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TheabnormalmantleanddeeptectonicprocessinthesouthernregionofNorthChinaPlainShi-YuGAO(高世玉),Hong-XiangHU(胡鸿翔)andShanDING(丁山)(In...  相似文献   
华北克拉通东部新元古代宏体化石生物地层序列   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华北克拉通东部是中国晚前寒武纪地层出露最为完整、连续的地区,特别是华北克拉通东缘连续出露了新元古代自老至新的全部地层,是对比和衔接中国南、北方晚前寒武纪地层的关键地区。在该地区所发现和建立的宏体化石群——“龙凤山生物群”、“辽南生物群”和“淮南生物群”可能是新元古代“南华大冰期”前后较为独特的生物群落,其中相当部分可能归属于多细胞后生动物和多细胞藻类,是地球早期生命景观的重要代表。因此,对这些新元古代早期生物群的研究将可能揭示比陡山沱期更早的多细胞后生动植物的演化面貌,在演化生物学上意义重大。近年来,在地调项目的资助下,开展了华北克拉通东部地区的新元古代年代地层及生物地层的研究。本文综合现有资料,详细记述了华北克拉通东部(燕山地区和辽南、徐淮地区)含宏体化石的新元古代地层及其宏体化石特征、组合面貌和生物地层序列。同时,依据宏体化石记录,探讨了中国新元古代地层的对比问题。  相似文献   
Orogenic gold (Au) deposits are the most important type, accounting for more than half of the world's proven Au reserves. They are mainly controlled by three key factors: (1) abundant andesitic rocks (SiO2 of 55–60 wt.%) at depth, which have systematically higher Au contents than other rock types; (2) a pervasive transition from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies metamorphism within a short period, which releases S2?-rich fluids that may scavenge Au from host rocks; and (3) deformation and fracturing under a compressive/transpressive tectonic regime. Orogenic belts at convergent margins are the best places for such mineralization because convergent margins are rich in andesites; the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies recrystallization commonly occurs as a result of collision, compression, and thickening at convergent margins, forming large amounts of Au-rich fluids within a short period of time; and strong deformation and fracturing during orogenic processes provide channels for fluid transportation. Moreover, the overlying plate is injected and enriched by auriferous fluids released during amphibolite facies metamorphism of the subducting plate. The Pacific plate changed course by ~80° (from SW to NW) at approximately 125–122 Ma, reflecting an altered thermal structure and the elevation of the South Pacific plate attending the appearance of the plume head that formed the Ontong Java large igneous province. Consequently, the tectonic regime changed from extension to compressive/transpressive in eastern China, causing deformation, thickening, and metamorphism of the overriding plate, especially along weak crustal belts (e.g. overlying plates of palaeosutures), which resulted in world-class mineralization of orogenic Au deposits. During this process, pyrite changed to pyrrhotite during the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies, releasing sulphur. Sulphur mobilized and scavenged Au and other chalcophile elements into metamorphic ore-forming fluids. A series of NE-trending compressive faults were formed at ?120 Ma as a result of continuous compression of the subducting Pacific plate, releasing these ore-forming fluids. Auriferous carbonate-rich quartz veins and/or metasomatized Au-bearing wall rocks were formed due to the decompression of the ascending ore-forming fluids. Orogenic belts along the margins of the North China craton and the Jiangnan block were the most favourable regions for mineralization. Compared with the former, the latter has much smaller proven Au reserves. However, more exploration is needed along the margins of the Jiangnan block. Promising targets include accessory faults and kink points of large, NE-trending Cretaceous faults that transect greenschist facies metamorphic rocks of the Niuwu and Jingtan Groups, etc.  相似文献   
我国北方主要平原地下水潜力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈德华  陈浩  张薇 《地下水》2009,31(2):1-4
通常用地下水开采系数反映地下水资源潜力,只考虑了地下水的持续开采,使地下水资源评价与开发利用相互脱节,不便于地下水资源的管理与利用。地下水潜力系数是综合了地下水可开采盈余量、咸水、微咸水可利用量以及在水资源利用过程中节水量等,对各平原(盆地)地下水潜力进行了评价。指出了不同地区地下水开发利用方向:西北内陆盆地突出要解决地表水、地下水的相互涵养保护和对生态环境保护的问题,应充分利用水资源相互转化和重复循环的规律,扩大地下水开采量,提高水资源的重复利用率。华北及东北地区应从水资源现状、环境和社会经济的特点出发,综合治理,开源节流,保护环境.合理调整开采方案,应加强浅层微咸水综合开发利用研究。  相似文献   
扬子与华北太宙基底差异的 Sm-Nd 同位素和 REE 新证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌文黎  高山  赵祖斌  张利 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):24-27
本文通过对扬子崆岭杂岩和华北太华群和阜平群新太古代和古元古代斜长角闪岩、TTG片麻岩 Sm-Nd同位素和REE对比研究,讨论了同时代岩石对地壳主体增生时代、地幔性质和演化规律的揭示,表明两克拉通属不同大陆岩石圈陆块。  相似文献   
王龙  吴海  张瑞  李昌伟 《地质论评》2018,64(1):62-76
随着对现代碳酸盐沉积环境的系统调查和解释、以及对碳酸盐沉积原理认识的深化,自20世纪60年代,一系列碳酸盐沉积相模式得以建立,其中最引人注目的是Wilson和Tucker的工作。但在镶边陆棚及缓坡模式得到了广泛认可和使用的同时,对陆表海和淹没台地型沉积未能予以足够的重视。与过去相比,现今的海平面是相对较低的,因而没有出现陆表海广泛发育的情况。但在漫长的地质历史时期,陆表海曾经覆盖了广泛的克拉通区域,是碳酸盐沉积最重要的场所之一。本文在系统总结前人成果的基础上,将用于描述大尺度碳酸盐岩沉积环境的碳酸盐台地分为镶边陆棚、缓坡、陆表海、孤立台地和淹没台地5种类型分别描述,并重点强调了陆表海和淹没台地的沉积模式。华北地台寒武系大面积分布的潮坪沉积、鲕粒滩相灰岩和竹叶状风暴砾屑灰岩,以及频繁出现的台地淹没事件,为阐明陆表海和淹没台地的沉积提供了绝佳实例。这些实例和研究表明了碳酸盐沉积环境的多样性和沉积过程的复杂性,以及将今论古的困难性,从而为碳酸盐沉积原理的认识和沉积环境的解释提供新认识和新思路。  相似文献   

The apprehension and elaboration of hydrological maps in parallel with the development of hydrogeological maps render inevitable at first a clarification of terminology, besides an examination of the whole problem concerning the mapping of the data relating to water. It states theoretical (limits and validity of mapping in this property) and practical problems (methods, cooperation and distribution of work between using specialists and organizations).  相似文献   
高压下华北北缘二辉麻粒岩电导率的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
借助于YJ-3000t紧装式六面顶固体高压设备,在1.0~2.0 GPa、523~1173 K条件下,利用Agilent 34401A数字电表和Solartron IS-1260阻抗-增益/相位分析仪,同时使用三种方法:交流阻抗谱法(频率范围0.05~106 Hz)、单频交流法(0.1 Hz)和直流法测量了华北北缘二辉麻粒岩的电导率.结果表明:在实验的温度和压力范围内,二辉麻粒岩电导率的变化在2.66×10-5~0.056 S·m-1之间,电导率对压力没有很强的依赖性;随着温度的升高,电导率增大,遵循Arrenhius关系式,其指前因子为8.95~17.9 S·m-1,活化能为0.569~0.605 eV.对比三种方法获得的电导率数据,发现阻抗谱法测量结果大于单频法测量结果,直流法测得的结果最低,但是,三种方法获得的电导率差值除两个低温点外,绝大多数都很小(Δlgσ<0.20 lg(S/m)).结合现今华北克拉通地热学参数及地壳分层结构,依据实验获得的电导率温度关系建立了电导率-深度剖面.并将其与大地电磁测深获得的地壳电性结构进行了对比,结果表明二辉麻粒岩的电导率与华北北缘的中地壳底部和下地壳底部电导率值的区域相交,再结合高温高压下二辉麻粒岩的弹性波速度剖面与地震折射剖面的对比,认为二辉麻粒岩有可能是组成华北北缘下地壳的岩石之一.  相似文献   
The North Qinling Orogenic Belt(NQOB) is a composite orogenic belt in central China. It started evolving during the Meso–Neoproterozoic period and underwent multiple stages of plate subduction and collision before entering intra-continental orogeny in the Late Triassic. The Meso–Cenozoic intra-continental orogeny and tectonic evolution had different responses in various terranes of the belt, with the tectonic evolution of the middle part of the belt being particularly controversial. The granites...  相似文献   
岳亮  刘自亮 《沉积学报》2017,35(4):752-762
中国华北克拉通南缘的前寒武纪沉积地层发育齐全、出露较好,具有较高的研究价值。但前寒武纪的沉积地层年代久远,缺少佐证的生物依据,对沉积环境的判断更多依赖于构造背景、地理环境、岩石类型和沉积构造等,导致前人研究有较多的争议。以华北克拉通南缘汝阳群兵马沟组为例,通过精细分析岩石特征、古水流和沉积相,结合相关地层的区域对比及古地貌的重建,解释了兵马沟组的沉积成因和环境转换。汝阳群沉积地层不整合覆盖在华北克拉通南缘太古宙变质结晶基底或古元古代熊耳群火山-沉积岩系之上,兵马沟组作为汝阳群底部的地层单元,受地形和断裂的明显控制,接受丰富的物源供给,发育了一套极具特色的“双层叠加”沉积地层,代表了从冲积扇沉积到砂砾质滨岸沉积的环境转变,作为华北克拉通南缘以海相为主控的沉积开端,具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   
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