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湿法冶锰废渣中锰的形态分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将湿法冶锰废渣经过烘干、研细等预处理,按其所使用的原材料进行形态研究,通过筛选和实验,确定了废渣中的锰可用形态分析方法。在弄清废渣中锰的各种形态及含量的基础上,将其成果进行转化,用于指导工业生产、环境评价和废渣处理,具有很好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
邓格庄金矿成因类型为中温热液充填式富硫含金黄铁矿石英脉型金矿床。通过对邓格庄金矿床的地质特征、控矿因素及矿床成因的系统研究,认为矿区NNE向断裂与其他方向断裂交汇部位为金矿的有利成矿部位,在分析找矿标志的基础上,提出应加大矿区深部及外围的找矿力度,进一步查证地球物理、化学异常,以期发现新的金矿远景区,进而指出了深部找矿的方向。  相似文献   
伏于济宁滋阳山一带千米盖层之下的古元古代济宁岩群是一套低绿片岩相变质含铁岩系,主要岩石组合为千枚岩、板岩、磁铁石英岩等,其原岩为海相含灰质泥岩、砂岩类中酸性火山岩、硅铁岩等,该套岩系最大控制厚度达580m。其中赋存的条带状磁铁石英岩呈层状、似层状埋深在1612.89~1796.54m之间,共有5层铁矿,总厚度85.53m。估算预测的铁矿资源量(334)9.76亿t,mFe平均品位22.37%;低品位矿体预测的资源量(334)2.64亿t,mFe平均品位16.99%。  相似文献   
因民铜矿发育两种金矿化类型:一是铜矿的伴生金;二是热液构造蚀变岩型。化探样品分析结果显示,金矿化主要赋存于金箔箐断层上、下盘的角砾状蚀变岩内,空间上受岩性和断裂构造的双重控制。邻区拖布卡金矿的成矿地质背景与本区相似,在成矿地质年代上作以类比推测,认为喜马拉雅期是主成矿期。另外通过对光片镜下和化探原生晕样聚类分析研究,发现构造蚀变岩型金矿化具明显的多期多阶段性及热液特征。  相似文献   
Rare earth elements (REE) have been mined in North America since 1885, when placer monazite was produced in the southeast USA. Since the 1960s, however, most North American REE have come from a carbonatite deposit at Mountain Pass, California, and most of the world’s REE came from this source between 1965 and 1995. After 1998, Mountain Pass REE sales declined substantially due to competition from China and to environmental constraints. REE are presently not mined at Mountain Pass, and shipments were made from stockpiles in recent years. Chevron Mining, however, restarted extraction of selected REE at Mountain Pass in 2007. In 1987, Mountain Pass reserves were calculated at 29 Mt of ore with 8.9% rare earth oxide based on a 5% cut‐off grade. Current reserves are in excess of 20 Mt at similar grade. The ore mineral is bastnasite, and the ore has high light REE/heavy REE (LREE/HREE). The carbonatite is a moderately dipping, tabular 1.4‐Ga intrusive body associated with ultrapotassic alkaline plutons of similar age. The chemistry and ultrapotassic alkaline association of the Mountain Pass deposit suggest a different source than that of most other carbonatites. Elsewhere in the western USA, carbonatites have been proposed as possible REE sources. Large but low‐grade LREE resources are in carbonatite in Colorado and Wyoming. Carbonatite complexes in Canada contain only minor REE resources. Other types of hard‐rock REE deposits in the USA include small iron‐REE deposits in Missouri and New York, and vein deposits in Idaho. Phosphorite and fluorite deposits in the USA also contain minor REE resources. The most recently discovered REE deposit in North America is the Hoidas Lake vein deposit, Saskatchewan, a small but incompletely evaluated resource. Neogene North American placer monazite resources, both marine and continental, are small or in environmentally sensitive areas, and thus unlikely to be mined. Paleoplacer deposits also contain minor resources. Possible future uranium mining of Precambrian conglomerates in the Elliott Lake–Blind River district, Canada, could yield by‐product HREE and Y. REE deposits occur in peralkaline syenitic and granitic rocks in several places in North America. These deposits are typically enriched in HREE, Y, and Zr. Some also have associated Be, Nb, and Ta. The largest such deposits are at Thor Lake and Strange Lake in Canada. A eudialyte syenite deposit at Pajarito Mountain in New Mexico is also probably large, but of lower grade. Similar deposits occur at Kipawa Lake and Lackner Lake in Canada. Future uses of some REE commodities are expected to increase, and growth is likely for REE in new technologies. World reserves, however, are probably sufficient to meet international demand for most REE commodities well into the 21st century. Recent experience shows that Chinese producers are capable of large amounts of REE production, keeping prices low. Most refined REE prices are now at approximately 50% of the 1980s price levels, but there has been recent upward price movement for some REE compounds following Chinese restriction of exports. Because of its grade, size, and relatively simple metallurgy, the Mountain Pass deposit remains North America’s best source of LREE. The future of REE production at Mountain Pass is mostly dependent on REE price levels and on domestic REE marketing potential. The development of new REE deposits in North America is unlikely in the near future. Undeveloped deposits with the most potential are probably large, low‐grade deposits in peralkaline igneous rocks. Competition with established Chinese HREE and Y sources and a developing Australian deposit will be a factor.  相似文献   
中国数字地质调查系统的基本构架 及其核心技术的实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
数字地质调查系统是贯穿整个地质矿产资源调查全过程的软件,涵盖地质矿产调查、矿产资源勘查、矿体模拟、品住估计、资源量估算、矿山开采系统优化等内容。考虑数字地质调查系统的应用技术层面,从数据“层”模型、数据流“池”技术、不同阶段数据模型继承技术、数据互操作技术等几个方面讨论了核心技术及其实现,通过基于无缝一体化技术的数据采集、管理、综合处理与成果表达,在实体或矿块的矿床建模技术与品住估计、储量估算等方面展现了全地质调查过程的数字化,不但为地质人员应用高新技术降低了门坎,而且极大地提高了研究精度和效率,丰富了成果的表现形式和服务形式。随着数字地质调查系统的完善和应用水平的提高,数字地质调查系统将成为中国地质调查的主流软件体系。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地黄陵、东胜地区地温场对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地黄陵、东胜铀矿区分别处于盆地南部渭北隆起的北侧边缘和盆地北部伊盟隆起的东部,赋矿层位都是中侏罗统直罗组。盆地南、北铀矿区在现今地温场及古地温场都存在明显差异,南部现今大地热值及热演化程度明显高于北部。对于下侏罗统延安组和石炭—二叠系煤层,黄陵地区镜质体反射率都高于东胜地区。通过镜质体反射率资料得出同一埋深的一套地层经历的最大古地温和对应的古地温梯度也有南部高于北部的现象。由于早白垩世后期盆地普遍整体抬升使得现今地温相对古地温降低,南部黄陵地区抬升剥蚀量大于北部东胜地区,导致古、今地温差异也大于后者。盆地南部庆阳—富县一带局部构造热运动,导致南部异常地温场的形成,使得南部热演化程度高于北部。  相似文献   
大别地块自晚元古代以来主要经受了自北而南的推挤,并且发生了两次较强烈的南移运动,造成了地块前线逆冲滑脱构造体系。特别是中生代的推挤和滑移,不仅构造变形强烈,而且还伴有热事件,大别地块东南缘郯-庐断裂南延部分和广济-宿松平移-推覆型韧性剪切带均是"热线构造",它们提供了深层次岩浆活动的通道。本区岩石以绿片岩-角闪岩相变质岩为主,含金背景值高,逆冲滑脱构造和韧性剪切带的活动与金元素的活化、迁移和富集创造了良好的条件。  相似文献   
An experimental study is described of Fe(III)-S(IV) formation constants measured as a function of pH (1–3), ionic strength (0.2–0.5 M) and [Fe(III)] T (2.5–5.0×10–4 M) using a continuous-flow spectrophotometric technique to make observations 160 ms after mixing. Preliminary experiments using pulse-accelerated-flow (PAF) spectrophotometry to measure rate constants on a microsecond timescale are also described. The conditional formation constant at 25 °C can be modeled with the following equation: {ie307-1} where {ie307-2}K 7 andK 8 can be interpreted as intrinsic constants for the coordination of HSO 3 by FeOH2+ and Fe3+, respectively, but until further evidence is obtained they should be regarded as fitting constants. PAF spectrophotometry showed that the initial reaction of Fe(III) with S(IV) (pH 2.0) is characterized by a second-order rate constant of 4×106 M–1 s–1 which is comparable to rate of reaction of FeOH2+ with SO 4 2– . However, the PAF results should be regarded as preliminary since unexpected features in the initial data indicate that the reaction may be more complex than expected.  相似文献   
The kinetics of conversion of iron(III) (hydr)oxides to ferrous iron mediated by fulvic acid have been investigated in order to improve the understanding of the redox cycling of iron at the oxic-anoxic boundary in natural waters. Under the conditions similar to natural waters, fulvic acid is able to reduce the iron(III) (hydr)oxide. The kinetics of the reaction depend on the reactivity of iron(III) (hydr)oxides and the reducing power of the fulvic acid. The rate of reaction is 60 nm/h obtained under following conditions: total concentration of Fe(III) 1.0 × 10–4 M, pH 7.5, fulvic acid 5 mg/L. The rate is considered as a net result of reduction and oxidation in the > FeIII-OH/Fe(II) wheel coupled with fulvic acid. In a real natural water system, reductants other than fulvic acid may be of importance. The results obtained in the laboratory, however, provide evidence that the Fe(OH)3(s)/Fe(II) redox couple is able to act as an electron-transfer mediator for the oxidation of natural organic substances, such as fulvic acid by molecular oxygen either in the absence of microorganisms or as a supplement to microbial activity.  相似文献   
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