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A first study from the subtropical western Atlantic, using 231Pa/230Th ratios as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. However, these results warrant confirmation from additional locations and water depths because the interpretation of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratio in terms of circulation vigor can be biased by variations in particle flux and composition. We have measured 231Pa/230Th in a core from the Iberian margin, in the Northeastern Atlantic basin, and have compared these new results to the data from the western Atlantic basin. We find that the reduction in the circulation during H1 and YD and the subsequent increases first recognized in the sediment deposited on Bermuda Rise are also evident in the eastern basin, in a totally different sedimentary regime, confirming that sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios record basin-wide changes in deep water circulation. However, some differences between the eastern and western records are also recognized, providing preliminary evidence to differentiate between renewal rates in the two North Atlantic basins and between shallower and deeper overturning. Our results suggest the possible existence of two sources of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Deep Water (GNAIW), one in the south Labrador Sea and another west of Rockall Plateau. Both sources contributed to the meridional overturning but the two had different sensitivity to meltwater from the Laurentide and the Fennoscandian ice sheets during the deglaciation. These results indicate that additional information on the geometry and strength of the ventilation of the deep Atlantic can be obtained by contrasting the evolution of sediment 231Pa/230Th in different sections of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
Preservation and effective management of highly dynamic coastal features located in areas under development pressures requires in-depth understanding of their evolution. Modern geospatial technologies such as lidar, real time kinematic GPS, and three-dimensional GIS provide tools for efficient acquisition of high resolution data, geospatial analysis, feature extraction, and quantification of change. These techniques were applied to the Jockey's Ridge, North Carolina, the largest active dune field on the east coast of the United States, with the goal to quantify its deflation and rapid horizontal migration. Digitized contours, photogrammetric, lidar and GPS point data were used to compute a multitemporal elevation model of the dune field capturing its evolution for the period of 1974– 2004. In addition, peak elevation data were available for 1915 and 1953. Analysis revealed possible rapid growth of the dune complex between 1915–1953, followed by a slower rate of deflation that continues today. The main dune peak grew from 20.1 m in 1915 to 41.8 m in 1953 and has since eroded to 21.9 m in 2004. Two of the smaller peaks within the dune complex have recently gained elevation, approaching the current height of the main dune. Steady annual rate of main peak elevation loss since 1953 suggests that increase in the number of visitors after the park was established in 1974 had little effect on the rate of dune deflation. Horizontal dune migration of 3–6 m/yr in southerly direction has carried the sand out of the park boundaries and threatened several houses. As a result, the south dune section was removed and the sand was placed at the northern end of the park to serve as a potential source. Sand fencing has been an effective management strategy for both slowing the dune migration and forcing growth in dune elevation. Understanding the causes of the current movements can point to potential solutions and suggest new perspectives on management of the dune as a tourist attraction and as a recreation site, while preserving its unique geomorphic character and dynamic behavior.  相似文献   
The delivery of volcanogenic sulphur into the upper atmosphere by explosive eruptions is known to cause significant temporary climate cooling. Therefore, phreatomagmatic and phreatoplinian eruptions occurring during the final rifting stages of active flood basalt provinces provide a potent mechanism for triggering climate change.

During the early Eocene, the northeast Atlantic margin was subjected to repeated ashfall for 0.5 m.y. This was the result of extensive phreatomagmatic activity along 3000 km of the opening northeast Atlantic rift. These widespread, predominantly basaltic ashes are now preserved in marine sediments of the Balder Formation and its equivalents, and occur over an area extending from the Faroe Islands to Denmark and southern England. These ash-bearing sediments also contain pollen and spore floras derived from low diversity forests that grew in cooler, drier climates than were experienced either before or after these highly explosive eruptions. In addition, coeval plant macrofossil evidence from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA, also shows a comparable pattern of vegetation change. The coincidence of the ashes and cooler climate pollen and spore floras in northwest Europe identifies volcanism as the primary cause of climate cooling. Estimates show that whilst relatively few phreatomagmatic eruptive centres along the 3000 km opening rift system could readily generate 0.5–1 °C cooling, on an annual basis, only persistent or repeated volcanic phases would have been able to achieve the long-term cooling effect observed in the floral record. We propose that the cumulative effect of repeated Balder Formation eruptions initiated a biodiversity crisis in the northeast Atlantic margin forests. Only the decline of this persistent volcanic activity, and the subsequent climatic warming at the start of the Eocene Thermal Maximum allowed the growth of subtropical forests to develop across the region.  相似文献   

The Wilhelmine Alpe section near Immenstadt (Allgäu, south Germany), which represents one of the best continuously exposed outcrops within the northern Alpine foreland basin, has been analyzed for magnetostratigraphic and palynostratigraphic signals. The section comprises the marine-to-terrestrial transition from Lower Marine (UMM) to Lower Freshwater Molasse (USM) sediments. Based on the correlation of the local magnetic pattern with the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS) and palynostratigraphic data, an age of about 31 Ma is suggested for the UMM–USM transition in the Wilhelmine Alpe section. A comparison with coeval magnetostratigraphic sections from central and eastern Switzerland indicates that the regression of the UMM sea along the southern margin of the Molasse basin occurred strongly heterochronously between 31.5 and 30 Ma. The heterochroneity is attributed to the deposition of fan-delta and alluvial fan sediments which document that the overall marine conditions during the UMM were accompanied by strong clastic input derived from the rising Alps. This clastic contribution had a much stronger influence on the depositional pattern than previously thought.  相似文献   
The recent evolution of the north German Basin (NGB), which is presently a low-seismic area, was partly affected by glacial loading and unloading of the ice masses. Major stresses acting within the NGB are induced by the North-Atlantic ridge push, the ongoing Alpine collision, and the post-glacial rebound of Fennoscandia. Present-day horizontal stresses within the NGB are directed generally NW–SE, but fan and bend north of 52°N towards NNE. Major basement faults are directed NW–SE, minor faults NE–SW and NNE–SSW, and are clearly detectable in geomorphological and satellite lineaments. Furthermore, the drainage pattern and the distribution of lakes in northern Germany follow exactly block boundaries and, hence, mark zones of present-day subsidence. The understanding of the post-glacial morphology and reactivation of faults requires a view into the very heterogeneous crust and upper mantle below the NGB. The re-adjustment of the individual fault blocks during post-glacial relaxation of the lithosphere leads to differential, crust-dependent uplift and, probably, to the formation of Urstrom valleys. The Urstrom valleys and terminal moraines in northern Germany appear to parallel the major tectonic lineaments and lithospheric “block” boundaries. The lithospheric memory is expressed in the post-glacial landscape evolution of the NGB.  相似文献   
晶质石墨是一种新兴战略矿产。近年在河北省北部发现了多处大中型晶质石墨矿床,主要赋矿层位于新太古代崇礼上岩群、古元古代红旗营子岩群等,具有良好的成矿潜力。通过系统的野外地质调查与采样、分析测试工作,详细研究了赋矿层位的岩相学、地球化学特征,并对碳质来源进行了分析。结果表明:赋矿岩石主要为含石墨黑云斜长变粒岩、片麻岩与透辉岩,原岩恢复以砂泥质碎屑岩、钙质沉积岩为主。主量元素含量变化较大, SiO2含量为38.90%~80.42%, CaO+MgO为2.05%~31.93%, Al2O3为1.50%~15.34%;稀土元素含量为79.1~321.4μg/g, PAAS标准化分布模式一般具有右倾或较平坦分布特征, δCe略具负异常,部分具有δEu异常。微量元素特征指示沉积环境为滨浅海环境,部分地区存在富氧条件,局部为还原环境或存在热液加入。石墨中碳同位素值为–26.0‰~–20.7‰,主要来源于生物成因有机碳;大理岩碳同位素值为–3.8‰~1.1‰,主要来源于碳酸盐岩成因无机碳。区内晶质石墨矿层分布受到地层、岩性、岩相控制,含矿...  相似文献   
京杭大运河的功能与苏北运河段的发展利用*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李书恒  郭伟 《第四纪研究》2007,27(5):861-869
京杭大运河历史时期的主要功能是运输和灌溉,增强军事防卫能力,维系政治统治,促进文化交流与经济发展。苏北段跨越黄淮平原和江淮平原,串联众多湖泊,北接鲁西南能源基地,南接经济发达的长江三角洲地区,是苏北地区重要的运输通道。在文献资料汇集整理和实地考察的基础上,提出当代大运河应充分发挥沟通乡镇、"北煤南运"及"南水北调"通道的作用,同时,还应在科学规划的基础上,发挥其历史文化遗迹、旅游民俗休闲与公众教育的功能。针对大运河苏北段水质污染、环境质量下降,航道堵塞及缺乏统一的管理机构等问题,建议加大水污染的防治力度,重视作为运河水源的湖泊水环境保护; 整治航道,在工程中注意保护运河沿岸文物; 成立大运河专门机构,统一规划部署; 加强运河航道管理以及协同地方政府与有关机构保护和利用大运河旅游资源,为申报世界遗产增强实力。  相似文献   
北羌塘盆地那底岗日剖面中上侏罗统碳酸盐岩发育,其中以布曲组和索瓦组最为发育,对研究该区中上侏罗统沉积环境具重要意义。通过对稀土元素分布规律、分布特征及地球化学特征值分析,表明该套碳酸盐岩中稀土元素平均总含量(ΣREE)较低,为35.305μg/g;ΣLREE/ΣHREE比值为7.769~9.046,轻重稀土分馏明显,且稀土总含量(ΣREE)与SiO2和Al2O3含量呈正相关,与CaO含量呈负相关,说明沉积期有大量陆源碎屑注入。δCe平均值为0.966,基本无异常,但不同地层中有一定变化,布曲组到索瓦组一段、二段沉积水体氧化性显示为强-弱-强演化过程。LaN/YbN比值为1.124~1.493,其中索瓦组二段数值最小,沉积时期水体酸性最弱。表明研究区沉积水体具弱还原性,沉积时期有大量陆源碎屑注入,为近岸碳酸盐岩沉积。  相似文献   
柴北缘前寒武纪岩体(地层)分布广泛。为确定柴北缘地区前寒武纪岩体(地层)受早古生代碰撞造山作用的影响,采用LA—ICP—MS技术.对大柴旦地区前寒武纪黑云斜长片麻岩、斜长角闪岩及石榴子石斜长角闪岩中的锆石进行了u—Pb同位素定年。黑云斜长片麻岩获得479-472Ma的变质年龄,斜长角闪岩获得440Ma和470Ma2个变质年龄,石榴子石斜长角闪岩获得418.8Ma±3.0Ma的变质年龄。初步确定,柴北缘早古生代造山作用对前寒武纪岩体构成了3次强度不等的变质作用叠加,分别为大洋俯7中末期阶段(495-467Ma)岛弧花岗岩弱热烘烤变质作用、大陆碰撞造山阶段(467-423Ma)区域变质作用、S型花岗岩热动力变质作用和大陆后碰撞造山阶段(423-371Ma)I型花岗岩强烈接触热变质作用。  相似文献   
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