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Geodynamic Information in Peridotite Petrology   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
HERZBERG  CLAUDE 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(12):2507-2530
Systematic differences are observed in the petrology and majorelement geochemistry of natural peridotite samples from thesea floor near oceanic ridges and subduction zones, the mantlesection of ophiolites, massif peridotites, and xenoliths ofcratonic mantle in kimberlite. Some of these differences reflectvariable temperature and pressure conditions of melt extraction,and these have been calibrated by a parameterization of experimentaldata on fertile mantle peridotite. Abyssal peridotites are examplesof cold residues produced at oceanic ridges. High-MgO peridotitesfrom the Ronda massif are examples of hot residues producedin a plume. Most peridotites from subduction zones and ophiolitesare too enriched in SiO2 and too depleted in Al2O3 to be residues,and were produced by melt–rock reaction of a precursorprotolith. Peridotite xenoliths from the Japan, Cascades andChile–Patagonian back-arcs are possible examples of arcprecursors, and they have the characteristics of hot residues.Opx-rich cratonic mantle is similar to subduction zone peridotites,but there are important differences in FeOT. Opx-poor xenolithsof cratonic mantle were hot residues of primary magmas with16–20% MgO, and they may have formed in either ancientplumes or hot ridges. Cratonic mantle was not produced as aresidue of Archean komatiites. KEY WORDS: peridotite; residues; fractional melting; abyssal; cratonic mantle; subduction zone; ophiolite; potential temperature; plumes; hot ridges  相似文献   
GeochemicalFeaturesofOphioliteinMianxianLueyangSutureZone,QinlingOrogenicBeltLaiShaocong;ZhangGuowei(DepartmentofGeology,Nort...  相似文献   
甘孜-理塘蛇绿混杂岩带特征及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文系统总结了甘孜-理塘蛇绿混杂岩带的地质学、岩石学和地球化学特征。该蛇绿岩由变质橄榄岩、堆积岩、席状岩墙、枕状玄武岩与块状玄武岩和放射虫硅质岩组成。岩石地球化学特征表明,蛇绿岩形成于洋脊扩张环境。该蛇绿混杂岩带是义敦碰撞造山带大地构造相中的弧前混杂带相。  相似文献   
新疆西准噶尔地区分布多条蛇绿岩带,通过对巴尔鲁克蛇绿岩中2个辉长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得比较准确的年龄数据512.3±7.2Ma、521.1±2.8Ma。确定了该蛇绿岩的形成时代为晚寒武世;结合混杂岩带内岩石组合特征及其与中—下泥盆统库鲁木迪组为不整合接触,推断该蛇绿混杂岩带与唐巴勒蛇绿岩带及玛依勒蛇绿岩为同一时代、同一构造带产物,就位时代不晚于早泥盆世。  相似文献   
通过1∶5万区域地质调查和收集相关资料的综合研究,本文对雅鲁藏布江结合带的形成演化作了进一步的探讨。雅鲁藏布江特提斯洋具有弧后扩张洋盆的性质,在早三叠世至中三叠世中期洋盆初步形成,中三叠世晚期至晚三叠世洋盆全面形成,从早侏罗世至晚白垩世洋盆逐步萎缩,到古新世至始新世关闭。南带的蛇绿岩主要为洋中脊扩张型(MORB型),形成于中三叠世晚期至晚三叠世。北带的蛇绿岩主要为与洋内俯冲相关的俯冲带上盘型(SSZ型),形成于早中侏罗世。带内侏罗纪至白垩纪其他岩浆岩主要为前弧玄武岩类(FAB型)。显示雅鲁藏布江特提斯洋从早侏罗世开始发生了洋内俯冲,并同步向北向冈底斯带之下主动俯冲消减和向南向喜马拉雅地块之下被动俯冲消减,持续发展到晚白垩世,在古新世至始新世俯冲碰撞消亡转化为结合带。  相似文献   
四川省会理菜子园红土型镍矿床中出露较多的基性-超基性岩体,文章系统报道了其中3个橄榄岩体的岩石化学、铂族元素及Re-Os同位素地球化学特征.岩石化学均显示为高MgO及高Mg#值,低SiO2、Al2O3、Na2O、K2O特征,计算显示出主要的标准矿物为橄榄石和紫苏辉石(体积百分数>90%),表明菜子园属镁质方辉橄榄岩.铂族元素总量比世界上大多数地幔橄榄岩低,且Cu/Pd比值大于原始地幔,可能是早期地幔较高部分熔融出的基性岩浆中硫化物的萃取、抽提作用所致.PPGE相对IPGE强烈亏损,与正常蛇绿岩底部的地幔橄榄岩特征类似,向右倾斜的原始地幔标准化配分模式表明菜子园铂族元素体系主要受地幔部分熔融的控制.PPGE中,Pt相对于Pd富集,可能与后期强烈蚀变有关,此外还可能反映了少量Pt以合金形式残留于方辉橄榄岩中,Pd以不相容元素的形式更多被熔体带走.菜子园方辉橄榄岩的Re-Os同位素体系封闭性相对好,γ(Os)值较小.岩石化学、铂族元素及Re-Os同位素地球化学显示,菜子园橄榄岩直接来自地幔,属正常蛇绿岩套底部的方辉橄榄岩,为古小洋盆洋壳的残片.菜子园蛇绿岩反映了中元古代晚期昆阳裂谷在菜子园-踩马水-麻塘断裂带以北演化成小洋盆,于其中沉积会理群,并在中元古代末期与南侧的东川群、汤丹群碰撞、拼贴.菜子园橄榄岩的蛇绿岩属性进一步证明,扬子地台西南缘的基底由不同时代的小陆块碰撞、拼贴导致基底陆壳增生.  相似文献   
大别山北部蛇绿岩的地球化学制约   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
常量元素,微量元素,稀土元素,Nd同位素及氧同位素地球化学特征表明,太别山北部变质镁铁-超镁铁质岩带中存在变质的蛇绿岩,它主要由变质橄榄岩,辉长岩(-辉绿岩?)和基性熔岩三部分组成,其中,变质的基性熔岩的亏损地幔模式年龄tDM/Ma=1036.8~1293.8,εNd(t)=7.2~7.7,表明它可能代表1000Ma左右形成于中等扩张速率(2cm/ad左右)洋盆条件下的洋壳残片。  相似文献   
The formation of late‐stage veins can yield valuable information about the movement and composition of fluids during uplift and exhumation of high‐pressure terranes. Albite veins are especially suited to this purpose because they are ubiquitously associated with the greenschist facies overprint in high‐pressure rocks. Albite veins in retrogressed metabasic rocks from high‐pressure ophiolitic units of Alpine Corsica (France) are nearly monomineralic, and have distinct alteration haloes composed of actinolite + epidote + chlorite + albite. Estimated PT conditions of albite vein formation are 478 ± 31 °C and 0.37 ± 0.14 GPa. The PT estimates and petrographic constraints indicate that the albite veins formed after the regional greenschist facies retrogression, in response to continued decompression and exhumation of the terrane. Stable isotope geochemistry of the albite veins, their associated alteration haloes and unaltered hostrocks indicates that the vein‐forming fluid was derived from the ophiolite units and probably from the metabasalts within each ophiolite slice. That the vein‐forming fluid was locally derived means that a viable source of fluid to form the veins was retained in the rocks during high‐pressure metamorphism, indicating that the rocks did not completely dehydrate. This conclusion is supported by the observation of abundant lawsonite at the highest metamorphic grades. Fluids were liberated during retrogression via decompression dehydration reactions such as those that break down hydrous high‐pressure minerals like lawsonite. Albite precipitation into veins is sensitive to the solubility and speciation of Al, which is more pressure sensitive than other factors which might influence albite vein formation such as silica saturation or Na:K fluid ratios. Hydraulic fracturing in response to fluid generation during decompression was probably the main mechanism of vein formation. The associated pressure decrease with fracturing and fluid decompression may also have been sufficient to change the solubility of Al and drive albite precipitation in fracture systems.  相似文献   
新一代天气雷达的建设和使用中会不可避免地遇到地形遮挡的问题。本文以南京、连云港两部新一代天气雷达为例,探讨了一种遮挡范围内进行数据插补的技术方法,以弥补雷达产品生成中的缺陷问题,尤其是解决雷达定量测量面降雨量场的补缺问题,对其它地方的新一代天气雷达观测有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
目前全球范围内先后有50多种微囊藻被描述记载,国内最新研究报道有12种.根据采自太湖的野外藻类样品,确定了中国微囊藻属的一个新记录种——片状微囊藻(Microcystis panniformis),对其分类学的形态特征进行详细的描述,并对其和分类学上相近的属种Pannus以及微囊藻属的鱼害微囊藻(M.ichthyoblabe)、铜绿微囊藻(M.aeruginosa)和水华微囊藻(M.flos-aquae)等的区分进行讨论.  相似文献   
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