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The widely distributed late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) have a geodynamic interest as they represent significant addition of material into the ANS juvenile crust in a short time interval (∼630–590 Ma). The Deleihimmi granitoids in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert are, therefore, particularly interesting since they form a multiphase pluton composed largely of late‐collisional biotite granitoids enclosing granodiorite microgranular enclaves and intruded by leuco‐ and muscovite granites. Geochemically, different granitoid phases share some features and distinctly vary in others. They display slightly peraluminous (ASI = 1–1.16), non‐alkaline (calc‐alkaline and highly fractionated calc‐alkaline), I‐type affinities. Both biotite granitoids and leucogranites show similar rare earth element (REE) patterns [(La/Lu)N = 3.04–2.92 and 1.9–1.14; Eu/Eu* = 0.26–0.19 and 0.11–0.08, respectively) and related most likely by closed system crystal fractionation of a common parent. On the other hand, the late phase muscovite granites have distinctive geochemical features typical of rare‐metal granites. They are remarkably depleted in Sr and Ba (4–35 and 13–18 ppm, respectively), and enriched in Rb (381–473 ppm) and many rare metals. Moreover, their REE patterns show a tetrad effect (TE1,3 = 1.13 and 1.29) and pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.07 and 0.08), implying extensive open system fractionation via fluid–rock interaction during the magmatic stage. Origin of the calc‐alkaline granitoids by high degree of partial melting of mafic lower crust with subsequent crystal fractionation is advocated. The broad distribution of late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern ANS is related most likely to large areal and intensive lithospheric delamination subsequent to slab break‐off and crustal/mantle thickening. Such delamination caused both crustal uplift and partial melting of the remaining mantle lithosphere in response to asthenospheric uprise. The melts produced underplate the lower crust to promote its melting. The presence of microgranular enclaves, resulting from mingling of mantle‐derived mafic magma with felsic crustal‐derived liquid, favours this process. The derivation of the late‐phase rare‐metal granites by open system fractionation via fluid interaction is almost related to the onset of extension above the rising asthenosphere that results in mantle degassing during the switch to post‐collisional stage. Consequently, the switch from late‐ to post‐collisional stage of crustal evolution in the northern ANS could be potentially significant not only geodynamically but also economically. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
蒙古国早–中侏罗世的主控构造是蒙古–鄂霍次克洋的消减闭合,其北地区发育弧后张裂盆地,其南的拼合大陆内的古缝合线被该消减造山运动激活而发生陆内造山。内蒙的3个陆内造山的磨拉石盆地均延入蒙古境内,故蒙古东部磨拉石盆地的发育与内蒙有相似的几何学和运动学特征。概述了各盆地的代表性地层,尽管其岩性和含煤性有明显差别,但因受制于同一个造山作用,沉积记录都以砾岩开始,都为向上变细的序列,且煤层均赋存于地层柱的中部,据此可把盆地演化分为成煤前、成煤和成煤后3个阶段。成煤阶段大煤田的形成受构造(堆积空间)和气候(成煤物质供应)的双重控制。  相似文献   
新元古代末期是生命演化的关键转折期,也是以微生物占主导的生态系统向显生宙以后生动物占主导的生态系统的转变期,埃迪卡拉纪大型软躯体生物以固着、底栖、食悬浮为特色,普遍缺乏运动能力。作为这一时期特殊代表的高家山生物群,是目前新元古代唯一一个以黄铁矿化三维保存的管状和锥管状化石为主导,兼有骨骼生物、原生动物、钙化蓝细菌类及遗迹化石的多门类生物组合,是研究埃迪卡拉纪末期生命演化和生态系统演变十分重要的载体。本文通过对高家山生物群古生态学的初步研究,揭示出在前寒武纪—寒武纪之交,生态系统已显示一定的多样性。为适应平底面上(level-bottom)微生物席的发育,高家山生物群的许多生物采取了适应性的生存策略,通过黏附或插入微生物席中,营底栖固着食悬浮(如CloudinaConotubus)或化学共生(可能的Shaanxilithes)或平躺(如GaojiashaniaSinotubulites)食碎屑生活。底内遗迹化石表明存在可能的表栖和半内栖、可自由运动、食碎屑的造迹生物。Conotubus中常见的“回春”或“复苏”现象,GaojiashaniaSinotubulites的身体扭转或生活姿态调整则是对频繁风暴事件的被动适应。  相似文献   
徐通  张晓团  焦建刚  张红强  贾力 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3607-3624
纸房沟岩片位于勉略构造带略阳地区。通过细致的岩石学和地球化学研究,将纸房沟岩片内的火山岩分为拉斑玄武岩系列(Ⅰ类)和钙碱性火山岩系列(Ⅱ类)。Ⅰ类火山岩稀土配分曲线左倾,富Na贫P,整体具有N- MORB特点,形成于洋脊构造环境。相比Ⅰ类火山岩,Ⅱ类火山岩具有更高的SiO2(49.02%~61.86%)和K2O(0.32%~1.55%)含量,相对亏损Nb、Ta、P和Ti,形成于陆缘弧构造环境。Ⅱ类火山岩锆石Lu- Hf同位素测试结果显示,εHf(t)值主体为负值,介于-8.01~+0.77,表明其主要为古老地壳物质熔融成因。Ⅱ类火山岩LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb测年结果为854±3Ma(MSWD=0.12, n=30)、844±4Ma (MSWD=0.03, n=15),表明纸房沟岩片火山岩结晶时代为新元古代早中期。综合前人成果认为,纸房沟岩片火山岩为新元古代勉略洋盆俯冲的产物,俯冲作用一直持续到800Ma左右,该俯冲过程很可能是对全球性Rodinia超大陆聚合事件的响应。  相似文献   
李杨杨  张士川  高立群  孔德志  孔贺 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3283-3290
针对阳城煤矿不等长工作面台阶区域发生冲击地压灾害问题,基于工作面特殊布置方式及覆岩赋存特征,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测等方法,分析了台阶区域覆岩结构运动特征和围岩应力演化规律,研究了台阶区域冲击地压诱发机制。研究结果表明:1304工作面台阶区域覆岩经历了“OX-S-C”型较为复杂的结构演变,覆岩空间结构由OX向S型转换时,顶板岩层大面积破断下沉,在台阶区域形成多个悬臂梁结构,越往高位,悬臂梁长度越大;受覆岩运动和采动应力场叠加影响,煤岩体形成高应力集中区,在顶板岩层动载冲击作用下,煤岩体弹性应变能突然释放,诱发冲击地压。采用COMSOL软件对不同卸压钻孔参数下煤体应变能分布特征进行模拟研究,优化了台阶区域卸压钻孔参数。根据模拟结果,随着钻孔孔径、孔深增大及间距减小钻孔卸压效果越明显,考虑工程实际,确定孔径为150 mm、孔深为30 m、间距为1 m为合理有效的卸压钻孔参数,并应用于1302工作面台阶区域的冲击地压防治,取得了较好的防冲效果。  相似文献   
天山南麓库车晚新生代褶皱-冲断带   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
库车褶皱冲断带位于天山南麓,由近东西走向的多条构造带组成。三叠系暗色泥岩、侏罗系煤层、古近系库姆格列木组膏盐层和新近系吉迪克组膏盐层构成库车褶皱冲断带的区域性主滑脱面。褶皱冲断带底面由北向南逐渐抬高。褶皱冲断带主体发育盖层滑脱-冲断构造(薄皮构造),基底卷入型冲断构造(厚皮构造)见于北缘的根带。新生界膏盐层之上构造变形以滑脱褶皱为特色,之下以冲断构造为特色。库车褶皱冲断带是印度-亚洲碰撞远程效应下,(南)天山晚新生代造山过程的产物。褶皱冲断带构造变形的动力来源主要是造山楔向塔里木盆地推进所形成的挤压构造应力。褶皱冲断带构造变形的起始时间为约23Ma,构造变形具有阶段式加速的特点,已经识别出约23Ma、约10Ma、5~2Ma和1~0Ma共4个变形加速期。褶皱冲断带的演化过程为前展式,褶皱冲断带前锋向南推进的同时,后缘持续变形。  相似文献   
Strata behaviors are mainly affected by regional geodynamic background. The influence of rock mass stress and energy distribution on strata behaviors in the Tongxin mine is studied in terms of regional tectonic movement, seismic activity and tectonic stress field. The results show that the extrusion lifting movement of Kouquan fault adjacent to the Tongxin mine results in the stress concentration in the rock of the Carboniferous coal bed and accumulation of a large amount of elastic energy and forms structural background of Tongxin mine. Due to various seismic activities in the mine area, the strain energy is known to reach much higher levels, up to 0.5×108 J1/2. Since the stratigraphic structure is sensitive to the mining operation, the strain energy could cause strong strata behaviors. A special geological structure model of the Tongxin mine is established based on the geodynamic division method. The distribution of regional structure stress field is determined by the rock mass stress analysis system. Based on this model, Tongxin mine is divided into five areas with high stress, eight areas with low stress and eight areas with gradient stress. The strong strata behaviors mostly occur in high stress areas. These results could provide guidance to predict the strength of regional or mine pressure and control strata behavior in different areas.  相似文献   
The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood‐related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood‐increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross‐strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar‐scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross‐strata and cross‐strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood‐increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.  相似文献   
依据岩性组合特征对清水营井田延安组含煤地层进行了层段划分,并对各层段的沉积环境进行了分析,认为延安组沉积环境是以河流作用为主的湖泊三角洲相,其形成经历了冲积平原、浅湖三角洲又复向冲积平原过渡的充填演化过程.每一充填阶段均具有明显的周期性变化,这种充填形式决定了本区中侏罗世的聚煤特点.聚煤作用主要发生于废弃的三角洲平原之上,并形成区内具有工业价值的主要煤层。  相似文献   
白云鄂博碳酸岩型REE-Nb-Fe矿床是世界上最大的稀土矿床。稀土矿石产于整个白云石碳酸岩体和部分脉状碳酸岩中。对比世界上20余个火成碳酸岩地区的特征后发现,白云鄂博地区完全具备国外火成碳酸岩区的地质特征。在岩石、矿石组合上,本区也发育一套碳酸岩+超基性岩+碱性基性岩(含基性熔岩)+碱性岩+稀土矿石+铁矿石组合;在矿物组合上,以白云石为主,方解石次之,伴生一套碱性闪石、长石、霓石、磷灰石、萤石、磁铁矿、稀土矿物组合;在全岩化学成分、微量元素、稀土元素和Sr、Nd、Pb、C、O同位素上,这些岩石具有一定的亲缘关系,有着共同的来源;在岩体的形态与岩石组构上,它们以岩席、岩筒和脉岩的形式出现,并发育有强烈的熔离作用与流动构造;在区域构造上,发育隐伏穹窿构造、岩筒构造和巨型断裂汇聚构造。综合分析上述特征表明:白云鄂博地区具有中元古代破火山机构的痕迹,赋矿白云石碳酸岩体则是顺层侵入的火成碳酸岩体,东矿、主矿可能是一个火山颈构造控矿,而赋矿白云石碳酸岩体西南侧的苏木图矿床则是隐伏岩筒构造控矿。  相似文献   
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