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青海玉树地震差分干涉雷达同震形变测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010-04-14青海玉树发生7.1级地震后,作者利用震前和震后获取的日本ALOS卫星PALSAR遥感数据,开展了差分干涉雷达(D-InSAR)地震同震形变测量与分析。结果表明:玉树地震引起较大范围地表变形,地震变形沿玉树—甘孜断裂带向南东东方向扩展,在N33.7°,E96.81°附近达到最大形变量,D-InSAR监测到雷达视向上的最大形变量为35cm。地表形变特征对于评价玉树地震破坏程度、推断断层性质、研究地震形变和地震孕育特征具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
文章以柴达木盆地察汗斯拉图、昆特依和一里坪盐湖共计6个中更新统—全新统含盐地层剖面为研究对象,通过铀系测年和光释光测年测定其成盐年代,利用X射线衍射分析测定其盐类矿物种类.察汗斯拉图D19剖面芒硝和石盐层的铀系年代为(231.5±19.5)~(239.5±40.4)ka BP,对应于深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)7早期;昆...  相似文献   
鲁甸MS6.5地震诱发红石岩右岸发生超大规模崩塌,并形成罕见的634 m特高崩塌边坡,严重影响后续堰塞体整治工程的安全。在现场特高边坡工程处置的基础上,提出了基于GNSS,多点位移计和锚索测力计的综合监测方法和技术。现场监测结果表明,经过工程处置的边坡,在监测期内,表面和深部变形缓慢且较小,坡体内没有发生明显的应力增高,边坡整体处于基本稳定-稳定状态。由于该山体受到震损后,岩体裂隙和后缘地表裂缝较多,后续应持续加强时实监测和预警工作。研究成果对于下部堰塞体整治工程以及后期堰塞体作为永久挡水建筑物的安全性具有重要意义,同时为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
Journal of Geographical Sciences - This article describes the lake basins of the Jom-Bolok volcanic region in the East Sayan (the largest manifestation of the Holocene eruptions in Central Asia)....  相似文献   
云南程海近500年来湖泊初始生产力的演化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
程海为富营养化封闭湖泊,通过对程海CH01乳沉积物色素分析,定性恢复了近500a来程海湖泊初始生产力演化过程,结果表明,近500a来程海湖泊初始生产力总体上呈现由低到高的上升趋势,其中1700AD前后,1790AD前后是湖泊初始生产力出现变化的界限,另外,色素含量变化揭示研究时期内存在1750AD前后,1930AD前后二次明显暖波动。  相似文献   
内蒙古黄旗海不同粒级湖泊沉积物Rb、Sr组成与环境变化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
内蒙古黄旗海湖泊沉积物剖面层次结构清晰完整,通过对该剖面全样、77 μm~20 μm和小于20 μm三个不同粒级Rb、Sr含量和磁化率的系统测定,结果表明,湖泊沉积物中小于20 μm粒级成分的Rb、Sr含量和Rb/Sr值变化阶段明显,Rb/Sr值与磁化率分布曲线十分吻合,因此,小于20 μm粒级成分的Rb/Sr值与磁化率包含更加真实的古气候环境信息。Rb/Sr值反映了风化的强度,因而可以作为指示夏季风环流强度的代用指标。黄旗海湖泊沉积物的地球化学Rb、Sr元素含量和Rb/Sr值以及磁化率值波动特征具有深刻的环境演变背景,由此揭示的环境特征在一定程度上反映了全新世气候千百年尺度的波动变化,与全球气候波动有关。  相似文献   
东濮凹陷沙三段地层为深水相暗色泥岩与砂岩频繁互层及深水相暗色泥岩与盐膏岩频繁互层.这种砂体是东濮凹陷很重要的含油气储层。过去这种砂体往往按照静态的模式被解释为重力流成因,随着勘探的不断深入,越来越多的证据表明这些砂体中存在着牵引流和暴露地表的标志,其成因和沉积模式需要重新认识。东濮凹陷沙三段沉积时期,湖平面变化频繁,有长周期,也有短周期。根据录井、电性及岩心等资料识别出湖平面变化的5级周期,其变化频率约为1000次/Ma。根据计算,东濮凹陷沙三段沉积时期湖水最大深度为30 m。高水位沉积期,湖岸线距盆地中心较远,盆地沉积中心发育暗色泥岩夹薄层碳酸盐岩,盆地边缘发育粗碎屑岩沉积;水位下降期,边缘相砂体不断向盆地中心进积;低水位期湖岸线向盆地中心退缩了1030 km,盆地沉积中心发育盐膏岩沉积,盐膏岩的周围发育低水位三角洲、扇三角洲和滨湖滩坝相的粗碎屑岩体。正是由于湖平面的变化引起的湖岸线迁移,导致高水位沉积期和低水位期湖盆的岩相古地理面貌发生很大的变化,根据这种动态的模式来预测砂体的分布,在指导油气勘探中产生了明显的效果。  相似文献   
Multi-parameter studies (stable isotopes in carbonate and organic matter, pigment,organic carbon and nitrogen contents) from a 660-yr continuous sediment core from Lake Cheng-hai, a closed, eutropic lake in southern China, provide information on lake historical eutrophi-cation. During the last 660 years, great changes have taken place in productivity and eutrophi-cation of Lake Chenghai in response to human activities. In 1690, the productivity of the lakebegan to increase as Lake Chenghai became closed from agriculture in the lake‘‘ s watershed. In 1942, Lake Chenghai evolved to eutrophic state, marked by an increase in organic carbon, ni-trogen, CaC03, pigment contents and obvious negative values of stable isotopes, which is more or less simultaneous with the large-scale population immigration during the period. In 1984, in-tensive human activities induced modern lacustrine productivity and eutrophic level. Human-in-duced trophic changes during the past few decades have affected the Lake Chenghai ecosystem tosuch an extent that it has never experienced before in the last 660 years.  相似文献   
I. Rod Smith 《Sedimentology》2000,47(6):1157-1179
Sediment cores from six small lake basins in the Canadian high Arctic reveal a gravel‐rich (≤30% by weight) to gravel‐poor (≥2%) diamict facies underlying massive, post‐glacial, clayey silt. Ten other lakes contain a second diamict facies within what are interpreted to be glaciolacustrine sedimentary assemblages. The sedimentology, clast fabrics and fossil remains (diatoms, ostracodes and chironomid head capsules) within both diamict facies suggest that these deposits are not tills. Clast fabrics yielded low S1 (0·41–0·57) and high S3 (0·09–0·22) eigenvalues, placing them within the range of ice‐rafted diamictons and glacigenic sediment flows. The high percentage of clast dip angles >45° (15–61%), random clast azimuth and lower diamict contacts conformable to underlying current‐bedded sediment favours an origin as a rain‐out or settling deposit. Samples of the matrix and scrapings of clasts from the diamicts revealed a diatom assemblage dominated by littoral and planktonic forms, such as are found in the littoral regions of the lakes today. This contrasts sharply with the assemblages within the overlying clayey silt, in which benthic forms predominate. Clasts are thus interpreted to have been rafted from the littoral areas of the lake. The process proposed to explain this is rafting by the lake ice cover in a glacial‐marginal environment. Early season meltwater, impounded along the lateral margin of retreating cold‐based glaciers, would buoyantly lift the lake ice cover and any adfrozen lake sediment. Higher lake levels and increased areal extent of seasonal freeze‐on between the lake ice cover and the lake bed would allow the redeposition of littoral sediments to the benthic regions through greater lateral shifting of the ice cover as it broke up. Incision by meltwater streams into the lateral glacial margins would later isolate the lake, allowing seasonal warming of lake water, enough to support the growth and maturation of the ostracode and chironomid species found as fossils within the diamicts.  相似文献   
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