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研究了残差地形模型中的非调和性问题,比较了基于棱柱体和球冠体的积分模型,提出了基于球冠体积分的广义残差地形模型。以泊松小波径向基函数为构造基函数,结合广义残差地形模型,融合多源实测重力数据构建了局部区域重力场模型。研究结果表明:基于棱柱体积分的残差地形模型精度较低,在山区可能引入毫伽级以上的误差,建议采用更为接近真实地形表面的球冠体积分模型。相比于原始的残差地形模型,基于球冠体积分的广义残差地形模型能更为精确地逼近局部重力场模型中地形因素引起的高频效应。  相似文献   
Derivation of planetary topography using multi-image shape-from-shading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many cases, the derivation of high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs) from planetary surfaces using conventional digital image matching is a problem. The matching methods need at least one stereo pair of images with sufficient texture. However, many space missions provide only a few stereo images and planetary surfaces often possess insufficient texture.This paper describes a method for the generation of high-resolution DTMs from planetary surfaces, which has the potential to overcome the described problem. The suggested method, developed by our group, is based on shape-from-shading using an arbitrary number of digital optical images, and is termed “multi-image shape-from-shading” (MI-SFS). The paper contains an explanation of the theory of MI-SFS, followed by a presentation of current results, which were obtained using images from NASA's lunar mission Clementine, and constitute the first practical application with our method using extraterrestrial imagery. The lunar surface is reconstructed under the assumption of different kinds of reflectance models (e.g. Lommel-Seeliger and Lambert). The represented results show that the derivation of a high-resolution DTM of real digital planetary images by means of MI-SFS is feasible.  相似文献   
黄荣  王迎春  张文龙 《暴雨灾害》2012,31(3):232-241
利用变分多普勒雷达分析系统, 结合多普勒雷达观测、 地面自动站、 风廓线仪、 加密探空等非常规观测资料, 对北京地区2011年8月9日局地雷暴的新生和增强机制进行了较精细的分析。结果表明: 该过程是一次发生在弱垂直风切变环境下的局地强对流雷暴大风过程, 环境场有较强的不稳定能量(CAPE达2 798 J·㎏-1), 地面高比湿带(>20 g·kg-1)在山前聚集, 城区西部山前存在一较强γ中尺度热辐合中心, 前期大气环境条件十分有利于对流发生发展; 上游移进北京的强雷暴受地形强迫作用影响, 其产生的冷池出流被抬高, 冷空气叠加在地面γ中尺度热辐合中心之上, 使山前局地大气层结更不稳定, 另一方面, 强冷池出流产生的边界层高层偏北风与近地面弱的偏南风构成有利于对流新生的垂直风切变, 地面热辐合中心、 边界层热力和动力不稳定的增强共同作用是局地雷暴新生的主要机制; 上游冷池出流边界(阵风锋)伴有的强温度梯度和边界层辐合上升运动是原有局地新生雷暴显著增强的主要原因; 多单体雷暴相互碰撞合并产生的辐合上升运动是局地雷暴得以持续的关键因素。  相似文献   
基于正交小波变换的海底地形复杂程度分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了量化的海底地形复杂程度分类指标,并利用正交小波变换所具有的良好的图像识别与分类特点建立了包含18种典型海底的特征海底分类库,同时给出了海底地形复杂程度分类算法。通过分类算法将计划测量海区海底与特征海底分类库中的海底进行分类匹配,确定了计划测量海区海底的海底地形复杂程度。实例验证了该方法的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   
海量地形数据的Web发布与交互浏览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了基于CORBA的分布式平台实现异构网络环境下海量地形数据的Web发布与服务的关键技术,通过一个实验系统对上述方法进行了测试。  相似文献   
本文在顾及局部地形改正、椭球改正及大气改正的情况下,采用实测数据,应用Meissel方法和Wenzel频谱分析方法,对某盆地边缘的高程异常进行了实际计算。并将计算结果同多普勒高程异常进行了比较,证明结果是良好的。此外还对我国精确高程异常的确定提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
Given the advances in satellite altimetry and multibeam bathymetry, benthic terrain classification based on digital bathymetric models (DBMs) has been widely used for the mapping of benthic topographies. For instance, cobalt-rich crusts (CRCs) are important mineral resources found on seamounts and guyots in the western Pacific Ocean. Thick, plate-like CRCs are known to form on the summit and slopes of seamounts at the 1 000–3 000 m depth, while the relationship between seamount topography and spatial distribution of CRCs remains unclear. The benthic terrain classification of seamounts can solve this problem, thereby, facilitating the rapid exploration of seamount CRCs. Our study used an EM122 multibeam echosounder to retrieve high-resolution bathymetry data in the CRCs contract license area of China, i.e., the Jiaxie Guyots in 2015 and 2016. Based on the DBM construted by bathymetirc data, broad- and fine-scale bathymetric position indices were utilized for quantitative classification of the terrain units of the Jiaxie Guyots on multiple scales. The classification revealed four first-order terrain units (e.g., flat, crest, slope, and depression) and eleven second-order terrain units (e.g., local crests, depressions on crests, gentle slopes, crests on slopes, and local depressions, etc.). Furthermore, the classification of the terrain and geological analysis indicated that the Weijia Guyot has a large flat summit, with local crests at the southern summit, whereas most of the guyot flanks were covered by gentle slopes. “Radial” mountain ridges have developed on the eastern side, while large-scale gravitational landslides have developed on the western and southern flanks. Additionally, landslide masses can be observed at the bottom of these slopes. The coverage of local crests on the seamount is ~1 000 km2, and the local crests on the peak and flanks of the guyots may be the areas where thick and continuous plate-like CRCs are likely to occur.  相似文献   
设计了一种平三角形修正算法来修正TIN模型中可能出现的平三角形区域。该算法通过对由平三角形组成的区域进行分类,并针对不同的平区域采用交换边、增加点甚至不处理的修正方法,同时对由于等高线数据错误产生的一些特殊情况进行了分析处理。实验结果表明,该算法能够去除约束型狄洛尼三角网中所有应修正的平三角形,并生成对地形描述更为精确的三角网。  相似文献   
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