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南海北部陆坡深水区的浅层天然气藏是一种伴随天然气水合物的新型油气藏, 具有埋藏浅、规模大的特点, 其埋藏深度一般小于300m。浅层天然气藏由深部裂解气沿断裂上升被天然气水合物封盖而形成, 识别似海底反射(BSR)是寻找浅层天然气藏有效方法。浅层天然气藏的气源主要有热解气、生物气和混合气, 陆坡张性断裂是气体运移的主要通道, 水合物下部的砂层是浅层天然气藏的主要储集层, 水合物层则是封盖层。从南海发现的天然气水合物分布特征看, 浅层天然气藏在陆坡深水区广泛分布且气藏厚度大, 潜在资源量非常可观, 是一种新型的开采成本相对低廉的油气藏。  相似文献   
近年南海西北陆缘西沙东北海域发现大型多金属结核,尽管其外观与大洋结核别无二致,具有个体大、外部形态规整、层状结构清晰的特点,但其地球化学组成与大洋多金属结核存在明显差别:TMn/TFe的比值小,仅为0.73,富Fe、Si、Al、稀土元素而贫Mn、Cu、Co、Ni。Be同位素质谱法测年和钙质超微生物地层学方法研究表明,结核生长速度达7.41~15.38 mm/Ma,远大于大洋多金属结核的平均生长速率和以前发现于南海北部的多金属结核。依据其综合特征,初步认定其为边缘海区域赋存的一种新型多金属结核。该类型结核所蕴含丰富的边缘海区域古海洋、古气候、古环境信息,有助于探讨新生代末期青藏高原隆升、东亚季风加强、北半球冰期发生等重大地质事件所引起的区域沉积响应。  相似文献   
High-silica granitoids record the formation and evolution of the continental crust. A new intrusive complex has been recognized among silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc, Southwest China. The intrusions consist of granites, granitic porphyries, and granodiorites. Zircon U-Pb age data indicate that the Weixi granitoids formed at 248–240 Ma and were coeval with silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc. The Weixi granitoids are enriched in Rb, Th, and U, depleted in Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, and Ti, and have high light/heavy rare earth element ratios and slightly negative Eu anomalies. The Weixi granitoids have negative εNd(t) values (?9.8 to ?7.8) and negative zircon εHf(t) values (?12.02 to ?5.11). The geochemical and isotopic features suggest the Weixi granitoids were derived by partial melting of ancient crustal material. The Weixi granitoids and silicic volcanic rocks were derived from the same magma by crystal accumulation and melt extraction, respectively, and they record the formation of a continental arc in the central Sanjiang orogenic belt.  相似文献   
变质作用、板块构造及超级大陆旋回   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
麻粒岩相超高温变质作用(GUHTM)主要发育于新太古代至寒武纪岩石中;推测在深部较年轻的,特别是新生代造山带岩石中也会有GUHTM存在。岩石中最初出现GUHTM记录意味着产生瞬时极高热流处的地球动力学发生了改变。许多GUHTM带可能发育于类似现代大陆弧后的构造背景中。在较热的地球上,超大陆及其裂解形成的循环组合,尤其是经岩石圈减薄的洋盆卷入到其外翻过程中可能产生比现代太平洋边缘更热的大陆弧后。中温榴辉岩 高压麻粒岩相变质作用(EHPGM)也是最先发现于新太古代岩石记录中,并发育于从元古宙至古生代岩石中。EHPGM带是对GUHTM带的补充,并经常认为是记录了从俯冲至碰撞造山作用的过程。在元古宙岩石记录中的蓝片岩明显记录了与现代俯冲作用相关的低热流梯度。以发育柯石英(±硬柱石)或金刚石为特征的硬柱石蓝片岩和榴辉岩(高压变质作用,HPM)及超高压变质岩(UHPM)主要是在显生宙形成。HPMUHPM记录了显生宙俯冲碰撞造山带早期碰撞过程中的低热流梯度及陆壳的深俯冲作用。尽管与直觉不同,在超级大陆聚敛期(Wilson旋回洋盆打开和关闭)的大陆地块增生过程,许多HPMUHPM带看来确实是通过小洋盆关闭而发育起来的,反映双重热体制的双重变质带仅发育于新太古代以来的岩石记录中。双重热体制是现代板块构造的特点,而双重变质作用则是板块构造在岩石记录中的特征性标志。尽管构造样式很可能不同,新太古代以来GUHTM和EHPGM带的发育证明“元古宙板块构造体制”的开始。以冷俯冲和大陆地壳深俯冲至地幔,以及其中的部分又从深达300 km处发生折返为标志,“元古宙板块构造体制”在新元古代进化为“现代板块构造体制”,这个转变可由岩石中的HPMUHPM证明。记录这种极端条件的变质带年龄是不一致的,而变质作用发生时间与各大陆岩石圈聚合到超级克拉通(如Superia/Sclavia)或超级大陆(如Nuna (Columbia), Rodinia, Gondwana, 和Pangea)的时间却是一致的。  相似文献   
大陆岩石圈研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈凌  朱日祥  王涛 《地学前缘》2007,14(2):58-75
从地震学、地球化学、岩石学等不同学科的角度,对大陆岩石圈研究进展做了简要介绍。不同学科的最新研究成果表明,岩石圈在热状态、化学成分和力学行为等方面具有高度非均匀性。这不仅表现为岩石圈性质和结构随深度的变化,而且还反映在不同时代、大陆与海洋以及克拉通和造山带岩石圈结构特征的显著差异上。性质和结构的差异体现了岩石圈形成和长期演化过程的复杂性。我们认为,不同岩石圈块体之间、岩石圈与深部对流地幔之间普遍存在着相互作用。这种相互作用被认为是稳定克拉通岩石圈遭受改造甚至破坏的深部机制,同时还是地球深、浅部物质交换的重要方式,因而显著影响着地球深部的对流和地表的构造过程。值得注意的是,由于岩石圈本身定义的模糊性及其厚度的不确定性,地震活动与岩石圈强度之间的关系以及大陆岩石圈演化的规律性等问题仍有待于进一步的研究和探索。  相似文献   
中国喜马拉雅构造运动的陆内变形特征与油气矿藏富集   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
贾承造 《地学前缘》2007,14(4):96-104
在前人研究的基础上,结合近年来在油气勘探中不断积累的地质资料和地质认识,提出了中国喜马拉雅构造运动的陆内变形特征及其分布规律受控于小型克拉通板块拼贴的基底结构和印/欧碰撞与太平洋板块俯冲所主导的双重控制因素;喜马拉雅构造运动的发育特征主要表现为三种动力学机制:青藏高原隆升、盆地与造山带体制和东部拉张活动。喜马拉雅构造运动的大地构造格局及其构造变形分布规律集中体现为4个构造域:青藏高原隆升区、环青藏高原盆山体系、稳定区和环西太平洋裂谷活动区。我国沉积盆地在喜马拉雅构造运动中的构造特征分为三种类型:(1)东部渤海湾、松辽等盆地受拉张构造环境控制的裂谷沉降;(2)中部四川、鄂尔多斯等盆地受青藏高原的向东推挤、盆缘冲断、盆内抬升剥蚀;(3)西部的塔里木、准噶尔、柴达木等盆地受青藏高原的向北推挤、冲断挠曲沉降,表现为克拉通单边或双边的压缩挠曲沉降与克拉通内部的冲断隆升沉降等多种盆山耦合形式。喜马拉雅构造运动控制着中国油气晚期定位与富集成藏,主要体现在:盆地的沉积与成藏,形成新生界自生自储的含油气盆地和油气藏;圈闭形成与油气运聚成藏;早期油气藏的调整和再分配;油气藏的破坏。  相似文献   
Metamorphic dehydration and partial melting are two important processes during continental collision. They have significant bearing on element transport at the slab interface under subduction‐zone P–T conditions. Petrological and geochemical insights into the two processes are provided by a comprehensive study of leucocratic veins in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. This is exemplified by this study of a polymineralic vein within phengite‐bearing UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The vein is primarily composed of quartz, kyanite, epidote and phengite, with minor accessory minerals such as garnet, rutile and zircon. Primary multiphase solid inclusions occur in garnet and epidote from the both vein and host eclogite. They are composed of quartz ± K‐feldspar ± plagioclase ± K‐bearing glass and exhibit irregular to negative crystal shapes that are surrounded by weak radial cracks. This suggests their precipitation from solute‐rich metamorphic fluid/melt that involved the reaction of phengite breakdown. Zircon U–Pb dating for the vein gave two groups of concordant ages at 217 ± 2 and 210 ± 2 Ma, indicating two episodes of zircon growth in the Late Triassic. The same minerals from the two rocks give consistent δ18O and δD values, suggesting that the vein‐forming fluid was directly derived from the host UHP eclogite. The vein is much richer in phengite and epidote than the host eclogite, suggesting that the fluid is associated with remarkable concentration of such water‐soluble elements as LILE and LREE migration. Garnet and rutile in the vein exhibit much higher contents of HREE (2.2–5.7 times) and Nb–Ta (1.8–2.0 times) than those in the eclogite, indicating that these normally water‐insoluble elements became mobile and then were sunken in the vein minerals. Thus, the vein‐forming agent would be primarily composed of the UHP aqueous fluid with minor amounts of the hydrous melt, which may even become a supercritical fluid to have a capacity to transport not only LILE and LREE but also HREE and HFSE at subduction‐zone metamorphic conditions. Taken together, significant amounts of trace elements were transported by the vein‐forming fluid due to the phengite breakdown inside the UHP eclogite during exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust.  相似文献   
Quantitative pyrolysis-gas chromatography has been performed on 96 kerogen samples isolated from 17 wells on the Norwegian Continental shelf. Petrographic and bulk geochemical measurements were also performed on the samples, and a combined data set of 117 variables for each sample was analysed using principal components analysis (PCA). This approach provides an objective and reproducible means of kerogen characterisation, which can be easily automated. In addition to objective kerogen characterisation and facile visualisation of facies and maturity related chemical trends, the method has the potential to allow objective prediction of key geochemical parameters such as maturity level from pyrogram data.  相似文献   
The Himalayan mountains are a product of the collision between India and Eurasia which began in the Eocene. In the early stage of continental collision the development of a suture zone between two colliding plates took place. The continued convergence is accommodated along the suture zone and in the back-arc region. Further convergence results in intracrustal megathrust within the leading edge of the advancing Indian plate. In the Himalaya this stage is characterized by the intense uplift of the High Himalaya, the development of the Tibetan Plateau and the breaking-up of the central and eastern Asian continent. Although numerous models for the evolution of the Himalaya have been proposed, the available geological and geophysical data are consistent with an underthrusting model in which the Indian continental lithosphere underthrusts beneath the Himalaya and southern Tibet. Reflection profiles across the entire Himalaya and Tibet are needed to prove the existence of such underthrusting. Geodetic surveys across the High Himalaya are needed to determine the present state of the MCT as well as the rate of uplift and shortening within the Himalaya. Paleoseismicity studies are necessary to resolve the temporal and spatial patterns of major earthquake faulting along the segmented Himalayan mountains.  相似文献   
华北克拉通北缘中段怀安蔓菁沟高压麻粒岩混杂岩带产在太古宙怀安杂岩南缘与花岗岩带交界处,由高压基性麻粒岩、辉长质麻粒岩、英云闪长质麻粒岩和少量夕线石榴片麻岩相间排列的席状岩层构成,岩层间被高应变带或剪切带分隔。高压基性麻粒岩是石榴辉石麻粒岩。据石榴石斑晶内包裹的早期矿物(Cpx+Q)估算的早期高压变质作用条件:T=800℃,P>1.4GPa。环绕斑晶的后成合晶反应边矿物组合(P1+Opx+Hb+Cpx)的变质条件为:T=820℃,P为0.7~0.9GPa。全岩Sm-Nd等时线年龄2.65Ga,矿物Sm-Nd等时线年龄1.82Ga,锆石U-Pb一致线年龄1.83Ga。高压基性麻粒岩的原岩代表晚太古代陆壳的最下部,大约在2.7Ga从上地幔分异出来,可能经壳下垫托作用加在早期陆壳底部,随后经历高压变质作用。早元古代晚期,由于地壳规模的大型逆冲作用,使其上升,并经受褶皱形变、剪切推覆和退变质等作用的改造,形成高压麻粒岩混杂岩带。  相似文献   
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