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In the deepest region of Korea Strait, the surface temperature is highest in August (lowest in March), while the near-bottom temperature is lowest in September (highest in May). Cross-spectral analysis of the monthly temperature data between the two layers shows high coherence at the annual frequency with phase of 154°. Why and how does such a nearly opposite phasing occur between the surface and the near-bottom temperatures there? This study aims at answering these questions using historical and recently observed data.Cold and relatively fresh subsurface water flowing southward along the east coast of Korea and, known as the North Korean Cold Water (NKCW), becomes noticeable in April near the Sokcho coast. The zonal temperature gradient there is largest around June. The width of the NKCW becomes larger from April to August. After October, the NKCW retreats back toward the coast. The southward movement of the NKCW is thus strong over a period of six to seven months and weak in winter, especially in February. The NKCW flows southward relatively quickly along the coast in April to October and arrives at the Ulleung Basin within one to two months. Because of the sill between the Ulleung Basin and Korea Strait, this water cannot continue to flow to south, but piles up for about two to three months before it moves over the sill. The convergence of the subsurface cold water in the Ulleung Basin displaces the isopycnals upward and this water then intrudes over the sill along the isopycnals. This explains why in April or May, when this water appears noticeably at the Sokcho coast, the near-bottom water in Korea Strait is warmest and in August or September when the NKCW, which is piled up enough at the southern end of the Ulleung Basin, intrudes to Korea Strait, the near-bottom temperatures there are at their lowest.The origin of the NKCW seems to be the water of salinity less han 34.1 psu and surface density of 27σθ or higher, which sinks in the northwestern East Sea in January-March. The sinking of the water results from surface cooling in winter and is intensified due to the strong negative windstress curl. The cold and relatively fresh water, formed in the northwestern East Sea, is hypothesized to flow to the Ulleung Basin along three major paths, along the east coast of Korea, through the channel north of Ulleung-do Island, and through the channel between Ulleung-do and Dok-do Islands.  相似文献   
中朝长白山地区新生代火山堪称东北亚之冠 ,为进一步认识火山时、空、物的演化发展势态 ,对活动的稳定性作出科学评估 ,综合分析了 6 0年代以来 ,特别是近期中、朝地质学家的成果 ,从火山事件地层学理论出发 ,对该区提出划分 31次火山事件的新方案  相似文献   
Electrical conductivity of saturated soil extracts (ECe) in three reclaimed tideland (RTL) soils on the west coast of Korea decreased with time since reclamation, indicating natural desalinization through leaching of salts by precipitation water. Soil N concentration increased with decreasing ECe. With the increase in soil N concentration, the δ15N decreased, likely caused by the input of 15N-depleted N sources. As N2-fixing plant species were found in the oldest RTL, atmospheric N2 fixation likely contributed to the increase in soil N concentration in the oldest RTL. Negative δ15N (−7.1 to −2.0‰) of total inorganic N (NH4 ++NO3 ) and published data on N deposition near the study area indicate that atmospheric N deposition might be another source of N in the RTLs. Meanwhile, the consistently negative δ15N of soil NO3 excluded N input from chemical fertilizer through groundwater flow as a potential N source, since NO3 in groundwater generally have a positive δ15N. The patterns of δ15N of NH4 + (+2.3 to +5.1‰) and NO3 (−9.2 to −5.0‰) suggested that nitrification was an active process that caused 15N enrichment in NH4 + but denitrification was probably minimal which would otherwise have caused 15N enrichment in NO3 . A quantitative approach on N budget would provide a better understanding of soil N dynamics in the studied RTLs.  相似文献   
A partial trackway of a turtle from the Jinju Formation (Sindong Group) is the first report of Mesozoic turtle tracks from Korea and the first report of traces of an aquatic tetrapod from Korea. Six tracks show a partial trackway configuration inferred to represent a partially buoyant trackmaker, possibly engaged in “bottom walking” behavior. Although turtle tracks often co-occur with crocodylian tracks in Cretaceous coastal plain facies in other regions, especially North America, to date there are no such co-occurrences in east Asia. This suggests that in Asia paleoenvironments suitable for turtles were quite widespread, but paleoenvironments were not suitable for crocodylians.  相似文献   
This paper engages with contemporary debates in labour geography through its focus on: migrant workers as active agents of change; precarious employment, its complexities and consequences; and the importance of material spaces in migrant labour struggles. Since the early 2000s the South Korean government has been strengthening the institutionalised regulation of low-wage migrant workers. A key tool in this process is the Employment Permit System (EPS), in force since 2004. Under this policy migrant workers are temporary sojourners and effectively socio-politically, culturally and spatially excluded from Korean society. EPS restricts migrants’ freedom to choose or change workplaces, which renders them vulnerable to economic and social precarity. Employers use these restrictions to segregate migrant workers from co-nationals, and low-waged migrant workers often find themselves in exploitative working conditions in isolated places. This paper is based on deep ethnographic fieldwork in “Nepal Town” in Seoul and remote Nepalese workers’ accommodation. We examine how such precarious working conditions and isolation impact on workers’ active involvement in the formation and transformation of Nepal Town in Seoul. We examine the ways in which Nepal Town is a site of spatial agency and praxis for Nepalese workers and explore the potentialities of ‘reactive ethnicity’. The empirical insights provided, suggest that the regulatory migration regime for low-wage migrant workers is strongly linked with new formations of material landscapes of connection, mobility, freedom and safe space. Such space production enables migrant workers to perform agency and employ tactics of resistance in order to create spaces of possibility.  相似文献   
Abstract: Gold mineralization of the Daerae mine represents the first recognized example of the Jurassic gold mineralization in the Sangju area, Korea. It occurs as a single stage of quartz veins that fill fault fractures in Precambrian gneiss of the central‐northern Sobaegsan Massif. The mineralogical characteristics of quartz veins, such as the simple mineralogy and relatively gold‐rich (65–72 atomic % Au) nature of electrum, as well as the CO2–rich and low salinity nature of fluid inclusions, are consistent with the ‘mesothermal‐type’ gold deposits previously recognized in the Youngdong area (about 50 km southwest of the Sangju area). Ore fluids were evolved mainly through CO2 immiscibility at temperatures between about 250 and 325 C. Vein sulfides characteristically have negative sulfur isotopic values (–1.9 to +0.2 %), which have been very rarely reported in South Korea, and possibly indicate the derivation of sulfur from an ilmenite‐series granite melt. The calculated O and H isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids at Daerae (δ18Owater = +5.2 to +5.9 %; δDwater = –59 to –67 %) are very similar to those from the Youngdong area, and indicate the important role of magmatic water in gold mineralization. The 40Ar–39Ar age dating of a pure alteration sericite sample yields a high‐temperature plateau age of 188.3 0.1 Ma, indicating an early Jurassic age for the gold mineralization at Daerae. The lower temperature Ar‐Ar plateau defines an age of 158.4 2.0 Ma (middle Jurassic), interpreted as reset by a subsequent thermal effect after quartz vein formation. The younger plateau age is the same as the previously reported K‐Ar ages (145–171 Ma) for the other ‘mesothermal–type’ gold deposits in the Youngdong and Jungwon areas, Korea, which are too young in view of the new Jurassic Ar‐Ar plateau age (around 188 Ma).  相似文献   
Several NNW-trending Cretaceous rhyolite dikes in the northeastern Cheongsong area of southern Korea contain spherulitic fabrics and are locally quarried as an ornamental stone. The dikes, part of the Cheongsong dike swarm, contain a variety of spherulites which are characterized by radial array of acicular intergrowths from fibrous quartz and alkali feldspars. They are classified as some simple, multiple and compound spherulite types from flower-like patterns, and the types are different each other in spatial distribution within the dikes. The various radial fabrics suggest that they crystallized under the different cooling mechanisms and processes in rapidly cooling dikes. Spheroids lacking a flower-like pattern may be precipitated after compositional segregation in a supercooled magma. Simple acicular spherulites could be crystallized by devitrification of true glass which cooled rapidly below the transformation temperature, whereas layered multiple spherulites could result from a crystallization of supercooled magma at relatively rapid cooling rates above the transformation temperature. Acicular multiple spherulites could be produced from a combination of the above three mechanisms operating at slower cooling rates.  相似文献   
We thank H. Mashima for his interest in our recent article in Tectonophysics [Kim, H.J., Lee, G.H., Jou, H.T., Cho, H.M., Yoo, H.S., Park, G.T., Kim, J.S., 2007, Evolution of the eastern margin of Korea: Constraints on the opening of the East Sea (Japan Sea). Tectonophysics 436, 37–55.] and welcome the opportunity to respond to his comments. In our article we suggested that the southern part of the East Sea (Japan Sea) opened principally in the southeast direction in response to the northwestward subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Japan Arc. In contrast, Mashima claims that the opening of the East Sea was achieved in the south–southeast direction. However, there are many crucial things in his comments that we find scientifically unconvincing and misleading. In this reply, we give a detailed response to his comments.  相似文献   
Eelgrass, Zostera marina, is the most abundant seagrass species on the coast of Korea, but most large eelgrass meadows have disappeared since the 1970s due to human-induced disturbance. To restore disturbed seagrass habitats in die-off areas, seagrass transplanting has been attempted using various methods. Here, we assessed the feasibility and efficiency of seagrass transplanting methods depending on the sediment type at the planting site. Additionally, the effect of planting time on the establishment of transplant was examined to determine the optimal season for planting. We conducted an eelgrass transplanting experiment from fall 2003 to summer 2004 at three sites with different sediment types using three planting techniques. The staple method resulted in the highest transplant survival rate (77.1-93.8%) at all three sites, but was labor intensive. Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems (TERFS) method also resulted in relatively a high survival rate (58.7-69.0%) at all sites. The shell method is a newer eelgrass transplanting method in which oyster shells are used as an anchoring device, and does not require SCUBA diving for subtidal transplanting. The shell method resulted in high survival rates in muddy (81.3%) and silty sediments (76.5%), but remarkably low survival rate in sandy sediments (5.0%). The TERFS, and shell methods reduced underwater labor; thus, these methods is suitable for large-scale seagrass restoration. Eelgrass transplants planted in summer had exhibited significant mortality due to high summer water temperatures. Although transplants planted in fall to spring had relatively high survival rates, transplanting and collection of vegetative shoots are difficult in winter and spring. Therefore, fall was suggested as the most effective transplanting season off the coast of Korea.  相似文献   
Abstract. Isotope composition of whole rock sulfur has been measured on 14 schists, 10 gneisses, 7 gabbroids, 7 granitoids and 2 sedimentary rocks, with of 9 sulfide (pyrite) sulfurs in gabbros and granitoids, from the southwestern part of the Ryeongnam Massif, Korea. The δ34S values of schists range from -4.6 to +6.1 % (average +0.9 %), those of gneisses from -4.0 to +0.8 % (-1.9%), those of gabbroids from -2.3 to +3.7 % (+1.0 %), and those of granitoids from -5.9 to +3.2 % (-1.9 %). The δ34S values of pyrite separated from gabbros and granitoids show rather heavier values ranging from +3.1 to +9.4 % with an average of+5.8%.
Though the δ34S values of whole rock sulfur give wide range of -5.9 to +6.1 %, the average of about -0.5 % is close to the mantle value. The granitoids sampled at the central parts of intrusive bodies or at the contacts with other plutonic rocks tend to show positive values, while those sampled near the boundary with basement rocks such as granitic gneiss and por-phyroblastic gneiss show negative values. Though the reason of this tendency is not clear at present, the δ34S values of some granitoids in this area seem to represent possible influence by the assimilation of country rocks, particularly of gneisses.
Average isotopic compositions of ore sulfur from individual metal deposits in the studied area are summarized to have a range of+1.0 to +7.8 % with an average value of+3.2 %. The values are consistent with the previous finding that the ore sulfur isotopic values of the Ryeongnam Massif are the lowest among the four tectonic belts in Korea; Gyeonggi Massif, Ogcheon Belt, Ryeongnam Massif, and Gyeongsang Basin. This feature may reflect the isotopic compositions of plutonic rocks and basements in this area, which are characterized by relatively low values around zero permil.  相似文献   
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