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In this study, long-term (1777–1997) precipitation data for Seoul, Korea, wetness indices from eastern China, and modern observations are used to identify the interdecadal variability in East Asian summer monsoon precipitation over the last 220 years. In the East Asian monsoon region, two long-term timescales of dry–wet transitions for the interdecadal variability and quasi-40-and quasi-60-year timescales are dominant in the 220-year precipitation data of Seoul, as well as in the wetness indices over China....  相似文献   
刘凡  陈华 《气象科学》2019,39(5):666-674
本文利用中尺度数值模式WRF和LAGRANTO轨迹模式对2010年变性台风"Malakas"进行数值模拟和轨迹分析,分析了Malakas在变性过程中与中纬度系统的相互作用,以及在相互作用过程中Malakas的结构变化特征。结果表明:Malakas变性过程经历了三个阶段:(1)高层扰动加强期,高层的正位涡产生的气旋性环流使低层Malakas中心北部的斜压带西侧产生负的温度平流,表现为冷空气的入侵;(2)Malakas和中纬度系统相互作用时期,台风北上导致斜压带出现,深对流的爆发使低层暖湿气流沿着斜压带上升,快速上升气流中的潜热释放导致低PV空气向对流层上部净输送,在其北部高层重新构建出一个脊;(3)Malakas变性成温带气旋,残存的台风内核与斜压带逐渐合并,负的位涡平流带着非绝热外出流驱动了下游最初脊的构建,加速并且固定了中纬度急流,并整体放大了上层Rossby波模式。  相似文献   
本文利用2002年的ETM+图像和该地区1:25万DEM数据,采用计算机图像处理和目视解译相结合的方法,辅以野外实测数据、历史资料进行综合分析,对该地区河道的演变特征和新构造进行详细解译。基本查清了新近系以来该地区河道的发展演变历程,岷江和青衣江都存在很大幅度的河道迁移现象,综合研究发现,河道迁移与该地区新构造运动密切相关。  相似文献   
假玻状岩研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了假玻状岩研究的主要进展,假玻状岩形成的磨擦熔融机制与机械磨碎机制实际上不是过去所认为的是两种互相排斥的机制,而是在假玻状岩形成过程中两个密切相关的阶段,磨碎作用是熔融发生的必要的前提条件;假玻状岩不仅可以形成于脆性域(与碎裂岩相关),而且可以形成于脆韧性过渡区(与糜棱岩相关),形成的最大深度可达18km;假玻状岩是围岩中矿物选择性熔融的产物,矿物优先熔融的顺序(从易到难)为:层状硅酸盐、链状  相似文献   
文中讨论了库水渗漏在水库诱发地震中的作用,经过分析研究现有的水库诱发地震资料及相关理论,类比蒸汽锅炉与重力热管的热工原理,提出了水库地震成因的超临界水二级相变孕震模型。模型在水库孕震的各阶段表现为:初始阶段,渗漏水在压力注射和重力作用下形成水塞密封盖层,在超临界温区的地层裂隙中引发二级相变循环对流;孕育阶段,地层原生裂隙在高围压条件下形成应力腐蚀、化学蚀变、温差应力破碎作用,从而原生裂隙更加发育,制造了更大的对流循环通道;临震突变阶段,在热管下部热交换区内的临界水热通量剧增,超临界水发生横向流动,向封盖层外部扩散;发震阶段,在超临界水重力热管的通量和热管上部交换区所形成的压力,超过地层或封盖层的破坏极限时,推动上部地层做活塞运动导致地震  相似文献   
为探讨应力条件下地质体的变形规律及物质组分对变形的响应,在600℃和600MPa等应变速率条件下对中粒花岗岩进行了变形实验。实验结果显示,花岗岩在实验温压范围内表现出脆-韧性转化的特征,并显现一种共轭扇式的宏观变形结构。对遭受韧性剪切变形的长石、黑云母进行的常量元素变异分析表明,动力变形可造成矿物组分的变异,且这种变异有一定的次序S;i是动力变形中最稳定的组分,SiO2的增加可能是由其他组分的减少造成的,是相对的。  相似文献   
付旭  张德会  印贤波 《地质通报》2011,30(04):595-604
地壳中岩石的变形模式受构造应力、流体压力和上覆岩层重力共同作用的影响。岩石组成和构造应力的大小、方向决定着岩石的变形过程,同时岩石的破裂还受先存断裂构造的影响。流体压力增大,岩石可以发生水力破裂,而引起水力引张破裂的条件是σ1-σ3<4T和Pf=σ3+T。随着深度的增加,受地温梯度的影响,岩石由脆性变形向韧性变形转变。在无流体超压影响的情况下,脆韧性转换的温度在300~450℃之间,大约在地壳15km处。当流体压力和应变速率增大时,韧性条件下的岩石变形行为由韧性向脆性变化,脆韧性转变的深度随之增大。从构造角度探讨热液成矿作用,热液矿床形成的深度与流体压力、应变速率、裂隙的发育、介质的渗透率、温度变化等相关。岩石断裂的类型和方向影响岩石的渗透率,提供流体运移的通道和聚集场所,控制矿床形成的深度、位置和矿体产状。  相似文献   
In this study,the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU-NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5) is used to simulate Typhoon Mindulle (2004) at high resolution (3-km grid size).The data from measurements show that in the upper atmosphere the existence of an upper jet is important to the transition cyclone.When Mindulle moved to the area of the upper jet entrance,where high-altitude divergence existed, the pumping of the high-altitude divergence would enhance the vertical motion and low-level cyclone convergence. The enhanced vertical motion was confirmed by the simulation results and indicated that the existence of upper divergence enhanced the vertical motion which was favorable for the maintenance of Typhoon Mindulle.The process of extratropical transition (ET) and re-intensification always accompanies the process of cold air invasion. This process enhances the baroclinicity of the atmosphere and the formation of front at high altitudes, which converts baroclinic potential energy into kinetic energy and strengthens the cyclone vortex.The distributions of equivalent potential temperature (θe) and temperature anomalies show that the warm-core of the typhoon at the tropopause aids the re-intensification of the system. As the typhoon reenters the ocean, latent heat flux (LHF) increases in the north and west and the strong reflectivity and vertical motion occur in the east and southeast,and the west.With the re-intensification of the typhoon the wind field evolves from an oval to a circle at the lower atmosphere, the area coverage by high winds increases, and the distribution of the tangential wind shows an asymmetric pattern.  相似文献   
This study used the synthetic running correlation coefficient calculation method to calculate the running correlation coefficients between the daily sea ice concentration(SIC) and sea surface air temperature(SSAT) in the Beaufort-Chukchi-East Siberian-Laptev Sea(BCEL Sea), Kara Sea and southern Chukchi Sea, with an aim to understand and measure the seasonally occurring changes in the Arctic climate system. The similarities and differences among these three regions were also discussed. There are periods in spring and autumn when the changes in SIC and SSAT are not synchronized, which is a result of the seasonally occurring variation in the climate system. These periods are referred to as transition periods. Spring transition periods can be found in all three regions, and the start and end dates of these periods have advancing trends. The multiyear average duration of the spring transition periods in the BCEL Sea, Kara Sea and southern Chukchi Sea is 74 days, 57 days and 34 days, respectively. In autumn, transition periods exist in only the southern Chukchi Sea, with a multiyear average duration of only 16 days. Moreover, in the Kara Sea, positive correlation events can be found in some years, which are caused by weather time scale processes.  相似文献   
基于全国1:100万数字地貌数据库,全国2000、2005、2010年土地覆被数据和山西省行政区边界数据,采用土地覆被动态度、转移概率矩阵和地貌面积频度方法,分析了2000-2010年山西省基本地貌形态类型下的土地覆被变化。结果表明:(1)山西省的土地覆被类型以耕地、林地和草地为主,面积总和占省域面积的95%以上。面积变化的总体趋势是耕地和草地缩减,林地和建设用地持续增加。通过分析转移概率矩阵,表明2000-2005年和2005-2010年2个时段内,土地利用的主要转化趋势相似,即林地与草地之间大面积的相互转化,耕地、草地分别与建设用地之间的相互转化。(2)耕地和建设用地的分布,随着起伏度的增大而逐渐减小。林地分布随着起伏度的增加而逐步增大。从面积变化来看,耕地、林地和草地变化主要位于中起伏山地;水域变化主要集中在大起伏山地;建设用地变化主要分布于平原和台地;未利用地变化主要在小起伏山地。从动态度来看,耕地、草地和水域动态度,在大起伏山地地区最大;林地动态度在平原区最大;建设用地的动态度最大位于丘陵;未利用地在小起伏山地地区最大。(3)土地覆被类型之间的主要转化在地貌上也存着差异。平原地区林地的增加主要来自草地转化。台地和丘陵地区3个主要转化类型相似,2000-2005年主要是林地向草地退化,2005-2010年主要是林地和草地的相互转化。在小起伏山地地区,主要是草地和林地之间的相互转化,但草地转化为林地的面积较林地向草地的转化多。中起伏和大起伏山地地区主要以草地和耕地向林地的转化为主,也有较高比例的建设用地转化为林地。封山育林和退耕还林主要是在起伏较大的山地地区,毁林主要发生在地形平缓地区。  相似文献   
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