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为进一步研究帕米尔东北缘晚新生代演化特征,在塔里木盆地西部英吉沙背斜上新世地层中采集了11个采点共111块古地磁样品.对样品进行系统热退磁测定,揭示了一组高温特征剩磁分量,获得了采样剖面的上新世古地磁极.特征剩磁方向为:Dg=342.4°,Ig= 59.2°,κg=32.3,α95=8.6°; Ds=352.4°,Is=49.9°,κs=59.1,α95=6.3°,相对应的古地磁极位置为:79.7°N,295.9°E,dp=5.6°,dm=8.4°,α95=6.9°.这一高温分量通过了倒转检验,代表了研究区上新世时期的原生特征剩磁.通过对英吉沙背斜周缘断裂及形成的大地构造背景分析,结合其地貌特征、GPS数据,认为英吉沙背斜在开始形成至今经历了明显的逆时针构造旋转,该旋转同晚新生代以来帕米尔东北缘喀什凹陷发生刚性构造旋转运动有着密切的关系.  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar ages and paleomagnetic correlations using characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) show that two main ignimbrite sheets were deposited at 4.86 ± 0.07 Ma (La Joya Ignimbrite: LJI) and at 1.63 ± 0.07 Ma (Arequipa Airport Ignimbrite: AAI) in the Arequipa area, southern Peru. The AAI is a 20–100 m-thick ignimbrite that fills in the Arequipa depression to the west of the city of Arequipa. The AAI is made up of two cooling units: an underlying white unit and an overlying weakly consolidated pink unit. Radiometric data provide the same age for the two units. As both units record exactly the same well-defined paleomagnetic direction (16 sites in the white unit of AAI: Dec = 173.7; Inc = 31.2; α95 = 0.7; k = 2749; and 10 sites in the pink unit of AAI; Dec = 173.6; Inc = 30.3; α95 = 1.2; k = 1634), showing no evidence of secular variation, the time gap between emplacement of the two units is unlikely to exceed a few years. The >50 m thick well-consolidated white underlying unit of the Arequipa airport ignimbrite provides a very specific magnetic zonation with low magnetic susceptibilities, high coercivities and unblocking temperatures of NRM above 580°C indicating a Ti-poor titanohematite signature. The Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) is strongly enhanced in this layer with anisotropy values up to 1.25. The fabric delineated by AMS was not recognized neither in the field nor in thin sections, because most of the AAI consists in a massive and isotrope deposit with no visible textural fabric. Pumices deformation due to welding is only observed at the base of the thickest sections. AMS within the AAI ignimbrite show a very well defined pattern of apparent imbrications correlated to the paleotopography, with planes of foliation and lineation dipping often at more than 20° toward the expected vent, buried beneath the Nevado Chachani volcanic complex. In contrast with the relatively small extent of the thick AAI, the La Joya ignimbrite covers large areas from the Altipano down the Piedmont. Ti-poor titanomagnetites are the dominant magnetic carriers and AMS values are generally lower than 1.05. Magnetic foliations are sub horizontal and lineations directions are scattered in the LJI. The AMS fabrics are probably controlled by post-depositional compaction and welding of the deposit rather than transport dynamics. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
美国TSD-1型热退磁仪本身不能用于地磁场古强度的研究,为了克服这一缺点,作者改进了该仪器.利用改进后的TSD-1仪可获得可靠的古强度,而且这一改进具有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
New Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt in the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane yield stable and consistent remanent directions. The Late Cretaceous (86–81 Ma) ignimbrites from the Kholchan and Ola suites were sampled at 19 sites in the Magadan area (60.4° N, 151.0° E). We isolated the characteristic paleomagnetic directions from 16 sampled sites using an alternating field demagnetization procedure. The primary nature of these directions is ascertained by dual polarities and positive fold tests. A tilt-corrected mean direction (D = 42.8°, I = 84.7°, k = 46.0, α95 = 10.0°) yields a paleomagnetic pole of 66.7° N, 168.5° E (A95 = 18.8°) which appears almost identical to the 90–67 Ma pole reported from the Lake El’gygytgyn area of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt (Chukotka Terrane). This consistency suggests that the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane and Chukotka Terrane has acted as a single tectonic unit since 80 Ma without any significant internal deformation. Accordingly, we calculate a combined 80 Ma characteristic paleomagnetic pole (Long. = 164.7° E, Lat. = 68.0°, A95 = 10.9°, N = 12) for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block which falls 16.5–17.5° south of the same age poles from Europe and East Asia. We ascribe this discrepancy in pole positions to tectonic activity in the area and infer a southward displacement of 1640 ± 1380 km for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block with respect to the North American and Eurasian blocks since 80 Ma; more than 260 km of it is attributed to tectonic displacement in the Arctic Ocean due to the opening of the Canadian Basin.  相似文献   

晚更新世以来以一系列地磁漂移事件是区域地层对比和确定沉积物年代框架的重要工具.但是在海相沉积物中,识别这些地磁漂移事件多依赖相对磁场强度(RPI)的变化,在地磁方向异常方面鲜有报到,从而影响对这些事件可靠性的讨论.本文选择南海南部巽他陆架附近重力活塞钻孔BKAS2PC的沉积物,进行系统的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得该钻孔沉积记录的RPI和磁倾角变化信息.岩石磁学及扫描电镜结果表明沉积物的原生主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)和假单畴(PSD)钛磁铁矿.在一些层位,沉积后发生的还原作用形成胶黄铁矿等铁硫化物.磁性矿物的浓度和粒度等参数呈现显著的两阶段变化特征,上部(约220 cm以上)含量低而粒度细,下部含量高但粒度相对较粗,整体上均在一个数量级范围内波动.样品的交变退磁特征显示当交变场超过60 mT时,受胶黄铁矿影响产生旋转磁化,剩磁强度反而上升.因此,在20~60 mT之间确定原生特征剩磁,并把RPI定义为NRM(20-40)mT/ARM(20-40)mT.通过14C限定,并与其他有良好年代控制的相对磁场强度曲线进行对比,建立了钻孔的年代框架.结果显示,钻孔沉积物记录了几次显著的地磁漂移事件,这为联合应用RPI与磁场方向异常构建海相沉积物年代学框架提供了新的依据.

曹勇  孙知明  刘栋梁  张蕾  叶小舟  郑勇  何祥丽 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3989-3998
通过对青藏高原拉萨地块北缘尼玛县城附近晚白垩世红层8个采点的系统古地磁测定,获得了研究区晚白垩世可靠的古地磁数据。通过系统热退磁获得了采样剖面高温特征剩磁方向平均值为:Dg=9.9°,Ig=5.5°,κg=30.3,α95=10.2°,N=8(地理坐标下);D_s=8.2°,I_s=27.4°,κs=37.6,α_(95)=9.2°,N=8(层面坐标下);对应古地磁极为:71.2°N,241.9°E,dp/dm=5.5°/10.0°。该高温剩磁分量在地理坐标下与现代地磁场方向有显著差别,具有正、反极性,并通过了倒转检验,由此认为其很可能代表岩石形成时的原生剩磁。本次研究结果表明拉萨地块北缘在晚白垩世位于~14.5°N的古纬度位置(参考点:31.8°N,87.2°E)。对比稳定亚洲大陆参考极显示晚白垩世以来拉萨地块北缘与稳定亚洲大陆之间发生了1200±630km(10.9°±5.7°)的南北向构造缩短,但并未发生明显的相对旋转作用(0.8°±5.9°)。综合地质证据提出印度与亚洲大陆碰撞所造成的亚洲大陆内部南北向构造缩短主要集中在拉萨地块以北的区域。  相似文献   
Gogorza  C.S.G.  Di Tommaso  I.  Sinito  A.M.  Jackson  B.  Nuñez  H.  Creer  K.  Vilas  J.F. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1998,42(1):12-29
The preliminary results of paleomagnetic and radiocarbon dating of late pleistocene-holocene sediments from two lakes of south-western Argentina (41°S, 71.5°W) are presented. The magnetic susceptibility, intensity and direction of the natural remanent magnetisation were measured. The stability of the natural remanent magnetisation was investigated by alternating field demagnetisation. The magnetic parameters allowed the cores within each lake to be correlated. 13 C analysis, total organic content measurements and C 14 dating were carried out. A model of sedimentation is suggested. Using this model and the correlation, curves of variations of magnetic inclination and declination in time are shown.  相似文献   
We present new paleomagnetic data from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Central Alps of Austria. All new data are overprint magnetizations and can be subdivided into two groups: In rocks older than earliest Rupelian, two remagnetizations reflecting both clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation were detected. In rocks of late Rupelian and younger ages, only a counter-clockwise rotated remagnetization was found. Our results together with results from previous paleomagnetic studies from the Eastern and Southern Alps suggest two main phases of vertical axis rotation. The first, clockwise rotation affecting the Northern Calcareous Alps was active between earliest to Late Rupelian. We propose a model where the Northern Calcareous Alps are segmented into individual blocks. Within a dextral shear corridor these blocks rotated clockwise due to the counter-clockwise rotation of the Southern Alps and Central Alps. The second, counter-clockwise rotation occurred in the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene, affecting Eastern and Southern Alps. In this stage of orogeny, the internal massifs of the Western Alps were already accreted to the upper plate and therefore included in counter-clockwise rotation. This rotation is contemporaneous with counter-clockwise rotation in the Apennines and opening of the Balearic basin, and a genetic relationship is suggested. A second step of counter-clockwise rotation, reconstructed from published data, is observed in the sedimentary basins at the southeastern margin of the Eastern Alps, where counter-clockwise rotated Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary rocks are present. This rotation is seen in connection to a young counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate.  相似文献   
本文对采自华北地块南缘陕西铜川和韩城两条剖面上的晚石炭世至晚三叠世地层的650余块标本(35个采点)进行了系统的古地磁研究.经逐步热退磁处理和剩磁稳定性检验,在482块标本中获得稳定的特征剩磁分量,对其形成时代作了地质学分析后,以特征剩磁分量为基础,计算了华北地块在晚古生代到三叠纪的地磁极位置和纬度值,简单讨论该期内的运动形式.  相似文献   
本文对秦岭造山带内丹风群蛇绿岩进行了较为详尽的古地磁研究,通过对剩磁分量成因形成时代及变质变形作用对特征分量的影响的讨论,初步确定了丹风群古地磁极位置和古纬度值,并对丹风群的形成演化作了初步探讨  相似文献   
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