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羌北地块中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道青藏高原羌北地区中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果.对采自青海省格尔木市唐古拉山乡雁石坪剖面(33.6°N, 92.1°E)11个灰岩采点(118块)和10个碎屑岩采点(99块)定向样品系统古地磁学研究表明,大部分样品的退磁曲线具有双分量特征.低温分量方向在地理坐标系下较为集中,应该为地层褶皱之后的黏滞剩磁.高温特征剩磁分量方向可分为两类:(1)索瓦组(J3s)和布曲组(J2b)灰岩,以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=355.7°,Is=42.1°,k=58.2,α95=6°)可通过99%置信度的褶皱检验.(2)雪山组(J2x)和雀莫错组(J2q)碎屑岩,以赤铁矿、磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=3.3°,Is=28.9°,k=30.7,α95=8.9°)可通过95%置信度的倒转检验和99%置信度的褶皱检验.两组分量都应该是岩石形成时的原生剩磁信息.碎屑岩组的磁倾角比灰岩组偏低13°左右,其剩磁方向很可能存在着与压实作用相关的剩磁倾角变浅的状况.本文取灰岩组平均磁化方向作为雁石坪群的原生剩磁分量,获得羌北地区雁石坪群古磁极位置:80.0°N,295.2°E(dp/dm=7.4/4.5).古地磁结果表明,羌北-昌都地区晚石炭-晚二叠世期间位于南纬中低纬度地区,早三叠世以后开始大规模北向漂移,至中-晚侏罗世已到达24.3°N.其快速北向运动主要发生在早三叠至早侏罗世期间(3500 km左右),与现今位置相比中晚侏罗世之后的北向迁移总量为900 km左右.  相似文献   
古地磁学使用的虚地磁极(VGP)是在地心偶极磁场假设下计算的,由于地球非偶极磁场的存在,VGP一般不同于真地磁极(RGP).为了定量检验非偶极磁场对VGP的影响,本文利用国际参考地磁场模型IGRF 1900~2000,在全球5°×5°的“虚拟测点”网格上计算了VGP和RGP的位置,并求出两种磁极的经纬度偏差和二者的角距离.结果表明,南极地区VGP与GP的角距离最大,可达26°,南大西洋和欧亚大陆北部最大达到24°和18°,其余地区一般小于15°.VGP对RGP的偏差与地磁场分布有关:在非偶极磁场较弱的地区(如太平洋半球),纬度偏差一般不大(≤10°),但是在主要地磁异常区(如南大西洋和南极地区),VGP对RGP的纬度偏差可达25°.VGP对RGP的经度偏差要比纬度偏差大得多,例如在欧亚大陆北部地区,经度偏差分布在-180°到180°的大范围内.  相似文献   
在辽东半岛南部震旦-寒武系界限剖面中采集了32块古地磁岩石标本。古地磁测试结果表明:①辽东半岛南部震旦系兴民村期曾出现一次极性倒转,它发生在650Ma左右,可称之为兴民村反极性期,据此,可与国外上先寒武系对比;②本区震旦-寒武系沉积地层曾经历了中纬度→低纬度→中纬度的古地理纬度区的变化历史;③初步建立了辽东半岛南部震旦-寒武系界限附近地层的视古地磁极迁移轨迹。根据古地磁测试结果,结合本区地层特征,将震旦-寒武系界限定在兴民村组与葛屯组之间,兴民村组的顶为震旦系的上限,葛屯组的底为寒武系的下限。  相似文献   
The Dmanisi site has yielded human remains and lithic industry associated with Late Pliocene-early Pleistocene fauna. The site is composed of volcanogenic sediments overlying basaltic lava flows. The lithostratigraphic sequence comprises two basic depositional units: Unit A, overlying the basalt flows, and Unit B on top. A paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic study has been carried out on 106 specimens from Units A and B and the uppermost basalt flow. The lava and Unit A provide normal polarities, while reversed polarities and anomalous directions are observed in Unit B, the latter probably due to overlapping of a secondary and a primary reversed polarity component. The lower part of the section shows a clear correlation with the Olduvai subchron, and the upper levels could be as young as 1.07 Ma. As human remains were found both in units with normal and reversed polarity, different non-contemporaneous human occupations might have been possible.  相似文献   
本文对采自华北地块南缘陕西铜川和韩城两条剖面上的晚石炭世至晚三叠世地层的650余块标本(35个采点)进行了系统的古地磁研究.经逐步热退磁处理和剩磁稳定性检验,在482块标本中获得稳定的特征剩磁分量,对其形成时代作了地质学分析后,以特征剩磁分量为基础,计算了华北地块在晚古生代到三叠纪的地磁极位置和纬度值,简单讨论该期内的运动形式.  相似文献   
We report paleomagnetic, magnetic fabric and structural results from 21 sites collected in Cretaceous marine mudstones and Paleogene continental sandstones from the limbs, hinge and transverse zones of the Zipaquira Anticline (ZA). The ZA is an asymmetrical fold with one limb completely overturned by processes like gravity and salt tectonics, and marked by several axis curvatures. The ZA is controlled by at least two (2) transverse zones known as the Neusa and Zipaquira Transverse Zones (NTZ and ZTZ, respectively). Magnetic mineralogy methods were applied at different sites and the main carriers of the magnetic properties are paramagnetic components with some sites being controlled by hematite and magnetite. Magnetic fabric analysis shows rigid-body rotation for the back-limb in the ZA, while the forelimb is subjected to internal deformation. Structural and paleomagnetic data shows the influence of the NTZ and ZTZ in the evolution of the different structures like the ZA and the Zipaquira, Carupa, Rio Guandoque, Las Margaritas and Neusa faults, controlling several factors as vergence, extension, fold axis curvature and stratigraphic detatchment. Clockwise rotations unraveled a block segmentation following a discontinuos model caused by transverse zones and one site reported a counter clockwise rotation associated with a left-lateral strike slip component for transverse faults (e.g. the Neusa Fault). We propose that diverse transverse zones have been active since Paleogene times, playing an important role in the tectonic evolution of the Cundinamarca sub-basin and controlling the structural evolution of folds and faults with block segmentation and rotations.  相似文献   
本文收集了1989年之前中朝陆块自晚石炭世至第三纪期间的古地磁极数据.应用分类过滤方法选出可靠的古地磁极,建立了中朝陆块新的视极移曲线.通过中朝陆块与扬子陆块视极移曲线的比较,对前人提出的两个陆块会聚的几种模式进行了检验.本文提出的旋转模式,对研究两陆块的会聚过程是较合理的新观点.  相似文献   
A total of 400 samples (33 sites) were collected from the earliest Cretaceous to early Late Cretaceous sandstones of the Khorat Group in the Indochina block for paleomagnetic study to unravel the tectonic evolution of the region. The sites were adopted from 3 traverses located in the northern edge of the Khorat Plateau, northeastern Thailand. Results indicate that almost all the sandstones exhibit similar magnetic values with an average declination (D) = 31.7°, inclination (I) = 30.3°, λ = 59.7°,  = 190.9°, K = 54.4, and A95 = 3.7 at reference point 17°30′N and 103°30′E. The calculated paleolatitude points are inferred to deviate from the present latitude point by 1.2 ± 2.3°. Only the lowermost part of the Cretaceous sandstones can pass a positive fold test at 95% confidence level. The relationship between the virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) of Cretaceous rocks of the Indochina plate in Thailand and those of the South China plate advocate that there is a major displacement of Indochina along the northwest-trending Red River and associated faults by about 950 ± 150 km with a 16.0–17.0° clockwise rotation relative to the South China plate during earliest Cretaceous times. Paleomagnetic results of the early Late Cretaceous Indochina plate point to a 20–25° clockwise rotation relative to the present occurring since very Late Cretaceous (65 Myrs)–Early Neogene times which may be due to the collision between India and Asia.  相似文献   
We have studied the paleomagnetism of the middle Cretaceous Iritono granite of the Abukuma massif in northeast Japan together with 40Ar–39Ar dating. Paleomagnetic samples were collected from ten sites of the Iritono granite (102 Ma 40Ar–39Ar age) and two sites of its associated gabbroic dikes. The samples were carefully subjected to alternating field and thermal demagnetizations and to rock magnetic analyses. Most of natural remanent magnetizations show mixtures of two components: (1) H component, high coercivity (Bc > 50–90 mT) or high blocking temperature (Tb > 350–560 °C) component and (2) L component, relatively low Bc or low Tb component. H component was obtained from all the 12 sites to give a mean direction of shallow inclination and northwesterly declination (I = 29.9°, D = 311.0°, α95 = 2.7°, N = 12). This direction is different from the geocentric axial dipole field at the present latitude (I = 56.5°) and the typical direction of the Cenozoic remagnetization in northeast Japan. Since rock magnetic properties indicate that the H component of the Iritono granite is carried mainly by magnetite inclusions in plagioclase, this component probably retains a primary one. Thus the shallow inclination indicates that the Abukuma massif was located at a low latitude (16.1 ± 1.6°N) about 100 Ma and then drifted northward by about 20° in latitude. The northwesterly deflection is attributed mostly to the counterclockwise rotation of northeast Japan due to Miocene opening of the Japan Sea. According to this model, the low-pressure and high-temperature (low-P/high-T) metamorphism of the Abukuma massif, which has been well known as a typical location, would have not occurred in the present location. On the other hand, the L component is carried mainly by pyrrhotite and its mean direction shows a moderate inclination and a northwesterly declination (I = 42.8°, D = 311.5°, α95 = 3.3°, N = 9). Since this direction is intermediate between the H component and early Cenozoic remagnetization in northeast Japan, some thermal event would have occurred at lower temperature than pyrrhotite Curie point ( 320 °C) during the middle Cretaceous to early Cenozoic time to have resulted in partial remagnetization.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetism (18 sites, 231 specimens) of Lower Carboniferous carbonates in Northern Ireland reveals three characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) components. Six sites from Brigantian limestones have a Middle Triassic (239 ± 7 Ma) secondary chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) in hematite, likely from alteration of the limestones by oxidizing meteoric fluids when continental red beds were deposited immediately above. Twelve sites from early Asbian limestones retain ChRM directions residing in pyrrhotite and magnetite. Their paleopoles are statistically indistinct, but suggest that the pyrrhotite remanence (326 ± 4 Ma) is about a million years younger than the magnetite remanence (327 ± 3 Ma). More importantly, the primary ChRM in these limestones was reset 3 or 4 Ma after deposition, probably by fluids involved in their diagenesis, giving secondary CRMs that are 8 Ma younger than those observed in the Lower Carboniferous carbonates that host the Navan Zn–Pb deposit in the Irish Midlands, suggesting two unrelated fluid histories.  相似文献   
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