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海洋平台磁流变阻尼器半主动控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于现代最优控制理论建立海洋平台磁流变 (MR)半主动控制系统的数学模型 ,采用白噪声过程通过滤波器来近似随机波浪力谱。以典型导管架平台为算例 ,对磁流变阻尼器进行了参数设计。分析了 MR阻尼器对海洋平台振动控制的有效性 ,仿真结果表明 ,采用磁流变阻尼器对海洋平台进行半主动控制能够有效的减小平台的动态响应。  相似文献   
压弯载荷下焊趾表面裂纹工程萌生寿命预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先定义焊趾处从无裂纹到检测到表面裂纹长度达到 1.5mm时对应的循环次数为裂纹“工程萌生寿命”。给出了基于修正Neuber法并考虑焊接残余应力等影响的焊接结构焊趾裂纹工程萌生寿命计算方法。用成一定角度对接焊板试件和轴向加载获得压弯组合应力 ,以 980钢板焊接件为试件 ,在压弯组合应力的作用下 ,对焊趾表面裂纹萌生寿命进行了实验研究 ,确定了焊趾处的疲劳缺口系数。该结果可用于疲劳热点部位的受力特征为压弯组合应力的潜艇耐压壳、压力容器等的某些重要焊接结构疲劳计算  相似文献   
局地海冰数值预测的冰激结构响应计算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在渤海海冰数值预测的基础上,通过渤海海冰的热力—动力模型,对油气作业区的冰厚、冰速、冰温等海冰参数进行短期数值预测,并以此对海冰的盐度、卤水体积、弯曲强度等海冰物理力学参数进行推算,进而对冰激平台结构响应进行计算分析。以辽东湾JZ20-2油气田的MUQ平台为例,对1999/2000年冬季的冰激结构振动响应进行了预测,其结果与实测情况较为吻合。  相似文献   
In this paper a simplified computation method of natural frequency of jacket platforms is given. Shear, bending and rotary inertia effects are considered in the equation, while the jacket shape, rotary inertia and centralized mass of the platform top are all determined by using a coefficient-revising method.  相似文献   
采矿立管是深海采矿系统的重要组成部分,立管的弯矩分析是确保立管正常使用的重要指标。立管所处海洋环境复杂,且立管底部的自由边界条件使得立管弯矩特性难以分析。本文基于波浪理论,使用Abaqus 有限元软件建立海洋采矿立管的模型,运用Abaqus中的AQUA海洋工程模块,考虑立管在轴向力、自重、浮力、波浪载荷、海流载荷及模拟海上平台水平和升沉运动共同作用下,对采矿立管进行弯矩分析,计算了提升泵不同安装位置、不同中继仓重量变化对弯矩的影响,结果表明:提升泵会增大安装位置的弯矩幅度,且安装在不同位置对立管弯矩会产生叠加影响;中继仓重量的增加提高了立管整体稳定性,但会使提升泵处弯矩波动产生向中部延伸的不利影响。  相似文献   
根据室内惯性定位存在误差累积的特点,建立广义似然比检测的方法进行零速度检测,利用Kalman滤波对检测到的"零速度"时刻进行零速修正(zero velocity update,ZUPT),从而有效降低系统累积误差。但行人行走过程中存在的无效振动,导致测得的加速度和角速度数据中出现明显的噪声,这对长时间定位精度产生较大的影响。文中提出在利用Kalman滤波进行误差校正之前首先采用Butterworth低通滤波滤除加速度和角速度数据中由无效振动引起的高频部分,即噪声部分,从而消除行人运动过程中的无效振动对定位精度的影响。  相似文献   
Optimal Active Control of Wave-Induced Vibration for Offshore Platforms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An obvious motivation of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of the lateral vibration control of a jacket type offshore platform with an AMD control device, in conjunction with H2 control algorithm, which is an optimal frequency domain control method based on minimization of H2 norm of the system transfer function. In this study, the offshore platform is modeled numerically by use of the finite element method, instead of a lumped mass model. This structural model is later simplified to be single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system by extracting the first vibration mode of the structure. The corresponding "generalized" wave force is determined based on an analytical approximation of the first mode shape function, the physical wave loading being calculated from the linearized Morison equation. This approach facilitates the filter design for the generalized force. Furthermore, the present paper also intends to make numerical comparison between H2 active control and the corresponding passive control using a T  相似文献   
Umit Ozer   《Engineering Geology》2008,100(1-2):82-90
This paper presents the results of ground vibration analysis induced by blasting during the construction of the Istanbul Kadıköy–Kartal metro tunnel. Different rock formations in this tunnel route were encountered during the excavation with blasting. As a first stage, the test site is divided into 6 main regions with respect to lithology changes in the rock units and Hoek's Geological Strength Index value of these rock units. During the excavation, a total of 659 events were recorded in 260 shots by vibration monitors. Scaled distance and peak particle velocity data pairs belonging to these shots were carefully recorded and analyzed statistically. As a result of this analysis, empirical relationships between scaled distance and peak particle velocity were established with higher correlation coefficients specific to each region. Finally, the particle velocities and frequency values of all blast events were evaluated according to Turkish Environmental Regulation, the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) and the German DIN 4150 Norms in order to predict the influence level to the neighboring buildings and structures.  相似文献   
A comprehensive analytical solution is developed in this paper to investigate the torsional vibration of an end bearing pile embedded in a homogeneous poroelastic medium and subjected to a time-harmonic torsional loading. The poroelastic medium is modeled using Biot’s two-phased linear theory and the pile using one-dimensional elastic theory. By using the separation of variables technique, the torsional response of the soil layer is solved first. Then based on perfect contact between the pile and soil, the dynamic response of the pile is obtained in a closed form. Numerical results for torsional impedance of the soil layer are presented first to portray the influence of wave modes, slenderness ratio, pile–soil modulus ratio and poroelastic properties. A comparison with the plane strain theory is performed. The selected numerical results are obtained to analyze the influence of the major parameters on the torsional impedance at the level of the pile head. Finally, the dynamic torsional impedance of this study is compared with that for floating pile in elastic soil.  相似文献   
建立两级隔振系统的运动模型,推导系统的闭环传递函数并对传递函数进行分析。结果表明:1)系统采用PID反馈较当前超长弹簧中采用的PD反馈具有更好的等效阻尼系数调节功能。2)系统的等效固有周期主要受反馈比例系数kp影响,kp越大,等效固有周期越长,隔振效果越好;kp选定后,积分系数ki和微分系数kd共同影响系统的阻尼,且ki占主导地位,决定系统的稳定性。通过仿真验证了闭环传递函数分析结果的准确性,且仿真结果表明,系统在1 Hz处的隔振效果可达-70 dB。  相似文献   
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