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三叠纪结扎群分布于长江源各拉丹冬地区南北两侧,根据基本层序、沉积环境和层序界面特征,结扎群至少可划分出四个三级层序。沉积古地理格局显示出南浅北深的特点。南部靠近羌塘盆地中央隆起带,陆源物质供应丰富。北部雀莫错一带因远离中央隆起,陆源物质供应相对较少,以泥岩、灰岩为主,生物化石丰富,沉积环境以陆棚为主,在相对稳定的沉积水体中以双壳类、菊石类等生物群得以快速发展。  相似文献   
蔺新望 《陕西地质》2003,21(1):45-51
塔里木板块南缘早古生代时期继承了震旦纪的古地理格局,处于浅海陆棚—半深海环境,沉积了一套海相碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩地层。根据区域地层划分、古生物化石和最新的同位素测年数据,确定了塔里林板块南缘地层时代为早古生代。通过沉积学和地球化学方法初步分析,确定了该地区为早古生代的大地构造背景—具有被动大陆边缘性质。因此,系统研究塔里木板块南缘早古生代沉积地层,对于重塑早生代以来该区板块构造格局及演化历史有重要地质意义。  相似文献   
浙江桐庐晚奥陶世晚期沉积层序和沉积环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文昌组上段顶部是一套潮汐层理非常发育的泥质砂岩或砂质泥岩,存在双向交错层理,层面有雨痕,应为潮坪沉积。潮坪沉积由小型层序构成,小型层序又是由砂、泥质单层组成。砂质单层底部通常为岩性突变面或侵蚀面,砂质纹层较厚,其中可见对称波痕或泥砾;向上砂质纹层变薄,过渡到泥质单层。砂质单层形成于暴风浪时期,泥质单层是风浪衰减后恢复正常的潮汐沉积。因此,小型层序从成因上说是一风暴层序。碎屑成份、砾石成份分析表明沉积物均来自华夏古陆的沉积岩和变质岩基底。物源一致,岩层产状变化不大,反映文昌组沉积环境稳定。岩性、粒度分析表明文昌组是一向上变细、由浅海高能环境向近岸低能环境过渡的沉积层序。文昌组下段为浅海砂岩沉积,上段顶部为潮坪沉积。二者之间是一套夹砾岩透镜体的泥质粉细砂岩,其沉积环境应介于浅海和滨岸之间,为水下岸坡沉积。砾岩层只是大的沉积旋回中出现的事件性水下冲积物。  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic Dabla granitoid pluton of the North Khetri Copper Belt is located to the east of a NNE-SSW trending lineament with numerous albite-rich intrusives, the intraplate ‘albitite line’. The Dabla pluton is essentially made up of calcic amphibole-bearing granitoids, displaying a concentric bimodal distribution of alkali-feldspar granites, comprising a microcline-albite granite and an albite-granite. The dominant rock type is pink-coloured granite, which is characterised by quartz, microcline, albite and hastingsitic hornblende, and occurs in the marginal parts of the pluton. The volumetrically subordinate albite-granite in the central part of the pluton is invariably white in colour, non-foliated and is mainly composed of quartz, albite and amphibole of actinolite to ferro-actinolite composition. The albite-granite is characterised by low K2O (0.06-0.09%), Rb (<5 ppm) and Ba (<20 ppm), high Na2O (7.19-7.36%) and high Na/K ratios (122.4-185.2) as compared to the granite. These rocks are not subjected to any metamorphic overprint, especially the albite-granite, which shows pristine abundances of major and trace elements. The rocks are highly evolved as reflected in their high SiO2 (72 to 78%) contents and high DI (89.5-97) values. The Dabla granitoids are characterised by similar REE and spider patterns, displaying LREE enriched slopes, flat HREE profiles and strong negative Sr, P, Ti and Eu anomalies suggesting their comagmatic nature. Nevertheless, the granite is relatively more fractionated [(La/Yb)N = 3.89-8.19] and show higher REE abundances (466-673 ppm) as compared to the albite-granite [(La/Yb)N = 1.97-2.96; REE = 220-277 ppm]. Distinctive features of these rocks are their low Ca (0.21-1.53%), Mg (<0.02-0.19%), Al (11.84-12.96%) and Sr (12-46 ppm) abundances, high Zr (155-631 ppm), Y (67-156 ppm), Nb (14-91 ppm), and Ga (20-31 ppm) concentrations and high Fe*-number, high Ga/Al ratio and high agpaitic index (AI) values. These features, coupled with their ferroan, alkaline and metaluminous nature, are typical of within-plate aluminous A-type granites. The geochemical data further indicate that the Dabla magma was generated at fairly high temperature, apparently in an upper mantle region, under relatively low H2O activities and reduced conditions and emplaced at a shallow depth in an extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   
The analysis of modal and normative composition of sedimentary rocks is widely used for studying their sources and tectonic settings. The normative calculation of the mineral composition of rocks in this study is formulated as a linear programming problem and is solved by means of the simplex method. This enables both simultaneous and successive subtraction of a set of basic minerals from a rock sample represented by its chemical composition {SiO2...LOI}. Such an approach provides a more exact calculation of the contribution of basic minerals in the rock. This mathematical approach is used to study two representative sets of sandstones and fine-grained rocks from a Meso- to Neoproterozoic marginal basin of southeastern Siberia (Uchur–Maya region, Yakutia) and a Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian uplifted continental block in Colorado, USA. The calculated normative mineral compositions of the Siberian sandstones are consistent with the observed modal compositions. These sandstones vary from K- Feldspar rich arkoses at the base of the sequence (the Uchur Group, lower Riphean) to quartz arenites or lithic sandstones and wacke in transgressive successions of the middle-upper Riphean. Arkoses and quartz arenites are dominant in Meso- to Neoproterozoic Siberia. These samples represent craton interior uplifted basement and quartzose, recycled orogen provenance of a stable craton in Rodinia. There are higher but consistent discrepancies between the calculated and observed compositions for the Pennsylvanian to Lower-Permian arkoses and quartz arenites (Sangre de Cristo, Belden, and Maroon Formations). The differences between the predicted and observed mineralogy may be due to uncertainties in the modes in the matrix and cement of the sandstones. This normative program should supplement modal calculations and provide better genetic constructions, especially in case of matrix-rich sandstones.  相似文献   
The In Ouzzal terrane (Western Hoggar) is an example of Archaean crust remobilized during a very-high-temperature metamorphism related to the Paleoproterozoic orogeny (2 Ga). Pan-African events (≈0.6 Ga) are localized and generally of low intensity. The In Ouzzal terrane is composed of two Archaean units, a lower crustal unit made up essentially of enderbites and charnockites, and a supracrustal unit of quartzites, banded iron formations, marbles, Al–Mg and Al–Fe granulites commonly associated with mafic (metanorites and garnet pyroxenites) and ultramafic (pyroxenites, lherzolites and harzburgites) lenses. Cordierite-bearing monzogranitic gneisses and anorthosites occur also in this unit. The continental crust represented by the granulitic unit of In Ouzzal was formed during various orogenic reworking events spread between 3200 and 2000 Ma. The formation of a continental crust made up of tonalites and trondhjemites took place between 3200 and 2700 Ma. Towards 2650 Ma, extension-related alkali-granites were emplaced. The deposition of the metasedimentary protoliths between 2700 and 2650 Ma, was coeval with rifting. The metasedimentary rocks such as quartzites and Al–Mg pelites anomalously rich in Cr and Ni, are interpreted as a mixture between an immature component resulting from the erosion and hydrothermal alteration of mafic to ultramafic materials, and a granitic mature component. The youngest Archaean igneous event at 2500 Ma includes calc-alkaline granites resulting from partial melting of a predominantly tonalitic continental crust. These granites were subsequently converted into charnockitic orthogneisses. This indicates crustal thickening or heating, and probably late Archaean high-grade metamorphism coeval with the development of domes and basins. The Paleoproterozoic deformation consists essentially of a re-activation of the pre-existing Archaean structures. The structural features observed at the base of the crust argue in favour of deformation under granulite-facies. These features are compatible with homogeneous horizontal shortening of overall NW–SE trend that accentuated the vertical stretching and flattening of old structures in the form of basins and domes. This shortening was accommodated by horizontal displacements along transpressive shear corridors. Reactional textures and the development of parageneses during the Paleoproterozoic suggest a clockwise P–T path characterized by prograde evolution at high pressures (800–1050 °C at 10–11 kbar), leading to the appearance of exceptional parageneses with corundum–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and sapphirine–spinel–quartz. This was followed by an isothermal decompression (9–5 kbar). Despite the high temperatures attained, the dehydrated continental crust did not undergo any significant partial melting. The P–T path followed by the granulites is compatible with a continental collision, followed by delamination of the lithosphere and uprise of the asthenosphere. During exhumation of this chain, the shear zones controlled the emplacement of carbonatites associated with fenites.  相似文献   
华北地台北缘西段铜多金属矿床的热水沉积成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早元古代后狼山成矿区和于陆缘拉张拗陷阶段,一直延续至晚元古代末期。狼山群食矿岩系中存在的限层变基性火山岩,热水沉积岩和条纹条带状构造,胶状构造均显示狼山成矿区在1800-950Ma期间处于高地热异常的被动大陆边缘。  相似文献   
We show that most of the arguments in the above paper are either incorrect or irrelevant to the point the authors are trying to make. We show that their results have no bearing on the model proposed by our group, as they claim. They discuss the seismic response of a valley with a 2-D trapezoidal cross-section in a vertical plane, whereas we dealt with a closed basin with a 2-D cross-section but of arbitrary geometry and in the horizontal plane. Even more significantly, the width of the valley they use is much smaller than the wavelength of the horizontal P waves that can resonate, thereby precluding any possibility of them being trapped. Therefore, their arguments do not clarify the issue posed in the title of their article.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of the spinel-garnet phase transition on subsidence of extensional sedimentary basins. For a constant positive Clapeyron slope ( dP/dT ), the phase boundary moves downwards in the syn-rift and upwards in the post-rift phase. For a non-linear Clapeyron curve ( dP/dT > 0 above 900°C and dP/dT < 0 below 900°C), theory predicts for the reaction of the spinel-garnet phase transition, the direction of phase boundary movement is dependent on the stretching factor, the position of the Clapeyron curve and the lithospheric thickness. A smaller syn-rift and larger post-rift subsidence are predicted for a deeper phase boundary and a thicker lithosphere. The model with a non-linear Clapeyron curve is applied to the subsidence histories of a young extensional basin (Gulf of Lion) and an old continental margin (eastern Canada). The observed syn-rift uplift and the larger post-rift subsidence can be reasonably explained by this model, where the optimum depth of the phase boundary for eastern Canada (˜90 km) is consistent with the estimate from seismic observations and is larger than that for the Gulf of Lion (˜ 50 km). The depth of the spinel-garnet phase boundary is sensitive to the composition of mantle rocks and increases with the extraction of basaltic components from the lithosphere, compatible with our result that the phase boundary is deeper for an older and thicker lithosphere. Thus the surface movement associated with the rifting for these areas may reflect the chemical evolution of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   
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