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This paper describes a rockfall event in the Daisekkei Valley of Mount Shirouma-dake (2,932 m), the northern Japanese Alps. The rockfall occurred on a steep cliff comprising well-jointed felsites and produced debris of ≥8,000 m3. Most debris was deposited on an elongated snowpatch located immediately beneath the cliff, and it caused casualties among people who were trekking along a trail on the snowpatch. Additionally, a large rock block slipped 1 km on the snowpatch. The rockfall could have been due to the differential retreat of the rockwall, which contains areas of high- and low-density joints. Seasonal and diurnal freeze–thaw activities and snow avalanches and wash appear to be important factors responsible for the retreat. Although some rock blocks that can collapse further remain on the rockwall, the position of the mountain trail in the Daisekkei Valley is fixed. Fundamental reform of tourism systems for climbers, including education on natural hazards, is required.  相似文献   
We evaluate the stress field in and around the southern Korean Peninsula with focal mechanism solutions, using the data collected from 71 earthquakes ( ML = 1.9–5.2) between 1999 and 2004. For this, the hypocentres were relocated and well-constrained fault plane solutions were obtained from the data set of 1270 clear P -wave polarities and 46 SH / P amplitude ratios. The focal mechanism solutions indicate that the prevailing faulting types in South Korea are strike-slip-dominant-oblique-slip faultings with minor reverse-slip component. The maximum principal stresses (σ1) estimated from fault-slip inversion analysis of the focal mechanism solutions show a similar orientation with E–W trend (269°–275°) and low-angle plunge (10°–25°) for all tectonic provinces in South Korea, consistent with the E–W trending maximum horizontal stress (σHmax) of the Amurian microplate reported from in situ stress measurements and earthquake focal mechanisms. The directions of the intermediate (σ2) and minimum (σ3) principal stresses of the Gyeongsang Basin are, however, about 90 deg off from those of the other tectonic provinces on a common σ2–σ3 plane, suggesting a permutation of σ2 and σ3. Our results incorporated with those from the kinematic studies of the Quaternary faults imply that NNW- to NE-striking faults (dextral strike-slip or oblique-slip with a reverse-slip component) are highly likely to generate earthquakes in South Korea.  相似文献   
粤北大沟谷热水沉积钠长石岩岩石化学及稀土元素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大沟谷含金钠长石岩带上为层状下为脉状产于震旦系乐昌峡群片岩中,主要由钠长石岩及碳酸盐岩组成。钠长石岩多为块状及条带状构造。钠长石岩和片岩化学成分不同,钠长石岩相对富集Al2 O3 、TiO2 、MnO、Na2O、P2O5,而贫Fe2O3 、FeO、MgO、CaO、K2 O。在主要氧化物组成的直角坐标图上,钠长石岩和片岩位于不同的区域及具不同的变化趋势。钠长石岩稀土元素含量较低,在 12.5 6× 10 -6~ 5 5.6 6× 10 -6之间,具较低的La/Yb(1.82~ 6.42 )、La/Sm(0.96~ 2.99)、Gd/Yb(0.99~ 2.71)比值,较大的δEu异常范围 (0.41~ 0.8),弱的δCe异常。钠长石岩地质产状特征及稀土元素特征表明其主要是热水沉积形成的。  相似文献   
镜铁山式含铜条带状铁建造的地质特征及成因讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过时空展布规律,沉积建造特征,含铜性及地球化学参数的研究分析,认为北祁连西段含铜带状铁建造为元古宙大陆裂谷环境下,幔源岩浆活动间隙期的热水沉积作用产物,其内预富集的成矿元素Cu应主要来源于下伏的基性火山岩。  相似文献   
为了定量地研究塔里木北部地区区域的层次结构.拆离构造,特别是同油气地质、圈闭构造密切相关的沉积盖层中的层滑倾滑和推覆滑覆等各种构造的形成机制,对该区沉积盖层进行了较系统的岩石物性和岩石力学标本采集和测试(包括三轴参照实验).依其参数结构特点和地质、物探资料,划分出4套7层区域性层滑系统,并与研究程度较高的中、下扬子区的物性参数、岩性组合和构造特征进行综合对比.最后还进一步阐明了塔里木北部地区特征的前列式冲断构造和含油气局部构造等,均受到这7层区域层滑系统的制约.  相似文献   
北半球50条山地冰川近期的物质平衡状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
杨大庆 《水科学进展》1992,3(3):161-165
近期北半球大多数山地冰川的物质平衡为负,冰川普遍退缩,表明北半球气候暖化的趋势.由于区域气候波动和变化的差异性以及冰川对气候变化的敏感性(响应程度)的不同,北半球山地冰川在普遍退缩的背景下具有鲜明的区域特征.  相似文献   
藏北高原D110点不同季节土壤温度的日变化特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用1998年GAME-Tibet加强观测期间取得的一个年周期的土壤温度资料,对藏北高原D110点土壤温度日变化特征的月际变化进行了分析。结果表明,在夏半年(5-9)月土壤温度存在明显的日变化,且基本上按正弦曲线变化,但相位随深度的增加而滞后;冬半年土壤温度尽管也存在日变化,但变幅较小。  相似文献   
Three tree-ring rainfall reconstructions from China and Korea are used in this paper to investigate the East Asian summer monsoon-related precipitation variation over the past 160 years. Statistically, there is no linear correlation on a year-by-year basis between Chinese and Korean monsoon rainfall, but region-wide synchronous variation on a decadal-scale was observed. More rainfall intervals were 1860–1890, 1910–1925, and 1940–1960, and dry or even drought periods were 1890–1910, 1925–1940, and 1960–present. Reconstructions also display that the East Asian summer monsoon precipitation suddenly changed from more into less around mid-1920. These tree-ring precipitation records were also confirmed by Chinese historical dryness/wetness index and Korean historical rain gauge data.  相似文献   
This study evaluated remedial alternatives for a petroleum-contaminated site where an unconfined aquifer composed of a sandy layer of about 3–3.5 m thickness is covered by alluvial deposits and reclaimed soil of about 1.5 m thickness. Precambrian gneiss, of low permeability, lies below the sandy layer. The shallow water table is about 3 m below the surface, but shows high fluctuations of up to 1.5 m in response to precipitation events. The unsaturated soil near the water table and the groundwater are highly contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, especially toluene, which have apparently leaked from storage tanks. Selection of the remedial alternatives required consideration of the relevant laws on soil and groundwater conservation in Korea, the results of risk analysis and the hydrogeological conditions. The contaminated area has been divided into zones in which different remediation goals are set based on risk analysis and the degree of natural attenuation. It is estimated that the clean-up goal can be achieved in two years by the combined use of a trench drain and well point pumping to collect the contaminated groundwater for treatment, and a dual air injection system for the contaminated soil.  相似文献   
We compared total mercury (THg) concentrations in the fur of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from the depleted Pribilof Islands population with those of both declining and thriving populations of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from Prince William Sound (PWS) and Southeast Alaska (SEA), respectively. Relatively low wet weight concentrations (ranges) of THg were detected in the fur of Steller sea lion (SSL) pups (0.90-3.14 microg/g) and juveniles (0.56-6.75 microg/g) from both areas in 1998 and 2000 compared to northern fur seal (NFS) pups (3.15-8.14 microg/g) in 2000. The mean concentration +/- SD for SSLs sampled were 1.46 +/- 0.64 microg/g for pups (n = 22) and 2.74 +/- 2.89 microg/g for juveniles (n = 6). Analyses indicated higher THg concentrations from SSL pups from PWS compared to the SEA. Mean +/- SD. THg in the NFS pups was 4.90 +/- 1.42 microg/g (n = 34) and for post-partum dams was 7.84 +/- 1.78 microg/g (n = 12).  相似文献   
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