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川西马尔康片麻岩穹隆与伟晶岩型锂矿的构造成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
片麻岩穹隆是造山折返过程形成的重要构造样式。马尔康锂矿床位于松潘-甘孜造山带腹地的马尔康片麻岩穹隆中,其核部为太阳河花岗闪长岩和可尔因花岗岩、幔部由经过变质作用的晚三叠世深海—半深海复理石和浊积岩组成,大量含锂伟晶岩脉侵位于红柱石-十字石变质带中。通过野外地质调查和构造分析,在马尔康片麻岩穹隆中识别出三期构造变形叠加于造山早期大规模收缩变形之上:第一期变形(D1)为南向的大型高温拆离剪切带(马尔康拆离断层,MRKD);第二期变形(D2)为马尔康"穹隆构造";第三期变形(D3)为后期叠加的新生代近东西向逆冲断层。新的锆石U-Pb年代学数据表明太阳河和可尔因岩体的结晶年龄分别为226~212 Ma与224~218 Ma,马尔康拆离断层中平行剪切面理的同构造变形伟晶岩脉形成于约212~207 Ma,而未变形含锂伟晶岩脉则形成于200~190 Ma之间。研究表明,马尔康片麻岩穹隆在造山早期伴随220~212 Ma的花岗岩侵位,形成中低压巴罗式变质作用;在挤压向伸展转换过程(212~207 Ma)中,形成向南剪切的拆离断层以及变质核杂岩构造,致使花岗岩浆底辟上涌和片麻岩穹隆的形成;200~190...  相似文献   
The Musgrave Province developed at the nexus of the North,West and South Australian cratons and its Mesoproterozoic evolution incorporates a 100 Ma period of ultra-high temperature(UHT) metamorphism from ca.1220 to ca.1120 Ma.This was accompanied by high-temperature A-type granitic magmatism over an 80 Ma period,sourced in part from mantle-derived components and emplaced as a series of pulsed events that also coincide with peaks in UHT metamorphism.The tectonic setting for this thermal event(the Musgrave Orogeny) is thought to have been intracontinental and the lithospheric architecture of the region is suggested to have had a major influence on the thermal evolution.We use a series of two dimensional,fully coupled thermo-mechanical-petrological numerical models to investigate the plausibility of initiating and prolonging UHT conditions under model setup conditions appropriate to the inferred tectonic setting and lithospheric architecture of the Musgrave Province.The results support the inferred tectonic framework for the Musgrave Orogeny,predicting periods of UHT metamorphism of up to 70 Ma,accompanied by thin crust and extensive magmatism derived from both crustal and mantle sources.The results also appear to be critically dependent upon the specific location of the Musgrave Province,constrained between thicker cratonic masses.  相似文献   
In this study, from the travel time data recorded in the Tianshan passive seismic array experiment, we present the P-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle down to 660 km along the Kuqa-Kuitun pro-file in terms of seismic tomography technique. Based on the P-wave velocity model, we derive the corresponding 2D upper mantle density model. The 2D small-scale convection of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China driven by the density anomalies is simulated using the hybrid finite element method combining with the marker-in-cell technique. The main features of the upper mantle convection and the reciprocation between the convection and mountain building are in-vestigated. The results manifest that (1) in the upper mantle underneath the Junggar basin and North Tianshan exists a counterclockwise convection, which scale is ~ 500 km; (2) underneath the Tarim ba-sin and South Tianshan exists a clockwise northward convection, which is relatively weak; (3) the convective velocity at the top of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China should not be less than 20 mm/a, while considering the dependent of convective velocity on the viscosity; (4) the northward extrusion of the Tarim block plays a key role in the Cenozoic Tianshan mountain building and the present-day tectonic deformation of the Tianshan range is related closely to the upper mantle convection; and (5) the northward subduction of the Tarim block does not influence obviously the up-per mantle convection.  相似文献   
通过野外构造观测、岩石磁学与磁组构综合分析,本文研究了南大巴山前陆褶皱带荆竹坝—石窝剖面的叠加构造特征及其形成演化.从北东向南西,剖面构造变形总体呈减弱趋势,褶皱轴面总体倾向北东,大尺度褶皱枢纽均以小角度向北西倾伏.古应力分析显示最大主压应力为北东—南西向,反映以南大巴山的推覆为主.剖面J3之前的采样层位主要表现为变形组构,而J3-K1的采样层位则表现为初始弱变形组构.磁线理呈NW-SE向的优势方位,与剖面主构造线基本平行,主要反映来自南大巴山的推覆挤压.剖面发育特殊磁组构:①磁面理与地层面斜交,主要与褶皱作用中的平行层简单剪切相关;②磁线理均不同程度斜交于地层走向,指示构造叠加背景.沿剖面北东向南西区段Kmin的倾伏角随构造变形强度减弱而增大,据此相关性可将Kmin的倾伏角作为判别弱变形沉积岩变形强度的标志.本文认为,在晚侏罗世以南大巴山的推覆为主而米仓山短轴背斜与川东褶皱带挤压次之的联合作用使南大巴山前陆褶皱带具有构造叠加特征,之后的早白垩世仍主要表现为南大巴山的推覆,而其他两个方向的挤压较之前相对较弱.该结果也反映了秦岭J3-K1陆内造山作用及燕山期雪峰陆内构造变形的影响,为探索陆内构造与陆内造山的大陆动力学提供了佐证.  相似文献   
构造旋回与大地构造年表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造旋回的划分是大地构造研究的基础之一。但板块学说兴起以来,一些学者基于均变论的哲学思想,却试图抛弃构造旋回的概念。然而,随着时间的推移,地球系统科学的提出,大规模、多学科地学观测,人们已认识到突变与灾变的重要性,认识到渐变与突变相结合的螺旋式向前发展的旋回演化论,才是更全面、更深刻地认识地质规律的有力武器。在大地构造研究中,一些学者常用地层年表,而不用构造旋回。然而,以生物地层学为主要依据的显生宙地层年表与构造旋回和构造岩浆事件并不完全耦合。这是因为,地层年表是在研究地球表生作用,即岩石圈、水圈、大气圈、生物圈之间相互作用的基础上建立的;而构造旋回则是地球内生作用,即壳、幔、核以及壳、幔、核不同层次间多层圈相互作用的历史记录。一些学者在研究大地构造时,只用同位素年龄表示的构造事件,不使用构造旋回。然而,"事件"只是单个现象的呈现,只是构造发展的片段,旋回则阐明过程,反映事物发展中各"事件"(片段)之间的内在联系,反映事物演化的本质。事实上,威尔逊旋回的建立,已为构造旋回和构造事件之间的联系赋予了全新的科学内涵,这也是地质科学发展过程中,正确处理继承与创新关系的一个光辉范例。一些学者由于对全球造山运动是否是同时性的质疑,认为建立全球统一构造年表是不可能的,也是不必要的。可是,地球作为一个整体,其动态活动应该基本上同时的,在受同一地球动力系统控制的一个大区域内,构造运动在各地虽然不是完全同时,但却大致是同时的。北美、欧洲、亚洲加里东、华力西旋回的各次构造运动基本上可以互相对比,就是证明。既然如此,我们就可以按照优先原则,将早古生代的构造旋回称为加里东旋回,将晚古生代的构造旋回称为华力西(海西)旋回。超大陆和超大陆旋回的提出,深化了构造旋回的研究,同时也为建立构造年表开辟了道路。目前已初步提出古元古代哥伦比亚、中元古代罗丁尼亚、新元古代冈瓦纳和显生宙潘吉亚等几个超大陆旋回,这样,我们便可以用超大陆旋回作为构造年表中最大一级的时间单位,每个超大陆旋回又可进一步分为几个旋回,如潘吉亚旋回可分为加里东、华力西两个旋回。我们相信,随着地质学、地球化学、地球物理学研究的深入,随着对固体地球系统和全球地质构造更加深入、全面、系统的观测研究,不久的将来我们将会像建立显生宙地层年表一样,建立起大区域以至全球的构造年表。  相似文献   
利用板块构造理论,依据近年来1:5万区域地质调查及相关科研成果,对辽宁地壳发展演化进行了分析研究,提出辽宁地壳发展可暂划分为早前寒武纪大陆增生构造体制和中元古宙以来的板块构造体制.中太古代-古元古代发现了绿岩地体和古元古宙裂谷,因此将早前寒武纪视作原始板块,中元古代-古生代视作古板块,中生代以来视作现代板块.在此基础上对辽宁大地构造单元进行了划分.辽宁Ⅰ级构造单元为塔里木-华北板块.Ⅱ级构造单元为天山-赤峰陆缘活动带和华北陆块.Ⅲ级构造单元5个,分别为建平-西丰华力西陆缘造山带、冀辽地块、铁岭-清原微地块、辽吉地块及下辽河-辽东湾新生代裂谷.Ⅳ级构造单元16个.为清楚地了解辽宁地壳发展演化特点,对5个Ⅲ级构造单元地质特征进行简要阐述.  相似文献   
吴根耀  马力  梁兴  陈均亮 《地质通报》2008,27(3):308-325
郯庐断裂带的前身是3条重要的边界断裂(古郯庐断裂、辽渤断裂和敦化-密山断裂),因而前白垩纪其两侧的“盆”“山”发育分属不同的造山动力学和成盆动力学系统。其西.扬子微大陆与华北微大陆之间的秦岭-大别造山带是印支期的碰撞造山带,兴-蒙造山带是海西期的阿尔泰型(增生弧型)造山带,燕山运动时两者都成为陆内造山带。“郯庐断裂带”以东,苏鲁造山带是苏皖地块与胶辽微大陆之间的燕山期碰撞造山带,延吉-清津造山带是胶辽微大陆与兴凯地块之间的印支期碰撞造山带;更北则是由一系列外来地体沿敦化-密山断裂拼贴在西伯利亚次大陆之上而形成的斜向汇聚-剪切造山带(属板间造山带)。在此基础上,分为海西-印支期、侏罗纪和白垩纪3个时代,详细剖析了“郯庐断裂带”两侧与上述造山作用耦合的典型的磨拉石盆地和火山岩盆地的演化及其对比,证实前白垩纪“郯庐断裂带”两侧的盆地各有其独立的发育史,不是被郯庐断裂带左行平移错断的同一个盆地。对“郯庐断裂带”两侧古生代-三叠纪陆表海的研究进一步证实其西的扬子微大陆、华北微大陆、布列亚-佳木斯地块与其东的苏皖地块、胶辽微大陆、兴凯地块曾分属独立的构造单元。早白垩世时,随着新特提斯洋的部分闭合,亚洲大陆的雏形出现,上述3条边界断裂连接成郯庐断裂带并成为陆内的左行走滑断层。  相似文献   
构造挤压对库车坳陷异常地层压力的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
库车坳陷异常高压呈东西向带状分布,中部克拉苏-东秋-迪那构造带的地层压力系数在2.0以上,往南北两侧递减。异常高压的分布和古近系的膏盐岩分布密切相关,巨厚的膏盐层盖层是形成异常高压的重要条件。喜马拉雅晚期强烈的构造挤压作用是库车坳陷异常高压形成的主要因素,地层压力和过剩地层压力与最大构造主应力之间具有较好的相关性,构造抬升对该区异常高压形成的影响较小。异常高压对油气藏的形成和保存有十分重要的作用,它是库车坳陷形成大型油气藏的必要条件。  相似文献   
The mid-Neoproterozoic tectonic setting of the Jiangnan Orogen (JO) is uncertain due to the ongoing debate regarding the history of interactions between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks. Extensive magmatic rocks with ages >830 Ma are observed in the eastern JO and are reported to indicate their formation conditions; however, such magmatic rocks are rare in the western JO. This paper presents data from samples collected from two ultramafic intrusions in northern Guangxi province that yield SHRIMP U–Pb ages of 848 ± 7 and 836 ± 5 Ma. These two intrusions have similar geochemical compositions; are enriched in LILE (Rb, Ba, Th, and Pb) relative to HFSE (Hf, Zr, Nb, Ta, and Y), reflecting an arc-like signature; and are derived from the same source. The intrusions have positive εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, implying a depleted mantle source. Comparing the Neoproterozoic mafic–ultramafic rocks of the JO, differences exist between the rocks that formed at 860–830, 830–800, and 800–740 Ma in terms of their mantle sources and formation conditions. Considering the geochemical composition and ages of formation of the strata and the deep structure of the western JO, we speculate that the western JO was a back-arc foreland basin, which experienced shallow subduction-related and arc-like magmatism during the period between 860 and 830 million years. In contrast to the western JO, the eastern JO may have been a back-arc basin with oceanic crustal basement during that time. The JO formed between 830 and 800 million years in association with subduction-related collisional magmatism due to the amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks. Subsequently, magmatism occurred in the JO that resulted from the post-orogenic extension.  相似文献   
本文对布龙果尔组的建造类型及地质时代进行了论证,认为其应属磨拉石建造叠加坍塌建造的复合型建造,并将其地质时代从晚奥陶世厘正为早志留世早期。此外,首次提出早古生代西准噶尔北部地区有一次造山运动,这次运动北疆邻区称为“艾比湖运动”,其发生的确切时间应为晚奥陶世末期。最后,根据布龙果尔组中出现蛇绿岩套的近源砾石。推断洪古勒楞蛇绿岩的形成年代早于早志留世。可能是奥陶纪。  相似文献   
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