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Chemical fluxes of Asian rivers into oceans bear different regional variations. Three zones are characteristic of distinct dissolved sediment loads and yields and ionic concentration.Rivers into oceans in China play an important role in Asia because of their different chemical fluxes, among which those draining the Loess Plateau have high ionic concentration, low water discharges and dissolved sediment loads and yields.Climate, vegetation, soil and strata lithology, chemical weathering intensity and tectonic activity dominate chemical fluxes of Asian rivers into oceans, and different factors have different effects on the chemical fluxes of separate regional rivers. Rising of the Tibet Plateau also exerts an important influence on chemical compositions of rivers originating from it.  相似文献   
Intense studies of upper and deep ocean processes were carried out in the Northwestern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) within the framework of JGOFS and related projects in order to improve our understanding of the marine carbon cycle and the ocean’s role as a reservoir for atmospheric CO2. The results show a pronounced monsoon-driven seasonality with enhanced organic carbon fluxes into the deep-sea during the SW Monsoon and during the early and late NE Monsoon north of 10°N. The productivity is mainly regulated by inputs of nutrients from subsurface waters into the euphotic zone via upwelling and mixed layer-deepening. Deep mixing introduces light limitation by carrying photoautotrophic organisms below the euphotic zone during the peak of the NE Monsoon. Nevertheless, deep mixing and strong upwelling during the SW Monsoon provide an ecological advantage for diatoms over other photoautotrophic organisms by increasing the silica concentrations in the euphotic zone. When silica concentrations fall below 2 μmol l−1, diatoms lose their dominance in the plankton community. During diatom-dominated blooms, the biological pathway of uptake of CO2 (the biological pump) appears to be more efficient than during blooms of other organisms, as indicated by organic carbon to carbonate carbon (rain) ratios. Due to the seasonal alternation of diatom and non-diatom dominated exports, spatial variations of the annual mean rain ratios are hardly discernible along the main JGOFS transect.Data-based estimates of the annual mean impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water suggest that the biological pump reduces the increase of fCO2 in the surface water caused by intrusion of CO2-enriched subsurface water by 50–70%. The remaining 30 to 50% are attributed to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Rain ratios up to 60% higher in river-influenced areas off Pakistan and in the Bay of Bengal than in the open Arabian Sea imply that riverine silica inputs can further enhance the impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water by supporting diatom blooms. Consequently, it is assumed that reduced river discharges caused by the damming of major rivers increase CO2 emission by lowering silica inputs to the Arabian Sea; this mechanism probably operates in other regions of the world ocean also.  相似文献   
本文讨论Bowen数的意义、功能和计算法。同时,依据多年水文气象实测资料作统计,计算出东中国海的Bo值。其结果绘制成1月至12月的月平均分布图,从而对本海域的Bo分布特点作详细分析介绍。  相似文献   
本文据珠江口周年(1987年2月至1988年2月)调查资料,分析了珠江口桂山岛附近海域的三氮变化规律,讨论了三氮之间的相互关系,通量和停留时间以及各种因素对三氮的影响。结果表明:珠江河口水中三氮的时空分布具有夏、冬季含量高,春、秋季含量低,并随向外海方向递减的特点;三氮之间的关系可分别用倒指数方程Y=exp(A+B/X)的数学模式描述;NH_4-N,NO_3-N,NO_2-N的通量和停留时间分别为33.9,401.0,15.8g·atN/s和3.84,3.96,4.41d。  相似文献   
17名潜水员安全地进行了55人次超过美国海军例外氧暴露时限1.5—3倍的空气巡回潜水实验。生理功能观察和肺活量测定结果表明,在水深70m以浅,潜水员均保持了相当好的智力和操作能力,在连续3d 3倍氧暴露时限的巡潜后期,只有3人肺活量下降,且在次日测定时已见恢复,表明上述暴露是安全的。美国海军例外氧暴露时限中对于70m以浅空气暴露的相应规定显得保守。  相似文献   
Surface renewal analysis for sensible and latent heat flux density   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
High frequency temperature measurements were recorded at five heights and surface renewal (SR) analysis was used to estimate sensible heat flux density (H) over 0.1 m tall grass. Traces of the temperature data showed ramp-like structures, and the mean amplitude and duration of these ramps were used to calculate H using structure functions. Data were compared with H values measured with a sonic anemometer. Latent heat flux density (E) was calculated using an energy balance and the results were compared with E computed from the sonic anemometer data. SR analysis provided good estimates of H for data recorded at all heights but the canopy top and at the highest measurement level, which was above the fully adjusted boundary layer.  相似文献   
The use of membranes is a widely employed, versatile, and effective separation process. One of the limiting aspects in applying microfiltration (MF) for wastewater treatment is that of problems with membrane fouling and consequent flux reduction. Membrane fouling occurs by the irreversible deposition of retained particles, colloids, macromolecules, salts, etc. at the membrane surface and/or inside the membrane. The predominant fouling mechanisms observed with MF membranes are classified as three categories: the build-up of a cake layer on the membrane surface, blocking of membrane pores, and adsorption of fouling material on the membrane surface or in the pore walls. Although many techniques have been developed to overcome fouling, studies on membrane cleaning still seem to be insufficient for practical membrane filtration systems. Current membrane cleaning technologies include hydraulic, chemical, and mechanical methods. Ultrasound (US) has been widely used as a method of cleaning materials because of the cavitation phenomenon. In this study, US cleaning technique was applied to removing the fouling of polyvinglidenefluoride (PVDF) MF membrane, which was used to treat yeast cell and isolated soybean protein (ISP) solution, respectively. The US employed 40 kHz frequency and the output power of 1.43-2.85 W/cm^2. The evolution of the cleaning effect is followed by the measurements of the flux recovery rate (FRstat) and the cleaning time cycle. Results showed that the membrane property, which was fouled by yeast cell solution, could be recovered by water cleaning with US irradiation. And the cleaning time with the same FRstat decreased with the increase of US intensity.  相似文献   
对塔城盆地1998-1999年15个大降水个例进行了诊断分析,发现了T106产品700hPa垂直速度和水汽通量与塔城盆地大降水量级呈正相关,并给出了定量预报指标。  相似文献   
Representing environments in flux: case studies from East Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant view in the ecology and anthropology of the 1950s saw populations harmoniously interacting in self-regulating systems; climax forests and stable societies were the ruling hypotheses. Now, however, ecology and social sciences are investigating nature and culture in flux. The flux paradigms of nature and culture describe a human–ecological relationship that is non-equilibrial, historically contingent and constantly negotiated at both material and ideological levels by unequal actors. In this paper, we examine the effect of changing ecological and cultural paradigms on interpretations of environmental change in three areas of East Africa: the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania, the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania and the Tsavo National Park, Kenya. We explore how discursive and materialist approaches can complement one another, by expanding the domains of ecological inquiry and demanding that analysts cross-check their data for unquestioned assumptions regarding stability, variability and spatial and temporal scales. Rather than testing a ruling hypothesis, we suggest that ecologists and social scientists work with multiple hypotheses, with the aim of understanding the interplay between ecological, environmental and social influences.  相似文献   
青藏铁路管道通风试验路基地温变化及热状况分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
基于青藏铁路北麓河试验段管道通风路基在2个冻融循环周期内的地温监测资料,分析了路基温度的发展、温度场分布特征及多年冻土的热流量变化.结果表明:通风管埋设于路堤中部的路基温度变化和发展情况与一般路基类似,路基在施工后的2个冻融周期内仍处于整体升温的过程;通风管埋设于路堤下部的路基,虽然前2个冻融循环周期内土体温度与原始状态相比同样有所升高,但开始出现逐渐降低的趋势,同时地温场的分布在横向上的对称性也比较好,在热交换方面,一般填土路基和通风管位于路堤中部的路基在施工后的前2个冻融循环周期内一直处于吸热过程,而通风管位于路堤下部的路基在经历了第1个周期的持续吸热过程后,在第2个冻融循环周期内已经开始放热。  相似文献   
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