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The New England and Mid‐Atlantic regions of the Northeast United States have experienced climate‐induced increases in both the magnitude and frequency of floods. However, a detailed understanding of flood seasonality across these regions, and how flood seasonality may have changed over the instrumental record, has not been established. The annual timing of river floods reflects the flood‐generating mechanisms operating in a basin, and many aquatic and riparian organisms are adapted to flood seasonality, as are human uses of river channels and flood plains. Changes in flood seasonality may indicate changes in flood‐generating mechanisms, and their interactions, with important implications for habitats, flood plain infrastructure, and human communities. I applied a probabilistic method for identifying flood seasons at a monthly resolution for 90 Northeast U.S. watersheds with natural, or near‐natural, flood‐generating conditions. Historical trends in flood seasonality were also investigated. Analyses were based on peaks‐over‐threshold flood records that have, on average, 85 years of data and three peaks per year—thus providing more information about flood seasonality than annual maximums. The results show rich detail about annual flood timing across the region with each site having a unique pattern of monthly flood occurrence. However, a much smaller number of dominant seasonal patterns emerged when contiguous flood‐rich months were classified into commonly recognized seasons (e.g., Mar–May, spring). The dominant seasonal patterns identified by manual classification were corroborated by unsupervised classification methods (i.e., cluster analyses). Trend analyses indicated that the annual timing of flood‐rich seasons has generally not shifted over the period of record, but 65 sites with data from 1941 to 2013 revealed increased numbers of June–October floods—a trend driving previously documented increases in Northeast U.S. flood counts per year. These months have been historically flood‐poor at the sites examined, so warm‐season flood potential has increased with possible implications for aquatic and riparian organisms.  相似文献   
樊杰  刘汉初  王亚飞  赵艳楠  陈东 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1445-1456
从“东北现象”的新近表现,提出影响国土空间开发保护格局变化的3个稳定因素:资源环境承载能力、地缘关系、文化和体制机制。分别对3个稳定因素在东北地区的特征状况进行了解析,结果表明东北资源环境承载能力本底强,但开发利用效益不佳,突出表现在优化开发区和重点开发区面积过小、限制性开发区收益较低、资源环境承载力预警超载低;位于全球三大经济圈之一的东北亚核心区,地缘优势突出,但未能转换为经济优势,突出表现为外向型经济比重过小、对日韩贸易地位不凸显;文化和体制机制成为限制东北地区发展的核心障碍,突出表现在产业结构不合理、国有经济比重过高。以五大发展理念为指引,结合东北振兴的问题导向,着重对东北地区提高科技创新能力解决发展驱动力的转型、创新国有企业改革模式和促进多种所有制经济协调发展、围绕“一带一路”战略实现开放经济的转型以及腾出国内市场促进东北优势产业继续保持活力、以共享发展理念消除城市贫困增进东北地区民生福祉、采取经济社会生态效益相统一的原则实现东北地区按照主体功能定位进行发展等开展预判研究。  相似文献   
90年代以来,蒙古对外经济联系格局发生了显著变化,东北地区日益成为蒙古对外经济联系的首选地区。本文从蒙古参与东北亚经济合作的必然性、与东北亚经济合作的态势、在图们江地区开发中的地位和作用三个方面分析了蒙古参与东北亚经济合作的趋势及其在东北亚经济合作中的地位和作用,并论述了蒙古经济发展的战略选择。  相似文献   
Warming of the northeast Atlantic is expected to affect the location and productivity of fish stocks. It is examined whether variations in catches of cod, herring, mackerel, anchovy and sardines in the ICES statistical areas are related to variations in ocean temperature. Temperatures at certain locations along the Norwegian coast are taken as proxies for temperatures in the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. It is found that the catches of cod in the North Sea are inversely correlated with temperature and that recruitment and catches of cod in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are positively related to temperature. There is also some indication of a positive correlation between temperature and the catches of mackerel in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and between temperature and the catches of sardines in the North Sea.  相似文献   
紧凑型城市发展是相对于分散型城市发展较为经济的一种发展模式。为探索东北三省城市紧凑度现状及特征,首先,从土地利用紧凑性、经济紧凑性、人口紧凑性、基础设施紧凑性,环境协调等方面切入,建立紧凑度评价的指标体系,运用熵值法对东北三省地级及以上城市的紧凑度进行了评价,并从空间和数量统计角度,应用SPSS软件,归类分析了城市紧凑度的分布特征;其次,以计算得到的紧凑度指数为基础,借助GIS软件,运用空间全局/局部自相关分析方法对东北三省城市紧凑度分布的相关性进行了分析,并利用地理加权分析方法,对紧凑度与影响紧凑度分布的主要因子的关联性进行分析。研究结果表明,东北三省城市紧凑度呈现出较为突出的极化分布现象,不同主因子对紧凑度分布影响的差异性显著。  相似文献   
清代东北地区土地开发及其动因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了清代东北地区土地开发过程、特点和趋动因子。指出封禁时期土地开发主要集中于辽河流域及辽西地区,吉、黑两地只有零星开发,总的呈现一派大荒景象。开禁后,先后在奉天、吉林、黑龙江进行了大面积的放垦。大规模的移民和高速度的土地开发世所少见。最后分析了影响东北地区土地开发的主要趋动因子,指出巨大的人口压力、连年的大灾荒以及清朝政府的土地开发政策是造成清代晚期东北地区大规模移民和高速度土地开发的重要原因。  相似文献   
Our understanding of the significance of sound production to the ecology of deep-sea fish communities has improved little since anatomical surveys in the 1950s first suggested that sound production is widespread among slope-water fishes. The recent implementation of cabled ocean observatory networks around the world that include passive acoustic recording instruments provides scientists an opportunity to search for evidence of deep-sea fish sounds. We examined deep-sea acoustic recordings made at the NEPTUNE Canada Barkley Canyon Axis Pod (985 m) located off the west coast of Vancouver Island in the Northeast Pacific between June 2010 and May 2011 to determine the presence of fish sounds. A subset of over 300 5-min files was examined by selecting one day each month and analyzing one file for each hour over the 24 h day. Despite the frequent occurrence of marine mammal sounds, no examples of fish sounds were identified. However, we report examples of isolated unknown sounds that might be produced by fish, invertebrates, or more likely marine mammals. This finding is in direct contrast to recent smaller studies in the Atlantic where potential fish sounds appear to be more common. A review of the literature indicates 32 species found off British Columbia that potentially produce sound could occur in depths greater than 700 m but of these only Anoplopoma fimbria and Coryphaenoides spp. have been previously reported at the site. The lack of fish sounds observed here may be directly related to the low diversity and abundance of fishes present at the Barkley Canyon site. Other contributing factors include possible masking of low amplitude biological signals by self-generated noise from the platform instrumentation and ship noise. We suggest that examination of data both from noise-reduced ocean observatories around the world and from dedicated instrument surveys designed to search for deep-sea fish sounds to provide a larger-scale, more conclusive investigation into the role, or potential lack thereof, of sound production.  相似文献   
中国东北地区远震P波走时层析成像研究   总被引:6,自引:14,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国东北流动和固定台网的234个宽频带地震仪记录的远震波形数据,采用波形相关方法拾取了57251个有效相对走时残差数据,进一步采用FMTT(Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)层析成像的方法,反演获取了研究区下方深达800 km的P波速度结构.结果显示:在长白山下方发现有一个高速异常结构,这可能就是俯冲到欧亚大陆板块下方的太平洋板块,由于板块的部分下沉,使得板块的形状并没有呈现出明显的板片状.长白山、阿尔山、五大连池火山下方都有低速异常体,长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常向下延伸至地幔转换带,可能与其上部的火山形成有关.五大连池火山下方的低速异常向下延伸至200 km左右,不同埋深的低速异常结构可能意味着五大连池与长白山和阿尔山有着不同的成因.松辽盆地呈现以高速异常为主导高低速异常混合分布的特性,暗示松辽盆地可能有岩石圈拆沉的过程,盆地南部下方的低速异常与长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常有连通性,可能是下地幔热物质上涌的一个通道.  相似文献   
东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局及其分异机制研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
付占辉  梅林  刘艳军  郑茹敏 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1473-1483
借助多元逐步线性回归、GWR等模型方法,探讨1990年以来东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局、类型特征及其分异机制,最后提出城乡统筹可持续发展建议。结果表明: 1990年以来,东北三省城乡居民收入水平大幅提高,但大部分地区城镇居民可支配收入水平仍低于全国平均水平;城乡收入差距整体有所拉大,呈现出“中间高、两端低”的空间特征。 城乡收入差距空间分布格局受经济发展水平、工业拉动效应、服务业带动力和交通通达程度影响,其中经济发展水平对城乡收入差距由早期的正向拉大作用为主,逐步演变为负向抑制效应。 据此提出对策建议:深化改革开放,加快国有企业改革步伐,优化区域产业结构,提高服务业发展水平和比重,激发市场活力,破解制约区域经济发展的各种障碍;加快实施乡村振兴战略,促进乡村资源开发,开辟致富增收新路径。  相似文献   
This paper systematically analyzes and proves the favorable factors of utilizing the ports and the railways in Northeast China for the Asia-Europe land bridge transportation. It will be more beneficial to Dalian Port and HaDa (Harbin-Dalian) and Binzhou (Harbin-Manzhouli) railways in Northeast China to the Siberia railway in Russia than 1) to other ports and the corresponding railways in China, 2) to the Nakhodka Port in Russia and the corresponding railways and 3) to the Chongjin Port in North Korea and the corresponding railways. This paper also puts forward the reform measures to adopt the ports and the railways in the northeast region in China for the land bridge transportation and the problems in transportation policies and management systems.  相似文献   
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