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在新编全国地震区划图潜在震源区划分工作中,采用了三级划分的技术思路,即在地震统计区内先划分出地震构造区,以控制地震统计区内地震构造和地震活动的差异性,然后,在地震构造区内再进行潜在震源区划分。地震构造区划分是新编全国地震区划图潜在震源区划分工作中的一个关键环节。本文论述了地震构造区的定义、作用、划分原则和依据等。介绍了中国东部地区地震构造区划分方案,并以东北地震区和华南沿海地震带为例,对地震构造区划分方案进行了详细论述。  相似文献   
The objective of study was to explore short-term trends of processes that determine land-use change in Sierra Norte of Oaxaca (SNO), Mexico. Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) were estimated in a complex mosaic of vegetation in the SNO from 1980 to 2000, and projected them to 2020 through a Markovian model. SNO is highly vulnerable to climatic change according to a 2050 GCM scenario. However, 3% annual rate of tropical and temperate forest deforestation from agriculture and livestock encroachment, suggest the threat from land-use change is higher than that from climatic change for this study site. Productive land-use strategies are needed to reduce such high deforestation rates for tropical regions. Controlling deforestation would also reduce short-term effects of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Because of the necessity to evaluate anthropogenic ecosystem changes, it is imperative to separate short-term influences such as deforestation, from long-term influences such as climatic change.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have shown that precipitation isocapes drive δD and δ18O patterns in surficial waters and in terrestrial food webs. While the GNIP (Global Network for Isotopes in Precipitation) dataset provided a key foundation for linking precipitation-terrestrial isoscapes globally, it has insufficient spatial coverage in many countries like Mexico. To overcome this limitation, we hypothesized that shallow phreatic groundwaters in Mexico could be used as an isotopic integrator of long-term seasonally weighted precipitation inputs to the landscape to aid in calibrating spatial H and O isotope datasets for terrestrial, biological and hydrological research. Groundwater was sampled from 234 sites in Mexico at ~ 50 km latitudinal spacing to obtain high spatial resolution and country-wide coverage for the construction of a groundwater isoscape. Our data revealed that shallow groundwater infiltration in Mexico appears largely unaffected by evaporation and reflects seasonally weighted precipitation inputs. These precipitation inputs are primarily biased to summertime when highest rainfall occurs, but a small degree of post-precipitation evaporation revealed a lower d-excess zone that corresponded to the interior semi-arid ecozone. We developed a predictive general linear model (GLM) for hydrogen and oxygen isotopic spatial patterns in Mexican groundwater and then compared the results to a validation subset of our field data, as well external data reported in the literature. The GLM used elevation, latitude, drainage basin (Atlantic vs. Pacific), and rainfall as the most relevant predictive variables. The GLM explained 81% of the overall isotopic variance observed in groundwater, 68% of the variance within our validation subset, and 77% of the variance in the external data set. Our predictive GLM is sufficiently accurate to allow for future ecological, hydrological and forensic isoscape applications in Mexico, and may be an approach that is applicable to other countries and regions where GNIP stations are lacking.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了2013年中国土地学会学术年会上提出的15个重要观点,包括:新型城镇化是不以损害农民权益为代价的城镇化;不能因为二元经济结构以及土地用途管制制度存在问题,就剥夺了农民流转土地的权利;“法外经济”已呈燎原之势;在土地资源配置和权利配置中,应相机处理公平与效率的关系;注意区分两种性质的房产税;土地整治规划应是新农村建设的落地规划;建立耕、园、林、草大土地整治模式;探析生态用地内涵有利于将可持续发展观贯穿于规划的全过程;土地整治现场调查评价工作应当配备先进技术;结构方程模型为土地整治项目的社会效益评价提供了一种新的思路与方法;全排列多边形图示指标法适宜于作挂钩适宜性评价;开展城镇工矿建设用地整治应适时、适度、适量;货币补偿和提供新宅基地对农户行为具有明显的积极影响;土地整治公众参与不尽人意的四大原因;适时组建土地整治行业协会。  相似文献   
This paper traces three key phases in Newfoundland's resource economy: the collapse of cod, the rise of shellfish and recent efforts to re-establish cod. I argue that these changes in the province's fish economy may be productively understood through the ‘new resource geography’. The paper explores three themes: the relationship between knowledge practices and resource management; the way in which fish resources are defined in both material and discursive forms; and the different sites and institutions involved in the regulation of the cod resource.  相似文献   
雄安新区内地热资源丰富,区内有牛驼镇地热田、容城地热田和高阳地热田,地热资源开发利用较早,但是对其深部热源机制仍未形成统一观点。为了研究雄安新区内地热田深部热源机制,在新区及外围进行了深反射地震和长周期大地电磁探测,对取得的同剖面的深反射地震和大地电磁数据进行处理和综合解释,探明了研究区从地表至莫霍面范围内地质构造和电性结构。下地壳结构在深反射地震剖面与大地电磁剖面上有很好的对应关系。电阻率低值区对应着在深反射地震剖面上存在一系列反射同相轴,且同相轴可以延续到莫霍面,电阻率高值区对应着在深反射地震剖面上无明显连续反射同相轴,尤其是在莫霍面之上呈现地震反射近似"空白区"。结合区域地热资料构建了研究区深部地热地质模型,对新区内深部地热机制进行了解释。该模型为"二元"生热模型,其热源包含两个部分,深部地幔热源和地壳放射性元素衰变生热。放射性元素衰变生热占地表热流的接近30%,而幔源热流在地表热流中的占比可达约70%。在牛驼镇下方,莫霍面以上,由于地幔热物质上涌造成下地壳上隆,幔源岩浆底侵作用于下地壳形成了局部热异常,该热异常具有低速高导的地球物理特征,认为是牛驼镇地热田和容城地热田的深部热源;以区域断裂为热通道,大地热流由深部向上传导、扩散到牛驼镇凸起和容城凸起顶部,对碳酸盐岩储水层进行加热,形成地热储层;上覆新近系沉积地层是良好的热盖层。  相似文献   
Within the Zitácuaro–Valle de Bravo (ZVB) regionof the central Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), three lava serieshave erupted during the Quaternary: (1) high-K2O basaltic andesitesand andesites; (2) medium-K2O basaltic andesites, andesitesand dacites; (3) high-TiO2 basalts and basaltic andesites. Thedominant feature of the first two groups is the lack of plagioclaseaccompanying the various ferromagnesian phenocrysts (olivine,orthopyroxene, augite, and hornblende) in all but the dacites.This absence of plagioclase in the phenocryst assemblages ofthe high-K2O and medium-K2O intermediate lavas is significantbecause it indicates high water contents during the stage ofphenocryst equilibration. In contrast, the high-TiO2 group ischaracterized by phenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine. Thespatial distribution of these three lava series is systematic.The southern section of the ZVB transect, 280–330 km fromthe Middle America Trench (MAT), is characterized by high-K2Omelts that are relatively enriched in fluid-mobile elementsand have the highest 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Medium-K2O basaltic andesiteand andesite lavas are present throughout the transect, butthose closest to the MAT are MgO-rich (3·5–9·4wt %) and have phenocryst assemblages indicative of high magmaticwater contents (3·5–6·5 wt % water) andrelatively low temperatures (950–1000°C). In markedcontrast, the northern section of the ZVB transect (380–480km from the MAT) has high-TiO2, high field strength element(HFSE)-enriched magmas that have comparatively dry (< 1·5wt % magmatic water) and hot (1100–1200°C) phenocrystequilibration conditions. The central section of the ZVB transect(330–380 km from the MAT) is a transition zone and producesmoderately light rare earth element (LREE) and large ion lithophileelement (LILE)-enriched, medium-K2O lavas with phenocryst assemblagesindicative of intermediate (1·5–3·5 wt %)water contents and temperatures. The high-K2O series compositionsare the most enriched in LILE and LREE, with a narrow rangeof radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr from 0·704245 to 0·704507,143Nd/144Nd values ranging from 0·512857 to 0·512927(Nd = 4·27–5·63), and 208Pb/204Pb valuesfrom 38·248 to 38·442, 207Pb/204Pb values from15·563 to 15·585, and 206Pb/204Pb values from18·598 to 18·688. The medium-K2O series compositionsare only moderately enriched in the LILE and LREE, with a broaderrange of 87Sr/86Sr, but similar 143Nd/144Nd and 208Pb/204Pbvalues to those of the high-K2O series. In contrast, the high-TiO2series compositions have little enrichment in LILE or LREE andinstead are enriched in the HFSE and heavy rare earth elements(HREE). The high-TiO2 lavas are isotopically distinct in theirlower and narrower range of 143Nd/144Nd. The isotopic variationsare believed to reflect the upper mantle magma source regionsas the low content of phenocrysts in most lavas precludes significantupper crustal assimilation or magma mixing, other than thatrepresented by the presence of quartz xenocrysts (< 2 vol.%) with rhyolitic glass inclusions, which are found in manyof these lavas. The systematic spatial variation in compositionof the three lava series is a reflection of the underlying subduction-modifiedmantle and its evolution. KEY WORDS: central Mexico; geochemistry; isotopes; Quaternary volcanism; hydrous lavas  相似文献   
Nickel speciation in a nickel hyperaccumulating plant (Sebertia acuminata) and its associated soil of southern New Caledonia was studied using various analytical methods. The soil is formed of iron oxides (goethite, hematite), which contain almost all the nickel. The available nickel is probably linked to the organic matter in the litter. Sebertia acuminata, acts as a nickel pump, and concentrates the metal in its leaves. It partitions nickel and silica; nickel is concentrated in the cells (probably in the vacuoles) as organometallic complexes, whereas silica forms the framework of the cells, and the phytolithes. A thorough study of these plants seems essential in order to define the soil–plant relations, and to propose appropriate ways for ecological restoration. To cite this article: N. Perrier et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The Markham River is a small river draining a tropical mountain range with altitudes between 1000 and 3000 m and discharges directly into a submarine canyon, the head of which is at 30 m depth and reaches depths of 500 m only 4 km from the shore. As such, the Markham discharge system serves as a possible analogue for rivers discharging onto margins during low stands of sea-level. Located in a tectonically active area and with high rainfall, sediment supply is high and episodic and is sometimes related to catastrophic mountain landslides. The river has an estimated sediment load of 12 Mt yr−1. Occasionally, high energy flows are generated at the river mouth which is evident from the channel morphology and sediment distribution. Profiles of salinity and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) show that sediment is dispersed via a plume with components at both the surface, intermediate depth along isopycnal surfaces and near the sea bed. The dispersal pattern of the surface freshwater plume is largely determined by the buoyancy force. The surface plume is very thin with salinity gradients 15 ppt m−1 while a Richardson number greater than unity suggested that the mixing zone is highly stratified. Estimates of the horizontal sediment flux gradient of the surface plume along the estuary axis suggest that about 80% of the sediment discharged is lost from the plume within a distance of 2 km from the river mouth. Particle fall velocities estimated from the vertical flux indicate values less than those of flocculated material. Layers of sediment with SSCs between 500 and 1000 mg l−1 were observed at intermediate depths and near the seabed during periods of both high and intermediate discharge. The mass of sediment in a SSC layer at intermediate depths between 150 and 250 m within the canyon channel was estimated to be equivalent to an average of 2 to 3 days of Markham sediment discharge. SSCs near the seabed of between 250 and 750 mg l−1 suggest that layers of significantly elevated density exist near the seabed, moving under the influence of gravity down steep seabed slopes of the Markham canyon.  相似文献   
Fifteen proteins encoded by 23 gene loci were electrophoretically surveyed in two samples of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) from Wellington Harbour and the Hauraki Gulf. Between 17% and 26% of the loci examined were found to be polymorphic and the proportion of heterozygous loci per individual was 7.9% to 8.4%. Using Rogers’ genetic distance coefficient an overall similarity of 0.98 was calculated between the two samples.

Three polymorphic loci Est‐4, Gpi‐1, and Idh were examined in an additional 10 samples from around New Zealand. Two genetically distinct stocks were apparent: one along the west coast, the other along the east coast of the North Island. There was an indication of stock mixing at Ninety Mile Beach and in the Bay of Plenty and East Cape. The distribution of alleles at the Est‐4 locus revealed a third stock in Hawke Bay that is genetically more similar to the west coast than the east coast stock. Hydrological conditions in Hawke Bay are more similar to those of the west coast than to those of the north east coast of the North Island. Thus it is possible that Est‐4 alleles are selectively maintained in response to an environmental factor.  相似文献   
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