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The activities of 210Po and 210Pb were determined in commonly consumed seafoods to evaluate the internal exposure and risk to humans residing Kudankulam coast where a mega nuclear power plant is under construction. The concentration of 210Po in seafoods ranged from 1.2 ± 0.7 to 248 ± 8.1 Bq kg−1. Meanwhile, 210Pb ranged between 1.1 ± 0.05 and 14.8 ± 1.6 Bq kg−1. The committed effective dose (CED) due to 210Po and 210Pb varied from 11.04 to 515.6 and 3.93 to 23.5 μSv yr−1, respectively. The lifetime cancer risk for the public due to 210Po was in the range of 3.47 × 10−5-1.62 × 10−3 and it was 4.03 × 10−5-1.96 × 10−4 due to 210Pb. The activity intake, effective dose and cancer risk was found lesser than international guidelines and the seafood intake was considered to be safe for human consumption.  相似文献   
The Jidetun deposit is a large porphyry Mo deposit that is located in central Jilin Province, northeast China. The Mo mineralization occurs mainly at the edge of porphyritic granodiorite, as well as the adjacent monzogranite. Field investigations, cross-cutting relationships, and mineral paragenetic associations indicate four stages of hydrothermal activity. To determine the relationships between mineralization and associated magmatism, and better understand the metallogenic processes in ore district, we have undertaken a series of studies incluiding molybdenite Re–Os and zircon U–Pb geochronology, fluid inclusions microthermometry, and C–H–O–S–Pb isotope compositions. The molybdenite Re–Os dating yielded a well-defined isochron age of 168.9 ± 1.9 Ma (MSWD = 0.34) that is similar to the weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 173.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8) obtained from zircons from the porphyritic granodiorite. The results lead to the conclusion that Mo mineralization, occurred in the Middle Jurassic (168.9 ± 1.9 Ma), was spatially, temporally, and genetically related to the porphyritic granodiorite (173.5 ± 1.5 Ma) rather than the older monzogranite (180.1 ± 0.6 Ma). Fluid inclusion and stable (C–H–O) isotope data indicate that the initial H2O–NaCl fluids of mineralization stage I were of high-temperature and high-salinity affinity and exsolved from the granodiorite magma as a result of cooling and fractional crystallization. The fluids then evolved during mineralization stage II into immiscible H2O–CO2–NaCl fluids that facilitated the transport of metals (Mo, Cu, and Fe) and their separation from the ore-bearing magmas due to the influx of abundant external CO2 and heated meteoric water. Subsequently, during mineralization stage III and IV, increase of pH in residual ore-forming fluids on account of CO2 escape, and continuous decrease of ore-forming temperatures caused by the large accession of the meteoric water into the fluid system, reduced solubility and stability of metal clathrates, thus facilitating the deposition of polymetallic sulfides.  相似文献   
西藏谢通门县德新铅锌矿地质特征及找矿标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德新铅锌矿位于西藏自治区谢通门县,地处西藏冈底斯Cu、Mo、Pb、Zn、Au、Fe成矿带中段。矿体主要赋存于岩浆岩与第三系火山岩的接触带,地层、岩浆岩控制了矿体的总体展布方向和空间位置。早期东西向构造对成矿起了导矿作用,晚期近南北向、北西、北东向构造是主要的容矿、储矿构造。属标准的地层、构造、岩浆岩"三位一体"的成矿模式。矿床成因可能属火山隐爆角砾岩型。本文提出了区内8条找矿标志。  相似文献   
扎兰屯地区位于二连 贺根山 黑河构造带中段,区内发育韧性变形叠加的晚古生代早期花岗岩类。本文在详尽的野外地质调查基础上,对该套花岗岩类的锆石U- Pb年代学和地球化学进行系统分析,研究其成岩年代序列,探讨岩石成因及构造背景,厘定韧性构造叠加的时限,进一步揭示扎兰屯地区额尔古纳 兴安地块和松嫩地块的拼合过程,为兴蒙造山带的区域构造演化研究提供新材料。大量年代学研究显示,扎兰屯地区晚古生代早期花岗质岩浆作用发生于405~325Ma之间,该作用可进一步细化为早中泥盆世(Ⅰ期、405~380Ma)、晚泥盆世—早石炭世初(Ⅱ期、365~350Ma)和早石炭世晚期(Ⅲ期335~325Ma)等3期。其中Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期花岗岩类属高钾—钾玄质钙碱性、准铝质—弱过铝质花岗岩类,可能为俯冲背景下岛弧岩浆活动形成的I型 分异I型花岗岩;Ⅲ期花岗岩类属中—高钾钙碱性、准铝质—弱过铝质花岗岩类,可能为后碰撞背景下岩浆活动形成的分异I型- A型花岗岩。该套花岗岩类普遍叠加韧性变形,可能为碰撞后侧向逃逸作用的产物,变形时限为晚石炭世末—早二叠世(308~290Ma)。大兴安岭北段晚古生代早期花岗质岩浆作用与额尔古纳 兴安地块和松嫩地块的碰撞拼合作用有关,扎兰屯地区二者的碰撞拼合时限可能为早石炭世中期。  相似文献   
杭州湾南岸潮滩的~(210)Pb分布及其沉积学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州湾南岸潮滩的~(210)Pb垂向分布具有随深度波动的特征。湖滩颗粒物在吸附模拟系统中的~(210)Pb分配系数,主要受颗粒物含量的影响。本文从潮滩沉积~(210)Pb初始比度在低于平衡点一侧波动的机理,以及被沉积间断所分隔的有效封闭段的存在出发,提出选择常态沉积层的高~(210)Pb比度窗口,建立以CIC模式估计潮滩沉积速率的方法。  相似文献   
The Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) has commonly been treated as a large coherently deforming high‐grade tectonic package, exhumed primarily by simultaneous thrust‐ and normal‐sense shearing on its bounding structures and erosion along its frontal exposure. A new paradigm, developed over the past decade, suggests that the GHS is not a single high‐grade lithotectonic unit, but consists of in‐sequence thrust sheets. In this study, we examine this concept in central Nepal by integrating temperaturetime (T–t) paths, based on coupled Zr‐in‐titanite thermometry and U–Pb geochronology for upper GHS calcsilicates, with traditional thermobarometry, textural relationships and field mapping. Peak Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures are 760–850°C at 10–13 kbar, and U–Pb ages of titanite range from c. 30 to c. 15 Ma. Sector zoning of Zr and distribution of U–Pb ages within titanite suggest that diffusion rates of Zr and Pb are slower than experimentally determined rates, and these systems remain unaffected into the lower granulite facies. Two types of T–t paths occur across the Chame Shear Zone (CSZ). Between c. 25 and 17–16 Ma, hangingwall rocks cool at rates of 1–10°C/Ma, while footwall rocks heat at rates of 1–10°C/Ma. Over the same interval, temperatures increase structurally upwards through the hangingwall, but by 17–16 Ma temperatures converge. In contrast, temperatures decrease upwards in footwall rocks at all times. While the footwall is interpreted as an intact, structurally upright section, the thermometric inversion within the hangingwall suggests thrusting of hotter rocks over colder from c. 25 to c. 17–16 Ma. Retrograde hydration that is restricted to the hangingwall, and a lithological repetition of orthogneiss are consistent with thrust‐sense shear on the CSZ. The CSZ is structurally higher than previously identified intra‐GHS thrusts in central Nepal, and thrusting duration was 3–6 Ma longer than proposed for other intra‐GHS thrusts in this region. Cooling rates for both the hangingwall and footwall of the CSZ are comparable to or faster than rates for other intra‐GHS thrust sheets in Nepal. The overlap in high‐T titanite U–Pb ages and previously published muscovite 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages imply cooling rates for the hangingwall of ≥200°C/Ma after thrusting. Causes of rapid cooling include passive exhumation driven by a combination of duplexing in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence, and juxtaposition of cooler rocks on top of the GHS by the STDS. Normal‐sense displacement does not appear to affect T–t paths for rocks immediately below the STDS prior to 17–16 Ma.  相似文献   
Voluminous granitic intrusions are distributed in the West Junggar, NW China, and they can be classified as the dioritic rocks, charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite groups. The dioritic rocks (SiO2 = 50.4–63.8 wt.%) are calc-alkaline and Mg enriched (average MgO = 4.54 wt.%, Mg# = 0.39–0.64), with high Sr/Y ratios (average = 21.2), weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.80) and pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Their Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7035–0.7042, εNd(t) = 4.5–7.9, εHf(t) = 14.1–14.5) show a depleted mantle-like signature. These features are compatible with adakites derived from partial melting of subducted oceanic crust that interacted with mantle materials. The charnockites (SiO2 = 60.0–65.3 wt.%) show transitional geochemical characteristics from calc-alkaline to alkaline, with weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.75) but pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7037–0.7039, εNd(t) = 5.2–8.0, εHf(t) = 13.9–14.7) also indicate a depleted source, suggesting melts from a hot, juvenile lower crust. Alkali-feldspar granites (SiO2 = 70.0–78.4 wt.%) are alkali and Fe-enriched, and have distinct negative Eu and Nb–Ta anomalies (average Eu/Eu = 0.26), low Sr/Y ratios (average = 2.11), and depleted Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7024–0.7045, εNd(t) = 5.1–8.9, εHf(t) = 13.7–14.2). These characteristics are also comparable with those of rocks derived from juvenile lower crust. Despite of the differences in petrology, geochemistry and possibly different origins, zircon ages indicate that these three groups of rocks were coevally emplaced at ~ 305 Ma.A ridge subduction model can account for the geochemical characteristics of these granitoids and coeval mafic rocks. As the “slab window” opened, upwelling asthenosphere provided enhanced heat flux and triggered voluminous magmatisms: partial melting of the subducting slab formed the dioritic rocks; partial melting of the hot juvenile lower crust produced charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite, and partial melting in the mantle wedge generated mafic rocks in the region. These results suggest that subduction was ongoing in the Late Carboniferous and, thus support that the accretion and collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt took place in North Xinjiang after 305 Ma, and possibly in the Permian.  相似文献   
The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic Langjiexue Group, which lies immediately south of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture Zone in the Shannan area of southeastern Tibet, represents an important part of the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS). Its provenance and palaeogeography have been the subject of debate. We present new data on petrographic composition, whole-rock geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology to constrain the provenance of the Langjiexue Group. The dominance of quartz grains and felsic volcanic lithic fragments suggests that the sandstones are litho-quartzose. The trace element geochemical signatures (V–Ni–Th*10, Co/Th–La/Sc, Eu/Eu*–Th/Sc) suggest derivation from felsic igneous sources. The detrital zircon age spectra display three major peaks: a Meso-to-Neoproterozoic peak (1200–900 Ma, 7–18%), a Neoproterozoic-to-Late Cambrian peak (750–500 Ma, 32–65%), and a Late Carboniferous-to-Late Triassic peak (300–200 Ma, 11–33%). The maximum depositional age of early Carnian (236–235 Ma) is obtained by calculating weighted average ages of the youngest zircons (≤250 Ma). The youngest age cluster (300–200 Ma) is incompatible with sources from neighbouring terranes, including the South Qiangtang terrane, Lhasa terrane, THS, and Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Correlations of the Permian–Triassic zircons with those of time-equivalent strata in northwest Australia, west Burma, and the Banda Arc unveil a potential connection to the Tasmanides along the convergent margin of eastern Australia. The New England Orogen (300–230 Ma) could have supplied the Langjiexue Group with magmatic materials via continent-scale drainage systems or a submarine fan complex. This scenario provides a new perspective into the transport of detritus from distal orogens to sedimentary basins thousands of kilometres away.  相似文献   
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