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Metatexite and diatexite migmatites are widely distributed within the upper amphibolite and granulite-facies zones of the Higo low-P/high-T metamorphic terrane. Here we report Nd–Sr isotopic and whole rock composition data from an outcrop in the highest-grade part of the granulite-facies zone, in which diatexite occurs as a 3 m-thick layer between 2 m-thick layers of stromatic-structured metatexite within pelitic gneiss. The metatexite has Nd–Sr isotopes and whole rock compositions similar to those of the gneiss, but the diatexite shows the reverse. The diatexite has a higher εNd(t) and 147Sm/144Nd ratio (εNd(t) = ?0.5; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1636) than the gneiss (εNd(t) = ?2.1; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1287) and metatexite (εNd(t) = ?3.1; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1188). The (87Sr/86Sr)initial and 87Rb/86Sr of the diatexite ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70568; 87Rb/86Sr = 0.416) are lower than those of the gneiss ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70857; 87Rb/86Sr = 1.13) and metatexite ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70792; 87Rb/86Sr = 1.11). The metatexite and gneiss show enrichment of Th and depletion of P and Eu and have a similar chondrite-normalized REE pattern, which shows steep LREE–MREE-enriched and gently declining HREE patterns and negative Eu anomalies, whereas the diatexite shows enrichment of Sr and depletion of Th and Y, and exhibits gently declining LREE and steeply declining HREE pattern and weak Eu depletion. The metatexite migmatite is interpreted to have formed by in situ partial melting in which the melt did not migrate from the source, whereas the diatexite migmatite included an externally derived melt with a juvenile component. The Cretaceous high-temperature metamorphism of the Higo metamorphic terrane is interpreted to reflect emplacement of mantle-derived basalts under a volcanic arc along the eastern margin of the Eurasian continent, and mass transfer and advection of heat via hybrid silicic melts from the lower crust.  相似文献   

There are voluminous ultrahigh pressure-related orthogneisses and minor metamorphic supracrustal rocks in the northeastern Sulu UHP terrane (NSL), East China. The tectonic affinities of the supracrustal rocks are crucial for unravelling the deep continental subduction processes and locating the tectonic suture between the South China (SCB) and North China (NCB) blocks. In this contribution, we report new zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotope data for the supracrustal rocks and metagabbros in the Zeku region of the NSL. In the Zeku region, the supracrustal rocks are spatially associated with granitic gneisses, metagabbros, and eclogites. Detrital zircon U–Pb analyses yield ages between 3.39 and 0.65 Ga that cluster as three major age populations including (1) 2.15–1.68 Ga with two subpeaks at ~1.83 Ga and~1.97 Ga, (2) 2.45–2.15 Ga with a peak at ~2.37 Ga, and (3) 0.79–0.65 Ga. In addition, there is a small age population between 3.39 and 2.61 Ga. The youngest age population of 0.79–0.65 Ga indicates that the Zeku supracrustal rocks must have been deposited after 650 Ma rather than during the Palaeoproterozoic as previously thought. The 210–190 Ma metamorphic ages suggest that the Zeku rocks were affected by Triassic collision–subduction and exhumation. Most of the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic zircons have negative εHf(t) values and two-stage Hf model ages concentrating at 2.4–3.4 Ga (peak at ~2.9 Ga), indicating that source rocks of these zircons were mainly derived from recycling of ancient crustal material. These ages, together with the Hf isotopic compositions and rock assemblages, indicate that the Zeku supracrustal rocks were mainly derived from the Precambrian basement rocks of the northern Yangzte Block and have a tectonic affinity to the SCB, rather than the NCB. Our results, together with previously published data, suggest that there are two types of supracrustal rocks with different zircon U–Pb ages and tectonic affinities in the NSL. On the basis of new data, we suggest that the surface boundary between the SCB and NCB in the Jiaodong Peninsula is a complicated tectonic mélange zone rather than a single fault.  相似文献   
The upper Cenomanian–lower Turonian paleoenvironments of the Preafrican Trough carbonate platform is characterized by analyzing the structure of the ostracod assemblages and the information provided by other groups, and also by linking together the paleontological and geochemical data (detrital influx-redox-paleoproductivity proxies, δ13C curve). Two different domains (eastern and western) can be recognized on the platform during the late Cenomanian, before the onset of the OAE2. The western domain corresponds to a low-energy environment developed on a mid and/or outer ramp with hypoxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity. The paleoecological assemblages show limited specific diversity but variable density. The ostracods are opportunistic and unspecialized (r strategists), being associated with Buliminidae, surface and intermediate-water planktonic foraminifera, and fishes. The eastern domain corresponds to an inner ramp and/or peritidal environment with oxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity, developed in a higher energy environment with paleoecological assemblages showing high diversity but variable density. The ostracods are more specialized (K strategists), being represented by diverse and constant assemblages associated with diversified benthic foraminifera, calcareous sponges and echinoderms, as well as intermediate- and deep-water planktonic foraminifera. The onset of the OAE2 has no influence on the western ostracod assemblages, but leads to the decline of the ostracod fauna and the disappearance of the deep-water planktonic foraminifera in the eastern domain. During the early Turonian, after the OAE2, the platform becomes an outer ramp with increased paleoproductivity, but is associated with a decrease of taxonomic diversity in hypoxic waters. The ostracods are very sparse and unspecialized, associated with siliceous sponges, Buliminidae, surface-living planktonic foraminifera, fishes and pelagic crinoids. Marine paleobiogeographic communication is relatively easy across the carbonate platforms between the Preafrican Trough and other Moroccan regions, as well as between Morocco and different parts of the South Tethyan and East Atlantic margins belonging to the Cenomanian–Turonian South Tethyan Ostracod Province (STOP). Thirteen new species are described: Cytherella tazzouguertensis n. sp., Bairdiacypris chaabetensis n. sp., Bythocypris amelkisensis n. sp., Pontocypris tadighoustensis n. sp., Procytherura? elongatissima n. sp., Loxoconcha akrabouensis n. sp., Hemiparacytheridea sagittaemucronata n. sp., Rehacythereis errachidiaensis n. sp., Rehacythereis zizensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) tardaensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) mediacostarobusta n. sp., Xestoleberis? preafricanensis n. sp., and Xestoleberis circinatus n. sp.  相似文献   
A new approach for simulating the excavation and construction of subsequent panels is proposed to investigate the effects from the installation of diaphragm walls on the surrounding and adjacent buildings. The method has been combined with a 3-D nonlinear analysis and a constitutive law providing bulk and shear modulus variation, depending on the stress path (loading, unloading, reloading). From the application of the method in a normally to slightly over-consolidated clayey soil it was found that the panel length is the most affecting factor of ground movements and lateral stress reduction during panel installation. Moreover, from the evaluation of horizontal stress reduction and the variation of horizontal displacements arises that the effects from the construction of a panel are mainly limited to a zone within a distance of the order of the panel length. The effects on an adjacent building have also been investigated by applying a full soil–structure interaction including the whole building. Settlement profiles and settlements are given at specific points as increasing with subsequent installation of panels, providing the ability of specific monitoring guidelines for the upcoming construction of the diaphragm wall in front of the building. Contrary to lateral movements, which mostly take place at the panel under construction, it was found that the effect of settlements covers a larger area leading to a progressive settlement increase. The effect highly depends on the distance from the panel under construction.  相似文献   
The study deals spatial mapping of earthquake hazard parameters like annual and 100-years mode along with their 90% probability of not being exceeded (NBE) in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and adjoining regions. For this purpose, we applied a straightforward and most robust method known as Gumbel’s third asymptotic distribution of extreme values (GIII). A homogeneous and complete earthquake catalogue during the period 1900–2010 with magnitude MW  4.0 is utilized to estimate these earthquake hazard parameters. An equal grid point mesh, of 1° longitude X 1° latitude, is chosen to produce detailed earthquake hazard maps. This performance allows analysis of the localized seismicity parameters and representation of their regional variations as contour maps. The estimated result of annual mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the values of MW 6.0 in the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan and northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings in the examined region. The 100-years mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the value of MW 8.0 in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya with Caucasus mountain belt, the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan, northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings, the Kangra–Himanchal Pradesh and Kashmir of India. The estimated high values of earthquake hazard parameters are mostly correlated with the main tectonic regimes of the examined region. The spatial variations of earthquake hazard parameters reveal that the examined region exhibits more complexity and has high crustal heterogeneity. The spatial maps provide a brief atlas of the earthquake hazard in the region.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the petrology and U–Pb dating of coesite-bearing garnet–phengite schist from the Kebuerte Valley, Chinese western Tianshan. It mainly consists of porphyroblastic garnet, phengite, quartz and chlorite with minor amounts of paragonite, albite, zoisite and chloritoid. The well preserved coesite inclusions (∼100 μm) in garnet are encircled by a narrow rim of quartz. They were identified by optical microscopy and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Using the computer program THERMOCALC, the peak metamorphic conditions of 29 kbar and 565 °C were obtained via garnet isopleth geothermobarometry. The predicted UHP peak mineral assemblage comprises garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + coesite + phengite. The metapelite records prograde quartz–eclogite-facies metamorphism, UHP coesite–eclogite-facies peak metamorphism, and a late greenschist-facies overprint. Phase equilibrium modeling predicts that garnet mainly grew in the mineral assemblages garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + chloritoid + glaucophane + quartz + phengite and garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + glaucophane + quartz + phengite. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the coesite-bearing metapelite yielded the peak metamorphic age 320.4 ± 3.7 Ma. For the first time, age data of coesite-bearing UHP metapelite from the Chinese western Tianshan are presented in this paper. They are in accord with published ages obtained from eclogite from other localities in the Chinese western Tianshan and the Kyrgyz South Tianshan and therefore prove a widespread occurrence of UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distribution of near-shore fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was characterised from the coastal aquifers of the Willunga Basin, South Australia, an extensive aquifer system that supports an important viticultural region. Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and 222Rn (radon) activity were collected at 19 sites along the coastline during the Southern Hemisphere spring (2011) and summer (2013). At each site, samples were collected from the surf zone as well asporewater from beach sediment in the intertidal zone. Surf-zone radon activity ranged from <5 to 70mBq L–1, and intertidal porewater radon ranged over two orders of magnitude (220–36 940 mBq L–1) along the Willunga Basin coastline during both surveys. Overall, surf-zone and porewater EC was lower in the spring 2011 survey than in the summer 2013 survey. Porewater EC was similar to that of coastal water at most sites along the coastline, except at three sites where porewater EC was found to be lower than coastal water during both surveys, and three sites where evaporated seawater was observed in the summer survey. Based on the patterns in radon and EC along the coastline, two sites of localised fresh SGD were identified, in addition to a groundwater spring that is known to discharge to the coast. The results indicate that near-shore fresh SGD occurs as localised seeps rather than diffuse seepage along the entire coastline. The apparent absence of groundwater discharge at most locations is also consistent with current evidence suggesting that extensive groundwater pumping within the basin has resulted in seawater intrusion across much of the coastline. These observations also suggest that previous studies are likely to have over-estimated SGD rates from the Willunga Basin because they assumed that SGD occurred along the entire coastline.  相似文献   
Bricks made of compacted sand–bentonite mixture are considered as a possible engineered barrier to isolate high-level radioactive waste at great depth. This work is aimed at investigating some specific effects related to the presence of discontinuities at the contact between the bricks and the excavation wall. In order to do this, an experimental device was developed in the laboratory. The model is made up of a specially designed infiltration cylinder which allows the precise definition of a planar discontinuity between the compacted specimen (a sand–bentonite mixture made up of sand and Kunigel clay from Japan) and a metal wall. During hydration and subsequent specimen swelling, the planar wall is filled, resulting in a healing process. Three total pressure gauges placed along the wall allow a detailed observation of the increase in total stress against the wall. After different periods of swelling, the maximum resistance of the specimen–wall interface to pressure was tested by imposing a pressure increase through a porous stone placed at one end of the cylinder. It was found that the maximum pressure supported by the interface is a function of the initial thickness of the discontinuity and the initial density of the specimen. It was also found that the maximum sustainable pressure depends linearly on the elapsed time. These results are of interest for optimizing water infiltration procedures in either mock-up tests or real disposal systems. If the maximum sustainable pressure at the interface is known, it is possible either to ensure homogeneous hydration of a mass of bricks by respecting the maximum injection pressure limit or to accelerate hydration by forcing water paths along the discontinuities.  相似文献   
地震预报是当今世界尚未破解的重大科技难题,短临地震预报是地震预报的难点,有效的前兆信息则是短临预报的关键。笔者围绕短临地震预报难题,研制了高精度动态固体潮汐重力仪和大气潮汐重力仪,成功捕获到2010~2023年间的玉树7.1级地震、土耳其7.8级地震等震前几十个小时的动态重力场变化信息。这些信息再现了强震孕育–发生的过程,初步揭示短临阶段“基本稳定→闭锁蓄能→震前平静→能量释放”的强震物理机制,可作为短临地震预报的前兆信息。为实现对短临地震“时−空−强”的准确预报,提出通过动态重力场变化组网观测和分布式前兆信息数据库建设,进一步揭示不同类型地震的动态重力信号响应规律,建立强震发生概率、时间、震中位置及震级预报模型的可行性路径,渴望破解强震短临预报的世界难题。  相似文献   
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