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A suite of 27 short cores, 10 of which have been used for magnetic measurements and four for radiometric dating, provides a framework for reconstructing the processes, patterns and rates of sedimentation in Ponsonby Tarn, a small artificial impoundment created towards the end of the 19th century, close to the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in NW England. Spatial and temporal changes in sedimentation are reconstructed and evidence presented for non-synchroneity in magnetic property changes from core to core in the upper part of the sequence, as a result of sorting and selective deposition at different distances from the inflow to the Tarn. Magnetic measurements alone are therefore not a secure basis upon which to quantify sediment yield for defined time intervals at this site. The chronology, established mainly from 210Pb and 134Cs analyses, allows estimates of mean sediment yield per annum for four periods: prior to AD 1940, 1940–1964, 1964–1986 and 1986–1991. The rates of sediment accumulation have increased in recent times, especially since 1964, with evidence for input from both magnetically enhanced soils and gleyed alluvial and/or podsolized subsoil sources. Pre-1940 mean annual deposition within the present area of the lake is calculated as 19·5 t a−1 and for the period since 1986 (the period of maximum sedimentation rates), as 111·3 t a−1. These represent yields of 7·0 t km−2 a−1 and 39·8 t km−2 a−1, respectively, for the catchment as a whole. Rock magnetic evidence, based on measurements of both bulk samples and the finest particle size separates, suggests that bacterial magnetite, formed within the lake, contributes to the magnetic properties of the sediments, thus modifying the signatures relating to allochthonous sediment input. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
铁矿石中Cr、As、Cd、Hg和Pb不仅影响冶炼设备和产品性能,同时污染环境。文章以铁矿石标准物质为研究对象,对电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定铁矿石中Cd、As、Cr、Hg和Pb等5种元素进行了适用性探讨。结果表明,与常规的单元素原子吸收光谱法或多元素同步分析电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法相比,用微波消解方法处理铁矿石,具有样品消耗量少(0.1000±0.0200)g、消解用酸少(2.5 mL HCl+0.5 mL HF+1.0 mL HNO3)、排放降低、节约成本等优点,且无需配制铁底液,无需添加任何掩蔽剂,质谱干扰小,适用于分析Cr含量为5.5×10-10~2.5×10-4,As含量为7.6×10-10~1.9×10-4,Cd含量为4.5×10-11~5.5×10-6,Hg含量为1.88×10-9~1.9×10-7,Pb含量为1.2×10-10~3.2×10-5的铁矿石样品。优化后的前处理方法节约了能源、试剂和样品消耗,降低了二次污染和有效损失。  相似文献   
松潘-甘孜造山带是青藏高原东北部的重要组成单元,是华北板块、扬子板块和羌塘块体的主要汇聚地区,主要由中生代浅变质沉积地层和一系列岩浆岩组成,记录了印支期以来块体之间的收敛汇聚等构造活动。其中,雅江残余盆地发育一套厚度巨大的中生代碎屑岩和岩浆岩地层组合,是研究松潘-甘孜造山带地质构造演化的理想地区之一。本文对川西甲基卡地区侏倭组的样品进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测试,碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄存在四个峰值,分别为231~281Ma、424~502Ma、707~983Ma、1539~1850Ma,表明扬子克拉通西缘及松潘甘孜造山带南部至少经历了四期强烈的构造—岩浆热事件,这四期事件在三叠系沉积地层中有非常清楚的记录。231~281Ma的锆石来自东昆仑,这一年龄段的锆石最可能来自北部晚二叠世松潘洋向北俯冲于华北板块之下所形成的东昆仑岛弧花岗岩。424~502Ma的锆石来自北秦岭,代表了加里东期南秦岭与北秦岭和华北板块的拼合事件。722~983Ma的锆石来自扬子板块,这一年龄段的锆石最可能来自盆地东部新元古界拉伸系上扬子克拉通盆地向北西俯冲于华北板块之下所形成的南秦岭花岗岩,形成于...  相似文献   
The Variscan orogenesis in Europe peaked during the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous times when Gondwanan terranes collided with Laurasia. Hitherto it has been thought that Carboniferous tectonics in northern Arabia and the adjacent parts of NE Africa were broad swells (‘arches’) and depressions (‘basins’) that formed as a far-field contractional effect of the Variscan compression. The discovery of a 351 ± 3 Ma (U–Pb in zircon) within-plate felsic volcanism in the Helez borehole, southern coastal Israel, suggests that the Levant Arch is, instead, extensional in origin. Felsic volcanism was associated with gabbro underplating of the crust, an extreme (~50°C/km) crustal thermal gradient, major uplift, and truncation of the ≥2.5 km section. Taken together with the recent discovery of the ~340 Ma oceanic crust in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Levant Arch is interpreted as an uplifted shoulder of a rift, preceding ocean spreading.  相似文献   
The Huaheitan molybdenum deposit in the Beishan area of northwest China consists of quartz‐sulfide veins. Orebodies occur in the contact zone of the Huaniushan granite. LA‐ICPMS U–Pb zircon dating constrains the crystallization of the granite at 225.6 ± 2.2 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 4.5). Re–Os dating of five molybdenite samples yield model ages ranging from 223.2 ± 3.5 Ma to 228.6 ± 3.4 Ma, with an average of 225.2 ± 2.4 Ma. The U–Pb and Re–Os ages are identical within the error, suggesting that the granite and related Huaheitan molybdenum deposit formed in the Late Triassic. Our new data, combined with published geochronological results from the other molybdenum deposits in this region, imply that intensive magmatism and Mo mineralization occurred during 240 Ma to 220 Ma throughout the Beishan area.  相似文献   
大巴山构造带位于秦岭造山带和扬子板块的过渡部位,形成于印支-燕山期,定型于喜山期。前人对北大巴山地区基性岩年代学已有研究,但对大巴山南部地区基性岩却很少高精度年龄报道。本文对大巴山南部房县东河地区的辉绿玢岩脉进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄测定,结果表明,东河辉绿玢岩形成于439.3Ma,相当于早志留世。与北大巴山镇坪地区辉绿岩,紫阳-岚皋地区基性岩及火山岩形成时代基本一致。结合前人的研究结果表明,大巴山南部地区在早志留世处于张裂状态,东河地区的基性岩为岩石圈处于拉张状态下大陆裂谷作用产物。此处439.3Ma的年龄值,也说明此时扬子板块北缘普遍处于拉张的构造环境,代表了在早志留世大巴山南部裂谷盆地的伸展裂陷幅度达到最大。本次研究所获得的年龄数据,确定了围岩竹山组形成不晚于早志留世,限定地层时代为寒武纪-奥陶纪。  相似文献   
铅是污染人类环境,损害人体健康的有害元素。环境中的铅(空气、粮食、餐具、涂料、油漆、化妆品等)通过皮肤、消化道、呼吸道进行血液。通过血铅的测定,并结合生理、生化、临床等其它指标,可用于临床诊断或辅助诊断。  相似文献   
The South Auckland Volcanic Field is a Pleistocene (1·59–0·51Ma) basaltic intraplate, monogenetic field situated south ofAuckland City, North Island, New Zealand. Two groups of basaltsare distinguished based on mineralogy and geochemical compositions,but no temporal or spatial patterns exist in the distributionof various lava types forming each group within the field: GroupA basalts are silica-undersaturated transitional to quartz-tholeiiticbasalts with relatively low total alkalis (3·0–4·6wt %), Nb (7–29 ppm), and (La/Yb)N (3·4–7·6);Group B basalts are strongly silica-undersaturated basanitesto nepheline-hawaiites with high total alkalis (3·3–7·9wt %), Nb (32–102 ppm), and (La/Yb)N (12–47). GroupA has slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr, similar Nd, and lower 206Pb/204Pbvalues compared with Group B. Contrasting geochemical trendsand incompatible element ratios (e.g. K/Nb, Zr/Nb, Ce/Pb) areconsistent with separate evolution of Groups A and B from dissimilarparental magmas derived from distinct sub-continental lithosphericmantle sources. Differentiation within each group was controlledby olivine and clinopyroxene fractionation. Group B magmas weregenerated by <8% melting of an ocean island basalt (OIB)-likegarnet peridotite source with high 238U/204Pb mantle (HIMU)and enriched mantle (EMII) characteristics possibly inheritedfrom recycled oceanic crust. Group A magmas were generated by<12% melting of a spinel peridotite source also with HIMUand EMII signatures. This source type may have resulted fromsubduction-related metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheremodified by a HIMU plume. These events were associated withMesozoic or earlier subduction- and plume-related magmatismwhen New Zealand was at the eastern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent. KEY WORDS: continental intraplate basalts; geochemistry; HIMU, EMII; Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes; South Auckland; sub-continental lithospheric sources  相似文献   
形成于印支期的大别造山带和周缘中生代盆地构成了一级源汇系统,其中位于造山带北缘的合肥盆地中生代地层发育,且以盆地南缘出露最好,这为盆山源汇系统研究提供了理想的沉积记录。笔者从合肥盆地南缘采集了10个砂岩样品和1个砾岩样品,进行锆石U/Pb (LA-ICP-MS)定年分析,获得了742个有效年龄(置信度不小于85%),范围为113±3. 6-2983 Ma。这些碎屑锆石年龄谱可以被分为5个年龄段:113-137 Ma,峰值131 Ma; 184-273 Ma,峰值226 Ma; 274-517. 3 Ma,具有2个峰值280 Ma和474 Ma; 532-856. 6 Ma,具有3个峰值572 Ma、649 Ma和772 Ma; 1786-2600 Ma,具有2个峰值2035 Ma和2506 Ma。同时,总结了物源区大别造山带不同单元锆石U-Pb年龄特征。根据锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值,发现这5个年龄段比较准确地记录了物源区地质体,分别是早白垩世的岩浆岩、大别山高压—超高压变质岩、北淮阳的浅变质岩、北大别的正片麻岩和卢镇关群变质岩。根据锆石最小年龄,修正了合肥盆地南缘中生代地层格架,为源汇系统研究确立了时间框架。合肥盆地南缘中生代沉积可以分为4个演化阶段:晚三叠世瑞替期—早侏罗世辛涅缪斯期、中—晚侏罗世、早白垩世早期和早白垩世晚期,并据此确定了每个阶段主要物源区特征及其时空变化。碎屑锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值限定了大别造山带仅存在三叠纪的超高压变质作用,且超高压变质岩折返到地表的最早时间是晚三叠世瑞替期,大别造山带大陆岛弧发育的时间是新元古代。上述研究结果不仅为恢复大别造山带构造古地理做出了新的贡献,而且更为盆山源汇系统研究提供了一个实例。  相似文献   
庐枞盆地是长江中下游成矿带中的重要铁(铜)矿集区,盆地内闪长玢岩与成矿作用关系密切,但目前对庐枞盆地内闪长玢岩地球化学特征及形成时代的认识仍存在争议。本文分析了庐枞盆地内闪长玢岩的主量元素、微量元素、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成特征,并利用LA-ICP MS对盆地内泥河铁矿及汪庄铜矿深部的闪长玢岩样品进行了锆石U-Pb定年。泥河铁矿深部两块闪长玢岩样品中锆石的206 Pb/238 U加权平均年龄分别为138±1.4Ma及134.5±1.8Ma,而汪庄铜矿三块样品锆石U-Pb定年结果分别为133.9±1.9Ma、137.5±1.6Ma及135.8±2.2Ma。研究结果显示庐枞盆地内闪长质岩浆活动的开始于138 Ma左右,并可能一直持续到约134Ma。而庐枞盆地内这期较早的岩浆活动可能与周边隆起区(铜陵)约140~145Ma的岩浆活动类似,同时与区内早白垩世成矿作用密切相关,对于在庐枞盆地开展深部找矿具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
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