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With the aid of a global barotropic model, the role of the interaction of the synoptic-scale disturbance and the planetary flow in block onset is examined by a 4-dimensional variational approach. A cost function is defined to measure the squared errors of the forecasted stream functions during block onset period (day 4 and day 5 in this study) over a selected blocking domain. The sensitivity of block onset with respect to the initial synoptic-scale disturbance is studied by examining the gradient of the defined cost function with respect to the initial (during the first 24 hours) vorticity forcing, which is evaluated by the adjoint integration. Furthermore, the calculated cost function and gradient are connected with the limited-memory quasi-Newton optimization algorithm for solving the optimal initial vorticity forcing for block onset. For two studied cases of block onset (northern Atlantic and northern Pacific) introducing the optimal initial vorticity forcing, the nonlinear barotropic advection process mostly reconstructs these blocking onset processes. The results show that the formation of blocking can be correctly described by a barotropic nonlinear advection process, in which the wave- (synoptic-scale) flow (planetary-scale) interaction plays a very important role. On an appropriate planetary-scale flow, a certain synoptic-scale disturbance can cause the blocking onset by the interaction between the synoptic scale perturbations and the planetary scale basic flows. The extended forecasts show that the introduction of the optimal initial vorticity forcing can predict the blocking process up to the 7th or 8th day in this simple model case. The experimental results in this study show that the 4-dimensional variational approach has a good potential to be applied to study the dynamics of the medium-range weather processes. This simple model case study is only an initial trial. Applying the framework in this study to a complex model will further our understanding of the mechanism of the atmospheric/oceanic processes and improve their prediction.  相似文献   
郎静 《应用地球物理》2006,3(3):179-186
三维可视化解释技术是一项全新的地震解释技术,与传统的地震资料解释有着本质的不同,它是从三维可视化显示出发,以地质体或三维研究区块为单元,采用点、线、面和体相结合的数据体空间可视化解释。该技术结合相干体技术可进行复杂断层的解释与组合;应用空间域层位自动追踪技术能够准确落实构造形态;采用目标雕刻技术,利用反演数据体可实现立体透视岩性体的空间展布及厚度趋势。将该技术应用在大港油田官西地区复杂断块构造解释和歧南西斜坡隐蔽油气藏储层预测两项实际工作中,取得了良好效果,表明可视化解释技术在石油勘探中具有广阔的应用前景,是提高勘探效率和勘探成功率的有效技术手段。  相似文献   
We investigated the partitioning of trace substances during the phase transition from supercooled to mixed-phase cloud induced by artificial seeding. Simultaneous determination of the concentrations of H2O2, NH3 and black carbon (BC) in both condensed and interstitial phases with high time resolution showed that the three species undergo different behaviour in the presence of a mixture of ice crystals and supercooled droplets. Both H2O2 and NH3 are efficiently scavenged by growing ice crystals, whereas BC stayed predominantly in the interstitial phase. In addition, the scavenging of H2O2 is driven by co-condensation with water vapour onto ice crystals while NH3 uptake into the ice phase is more efficient than co-condensation alone. The high solubility of NH4+ in the ice could explain this result. Finally, it appears that the H2O2–SO2 reaction is very slow in the ice phase with respect to the liquid phase. Our results are directly applicable for clouds undergoing limited riming.  相似文献   
利用小波分析的分频特性及C3相干数据体比常规振幅数据体具有更高的构造分辨能力的特点,将小波分析与C3相干体两种方法相结合,用来识别煤矿采区小尺度构造,特别是识别小断层.实际应用表明,利用小波分析与C3相干体可更加精细地揭示断层等构造信息,提高小断层识别能力.  相似文献   
冀北滦平地区中生代火山岩地层锆石U-Pb测年及启示   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
在冀北—辽西地区, 冀北的滦平地区是中生代地层最为齐全, 也是唯一的晚中生代沉积作用基本连续的地区.许多研究者认为该地区的土城子组与张家口之间存在着J3—K1界线和中生代的构造转换界面.该地区分布的主要中生代地层自下而上依次为髫髻山组、土城子组、张家口组、大北沟组、大店子组和西瓜园组.通过LAICPMS方法的锆石UPb测年, 获得了该地区中生代火山岩地层的年代格架, 即髫髻山组的顶界年龄为(162.8±3.2)Ma, 土城子组形成的主体年代范围是(142.6±1.3)~(136.4±1.9)Ma, 张家口组形成的年代范围是(135.7±1.8)~(135.2±2.3)Ma, 大店子组顶部安山岩的年龄是(131.4±3.7)~(130.2±3.0)Ma.锆石的稀土元素分析表明: 土城子组中锆石的稀土元素特征与张家口组中锆石的特征一致, 而与髫髻山组中的锆石有较大的区别.综合以上分析数据及野外地质特征可以得出以下结论: (1)该地区的土城子组与髫髻山组之间不仅时间间隔较长, 而且二者中火山岩的源区也有较大的区别; 土城子组与张家口组之间不仅时间上基本连续, 而且二者中火山岩的源区也有明显的一致性.这就表明了滦平地区的土城子组与张家口组是同一地质背景下的产物, 即该地区二者之间应不存在J3—K1界面和构造转换界面.(2)滦平地区大店子组顶部火山岩在年代上与辽西北票—义县地区的义县组底部、辽西凌源地区的张家口组顶部基本相当.   相似文献   
矿山地质环境调查是为了查明在矿产资源开采过程中遇到或者诱发的地质环境问题并对其作出评价和预测。传统的人工地质环境调查方法正面临时效性和安全性的挑战,无人机遥感正是取代人工地质环境调查的手段之一。基于2016年10月在北京市门头沟区的一次无人机飞行获取的数据,使用Pix4Dmapper等软件生成正射影像、数字高程模型以及三维模型,然后对该区进行遥感地质解译,建立滑坡、地面塌陷、不稳定斜坡、地裂缝、煤矸石堆、其他渣堆的解译标志,形成了一套适用于矿山的无人机遥感的地质灾害解译方法流程,通过实地验证,证明无人机遥感地质灾害解译效果良好,适合在矿山地质灾害监测方面推广应用。  相似文献   
介绍了新水溶性显色剂 2 - ( 2 ,3,5 -三氮唑偶氮 ) - 1 ,8-二羟基 - 3,6-萘二磺酸与钴的显色反应及应用 ,建立了测定钴的新方法。在 pH 9.9的Na2 B4O7 NaOH缓冲液中该试剂与钴形成 1∶1蓝色稳定络合物 ,λmax为 5 88.8nm ,Co的质量浓度在 0~ 1 .0mg/L内符合比尔定律 ,表观摩尔吸光系数为 3.46× 1 0 4 L·mol- 1 ·cm- 1 。所拟方法用于环境水样及维生素B1 2 注射液中的微量钴测定 ,结果与原子吸收法相符 ,5次测定的RSD <1 %。  相似文献   
在阐述了广东海岸带可持续发展决策支持系统的概念后,根据系统的应用需求,确立了系统的总体目标和功能结构,并重点研究了地理信息技术、空间元数据、空间数据仓库技术和决策支持模型与方法等关键技术,在广东海岸带复杂动态海量多源数据的获取、更新、管理、分析与决策中的重要意义和作用,力求为广东海岸带可持续发展决策支持系统的详细分析设计和开发实践提供规范化的解决方案。  相似文献   
利用高纵向分辨率的测井资料与连续观测的地震资料进行波阻抗反演,可以大大提高三维地震资料对地下地质情况的研究程度。以山西常村矿为例,介绍了波阻抗反演在目的层位追踪、薄层辨别、断点断距的确定、陷落柱的解释以及冲刷无煤带的圈定等方面的应用。实例表明波阻抗反演地震剖面比常规地震剖面具有明显的优势,特别是在薄层的分辨率能力上,波阻抗反演表现的尤为突出,如在该区波阻抗反演剖面上,不仅能够分辨15#煤层的三个分层,同时对6#、9#、12#薄煤层也有清晰的反映。  相似文献   
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