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卤水中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)会对盐田日晒工艺和产品质量产生不利影响,如盐田卤水的蒸发速率减缓、蒸发度减小以及提取的矿物产品带有刺鼻的气味、浓重的颜色等。因此,对具有资源开发利用价值的卤水体系中DOM结构和性质的研究可以为后续DOM的有效去除或在DOM共存体系中调控无机盐结晶工艺路线提供有效的指导意见。本文以自然界中广泛存在的两种不同类型的卤水体系,即盐湖卤水DOM(SLDOM)和油田卤水DOM(OFDOM)为研究对象,采用溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)分析、光谱学分析和平行因子分析等手段对DOM的含量、分子量分布特征、光谱学结构和光降解行为开展了研究。DOC和荧光分析表明SLDOM和OFDOM的DOC含量和生物指数(BIX)值相似;与OFDOM相比,SLDOM的腐质化指数(HIX)值和高分子量组分(HMW)比例偏高;特别吸收光谱(SUVA254)和糖类化合物含量检测结果表明,SLDOM和OFDOM的HMW组分中含有的芳香类和糖类化合物所占比例比低分子量组分(LMW)高;三维荧光谱图分析(EEM)结果表明,SLDOM主要以腐殖质类物质为主,而OFDOM以蛋白质类组分为主。此外,DOM的荧光组分在不同分子量中的分布也存在明显差异:对于SLDOM,富里酸主要分布在HMW DOM中,而腐殖酸主要在LMW DOM中;对于OFDOM,芳香胺类蛋白组分主要分布在HMW DOM中,色氨酸和酪氨酸类蛋白组分主要分布在LMM DOM中。在光降解实验中,SLDOM和OFDOM的DOC含量随光照时间增加而逐渐减少,分别下降了29.32%和15.11%。进一步的分析表明,光照过程中两种卤水中糖类化合物均减少,小分子量的DOM优先分解。此外,在光照过程中SLDOM芳香类化合物增加,腐质化程度基本不变;OFDOM芳香类化合物减少,腐质化程度增加。EEM平行因子分析(PARAFAC)结果表明,SLDOM荧光组分在光降解过程中荧光强度增加,而OFDOM荧光强度减少。  相似文献   
Nine surface sediments collected from Daya Bay have been Soxhlet-extracted with 2:1 (v/v) dichloromethane-methanol. The non-aromatic hydrocarbon (NAH) fraction of solvent extractable organic matter (EOM) and some bulk geochemical parameters have been analyzed to determine petroleum pollution of the bay. The NAH content varies from 32 to 276 μg g−1 (average 104 μg g−1) dry sediment and accounts for 5.8–64.1% (average 41.6%) of the EOM. n-Alkanes with carbon number ranging from 15 to 35 are identified to be derived from both biogenic and petrogenic sources in varying proportions. The contribution of marine authigenic input to the sedimentary n-alkanes is lower than the allochthonous input based on the average n-C31/n-C19 alkane ratio. 25.6–46.5% of the n-alkanes, with a mean of 35.6%, are contributed by vascular plant wax. Results of unresolved complex mixture, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, hopanes and steranes also suggest possible petroleum contamination. There is strong evidence of a common petroleum contamination source in the bay.  相似文献   
Sea lochs are zones of rapid organic matter (OM) turnover. Most of this OM is of allochthonous origin, being introduced into the lochs via freshwater input. In this study the behaviour of terrestrially derived OM was elucidated using a combination of parameters which indicate OM diagenesis in the near surface sediments from two Scottish sea lochs, Loch Creran and Loch Etive. Alkaline CuO oxidation was used to determine lignin phenols which serve as biomarkers for terrestrial OM in sediments. Stable carbon isotope, total carbon and nitrogen and total OM (including the labile and refractory fractions) compositions were also determined.  相似文献   
中国北方干旱/半干旱区是全球主要的沙尘源区之一,风蚀造成的沙尘排放可导致大量的土壤有机质(SOM)与养分流失,并通过传输与沉降过程对其进行空间再分配,对空气质量、气候变化、植被生长及生物地球化学过程等具有重要影响。本文利用WRF/Chem(Weather Research Forecasting with Chemistry)v3.7.1大气化学传输模型,对1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、全氮(TN)与全磷(TP)的时空变化过程进行了精细化模拟,探究了中国北方风蚀引起的SOM、TN与TP养分流失的时空变化特征。结果表明:① 1980—2015年来平均每年约有66.59 Tg的沙尘颗粒排放至大气;② 沙尘排放具有较大的时空差异,沙尘排放源区主要集中在新疆东部、内蒙古西部的巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠等地区;③ 每年因沙尘排放引起的SOM、TN和TP流失量分别约为0.07 Tg、0.004 Tg和0.005 Tg;④ 1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、TN与TP的流失量具有较强的年际波动,未呈现显著的趋势性变化特征。本研究对于认知风蚀在碳循环与养分循环过程中的作用,以及对深入了解中国北方的土地退化机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
静止轨道海洋水色成像仪(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, GOCI)提供了时间分辨率达小时级的海洋水色数据,使得对海洋环境的逐时变化监测成为可能。然而受到海洋上空云、雾和霾的影响,数据出现连续高缺失率甚至完全缺失的情况,使得数据使用价值大大降低。在经验正交函数重构法(Data INterpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions, DINEOF)的基础上,突出时间要素在重构中的地位,运用异常像元检测、拉普拉斯平滑滤波和时间模态2次分解插值,提出了适用于静止海洋水色卫星数据的重构方法——DINEOF-G。利用此方法对杭州湾2017年的GOCI总悬浮物质量浓度数据进行重构,结果表明该方法相比经典方法在重构精度上提高了8%,数据重构率提高了36%,且重构结果较好地反映了杭州湾总悬浮物质量浓度的季节变化规律和空间分布特征。  相似文献   
Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array(ALMA) observations of CO(1–0) and CO(2–1) emissions from the circumstellar envelope of the asymptotic giant branch(AGB) star EP Aqr have been made with four times better spatial resolution than previously available. They are analysed with emphasis on the de-projection in space of the effective emissivity and flux of matter using as input a prescribed configuration of the velocity field, assumed to be radial. The data are found to display an intrinsic axisymmetry with respect to an axis making a small angle with respect to the line of sight. A broad range of wind configurations, from prolate(bipolar) to oblate(equatorial) has been studied and found to be accompanied by significant equatorial emission. Qualitatively, the effective emissivity is enhanced near the equator to produce the central narrow component observed in the Doppler velocity spectra and its dependence on star latitude generally follows that of the wind velocity with the exception of an omni-present depression near the poles. In particular, large equatorial expansion velocities produce a flared disc or a ring of effective emissivity and mass loss. The effect on the determination of the orientation of the star axis of radial velocity gradients, and possibly competing rotation and expansion in the equatorial disc, is discussed. In general,the flux of matter is found to reach a broad maximum at distances of the order of 500 AU from the star.Arguments are given that may be used to favour one wind velocity distribution over another. As a result of the improved quality of the data, a deeper understanding of the constraints imposed on morphology and kinematics has been obtained.  相似文献   
陈弘 《海洋地质》2019,(1):75-81
X射线衍射法广泛应用于分析粘土矿物的含量和结晶特征,由于粘土矿物易与有机质结合形成有机-粘土复合体,是否去除有机质对分析结果有很大影响,实验结果表明影响最大的是伊-蒙混层矿物(含蒙脱石)和伊利石的含量,为得到可靠实验数据,必须重视对样品的前处理工作,对不同批次样品应该保持一致的处理程序。  相似文献   
研究降水和氮沉降对荒漠草原植物叶形态性状的影响,对于预测未来全球变化下荒漠草原植物的生态适应具有重要意义.对增减雨(±50%)和氮添加(10 g·m-2.a-1)及其交互作用对乌拉特荒漠草原区优势植物叶形态性状的影响研究结果表明:(1)沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)、碱韭(Allium polyrhizum)...  相似文献   
鄱阳湖乐安河流域水质监测优化布点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用鄱阳湖乐安河流域13个监测断面1995-2002年8年的污染指标的监测平均值作为原始数据,应用物元分析法对各监测断面进行优化.在确定最佳和最次理想点的基础上,建立标准物元矩阵和节域物元矩阵,并结合综合关联函数,选出优化点位.同时应用相关分析中的距离分析和K-均值聚类法确定各监测点所属类别.综合这三种优化结果,最终确定乐安河流域可以由传统的13个监测点位优化为9个监测点位.  相似文献   
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