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断层活动方式与地震地表变形分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于断层弹性位错理论及断层滑动非均匀模型,用三维有限元方法计算了发震断层逆断、正断和水平走滑三种不同活动方式下的地表变形,探讨了断层不同活动方式下的地震应变与位移的分布规律及震级、断层倾角对地震地表变形分布的影响。研究结果表明,地震地表变形影响因素很多,如地质构造条件、岩性介质特征、断层活动强度、断层产状和区域构造应力场等,但分布形态最终决定于断层活动方式,变形大小则决定于断层活动强度,其它均为局地因素,只影响分布形态的局部扭曲。断层不同活动方式下的地震地表变形分布各有其自身的规律和特点,这些分布特征可作为地震研究及近活动断层建筑工程抗震设计或加固防护参考。  相似文献   
In order to analyze 3-dimensional movement and deformation characteristics and seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone, we inverted for dynamic fault locking and slip deficit rate of the fault using the GPS horizontal velocity field of 1999-2007 and 2013-2017 in Sichuan-Yunnan region, and calculated annual vertical change rate to analyze the vertical deformation characteristics of the fault using the cross-fault leveling data during 1980-2017 locating on the Xianshuihe fault. The GPS inversion results indicate that in 1999-2007, the southeastern segment of the fault is tightly locked, the middle segment is less locked, and the northwestern segment is basically in creeping state. In 2013-2017, the southeastern segment of the fault is obviously weekly locked, in which only a patch between Daofu-Bamei is locked, and the northwestern segment is still mostly in creeping state, in which only a patch at southeastern Luhuo is slightly locked from surface to 10km depth. The cross-fault leveling data show that annual vertical change rate of the Zhuwo, Gelou, Xuxu and Goupu sites on the northwestern segment is larger, which means vertical movement is relatively active, and annual vertical change rate of the Longdengba, Laoqianning, and Zheduotang sites on the southeastern segment is small, which means the fault is locked, and the vertical movement changes little before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. Combining with the 3-dimensional movement and deformation, seismic activity and Coulomb stress on the Xianshuihe Fault, we consider the seismic risk of the southeastern segment is larger, and the Wenchuan earthquake reduced the far-field sinistral movement and the fault slip deficit rate, which may reduce the stress and strain accumulation rate and relieve the seismic risk of the southeastern segment.  相似文献   
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):293-299

Although people rarely think of relief models when speaking about cartographic products, these artefacts are probably the most impressive way of visualizing landscapes. Unlike traditional maps or globes, most relief models are unique, vulnerable hand-made objects. Digital archiving is an important step in their preservation. There are special tools for this task, but these equipments are rather expensive, and libraries or other institutes that usually own these models cannot spend too much. The authors examined various on-line tools to create digital 3D representation of relief models using a set of photographs as source. These tools create point cloud and textured triangle mesh based on matching patterns on the photos. A workflow was developed which uses these web services and produces the digital 3D version of relief models. This paper introduces the method, discusses the details of successful photographing, the possible post-processing of the results. A new web site, using the X3DOM technology to show the digitized models to the general public, is also introduced.  相似文献   
积雪对自然环境和人类活动都有极其重要的影响。积雪参数(雪面积、雪深和雪水当量)反演对水文模型和气候变化研究有着实际的意义。然而,目前森林区的雪深遥感反演精度一直有待于进一步提高。东北地区是我国最大的天然林区和重要的季节性积雪区之一,本文利用FY3B卫星微波成像仪(MWRI)L1级亮温数据和L2级雪水当量数据,以及东北典型林区野外实测雪深数据,对Chang算法、NASA 96算法和FY3B雪深业务化反演算法进行了验证与分析。结果表明:在东北典型林区的雪深反演中,Chang算法和NASA 96算法反演的雪深波动都比较大,当森林覆盖度f≤0.6时,NASA 96算法表现比较好,均方根误差值在3种算法中较小,但当f >0.6时,NASA 96算法失真严重。当考虑纯森林像元(f=1)时,Chang算法低估了雪深47%。当f≤0.3时,FY3B业务化算法始终优于Chang算法。整体上,FY3B业务化算法相对稳定,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
文章根据吉林双辽地区风沙堆积物中的Fe3+/Fe2+值,计算了风沙堆积时的古温度及其变化,结合堆积物的定年数据,建立了该区76.9±6.0~17.8±1.4kaB.P.期间温度波动旋回。结果表明:这一地质时期吉林双辽地区年均温度变化于1.13℃~8.70℃之间,整体较现在为低,应为末次冰期影响所致。该研究得到的松辽平原末次冰期的温度数据,为系统建立松辽平原晚更新世古气候年表提供了重要基础资料。  相似文献   
作为近年来新兴的实验技术,二元同位素(D47)测温技术已被应用于碳酸盐岩成岩环境的研究中。简要介绍了二元同位素测温技术的原理及应用方法,并以塔里木盆地中下寒武统白云岩为例,优选11块样品,测试其D47值和白云石的碳氧同位素,并计算出样品的成岩温度和古流体的δ~(18)O值。综合分析认为:样品中,颗粒白云岩形成于低温准同生—浅埋藏环境,成岩流体为海水;细晶白云岩为深埋藏成岩环境中原岩受到了高温重结晶作用的改造,成岩流体为地下热卤水;孔缝中的白云石胶结物是深埋藏成岩环境富镁热卤水沉淀作用的产物。研究证明二元同位素测温技术可以较好地恢复白云岩的成岩温度,减少储层成因的多解性,它为今后储层成因研究提供了一种新的手段和依据。  相似文献   
三维地震在铁法矿区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以铁法矿区采区三维地震工程实践为例,论述了三维高分辨率地震勘探技术在采矿工作面合理布置等方面的作用。采掘实践证明,三维地震勘探成果的应用消除了地质风险,已回采的几个综采工作面,未发生意外及重大地质变化。  相似文献   
Baroclinic terms have been implemented in a three-dimensional fully hydrodynamic model developed by Badiei et al. [2008. A three-dimensional non-hydrostatic boundary fitted model for free surface flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 56(6), 607-627] modifying its momentum equations to account for density gradients and utilizing the scalar (salinity, temperature, etc.) conservation equation (SCE) and a state equation for the calculation of density. In the solution of advection-diffusion terms of the governing Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) and SCE, a symmetric splitting method was applied to ensure the long-term stability of simulations. Correction terms proposed by Ruddic et al. (1995) were applied to SCE to ensure the conservation of the scalar quantity. In the presence of baroclinic terms, the zero gradient pressure in the vertical direction in the vicinity of surface and bottom boundaries assumed by Badiei et al. [2008. A three-dimensional non-hydrostatic boundary fitted model for free surface flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 56(6), 607-627] created spurious currents. This problem was solved by assuming a hydrostatic pressure variation at those boundaries. The ability of extended model was validated by comparing its results with an experimental test case. The simulation of hydrodynamic and salt intrusion at Anzali Port located at the southern coasts of Caspian Sea in Iran was carried out by the model with both barotropic and baroclinic modes. The simulated results with baroclinic mode show a better agreement with measured data as compared to the results of barotropic mode that clearly demonstrate the significance of baroclinic terms in the simulation of cyclic intrusion of salt wedge into the Port Basin.  相似文献   
王慧平  李昕  周晶 《海洋工程》2014,32(5):50-56
初始几何缺陷被认为是影响管道极限承载力和稳定性的重要因素,但是大部分的管道力学特性研究都没有考虑初始缺陷的影响。基于管道几何尺寸测量机,获得管道的壁厚和直径沿轴向以及环向的分布规律。据此建立了四个三维实体有限元模型,分别为完好管道模型、只考虑直径缺陷的管道模型、只考虑壁厚缺陷的管道模型以及考虑所有缺陷的管道模型。分析了初始缺陷对管道的极限内压承载力、极限轴力承载力和极限弯矩承载力的影响。结果表明,直径缺陷对管道的极限内压承载力影响较大;壁厚缺陷对管道在复杂荷载作用下的极限弯矩承载力影响较大。  相似文献   
企业家共同社会责任是指一个企业或“企业公民”对社会应该承担的义务,涉及到企业与相关利益群体之间的相互关系和价值观、操守以及对人的尊重、社群和企业的环境政策等各个方面。很明显,这一概念的核心是企业对基于经济、社会和环境可持续发展的一种责任和承诺,以改善和提高利益相关方的生活水准和条件。当前,企业家共同社会责任不再仅仅是一种道德伦理而已,而且已经成为一种制度性的自律和规定行为。目前的共识是,在运营过程中一个企业必须时刻关注它对客户、员工、股东、社群、地区发展和环境的经济、社会和道德后果,并使它们取得一个比较好的前景。基于这一观点和理念,本文以跨国公司企业家共同社会责任为视角,主要探讨了跨国公司研发活动与上海浦东新区——我国新经济的高地之一——发展的相互作用,以探索跨国公司研发活动、地区经济增长以及它们在形成灵活创新网络、促进可持续发展中的不同功能和共同作用。内容包括六个部分:1)企业家共同社会责任的相关概念及其关系;2)跨国公司在浦东研发活动的现状和态势;3)跨国公司研发活动与地区经济的联系模式和紧密程度;4)跨国公司在浦东研发活动中存在的主要问题;5)地区灵活创新网络的内涵;6)形成灵活创新网络的方式和途径。  相似文献   
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