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This article reports our new interpretations of the depositional environment and provenance of the Dawashan Formation in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone (LSLSZ), in the Southern Qiangtang terrane of northern Tibet, in order to gain a better understanding of the Ordovician tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. The Dawashan Formation is dominated by greywacke and shale, with interlayered bimodal volcanic rocks that were deposited in a bathyal to abyssal marine basin. The detrital zircons in the greywacke of the Dawashan Formation have peak ages of 550, 988, 1640, and 2500 Ma, indicating a northern Gondwana margin provenance. The bimodal metavolcanic rocks from the Dawashan Formation are dominated by metarhyolite with subordinate metabasalt. The results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating indicate that the metarhyolite formed between 470 and 455 Ma. The metavolcanic samples are bimodal (SiO2 = 45.27–55.05 and 66.09–74.59 wt.%). In comparison, the metabasalt has a wide range of MgO concentrations and Mg# values, contains variable Cr and low Ni concentrations, is depleted in Rb, Ba, and Sr, and is enriched in TiO2, Th, U, Nb, and Ta. Geochemical diagrams show that the metabasalt erupted in an intra-plate environment. The metarhyolites have high SiO2, Th, and U concentrations, low concentrations of MgO, P2O5, Nb, Sr, and Ti, and negative Eu anomalies. The metarhyolites yield negative zircon εHf(t) values (–2.08 to – 4.50) and TCDM model ages of 1436–1567 Ma. The metarhyolites formed from magma derived from the partial melting of old continental crust. These data indicate that the Dawashan Formation records Middle–Upper Ordovician bathyal to abyssal turbidite deposition in a deep-water rift basin at the northern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   
The Hetaoping skarn type Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Baoshan–Narong–Dongzhi block metallogenic belt (BND belt), a belt between the Tengchong terrane and the Lanping basin. The deposit is hosted by marble of the upper Cambrian Hetaoping Formation and there are no outcrops of plutonic rocks present. This deposit is one of two large Pb–Zn deposits recently discovered in the BND belt. The Hetaoping deposit is a high Mn skarn. Four types of fluid inclusions were recognized in quartz from the deposit: vapor-rich inclusions (Type I), liquid-rich inclusions (Type II), pure vapor inclusions (Type III), and pure fluid inclusions (Type IV). The coexistence of Type I and Type III inclusions in Stage I (pre-ore stage) and Stage II (main ore stage) shows evidence of fluid boiling. Quartz-hosted fluid inclusions (Stage I and Stage II) display high homogenization temperatures and salinities (134–315 °C; 3.7–18.6 wt% NaCl equivalent) but calcite-hosted fluid inclusions in Stage III (post-ore stage) record lower homogenization temperatures and salinities (85–214 °C; 0.5–5.4 wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest a possible mixing between primary magmatic water and meteoric water. Based on chromatography data, the fluid inclusions in quartz contain abundant CO2 and O2 and subordinate CO, CH4 and C2H2 + C2H4, suggesting an oxidizing environment. Based on their Na/K and Cl/SO4 ratios, fluids contained in fluid inclusions are similar to volcanic spring waters. The low Na/K ratios (0.40–1.34) of the ore-forming fluids may have resulted from interaction with a deep alkaline intermediate-acid intrusion. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope determinations on quartz from different ore stages show low δ18O and δD values relative to VSMOW (−4.3‰ to 2.3‰; −109‰ to −91‰), indicating that the ore-forming fluids were diluted by external fluid sources as the skarn system cooled. Overall, geological and geochemical interpretations suggest that the Hetaoping deposit is a distal manganese skarn Pb–Zn deposit related to concealed intrusions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the spatial distribution, variation and trend of 5-day antecedent rainfall in Singapore based on rainfall data from 22 meteorological stations. The effect of climate was analyzed by dividing the study period into three decades i.e. Decade 1: 1982–1991, Decade 2: 1992–2001 and Decade 3: 2002–2011. Kriging interpolation was used for rainfall mapping. The results show that spatial distribution of 5-day antecedent rainfall does not coincide with that of the annual rainfall. The maximum annual rainfall occurred in the northwestern side of Singapore. On the other hand, the maximum 5-day antecedent rainfall occurred in the north and northeastern sides. The results of this study suggest that the climate change has increased the amount of 5-day antecedent rainfall quite significantly, i.e. from 420.5 (1987) to 592.9 mm (2006), thus affecting the vulnerability of the area with respect to rainfall-induced slope failure. The analyses also showed that most of slope failures were located in the north and northeast of Singapore between December and earlier March. More slope failures were observed in Decade 3 as compared to Decades 1 and 2. In other words, the analysis confirmed that 5-day antecedent rainfall had affected the slope stability in Singapore.  相似文献   
E. Morin  H. Yakir 《水文科学杂志》2014,59(7):1353-1362

t Spatio-temporal storm properties have a large impact on catchment hydrological response. The sensitivity of simulated flash floods to convective rain-cell characteristics is examined for an extreme storm event over a 94 km2 semi-arid catchment in southern Israel. High space–time resolution weather radar data were used to derive and model convective rain cells that then served as input into a hydrological model. Based on alterations of location, direction and speed of a major rain cell, identified as the flooding cell for this case, the impacts on catchment rainfall and generated flood were examined. Global sensitivity analysis was applied to identify the most important factors affecting the flash flood peak discharge at the catchment outlet. We found that the flood peak discharge could be increased three-fold by relatively small changes in rain-cell characteristics. We assessed that the maximum flash flood magnitude that this single rain cell can produce is 175 m3/s, and, taking into account the rest of the rain cells, the flash flood peak discharge can reach 260 m3/s.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Morin, E. and Yakir, H., 2013. Hydrological impact and potential flooding of convective rain cells in a semi-arid environment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1275–1284. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841315  相似文献   

The La Tinta mélange is a small but singular ultramafic mélange sheet that crops out in eastern Cuba. It is composed of dolerite-derived amphibolite blocks embedded in a serpentinite matrix. The amphibolite blocks have mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like composition showing little if any imprint of subduction zone component, similar to most forearc and MOR basalts worldwide. Relict Cr-spinel and olivine mineral chemistry of the serpentinized ultramafic matrix suggest a forearc position for these rocks. These characteristics, together with a hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age of 123.2 ± 2.2 Ma from one of the amphibolite blocks, suggest that the protoliths of the amphibolite blocks correspond to forearc basalt (FAB)-related rocks that formed during the earlier stage of subduction initiation of the Early Cretaceous Caribbean arc. We propose that the La Tinta amphibolites correspond to fragments of sills and dikes of hypoabyssal rocks formed in the earlier stages of a subduction initiation scenario in the Pacific realm (ca. 136 Ma). The forearc dolerite-derived amphibolites formed by partial melting of upwelling fertile asthenosphere at the beginning of subduction of the Proto-Caribbean (Atlantic) slab, with no interaction with slab-derived fluids/melts. This magmatic episode probably correlates with Early Cretaceous basic rocks described in Hispaniola (Gaspar Hernandez serpentinized peridotite-tectonite). The dikes and sills cooled and metamorphosed due to hydration at low pressure (ca. 3.8 kbar) and medium to high temperature (up to 720ºC) and reached ca. 500ºC at ca. 123 Ma. At this cooling stage, serpentinite formed after hydration of the ultramafic upper mantle. This process might have been favoured by faulting during extension of the forearc, indicating an early stage of dike and sill fragmentation and serpentinite mélanges formation; however, full development of the mélange likely took place during tectonic emplacement (obduction) onto the thrust belt of eastern Cuba during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The Lake Izabal Basin in Guatemala is a major pull-apart basin along the sinistral Polochic Fault, which is part of the North American and Caribbean plate boundary. The basin infill contains information about the tectonic and sedimentological processes that have imparted a significant control on its sedimentary section. The inception of the basin has been linked to the relative importance of the Polochic Fault in the tectonic history of the plate boundary; yet, its sedimentological record and its inception age have been poorly documented. This study integrates diverse datasets, including industry reports, well logs and reports, well cuttings, vintage seismic data, outcrop observations and geochronological data to constrain the initial infill and age of inception of the basin. The integrated data show that during the Oligocene–Miocene, a marine carbonate platform was established in the region which was later uplifted and eroded in the early Miocene. The fluvial–lacustrine deposits above this carbonate platform are part of the initial infill of the basin and are constrained with zircon weighted-mean 206Pb/238U ages of 12.060 ± 0.008 from a volcanic tuff ~30 m above the unconformity. Sandstone, mudstone and coal dominate the interval from 12 to 4 Ma, with an increase in conglomerate correlating to the uplift of the Mico Mountains and San Gil Hill at 4 Ma. Fault switch activity between the Polochic and Motagua faults has been hypothesized to explain total offset along the Polochic Fault and the geologic and geodetic slip rates along the two faults. The 12 Ma age determined for the initial infill of the basin confirms this hypothesis. Consequently, our study confirms that at ~12 Ma the Polochic Fault served as the main fault of the plate boundary with inferred slip rates ranging from 13 to 21 mm/yr with a strong possibility that the Polochic Fault was, at some point between 15 Ma and 7 Ma, the only active fault of the plate boundary. The results of this study show that tectonic records preserved in sediments of strike-slip basins improve the understanding of the relative significance of individual faults and the implications with respect to strain partitioning throughout its tectonic history.  相似文献   

Mixed use has been extensively applied as an urban planning principle and hinders the study of single urban functions. To address this problem, it is worth decomposing the mixed use. Inspired by the concept of spectral unmixing in remote sensing applications, this paper proposes a framework for mixed-use decomposition based on big geo-data. Mixed-use decomposition in terms of human activities differs from traditional land use research, and it is more reasonable to infer the actual urban function of land. The framework consists of four steps, namely temporal activity signature extraction, urban function base curve extraction, mixed-use decomposition, and result validation. First, the temporal activity signatures (TASs) of each zone are extracted as the proxy of human activity patterns. Second, the diurnal TASs of routine activities are extracted as urban function base curves (i.e. endmembers). Third, a linear decomposition model is used to decompose the mixed use and obtain multiple results (urban function composition, dynamic activity proportions, and the mixing index). Finally, result validation strategies are concluded. This framework offers method extensibility and has few requirements for the input data. It is validated by means of a case study of Beijing, based on a social media check-in dataset.  相似文献   
In the alluvial deposits of the Prizhlimny Creek (southern part of the Koryak Highland), grains of platinum-group minerals are found along with gold. We have established that the grains are native platinum (Pt, Fe) containing Cu (up to 5 wt.%), Os (up to 8 wt.%), and Rh (up to 2 wt.%). Inclusions in the platinum are native osmium (the content of Ir impurity reaches 12 wt.%, the average content being 0.2–4 wt.%), an unnamed intermetallic compound of composition PtRh, sulfides and arsenides of PGE (cooperite, laurite, malanite, cuproiridsite, cuprorhodsite, sperrylite, hollingworthite, unnamed compounds PdS, (Ir,Ru)S2, (Ir,Pt)S2, Cu, and Fe (bornite, chalcopyrite), chromite, and Cr-magnetite. Replacement of native-osmium crystals by compound IrO2 is described. It has been established that this compound formed during oxidation accompanied by the replacement of isoferroplatinum by native platinum. The data obtained agree with the results of study of platinum-group mineral assemblages from placers localized in weakly eroded Ural–Alaskan-type massifs whose apical parts formed under high oxygen activity conditions. Clinopyroxenites of the Prizhimny massif are considered to be the potential source of PGE.  相似文献   
The form of visual representation affects both the way in which the visual representation is processed and the effectiveness of this processing. Different forms of visual representation may require the employment of different cognitive strategies in order to solve a particular task; at the same time, the different representations vary as to the extent to which they correspond with an individual’s preferred cognitive style. The present study employed a Navon-type task to learn about the occurrence of global/local bias. The research was based on close interdisciplinary cooperation between the domains of both psychology and cartography. Several different types of tasks were made involving avalanche hazard maps with intrinsic/extrinsic visual representations, each of them employing different types of graphic variables representing the level of avalanche hazard and avalanche hazard uncertainty. The research sample consisted of two groups of participants, each of which was provided with a different form of visual representation of identical geographical data, such that the representations could be regarded as ‘informationally equivalent’. The first phase of the research consisted of two correlation studies, the first involving subjects with a high degree of map literacy (students of cartography) (intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?37). The second study was performed after the results of the first study were analyzed. The second group of participants consisted of subjects with a low expected degree of map literacy (students of psychology; intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?27).The first study revealed a statistically significant moderate correlation between the students’ response times in extrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in a global subtest (r?=?0.384, p?<?0.05); likewise, a statistically significant moderate correlation was found between the students’ response times in intrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in the local subtest (r?=?0.387, p?<?0.05). At the same time, no correlation was found between the students’ performance in the local subtest and their performance in extrinsic visualization tasks, or between their scores in the global subtest and their performance in intrinsic visualization tasks. The second correlation study did not confirm the results of the first correlation study (intrinsic visualization/‘small figures test’: r?=?0.221; extrinsic visualization/‘large figures test’: r?=?0.135). The first phase of the research, where the data was subjected to statistical analysis, was followed by a comparative eye-tracking study, whose aim was to provide more detailed insight into the cognitive strategies employed when solving map-related tasks. More specifically, the eye-tracking study was expected to be able to detect possible differences between the cognitive patterns employed when solving extrinsic- as opposed to intrinsic visualization tasks. The results of an exploratory eye-tracking data analysis support the hypothesis of different strategies of visual information processing being used in reaction to different types of visualization.  相似文献   
The Haobugao Zn–Fe deposit is a typical skarn deposit located in the southern part of the Great Xing’an Range that hosts polymetallic mineralization over a large region. The main ore minerals at the deposit include sphalerite, magnetite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite, and the main gangue minerals include andradite, grossular garnet, hedenbergite, diopside, ilvaite, calcite and quartz. There are broadly two mineralizing periods represented by the relatively older skarn and younger quartz–sulfide veins. In detail, there are five metallogenic stages consisting of an early skarn, late skarn, oxide, early quartz–sulfide, and late quartz–sulfide–calcite stages. Electron microprobe analyses show that the garnet at the deposit varies in composition from And97.95Gro0.41Pyr1.64 to And30.69Gro66.69Pyr2.63, and pyroxene is compositionally in the diopside–hedenbergite range (i.e. Di90.63Hd8.00Jo1.37–Hd88.98Di4.53Jo6.49). Petrographic observations and electron microprobe analyses indicate that the sphalerite has three generations ([Zn0.93Fe0.08]S–[Zn0.75Fe0.24]S). The Zn associated with the first generation sphalerite replaced Cu and Fe of early xenomorphic granular chalcopyrite (i.e. [Cu1.01Fe1.03]S2–[Cu0.99Fe0.99]S2), and part of the first generation sphalerite is coeval with late chalcopyrite (i.e. [Cu0.96Fe0.99Zn0.03]S2–[Cu1.00Fe1.03Zn0.01]S2). Magnetite has a noticeable negative Ce anomaly (δCe = ∼0.17 to 0.54), which might be a result of the oxidized ore-fluid. Thirty δ34SV-PDB analyses of sulfides from the ore range from −2.3 to −0.1‰ in value, which are indicative of a magmatic source. The δ13C‰ and δ18O‰ values for calcite from the ore formed at quartz–sulfide–calcite stage vary from −9.9 to −5.5‰ and from −4.2 to 1.1‰, respectively, contrasting with δ13C‰ (2.9–4.8‰) and δ18O‰ (9.8–13.9‰) values for calcite from marble. It is suggested that the ore-forming fluid associated with late stage of mineralization was predominantly magmatic in origin with some input of local meteoric water.Molybdenite from the Haobugao deposit defines an isochron age of 142 ± 1 Ma, which is interpreted as the mineralization age being synchronous, within error, with the zircon U–Pb ages of 140 ± 1, 141 ± 2, and 141 ± 1 Ma for granite at the deposit. These data and characteristics of lithology and mineralization further show that the Zn–Fe mineralization is temporally and spatially related to the emplacement of granite in an extensional tectonic setting during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   
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