北中元古代雾迷山组硅化MDS的显微组构研究发现,其柱体由亚毫米级浅色微亮晶纹层(平均厚约65μm)和暗色微晶纹层(平均厚约680μm)交互叠加而成。前者含较少细菌残余,重结晶显著;后者富含细菌残余、微晶多面体及微球粒,并进一步分为具密集连续次级微纹层的(平均厚约380μm)和具稀疏断续微纹层的(平均厚约300μm)两种暗纹层。这三种纹层在纵向上的规律性交互可能反映了季节性变化。毛发状垂向纤维贯穿于整个柱体,但在亮纹层内稀疏。这种纤维可能由垂向生长的丝状菌束(宽<10μm)矿化而成,有些由微球粒(粒径为10~30μm)定向富集构成。微球粒富含细菌残余、胞外聚合物(EPS)以及与之密切共生的纳米颗粒(粒径<45nm)。纳米颗粒可粘结形成亚μm级多面体,构成碳酸盐晶体生长的基点。包围微球粒的微亮晶环边和纤维组构间的微亮晶条带内少细菌残余,可能属微生物影响的矿化成因,而纤维体和微球粒则是微生物诱发矿化的结果。故中元古代MDS属微生物成因,它所展现的有机矿化过程可能也适用于更古老的叠层石。此外,MDS内有机矿物从纳米颗粒到微球粒的有序聚合可能代表了有机矿化的普遍过程,并可用作判定微生物成因碳酸盐岩的重要标识。  相似文献   
北山及邻区各微地块上分布有震旦纪—早寒武世沉积岩系,寒武系底部发育含磷层,震旦系中见大致可对比的冰碛岩(3层),暗示各微地块当时可能是一个统一大陆块的组成部分。下寒武统双鹰山组薄层状大理岩、灰岩为浅海或滨海相环境产物;中上寒武统西双鹰山组青灰色硅质岩夹有薄层状灰岩,为深海相化学沉积产物,意味着早寒武世为北山古生代洋盆开启时限下限。泥盆纪三个井组不整合于寒武、奥陶纪之上,三个井组显示前陆盆地特征,花岗岩"线-面-点"产出形态可能代表俯冲-碰撞-碰撞后造山期地质记录。因此,早泥盆世为北山古生代洋盆闭合时限上限。  相似文献   
The precipitation of calcite and aragonite as encrustations directly on the seafloor was an important platform‐building process during deposition of the 2560–2520 Ma Campbellrand‐Malmani carbonate platform, South Africa. Aragonite fans and fibrous coatings are common in unrestricted, shallow subtidal to intertidal facies. They are also present in restricted facies, but are absent from deep subtidal facies. Decimetre‐thick fibrous calcite encrustations are present to abundant in all depositional environments except the deepest slope and basinal facies. The proportion of the rock composed of carbonate that precipitated as encrustations or in primary voids ranges from 0% to > 65% depending on the facies. Subtidal facies commonly contain 20–35%in situ precipitated carbonate, demonstrating that Neoarchaean sea water was supersaturated with respect to aragonite, carbonate crystal growth rates were rapid compared with sediment influx rates, and the dynamics of carbonate precipitation were different from those in younger carbonate platforms. The abundance of aragonite pseudomorphs suggests that sea‐water pH was neutral to alkaline, whereas the paucity of micrite suggests the presence of inhibitors to calcite and aragonite nucleation in the mixed zone of the oceans.  相似文献   
Microbial dolomite crusts from the carbonate platform off western India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract The occurrence of Late Pleistocene dolomite crusts that occur at 64 m depth on the carbonate platform off western India is documented. Dolomite is the most predominant mineral in the crusts. In thin section, the crust consists of dolomitized microlaminae interspersed with detrital particles. Under scanning electron microscopy, these laminae are made up of tubular filaments or cellular structures of probable cyanobacterial origin. Dolomite crystals encrust or overgrow the surfaces of the microbial filaments and/or cells; progressive mineralization obliterates their morphology. Well-preserved microbial mats, sulphide minerals (pyrrhotite and marcasite) and the stable isotope composition of dolomite in the crusts indicate hypersaline and anoxic conditions during dolomite formation. The crusts are similar to dolomite stromatolites, and biogeochemical processes related to decaying microbial mats under anoxic conditions probably played an important role in dolomite precipitation. The dolomite is therefore primary and/or very early diagenetic in origin. The dolomite crusts are interpreted to be a composite of microbial dolomite overprinted by early burial organic dolomite. The results of this study suggest that a microbial model for dolomite formation may be relevant for the origin of ancient massive dolomites in marine successions characterized by cryptalgal laminites. The age of the crusts further suggests that the platform was situated at shallow subtidal depths during the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   
The significance of stromatolites as depositional environmental indicators and the underlying causes of lamination in the lacustrine realm are poorly understood. Stromatolites in a ca 600 m thick Miocene succession in the Ebro Basin are good candidates to shed light on these issues because they are intimately related to other lacustrine carbonate and sulphate facies, grew under variable environmental conditions and show distinct lamination patterns. These stromatolites are associated with wave‐related, clastic‐carbonate laminated limestones. Both facies consist of calcite and variable amounts of dolomite. Thin planar stromatolites (up to 10 cm thick and less than 6 m long) occurred in very shallow water. These stromatolites represented first biological colonization after: (i) subaerial exposure in the palustrine environment (i.e. at the beginning of deepening cycles); or (ii) erosion due to surge action, then coating very irregular surfaces on laminated limestones (i.e. through shallowing or deepening cycles). Sometimes they are associated with evaporative pumping. Stratiform stromatolites (10 to 30 cm high and tens of metres long) and domed stromatolites (10 to 30 cm high and long) developed in deeper settings, between the surge periods that produced hummocky cross‐stratification and horizontal lamination offshore. Changes in stromatolite lamina shape, and thus in the growth forms through time, can be attributed to changes in water depth, whereas variations in lamina continuity are linked to water energy and sediment supply. Growth of the stromatolites resulted from in situ calcite precipitation and capture of minor amounts of fine‐grained carbonate particles. Based on texture, four types of simple laminae are distinguished. The simple micrite and microsparite laminae can be grouped into light and dark composite laminae, which represent, respectively, high and low Precipitation/Evaporation ratio periods. Different lamination patterns provide new ideas for the interpretation of microbial laminations as a function of variations in climate‐dependent parameters (primarily the Precipitation/Evaporation ratio) over variable timescales.  相似文献   
Exploitation of the phosphatic layers in Sidi Chennane deposit (Morocco) collides frequently with problems bound to the existence, in the phosphatic series, of sterile bodies qualified as derangements. Our study shows that these bodies, masked by the Quaternary cover can be mapped using the Time-Domain ElectroMagnetic Soundings method (TDEM). It is based on the acquisition and the interpretation of a series of tests carried out above a visible derangement in an old trench of exploitation and on 2500 TDEM soundings carried out in a virgin area of the deposit. The article concerns to the analysis of the results and of the proceeding for a possible large geophysics survey. To cite this article: A. Kchikach et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
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