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深层气理论分析和深层气潜势研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来的一些文献表述深层气时在"深层"和"深部"名词概念上容易造成不必要的费解。就沉积层而言,宜将生油主带(生油窗)作为"深"的界限,从此界限开始到基底以上地层范围的天然气统统称为"深层气";就整个地球而言,宜将沉积层结晶基底和该基底以下的天然气统统称为"深部气"。当然,还应更多地注意来源于深部"深生浅储"的"深层气"。深层气的形成与地壳烃类形成的垂直分带性有关。在一定的历史时期和一定的沉积盆地油气形成分带性理论对勘探实践发挥了一定的指导作用,随着油气地质科研和勘探实践的发展,人们逐渐发现了油气形成分带性理论中油相消失和气相生成带开始门限指标的局限性。不同盆地有不同深度的生油主带,因而也有不同深度范围生气主带(干气带)。腐泥型有机质的演化需要更高的活化能,而需更高的温度和更大的深度,其生气主带深于腐殖型有机质源岩层的位置。生气主带有机质演化受多种因素控制,其中温度、深度和时间是重要因素,引起深层温度升高的条件有地球动力和深部热流等。古生界以前的重大生物地质事件为深层气形成准备了有机质及其演化条件,从物质基础上讲,深层气有巨大的资源潜势。油气形成的地球动力学观点及其他新观点为研究深层气提供了新的思路,岩石圈的烃类资源远未枯竭,被发现和开采的资源仅是其中的一部分,更多的需在深部去发掘。  相似文献   
洪大卫  王涛  童英  王晓霞 《地学前缘》2003,10(3):231-256
近年来的研究证实 ,华北地台和大别—苏鲁造山带的中生代花岗岩与同时代的镁铁质超镁铁质岩有类似的Sr、Nd同位素特点 ,许多花岗岩和火山岩还具有类似埃达克岩的地球化学性质。在此基础上 ,根据现已积累的大量Sr、Nd同位素资料 ,从整个华北地台岩石圈的角度论证了中生代岩石圈地幔富集的性质、富集地幔发生的时代及其形成机制 ,进而探讨了岩浆活动的动力学机制 ,指出本区岩石圈富集地幔的形成是在Pangea超大陆裂解时岩石圈大规模拆沉减薄 ,被拆沉的太古宙古老地壳重循环进入地幔改变了地幔成分所致 ,说明超大陆裂解、岩石圈大规模拆沉减薄和富集地幔形成之间有密切的成因联系 ,超大陆裂解伴随着大陆地壳生长和消亡 (重循环 )的大体平衡。结合全球地震层析资料 ,进一步探讨了由俯冲大洋残片转化的下地壳同古老克拉通地壳物质在花岗岩源区中的重要意义。  相似文献   
豫西太山庙花岗岩体特征与多金属矿产的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经从岩石学、矿物学、地球化学等方面对燕山期太山庙花岗岩体详细研究,认为该岩体侵入为一重要构造热事件,控制着区内多个多金属矿床的形成与规模.本文着重探讨和阐述太山庙花岗岩体特征及其对周边矿床的控矿关系.  相似文献   
通过对华北克拉通北缘显生宙四次(P1,T3,J1,K1)底侵作用的研究,将华北克拉通的活化与岩石圈深部地幔物质的底辟体上涌联系起来。不同阶段底侵作用在岩浆来源深度、与构造格局关系、对地壳垂向增生的贡献、幔源物质脉动式上涌等方面的差异与变化,显示它们是一个分阶段连续热演化的深部过程,其动力学机制是深部的高热流和地幔物质的向上运移。对应于地幔物质上涌,必然存在同期的地幔底辟体隆起的岩石圈结构变化。通过对华北中生代盆山系形成机制的讨论,认为该区高分辨率面波层析成像所显示的地幔底辟体上涌的特征可以反映中生代岩石圈底侵作用的深部背景。  相似文献   
The basement rocks of the poorly understood Thomson Orogen are concealed by mid-Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous intra-continental basins and direct information about the orogen is gleaned from sparse geological data. Constrained potential field forward modelling has been undertaken to highlight key features and resolve deeply sourced anomalies within the Thomson Orogen. The Thomson Orogen is characterised by long-wavelength and low-amplitude geophysical anomalies when compared with the northern and western Precambrian terranes of the Australian continent. Prominent NE- and NW-trending gravity anomalies reflect the fault architecture of the region. High-intensity Bouguer gravity anomalies correlate with shallow basement rocks. Bouguer gravity anomalies below –300 µm/s2 define the distribution of the Devonian Adavale Basin and associated troughs. The magnetic grid shows smooth textures, punctuated by short-wavelength, high-intensity anomalies that indicate magnetic contribution at different crustal levels. It is interpreted that meta-sedimentary basement rocks of the Thomson Orogen, intersected in several drill holes, are representative of a seismically non-reflective and non-magnetic upper basement. Short-wavelength, high-intensity magnetic source bodies and colocated negative Bouguer gravity responses are interpreted to represent shallow granitic intrusions. Long-wavelength magnetic anomalies are inferred to reflect the topography of a seismically reflective and magnetic lower basement. Potential field forward modelling indicates that the Thomson Orogen might be a single terrane. We interpret that the lower basement consists of attenuated Precambrian and mafic enriched continental crust, which differs from the oceanic crust of the Lachlan Orogen further south.  相似文献   
冀北是我国重要的金矿成矿区,冀北金矿有不同的类型,但大多与中生代中酸性侵入岩有关。本文的研究表明,冀北与金矿有关的中酸性侵入岩大体可划分为两类:一类为高Sr低Y型岩体,具有埃达克质岩的地球化学特征。推测可能是加厚的下地壳部分熔融形成的,其残留相为榴辉岩或角闪榴辉岩;另一类为低Sr低Y型岩体,以较低的Sr、Al和具明显的负铕异常而区别于埃达克质岩,又因其低Y和HREE而类似于埃达克质岩,推测源岩残留相中有斜长石存在,相当于高压麻粒岩相的环境,可能也形成于加厚下地壳底部。冀北金矿的S、Ph、H、O和C同位素大多显示深源的特点,且在时空分布上与上述两类中酸性侵入岩存在密切的关系,表明冀北金矿床的成矿物质和流体可能是幔源的,与中生代高Sr低Y和低Sr低Y型岩浆的成因有关。这一认识对于理解冀北金矿的成因和找矿可能是有益的。  相似文献   
The Egyptian older and younger granitic rocks emplaced during pre- and post-collision stages of Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny, respectively, are widely distributed in the southern Sinai Peninsula, constituting 70% of the basement outcrops. The Wadi El-Akhder, southwestern Sinai, is a mountainous terrain exposing two granitoid suites, namely the Wadi El-Akhder Older Granites (AOG) and the Homra Younger Granites (HYG). The AOG (granodiorites with subordinate tonalite compositions) have geochemical characteristics of medium-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous to mildly peraluminous granitoids formed in an island-arc environment, which are conformable with well-known Egyptian older granitoids rocks, whereas the HYG display calc-alkaline to slightly alkaline nature, peraluminous syeno-, monzogranites and alkali feldspar granites matching well those of the Egyptian younger granites. With respect to the AOG granitoids, the HYG granites contain lower Al2O3, FeO*, MgO, MnO, CaO, TiO2, Sr, Ba, and V, but higher Na2O, K2O, Nb, Zr, Th, and Rb. The AOG are generally characterized by enrichment in LILE and LREE and depletion in HFSE relative to N-MORB values (e.g., negative Nb and Ta anomalies). The geochemical features of the AOG follow assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) trends indicative of extensive crustal contamination of magma derived from a mantle source. The chemical characteristics of the AOG are remarkably similar to those of subduction-related granitoids from the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). The compositional variations from monzogranites through syenogranites to alkali feldspar granite within HYG could not be explained by fractional crystallization solely. Correlating the whole-rock composition of the HYG to melts generated by experimental dehydration melting of meta-sedimentary and magmatic rocks reveals that they appear to be derived by extended melting of psammitic and pelitic metasediments, which is similar to the most of younger granitic suites in the ANS.  相似文献   
野外地质调查发现在阿尔泰南缘额尔齐斯构造带东段、额尔齐斯活动断裂与富蕴-锡泊渡断裂之间发育了一套未变形的酸性岩墙群.岩墙群侵位于海西期片麻岩化花岗岩和上石炭统深变质的额尔齐斯组岩层中,薄片鉴定和岩石地球化学分析确定为具有细晶结构的流纹斑岩.岩石的SiO2含量为70.9%~75.38%,K2O+Na2O含量为7.55%~8.99%;大部分样品Na2O>K2O,里特曼指数值为1.8~2.5之间,Al2O3=12.80%~14.53%,A/CNK=0.9~1.1,NK/A=0.7~0.9,具有准铝质-弱过铝质、低镁、高钾钠、低钙和锶、高(Fe)mol/(Mg)mol特点,具A型花岗岩类特点,属于亚碱性脉岩.岩石轻稀土富集,大离子亲石元素相对富集,具有明显的中等负铕异常,壳源特征明显.锆石U-Pb二次粒子微探针测年显示岩墙群形成于277~286Ma.推断岩墙是阿尔泰海西期造山运动结束后,在拉张构造环境下的地壳局部熔融产物.  相似文献   
西藏各类花岗岩分布极为广泛。锆石在不同时代和不同岩性花岗岩中的标型特征也互有差异。锆石矿物含量从北向南有逐渐降低的趋势;锆石中的Zr/Hf比值是随着岩石的酸度增加和岩体时代变新而降低;锆石的伸长系数是随着岩石中Si-K+Na的含量增加而加大;在冈底斯带花岗岩中的Si和K+Na含量低时,锆石多出现(100)和(111)晶面,而拉轨岗日岩带和喜马拉雅岩带浅色花岗岩中的Si、K、Na含量较高时,锆石则多出现(110)、(311)和(131)晶面;锆石中稀土元素是以重稀土元素为主,其含量占总稀土量的80%以上。  相似文献   
Liujiaping VMS (volcanic massive sulfide) deposit contains mainly copper and zinc, which is located at the Longmenshan orogenic belt of the northwestern margin of Yangtze block. The deposit is hosted in Neoproterozoic Datan terrane (composed of Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group) and is a typical, and the biggest, VMS deposit in this area. The Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group are contemporary and both parental magmas have the same genesis. The tectonic evolution history of Northwestern Yangtze is complicated. Chronology, isotope and geochemistry of the Liujiaping VMS ores and wall rocks (especially the Datan granitoids) are analyzed to restrict the tectonic progress. High‐precision secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis of the Datan granitoids resulted in two concordant ages, 815.5 ± 3.2 Ma and 835.5 ± 2.6 Ma, which are contemporary with the Liujiaping Cu–Zn ore and volcanics. The wall rocks are characterized by enrichment in LREE and with a weak negative anomaly of Eu. The Pb isotope data of sulfide and volcanics from the Liujiaping deposit indicate that the material source is lower crust. Together with variable negative anomalies of high strength field elements HFSE (Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P and Ti), positive εNd (825 Ma) values (+1.8 to +3.1) and the Nd model age T2DM = 1.2–1.3 Ga, it shows that the Liujiaping deposit and wall rocks were formed by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic lower crust. Geological and geochemical characteristics of Liujiaping deposit indicate that this deposit was formed during subduction of the oceanic crust. This study clarified that that the Liujiaping deposit and the northwestern margin of the Yangtze block were part of an arc setting at ~820 Ma rather than intra‐continental rift.  相似文献   
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