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梁进社 《地理学报》2022,77(8):1892-1906
本文指出中心地理论中k = 3系统由市场原则生成的几种传统说法的缺陷;提出所有相邻级别中心地,在满足以下两个条件:① 正三角形的中心地分布和中心地之正六边形市场区;② 较高级别中心地提供相应级别及比其等级低的货物,它们的市场区(或腹地)之大小应尽可能地接近,以尽最大可能地减少相邻级别中心地市场区之间的差距,进而降低所生成的中心地系统对要配置的商品或服务因其上限或下限范围之要求产生可能的排除,这即是市场原则之合理说法。本文的新提法能够调和克里斯塔勒自上而下和哈格特自下而上建构中心地系统所产生的规模等级及其解释之差异。从廖什的空间垄断竞争型中心地建模理念看,根据此提法建立的中心地系统尽可能地降低了厂商的空间垄断性,以减少厂商取得的超额利润,其符合正常市场理性原则。本文对中心地理论中k = 3市场原则内涵的修正能够提升中心地理论对现实世界的分析和实践指导作用。  相似文献   
为了研究震源区介质的物性特征,利用振幅谱拟合和有限差分三维Q值成像方法处理了伽师地震区临时台网的地震波形资料,获得了该地震区上地壳的S波三维Q值图像。结果表明:不同深度的Q值图像都存在低Q值带,主要展布方向为EW向、NNE向和NNW向,与研究区的柯坪断裂、羊达曼断裂和麦盖提断裂有一定的对应关系,并且NNE向的低Q值带与强震群分布和余震分布的条带位置接近,推测低Q值带可能是震源区的几条深部断裂。  相似文献   
浅谈OpenGL在地学3维可视化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3维地形模型无论是在直观的视觉感受还是在空间分析等方面都是2维地学模型所无法比拟的。DEM是建立地学3维可视化的主要内容,也是3维地理信息系统GIS的主要研究内容之一。本文所实现的程序是在VC 6.0平台基础上,基于DEM数据,利用OpenGL提供的相关功能函数,达到地学3维可视化的目的,同时利用纹理映射技术为3维模型贴纹理建立真实感强的3维环境。  相似文献   
光变是Blazar最显著的观测特征之一,有的光变呈准周期性. Blazar周期光变可能为其中心黑洞和吸积盘等内部物理结构提供重要信息.因此,周期分析对于讨论Blazar的光变有重要意义.结合经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition, EMD)和自回归(Auto-regressive, AR)模型谱估计方法的优点,提出了一种基于EMD-AR谱的组合光变周期分析新方法.先对观测数据进行EMD分解,得到各阶模态分量,并计算其与原始光变曲线的相关系数,再取相关度高的分量求和后估算AR谱,最后将此功率谱的周期分析方法用于天体的光变数据分析.讨论了EMD-AR谱方法的原理和应用步骤,并用此方法对类星体3C 273在1887—2016年的观测数据进行了分析,得到3C 273的长时标周期分别为:21.23、13.51、11.02、5.51、4.69、3.79、2.76 yr,与文献中常用方法的分析结果有很好的一致性;短时标周期分别为:(30±1)、(15±0.3)、(7.5±0.2)、(10±0.1)、(5±0.6)、(6±0.4)和(3±0.5) min,此结果未见相关...  相似文献   
江国明  赵大鹏  张贵宾 《地球科学》2009,34(6):1001-1011
双差分地震定位法采用了一维射线追踪法和直角坐标系, 不适合于复杂速度模型中的地震定位.本研究采用三维射线追踪技术和球坐标系改进了双差分定位法, 扩大了它的应用范围.为了检验新方法的可行性和准确性, 以日本海地区下方的深发地震为研究对象, 通过对比4种复杂速度模型中双差分定位结果, 分析速度结构对双差分定位的影响.结果表明, 改进后的双差分定位法受速度结构变化的影响较小, 而且当震源区的速度模型越接近真实速度结构时, 定位结果的精度越高, 这为利用深发地震研究地球深部构造奠定了基础.   相似文献   
Water Self-Softening Processes at Waterfall Sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many rivers in tropical and subtropical karst regions are supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 and have high water hardness. After flowing through waterfall sites, river water is usually softened, accompanied by tufa formation, which is simply described as a result of water turbulence in fast-flowing water. In this paper, a series of laboratory experiments are designed to simulate the hydrological conditions at waterfall sites. The influences of air-water interface, water flow velocity, aeration and solid-water interface on water softening are compared and evaluated on a quantitative basis. The results show that the enhanced inorganic CO2 outgassing due to sudden hydrological changes occurring at waterfall sites is the principal cause of water softening at waterfall sites. Both air-water interface area and water flow velocity increase as a result of the "aeration effect", "low pressure effect" and "jet-flow effect" at waterfall sites, which greatly accelerates CO2 outgassing and therefore makes natural w  相似文献   
A modeling method that takes into account known points on a geological interface and plane orientation data such as stratification or foliation planes is described and tested. The orientations data do not necessarily belong to one of the interfaces but are assumed to sample the main anisotropy of a geological formation as in current geological situations. The problem is to determine the surfaces which pass through the known points on interfaces and which are compatible with the orientation data. The method is based on the interpolation of a scalar field defined in the space the gradient in which is orthogonal to the orientations, given that some points have the same but unknown scalar value (points of the same interface), and that scalar gradient is known on the other points (foliations). The modeled interfaces are represented as isovalues of the interpolated field. Preliminary two-dimensional tests carried-out with different covariance models demonstrate the validity of the method, which is easily transposable in three dimensions.  相似文献   
1 STUDIEDREGIONANDANALYSISMETHODLocatedatnorthwesternmarginofTenggerDesertand70kmnortheastofMinqinCountyinGansuProvince,QingtuLakebelongstotheShiyangRiverDryDelta,andthealtitudeis1292-1310m.Theregionhasthecharacteroftemperatecontinentalariddesertcli…  相似文献   
As a cold and dry planet, Mars contains water resources in the form of water ice, so that the electromagnetic waves can be transmitted to the deep underground to get the information of the topography and subsurface geological structure. Subsurface penetrating radar(SPR) can be widely used in deep space exploration for a long time because of its non-destructive detection mode and its working characteristics not limited by visible light. It is an important type of equipment for detecting the subsurface structure of planets. Orbiter radar is mainly used in Mars exploration. However, because of its low resolution, it is difficult to describe the near surface structure, so there is a lack of radar data which can reflect the shallow information. In this paper, a three-dimensional near surface model of Utopia Planitia on Mars is established. In order to make the simulation results more reasonable, the key factors such as topographic relief, subsurface rocks and water ice, and the variation of dielectric constant in different layers are taken into account. Then the full polarization forward modeling is carried out by using the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method. The acquired full polarimetric subsurface penetrating radar(FP-SPR) data with noise is preprocessed and further processed by Pauli decomposition. The underground reflection can be picked up more clearly from the Pauli decomposition results. This work is helpful to identify more details of subsurface structures and provides a reference for the measured data in the future.  相似文献   
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