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于淑秋 《高原气象》1998,17(3):290-299
对长江坝区汛期降水的气候背景进行了分析后指出:坝区汛期降水异常与EAA相关链,特别是东亚这一段遥相关型有明显联系,进而探讨了它与前期北太平洋海水温度的关系。  相似文献   
 At the northern part of the Portuguese mainland, the upflow zone of several hot and cold HCO3/Na/CO2-rich mineral waters is mainly associated with important NNE–SSW faults. Several geochemical studies have been carried out on thermal and non-thermal hydromineral manifestations that occur along or near these long tectonic alignments. The slight chemical differences that exist between these meteoric hot and cold HCO3/Na/CO2-rich mineral waters seem to be mainly caused by CO2. δ13C(TIDC) values observed in these groundwaters range between –6.00 and –1.00‰ versus V-PDB (V denotes Vienna, the site of the International Atomic Energy Agency; PDB originates from the CaCO3 of the rostrum of a Cretaceous belemnite, Belemnitella americana, collected in the Peedee formation of South Carolina, USA) indicating a deep-seated (mantle) origin for most of the CO2. Nevertheless, in the case of the heavier δ13C(TIDC) values, the contribution of metamorphic CO2 or the dissolution of carbonate rock levels at depth cannot be excluded. Concerning the hot waters, the lack of a positive 18O-shift should be attributed to water-rock interaction in a low temperature environment, rather than to the isotopic influence of CO2 on the δ18O-value of the waters. Received: 9 August 1999 · Accepted: 8 March 2000  相似文献   
It has long been acknowledged that there are two types of El Ni(n)o events,i.e.,the eastern Pacific El Ni(n)o (EE) and the central Pacific El Ni(n)o (CE),according to the initial position of the anomalous warm water and its propagation direction.In this paper,the oceanic and atmospheric evolutions and the possible mechanisms of the two types of El Ni(n)o events were examined.It is found that all the El Ni(n)o events,CE or EE,could be attributed to the joint impacts of the eastward advection of warm water from the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) and the local warming in the equatorial eastern Pacific.Before the occurrence of CE events,WPWP had long been in a state of being anomalous warm,so the strength of eastward advection of warm water was much stronger than that of EE,which played a major role in the formation of CE.While for the EE events,most contribution came from the local warming of the equatorial eastern Pacific.It is further identified that the immediate cause leading to the difference of the two types of El Ni(n)o events was the asynchronous variations of the Southern Oscillation (SO) and the Northern Oscillation (NO) as defined by Chen in 1984.When the transition from the positive phase of the NO (NO+) to NO- was prior to that from SO+ to SO-,there would be eastward propagation of westerly anomalies from the tropical western Pacific induced by NO and hence the growth of warm sea surface temperature anomalies in WPWP and its eastward propagation.This was followed by lagged SO-induced weakening of southeast trade winds and local warming in the equatorial eastern Pacific.These were conducive to the occurrence of the CE.On the contrary,the transition from SO+ to SO- leading the transition of NO would favor the occurrence of EE type events.  相似文献   
Russian boreal forests have been reshaped by wildland fire for millennia. While fire is a natural component of boreal ecosystems, it impacts various aspects of the environment and affects human well-being. Often fires occur over large remote areas with limited access, which makes their ground-based observation difficult. A significant progress has been made in mapping burned area from satellite imagery, which provides consistent and fairly unbiased estimates of fire impact on areas of interest at multiple scales. Although the information provided by burned area products is highly important, the spatio-temporal dynamics of individual fire events and their impact are less known. In high northern latitudes of Northern Eurasia, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) makes up to four daily observations from each of the Terra and Aqua satellites providing consistent data on fire development with high temporal frequency. Here we introduce an approach to reconstruct the development of fire events based on active fire detections from MODIS. Fire Spread Reconstruction (FSR) provides a means for characterization of fire occurrence over large territories from remotely sensed data. Individual fire detections are clustered within a GIS environment based on a set of rules determining proximity between fire observations in space and time. FSR determines the number of fire events, their approximate size, duration, and fire spread rate and allows for the analysis of fire occurrence and spread as a function of vegetation, fire season, fire weather and other parameters. FSR clusters were compared to burned scars mapped from Landsat7/ETM+ imagery over Yakutia (Russia). While some smaller burn scars were found to be formed through a continuous burning of a single fire event, large burned areas in Siberia were created by a constellation of fire events incorporating over 100 individual fire clusters. Geographic regions were found to have a stronger influence on the rates of fire activity in the area compared to vegetation zones. In addition, fire spread rates do not directly correlate with the intensity of a given fire season. FSR is also used to identify the points of ignition for individual fire events in spatio-temporal domain for fire danger and fire threat modeling. This approach presents another step towards the more complete characterization of fire events from remotely sensed data.  相似文献   
Tidal conditions differently influence inter‐tidal organisms in terms of general physiological and metabolic responses. In this study we investigated the morphological response in shells of Mytilus galloprovincialis native to different micro‐tidal coastal environments in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Our purpose was to highlight the ecophenotypic variability across tidal levels and to elucidate how tidal currents and waves produced by anthropogenic activities may play a part in modulating shell morphology. Three sampling sites were selected: an open‐sea area 15 km off‐shore and two sites within the lagoon of Venice, the first near one of its three inlets, and the other one in the proximity of Venice city centre. At each sampling site, organisms were seasonally collected at different depths within their vertical zonation, either in the inter‐tidal zone – i.e. at both the highest and lowest tide zonation limits, and subtidally. The mussel shells were analysed by investigation of their morphometric relationships (height/length and width/length ratios) and by elliptic Fourier analysis of the shell contours. Shell thickness and condition index were also evaluated for a better comprehension of energy allocation/partitioning. Estimates based on long‐term measurements, visual observation, wind statistics and wave growth laws allowed an evaluation of the forces acting on shells. At the open‐sea site, the observed phenotypic variability of both shell shape and thickness was clearly related to the tidal vertical zonation. At the two lagoon sites, the currents generated by tidal flow through the inlet and the waves caused by the frequent passage of boats influenced both shell shape and thickness. A trade‐off between protection and growth was apparent along the tide gradient, as emphasized by the differences in the partitioning and allocation of energy between shell and flesh production.  相似文献   
郭丽君  郭学良 《气象学报》2015,73(2):368-381
地基多通道微波辐射计可提供高时间分辨率的大气温、湿度和液态水含量廓线遥感探测数据,为大气层结及云雾形成和演变特征研究提供了重要手段,但对其观测数据的可靠性检验研究很少。本研究在对比晴空MonoRTM模拟亮温和微波辐射计观测亮温的基础上,利用华北地区2009—2013年11个雾天气过程的170个时次(其中30个为雾发生时次)的探空数据,检验了美国Radiometrics 35通道MP-3000A型微波辐射计(Microwave Radiometer Profiles,MWRP)探测的温度、水汽密度和相对湿度数据,并结合系留气艇和CloudSat云雷达等观测资料,检验了典型雾个例的MWRP反演的温、湿度廓线数据。与探空数据的比较表明,两者的温度(T)数据的相关系数超过0.98,水汽密度(ρ)的相关系数超过0.95,但相对湿度(RH)的相关系数只有0.67左右。总样本误差分析中MWRP反演的T比探空偏低约3℃,ρ的均方根误差(E)在1 g/m~3以内,RH在1—7 km高度偏大,总样本RH垂直平均E在18%左右,雾天时的RH垂直平均E在23%左右。与系留气艇观测数据比较表明,MWRP反演的T也偏低,但两种探测方式的T和RH在指示雾的发展演变过程中具有很好的一致性。CloudSat云雷达数据验证了MWRP反演显示中高层出现高RH区与云的存在有关。  相似文献   
通过对南海北部陆坡KNG5孔沉积物粒度、粘土矿物和14C年龄的综合分析, 探讨了南海北部陆坡的沉积物来源及其控制因素。物源分析表明, KNG5孔17.5-12.5ka BP的沉积物主要来源于珠江, 12.5ka BP 时粘土矿物组合突然发生改变, 并且自12.5ka BP以后, 高岭石含量总体稳定, 说明12.5ka BP时海平面已上升到相当的高度, 并且可能当时南海的现代环流系统已开始形成, 西行的广东沿岸流导致向外扩散的珠江物质减少, 由于受北太平洋深层水(NPDW)和黑潮(KC)南海分支的作用, 台湾成为此时沉积物的主要贡献者。KNG5孔17.5-11ka BP时期的粘土矿物和粒度变化主要受控于海平面和洋流系统的变化。全新世早期(11.0-8ka BP)平均粒径达到最细和1-2.2m 粒级含量达到最高值可能是强盛的夏季风作用的结果。全新世中晚期(8—0ka BP) 1-2.2?m组分含量的减少是8ka BP以来东亚夏季风减弱的具体体现, 1-2.2m 粒级含量指示的东亚夏季风变化能和北半球其它季风指标能很好地对应起来, 说明这次季风减弱是北半球各个季风系统的共同现象。  相似文献   
The Southern Hemisphere subtropical supergyre at intermediate depths connects all three ocean basins and plays a significant role in responding and conveying the climate-change-related variations in the glob- al ocean. On the basis of the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation/SODA) ocean reanalysis, the thermohaline variability and southward shift of the mid-depth supergyre are demonstrated. The steric height of the sub- surface relative to 1 500 m (400-1 500 m) from the SODA depicts exactly the flow patterns and variability of the oceanic supergyre. During 1958-2007 the water masses in the gyre interiors become cooler/fresher, with the significant exceptions of the Agulhas Current system and Agulhas leakage. The results also exhibit a pronounced strengthening of the inter-basin connection of the supergyre, and the strongest southward shift, by about 2.5° over the whole period, occurs in the central-south Pacific, which is associated with the changes in the basin-scale wind forcing.  相似文献   
针对神狐海域的地质构造和天然气水合物的赋存特征,以重点测线三维地震数据为基础,分析讨论了基于宽带约束的模拟退火波阻抗反演方法、流程和关键技术问题,定量获得了含天然气水合物沉积物的波阻抗特征。结果表明:基于宽带约束的模拟退火波阻抗反演数据具有较高的有效垂向分辨率和较好的横向连续性;神狐海域高波阻抗异常反映了含天然气水合物沉积层,而不连续异常低波阻抗层是水合物层之下游离气的表现,这与钻探结果吻合。由此可见,基于宽带约束的模拟退火波阻抗反演可为天然气水合物层识别和预测、勘探目标圈定、钻探井位选择提供重要依据。  相似文献   
The increasing trend of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in recent decades has influenced climate change in the Southem Hemisphere (SH).How the SAM will respond increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the future remains uncertain.Understanding the variability of the SAM in the past under a colder climate such as during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) might provide some understanding of the response of the SAM under a future warmer climate.We analyzed the changes in the SAM during the LGM in comparison to pre-industrial (PI) simulations using five coupled ocean-atmosphere models (CCSM,FGOALS,IPSL,MIROC,HadCM) from the second phase of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP2).In CCSM,MIROC,IPSL,and FGOALS,the variability of the simulated SAM appears to be reduced in the LGM compared to the PI simulations,with a decrease in the standard deviation of the SAM index.Overall,four out of the five models suggest a weaker SAM amplitude in the LGM consistent with a weaker SH polar vortex and westerly winds found in some proxy records and model analyses.The weakening of the SAM in the LGM was associated with an increase in the vertical propagation of Rossby waves in southern high latitudes.  相似文献   
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