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The detailed surface rainfall processes associated with landfalling typhoon Kaemi(2006) are investigated based on hourly data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is integrated for 6 days with imposed large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature and vapor advection from National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) / Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The simulation data are validated with observations in terms of surface rain rate. The Root-Mean-Squared (RMS) difference in surface rain rate between the simulation and the gauge observations is 0.660 mm h-1, which is smaller than the standard deviations of both the simulated rain rate (0.753 mm h-1) and the observed rain rate (0.833 mm h-1). The simulation data are then used to study the physical causes associated with the detailed surface rainfall processes during the landfall. The results show that time averaged and model domain-mean Ps mainly comes from large-scale convergence (QWVF) and local vapor loss (positive QWVT). Large underestimation (about 15%) of Ps will occur if QWVT and QCM (cloud source/sink) are not considered as contributors to Ps. QWVF accounts for the variation of Ps during most of the integration time, while it is not always a contributor to Ps. Sometimes surface rainfall could occur when divergence is dominant with local vapor loss to be a contributor to Ps. Surface rainfall is a result of multi-timescale interactions. QWVE possesses the longest time scale and the lowest frequency of variation with time and may exert impact on Ps in longer time scales. QWVF possesses the second longest time scale and lowest frequency and can explain most of the variation of Ps. QWVT and QCM possess shorter time scales and higher frequencies, which can explain more detailed variations in Ps. Partitioning analysis shows that stratiform rainfall is dominant from the morning of 26 July till the late night of 27 July. After that, convective rainfall dominates till about 1000 LST 28 July. Before 28 July, the variations of in rainfall-free regions contribute less to that of the domain-mean QWVT while after that they contribute much, which is consistent to the corresponding variations in their fractional coverage. The variations of QWVF in rainfall regions are the main contributors to that of the domain-mean QWVF, then the main contributors to the surface rain rate before the afternoon of 28 July.  相似文献   
下击暴流的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
许焕斌  魏绍远 《气象学报》1995,53(2):168-176
下击暴流是危害飞行安全的一种重要天气现象,特别是尺度为1—4km的微下击暴流。为了了解下击暴流的发展过程,以及大气环境条件和云-降水微物理结构对下击暴流发生演变的影响,利用我们设计发展的非静力全弹性中尺度-γ模式,以一次发生了下击暴流的大气的温、湿、风实测资料为算例进行了数值模拟研究。计算结果给出了下击暴流发生发展的过程,以及在发展过程中各种物理量的变化,得出一些大气环境条件及水凝物粒子微结构对下击暴流发展的影响机理,有助于台站预报员掌握这种天气现象的出现和演变。  相似文献   
An ocean general circulation model (OGCM) is used to demonstrate remote effects of tropical cyclone wind (TCW) forcing in the tropical Pacific. The signature of TCW forcing is explicitly extracted using a locally weighted quadratic least=squares regression (called as LOESS) method from six-hour satellite surface wind data; the extracted TCW component can then be additionally taken into account or not in ocean modeling, allowing isolation of its effects on the ocean in a clean and clear way. In this paper, seasonally varying TCW fields in year 2008 are extracted from satellite data which are prescribed as a repeated annual cycle over the western Pacific regions off the equator (poleward of 10°N/S); two long-term OGCM experiments are performed and compared, one with the TCW forcing part included additionally and the other not. Large, persistent thermal perturbations (cooling in the mixed layer (ML) and warming in the thermocline) are induced locally in the western tropical Pacific, which are seen to spread with the mean ocean circulation pathways around the tropical basin. In particular, a remote ocean response emerges in the eastern equatorial Pacific to the prescribed off-equatorial TCW forcing, characterized by a cooling in the mixed layer and a warming in the thermocline. Heat budget analyses indicate that the vertical mixing is a dominant process responsible for the SST cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Further studies are clearly needed to demonstrate the significance of these results in a coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling context.  相似文献   
局地云量变化气候效应的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
钱云  钱永甫 《高原气象》1994,13(2):169-177
本文用统计得到的东半球夏季平均云量资料,利用改进的云-辐射计算模式,在三维有限区域模式中模拟局地云量变化的气候效应。模拟结果表明,高原地区和热带辐合带云量变化造成的气候效应都主要表现在青藏高原地区。在低反照率时,高原地区云量减少使该地区地表加热,引起高低空气压系统加强;高反照率时结果相反。热带辐合带云量减少会引起青藏高原地区降温和气压系统减弱。  相似文献   
一次湖北暴雪天气的诊断与模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用NCEP GFS资料分析了2007年1月15—16日鄂东南地区降雪过程,对造成暴雪过程的天气系统发生、发展背景场进行分析。并利用中尺度数值天气模式WRF模拟了这次暴雪过程,探讨了其发生发展的机制。天气系统的背景分析表明,这次暴雪过程主要是受700 hPa西南急流和地面冷空气的共同影响而产生的,降水过程与西南急流的变化密切联系。WRF模式较好地再现了此次暴雪的过程。模拟结果表明西南急流的减弱和移出,对应着降雪的开始和停止;在西南急流的左侧,由于低层涡度的增加,使低空辐合、高空辐散,在连续性原理和动力机制约束下导致上升运动的加强是该次暴雪的形成机制。模式结果说明,产生暴雪的上升运动要远小于产生暴雨的上升运动,且在暴雪过程中,中层为上升运动,近地层和高层伴随着下沉运动。  相似文献   
分析了小区地下排水管网的设计、建设、验收的自动检测系统的必要性,介绍了利用ArcEngine开发GIS软件的优点,实现了小区地下排水管网的三维建模及其自动检测系统,即小区三维排水管网的验收系统;重点讨论了地下排水管网的三维建模方法,解决了以往三维场景中的三维模型只能显示、不能查询编辑的问题。  相似文献   
一种面向大场景3维显示的地形建模方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出一种面向大范围3维场景显示的地形建模方法.该方法基于数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Model)固有的栅格特点,将大范围场景划分成小的子块.根据应用对这些子块的精度要求,采用不同地形建模方法构建相应的细节层次LoD( Level of Detail)模型.最终,通过拼接这些子块模型完成对整个大场景的多分辨率建模,试验结果表明,该算法具有较好的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   
针对传统数据库模式在建立庞大、多维、关系复杂的地理数据库模型的过程中存在语义表达不清等问题,本文研究了空间数据库模型在传统建模软件中的构建规律,设计了空间数据库模型在UML图中的表达方式及模板库和在XML文件中的存储规则,实现了将XML文件导入GIS数据库后自动生成控件数据库模型。通过在原型系统中的应用,表明了本文建模方法具有可扩展、方便修改、建模可视化的优点。  相似文献   
一个陆面过程参数化模式与 MM5的耦合   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
殷达中  陈家宜 《大气科学》2000,24(2):177-186
在法国陆面过程模式的基础上,为了表示冠层叶片遮挡对水分蒸发阻抗的影响,在植被覆盖部分引入了遮盖因子,然后将这个修正的陆面过程参数化模式耦合到MM5模式中。耦合后的模式模拟出了因为降水造成土壤湿度变化和植被覆盖动态作用对地面通量的影响,而原MM5模式模拟结果则没有反映上述动态变化对地面通量的作用。原MM5模式和耦合模式模拟了1993年8月17日到20日以内蒙古半干旱草原为中心的中尺度区域的气象场,模拟结果和IMGRASS预观测资料进行了对比,对比说明新的陆面过程模式提高了MM5模式对地面通量和边界层各物理量(风、温、湿)的模拟精度。  相似文献   
断层和断裂带的有效识别是地震资料解释中的重要环节,断层在地震信号响应中以断面波的形式体现,因此断面波成像的质量关系到断层的精细识别与刻画.本文利用精度较高的交错网格有限差分正演模拟方法对断面波成像的影响因素进行了正演研究,主要正演分析的参数包括采集因素中的电缆长度和采集方向,地质因素中的断层倾角、断距、反射系数,以及处理因素中的偏移方法等几个方面.通过正演论证得出:采用合理的采集参数能够提高断面波的照明度;有效结合地质因素能够提高断面波的解释精度;利用合理的偏移方法能够使断层归位更加准确,断面波有效成像.基于以上结论,对于断面波的精确识别与刻画,应综合采集因素,处理因素及地质因素,只有这样才能提高断层的解释精度,有效减小解释误差.  相似文献   
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