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The rugosan fauna from the Guanyinqiao Bed (latest Ordovician, Hirnantian) of northern Guizhou, China is known to belong to the cold or cool-water type corals. The components of the fauna are solitary corals only, and corallite septa are generally strongly dilated, especially the streptelasmatid corals are dominant comprising 98% of the whole fauna. The Guanyinqiao Bed is rich in rugosans of 18 genera, which are streptelasnmtid Streptelasma (=Helicelasma), Brachyelasma, Amplexobrachyelasma, Salvadorea, Grewingkia, Borelasma, CrassUasma, Leolasma, KenophyUum, UUernelasma, Paramplexoides, Siphonolasma, Pycnactoides, Dalmanophyllum, Bodophyllum, Axiphoria, Lambeophyllum and cystiphyllid Sinkiangolasma. Although this fauna was fairly abundant in a confined area (northern-northeastern Guizhou, southern Sichuan) during the Hirnantian age, the rugosan mass extinction (generic extinction rate 81%) happened at the end of the Hirnantian Stage. It is conduded that the mass extinction is related to the ending of maximum glaciation and ice cap melting in Gondwana in the southern hemisphere in the latest Hirnantian, resulting in rapid global sea-level rise in the earliest Silurian. In the Upper Yangtze Basin, the sea bottom environments were replaced by anoxic and warmer water during that time, so that the cool-water type rugosan became extinct. The present paper attempts to revise some already described rugose coral genera and species (He, 1978, 1985) and to supplement a few new forms from the Guanyinqiao Bed. Fourteen species of 12 genera are re-described and illustrated, of which one species- Grewingkia latifossulata is new. As a whole, the rugosan fauna of the Guanyinqiao Bed may be correlated with those contemporaneous of North Europe, Estonia and North America, indicating a dose biogeographic affinity to North Europe.  相似文献   
内蒙古盐湖与台湾湖泊沉积物之古气候记录   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对位于干旱-半干旱区的内蒙古盐湖中沉积物提供的环境和气候条件之相关讯息,能解读出最近23kaB.P.以来详细的气候变化:据今20~23kaB.P.期间,气候呈温干特征;之后,气候变冷进入末次冰期的极盛期。在14.5~20kaB.P.期间,降水量大幅度减小,夏季风萎缩,而冬季风更加强劲。自14.5kaB.P.开始,全球进入冰消期。约在11kaB.P.左右,出现异常降温的新仙女木(YoungerDryas)突变事件。自2.3kaB.P.以来,夏季风乃处于衰退减弱之趋势,其中仍有明显的气候波动。台湾的撤退池和嘉明湖沉积物,则记录着最近数千年来的气候变动,其中的冷暖变化竟也大多与内蒙古盐湖的记录相对应。似能说明20~23kaB.P.以来较大范围的气候变化。  相似文献   
用数理统计相关分析法研究了渭北中阶煤中微量元素和残留烃的有机亲和性,提出了亲和系数的重要概念。发现微量元素在煤中有机质和矿物质中以及不同有机质之间有明显的分配规律。还阐释了渭北中阶煤中微量元素表现出不同于准噶尔低阶煤的和有机碳、S1高度关联的现象。认为这与不同成煤环境中微量元素不同的生烃催化效应有关,也与煤变质中其大分子结构中的芳香核缩合、官能团脱落以及成烃过程中微量元素在不同有机质中的重新“分配”、“迁移”有关,还与微量元素对不同成熟度的干酪根和轻重组分不同的烃类选择性富集有关。  相似文献   
Diffusion modelling is applied to layered garnet–pyroxene–quartz coronas, formed by a pressure-induced reaction between plagioclase and primary pyroxene in a metabasic granulite. The reconstructed reaction involves some change in composition of reactant minerals. The distribution of minerals between layers is satisfactorily explained by diffusion-controlled reaction with local equilibrium, in which the diffusion coefficient for Al was smaller than those for Fe, Mg and Ca by a factor of approximately four. Diffusion of Mg towards plagioclase implies a chemical-potential gradient for MgO component in a direction opposite to the changing Mg content of garnet; this is explained by the influence of Al2O3 on the chemical potential of the pyrope end-member. Grain-boundary diffusion is suggested to have operated, possibly with composition gradients different from those in the bulk minerals. Chemical-potential differences across the corona are estimated from the variation in garnet composition, enabling affinity (the free energy change driving the reaction) to be estimated as 6.9±1.8  kJ per 24-oxygen mole of garnet produced. This implies that the pressure for equilibrium among the minerals was overstepped by 1.4±0.4  kbar. The probable P–T conditions of reaction were in the range 650–790  °C, 8–10  kbar. Assuming a timescale of reaction between 106 and 108 years, estimated diffusion coefficients for Fe, Mg and Ca are in the range 9×10−23 to 5×10−20 m2 s−1. These are consistent with experimental values in the literature for solid-state diffusion, including grain-boundary diffusion.  相似文献   
以杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor Reeve)为研究对象,通过密度梯度离心方法纯化得到高纯度血蓝蛋白,以其作为抗原皮下注射免疫新西兰大白兔,从而获得高效价的兔源多克隆抗血清。进一步通过Protein A抗原亲和纯化的方法对该抗血清纯化,最终获得效价更高、检测特异性更好的血蓝蛋白多克隆抗体。应用该抗体进行Western检测发现,鲍血淋巴中存在着多样的血蓝蛋白衍生产物;进一步结合质谱技术对其中35 kDa条带进行鉴定发现,其来源于血蓝蛋白I型亚基的H结构域。  相似文献   
通过对一些代表性地区植物区系的比较研究,探讨了对云南热带-亚热带植物区系生物地理分布格局有作用的"田中线"和"滇西-滇东南生态地理(生物地理)对角线"的真实性和意义。选择了滇西北独龙江植物区系、滇西铜壁关植物区系和滇南西双版纳植物区系及滇东南植物区系,对它们的科、属、种的相似性及其植物区系特征进行了比较。在科、属水平上,4个植物区系彼此间相似性系数分别在93%和60%以上,显示其植物区系有密切的亲缘。其中,滇东南植物区系与独龙江植物区系在科、属水平上的相似性系数最大,分别达98.7%和78.6%,尽管这两个地区地理位置相距最远。植物区系特征的比较也显示滇东南植物区系与独龙江植物区系有较密切联系。这些结果支持了所谓滇西北-滇东南"植物地理对角线"的观点。在种水平上,西双版纳植物区系与铜壁关植物区系最接近,这与它们的地理位置较近和基带均为热带生境是相一致的。也对这些生物地理界线形成的地质历史背景作了讨论。  相似文献   
Phosphate sorption and desorption experiments were conducted with four ferruginous soils (alfisols) of Eastern India, in view of the low native phosphate concentrations in tropical Indian soils. From the P-isotherm curve, standard P requirement (SPR) of the soils was determined. Phosphate sorption data were fitted to both Langmuir and Freundlich equations and mean sorption maximum values obtained for the different soil series were in the decreasing order as Matimahal > Anandapur > Mrigindih > Kashipur. The fraction of added P sorbed followed the same trend as SPR, P sorption maximum (Pmax), phosphate affinity constant (K), maximum phosphate buffering capacity (MPBC), Freundlich constant K′ and phosphate desorption values. Phosphate sorption maximum was significantly correlated with MPBC, Freundlich 1/n, SPR, clay and different forms of Fe and Al. The value of K (bonding energy) was significantly correlated with MPBC, Freundlich K′ and pyrophosphate extractable Fe and Al. The MPBC was significantly correlated with Freundlich K′, Freundlich constant 1/n, clay, oxalate and dithionite extractable, amorphous and crystalline form of Fe and Al. Freundlich K′ was significantly correlated with Freundlich 1/n, pHwater, clay, dithionite extractable and crystalline form of Fe and Al. The results suggested that the soils having higher amount of extractable and reactive Fe and Al shared higher P sorbtion capacity and such soils may need higher levels of P application  相似文献   
分析了连续位图图像几何交换的理论基础,并在此基础上时地图拼幅,点阵字符的无级处理等方面做了一些尝试。所提出的仿射变换方法,较好地满足了连续图像几何交换的精度,保持了拓扑不变性,并保证了无级交换时时原图的高度仿真。此外,还给出了利用此方法进行实验的部分结果。  相似文献   
Over the last 42 ka, volcanic activity at Lipari Island (Aeolian Arc, Italy) produced lava domes, flows and pyroclastic deposits with rhyolitic composition, showing in many cases evidence of magma mixing such as latitic enclaves and banding. In this same period, on nearby Vulcano Island, similar rhyolitic lava domes, pyroclastic products and lava flows, ranging in composition from shoshonite to rhyolite, were erupted. As a whole, the post-42 ka products of Lipari and Vulcano show geochemical variations with time, which are well correlated between the two islands and may correspond to a modification of the primary magmas. The rhyolitic products are similar to each other in their major elements composition, but differ in their trace element abundances (e.g. La ranging from 40 to 78 ppm for SiO2 close to 75 wt%). Their isotopic composition is variable, too. The 87Sr/86Sr (0.704723–0.705992) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.512575–0.512526) ranges partially overlap those of the more mafic products (latites), having 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7044 to 0.7047 and 143Nd/144Nd from 0.512672 to 0.512615. 206Pb/204Pb is 19.390–19.450 in latites and 19.350–19.380 in rhyolites. Crystal fractionation and crustal assimilation processes of andesitic to latitic melts, showing an increasing content in incompatible elements in time, may explain the genesis of the different rhyolitic magmas. The rocks of the local crustal basement assimilated may correspond to lithotypes present in the Calabrian Arc. Mixing and mingling processes between latitic and rhyolitic magmas that are not genetically related occur during most of the eruptions. The alignment of vents related to the volcanic activity of the last 40 ka corresponds to the NNW–SSE Tindari–Letojanni strike-slip fault and to the correlated N–S extensional fault system. The mafic magmas erupted along these different directions display evidence of an evolution at different PH2O conditions. This suggests that the Tindari–Letojanni fault played a relevant role in the ascent, storage and diversification of magmas during the recent volcanic activity.  相似文献   
全球尺度多源土地覆被数据融合与评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
白燕  冯敏 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2223-2235
精确的全球及区域尺度土地覆被遥感分类数据是全球变化、陆地表层过程模拟、生态文明建设及区域可持续发展等研究的重要基础数据。本文以5套全球土地覆被数据集GLCC、UMD、GLC2000、MODIS LC、GlobCover为研究对象,结合MODIS VCF、MODIS Cropland Probability以及AVHRR CFTC数据集,设计一种基于模糊逻辑思想的证据融合方法实现上述多源土地覆被信息的决策融合,生成一套依据植物功能型分类的全球1 km土地覆被融合数据SYNLCover。结果显示,与5套源土地覆被数据集相比:① 在总体一致性精度上,SYNLCover的8个生物形态类型和12个目标类型的平均总体一致性精度最高,分别约为65.6%和59.4%,其次依次是MODIS LC、GLC2000、GLCC和GlobCover,UMD的最低,分别约为48.9%和42.6%,而且SYNLCover与5套源土地覆被数据集两两相比的总体一致性都是最好的;② 在类型一致性精度上,除灌丛类型外,SYNLCover中包括森林、草地、耕地、湿地、水体、城镇建筑和其他7种生物形态类型,以及森林类型的5种叶属性的平均一致性精度也是最高的,如其他类型的平均一致性精度可达67.73%;③ 除灌丛和湿地类型外,SYNLCover的其余6种生物形态类型的平均一致性精度均比其在5套源数据中相应的一致性精度的最大值提高了10%~15%左右;森林类型的5种叶属性的一致性精度也提高了约10%。SYNLCover分类精度的提高反映了本研究设计的多源数据融合方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
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