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刘磊  张婷  尹芳  张辉善  曹凯  洪俊 《地质学报》2022,96(3):1012-1025
巴基斯坦胡兹达尔- 拉斯贝拉铅锌成矿带是特提斯成矿域铅锌成矿带的重要组成部分,该成矿带的矿床类型主要为喷流- 沉积型(SEDEX)和密西西比河谷型(MVT)。目前针对胡兹达尔- 拉斯贝拉铅锌成矿带及典型矿床的研究程度较低,制约了对该成矿带的认识及找矿勘查研究。本研究以胡兹达尔- 拉斯贝拉成矿带为研究区,通过合理选择遥感数据源和图像处理方法,对典型矿床(杜达、贡尕铅锌矿床)及部分矿点的样品光谱特征、影像特征综合分析,结合关键控矿要素研究,建立了胡兹达尔- 拉斯贝拉地区与沉积岩有关铅锌矿遥感找矿标志并开展成矿预测,为该成矿带找矿提供可行性方法。基于本研究建立的找矿标志,利用增强型专题制图仪(Enhanced thematic mapper, ETM)和先进星载热辐射与反射辐射计(Advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer, ASTER)影像圈定主要预测含矿地层分布区30处,结果与已知矿床、矿点吻合较好,圈定的含矿地层分布区主要集中在研究区中部和北部,均位于侏罗纪地层内且矿化带与地层走向一致,矿化主要位于安吉拉组、劳瑞莱组地层内部;根据含矿地层像元光谱,利用资源一号02D高光谱影像提取了中部地区含矿地层的空间分布,提取结果与找矿标志分析结果吻合较好,证实了在该区利用国产高光谱影像开展含铅锌矿地层自动提取与找矿的可行性。  相似文献   
尕林格铁多金属矿区为戈壁荒漠,第四系覆盖层厚度在120~200 m之间,钻探工程后进行三分量井中磁测是最为直接的寻找井底、井旁等盲矿体的方法.通过对尕林格矿区钻孔的三分量井中磁测资料分析,深入研究ΔZ、ΔH'曲线及ΔT'矢量的变化规律,在寻找钻井四周和深部隐伏的矿体,科学指导布设钻孔减少钻探工作量,以及指导钻孔施工进度,提高见矿命中率,取得了良好的效果.三分量井中磁测在矿区已经成为必不可少的方法之一.  相似文献   
刘艳荣  关强兵  刘民武  闫晓儒  黄凡 《地质学报》2023,97(10):3363-3379
二道河子铅锌银多金属矿床是一个中型浅成热液矿床,它产于大兴安岭西坡得耳布干成矿带中段的晚中生代“双峰式”火山岩区。根椐野外矿脉的穿插关系和室内矿相学研究,将热液成矿期划分为四个成矿阶段,即:石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ)、石英-闪锌矿-方铅矿-银矿物阶段(Ⅲ)和石英-方解石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅳ)。采用显微镜和电子探针(EPMA)微区技术对矿床中的硫化物和银矿物进行分析,结果表明,银的存在形式主要为可见银(>1μm),其次为不可见银(<1μm)。可见银主要以显微包体银和独立银矿物的形式存在,而不可见银主要呈次显微包体银和晶格银;显微(次显微)银常以浑圆状或不规则状分布在硫化物内部或硫化物和石英颗粒间隙,独立银矿物呈脉状或集合体状主要分布于方铅矿(偶见闪锌矿)脉的裂隙和边缘,晶格银赋存在方铅矿中,含量极少。结合前人研究成果,认为成矿早期(石英-黄铁矿阶段)成矿热液中的金属元素(如Ag、Cu、Fe、Pb和Zn元素等)以氯络合物形式运移,伴随着流体不混溶/沸腾作用,硫氢络合物成为主要的迁移形式。随着温度、压力的降低和大气降水的参与,成矿流体自下而上运移,并先后经历...  相似文献   
运用地质、数理统计等方法,对小秦岭金矿田河南部分断裂的控矿作用进行了详细论述。控矿断裂有规律的活动,导致工业矿体分布具有等间距及侧伏规律,控矿断裂的规模及演化控制了矿体的规模及演化。  相似文献   
秦岭泥盆纪铅锌成矿带提供了一种沉积岩中热水沉积矿床形成的典型构造背景,成矿作用发生在被动大陆边缘上的裂陷盆地中,与盆地造山前的发展和演化有关。同沉积期断裂控制着成矿洼地的发育,地热异常促使热水系统形成,已经识别出来若干古地热异常存在的标志。碰撞造山过程中盆地封闭,含矿沉积物受到不同程度的变形和变质改造。 可以把泥盆纪地层中的各种金属矿床纳入一个热水沉积成矿系列中,铅锌主要是在热水系统释放到海底时的沉积成岩过程中富集的,铜和金则表现有在热水系统晚期相中或后期改造中富集的趋势。  相似文献   
山东三甲金矿的矿体变化特征及其找矿意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对乳山中东部地区金矿体侧伏规律的研究,发现金矿体在NNE方向上呈共轭,在NE方向上则一致。根据这一规律,指出三甲金矿矿体深部应向南侧伏。通过对矿体产状变化的观察,指出矿体在走向上具明显的近等间距膨缩现象,膨缩距在160~180m之间。金矿体厚度等值线呈波状变化,其波峰的连线走向为NNW351°,波峰的侧伏角为45°。在-306m中段以下,矿体厚度向南向下有变大的趋势。基于以上的认识,提出了三甲金矿的深部预测意见。  相似文献   
ChemicalformsofcopperandzincinthesurficialsedimentsofBorollosLake,Egypt¥M.S.EI-Deek(NationalInstituteOfOceanographyandFisheri...  相似文献   
东风矿床主要赋存于坡头青主断裂下盘的蚀变带中。在野外地质工作的基础上,运用数学地质分析方法,系统研究了构造叠加晕的特征,建立了构造叠加晕的理想模式。矿区构造叠加晕分析结果显示,金矿成矿具有多期、多阶段的特征,通过研究该区原生晕轴向分带特征,识别出不同成矿阶段所形成的矿体(晕)在空间上具有前尾晕共存的叠加结构,该结构是深部盲矿预测的重要依据。  相似文献   
Metal leaching from metallurgical wastes (slags) by means of environmentally friendly approaches is promising for practical applications. The goal of this study was to compare the feasibility of metal bioleaching from Cu slags by means of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Two size particles (<0.3 mm and 1–2 mm) of two types of Cu slags (massive crystalline slag and granulated amorphous slag) were used to study metal (Cu, Zn and Fe) bioleaching. The 40-days bioleaching experiments with P. fluorescens began at circumneutral pH (7.0), whereas the experiments with A. thiooxidans were started under acidic (pH 2.5) conditions. The results demonstrated that A. thiooxidans catalyzes metal leaching from both slag types investigated. After 21 days of incubation, optimal leaching was achieved and up to 79% Cu, 76% Zn and 45% Fe could be extracted from crystalline slag under conditions of 1 wt.% pulp density and particle size <0.3 mm. The optimal efficiency achieved with amorphous slag was 81% Cu, 79% Zn and 22% Fe when 1% pulp density and 1–2 mm particle size were used. The use of P. fluorescens resulted in poor leaching efficiencies as compared to the performance of A. thiooxidans, presumably due to the higher pH conditions maintained during the P. fluorescens incubations. The maximum metal leaching efficiencies with P. fluorescens were achieved at 1% pulp density and particle size <0.3 mm and did not exceed 10% Cu, 4% Zn, 0.3% Fe for crystalline slag and 4% Cu, 3% Zn, 0.7% Fe for amorphous slag. Both slags exhibited a good potential for bioleaching with A. thiooxidans, however; further optimization of the process parameters (e.g. pulp density, particle size and pH) is needed to improve the efficiency.  相似文献   
Tsushima Island is one of the oldest zinc-lead mining areas in Japan. River water and sediment samples were collected mainly from Taishu area to determine the contamination level of Zn and to clarify its behaviour in the natural system. Among the water samples analysed, 64% exceeded the standard environmental limit of 0.03 µg ml− 1 for Zn. In most cases, Zn concentration in sediment samples also exceeded the standard value, and the concentration varied from 86.75–7490.07 µg g− 1. The mineralogical constituents in sediments were almost similar and quartz had the strongest peak, but the interior part of the ores had many minerals, with galena having the highest proportion. Considering the enrichment factor values (EFc), 12 samples have values of more than 50, indicating a high pollution load for Zn. This study revealed that the sulphide ores, and contaminated sediments, are the possible contamination sources of Shiine River, and Zn dissolution occurred by reactions, such as desorption and ion exchange.  相似文献   
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