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大风垭口公路隧道施工中的地质灾害及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公路隧道的施工过程经常会碰到地质灾害,本文结合云南元磨高速公路在建特长隧道-大风垭口隧道中出现的洞口滑坡、涌水、塌方、突泥等问题,多角度论述了产生的因素以及应对措施,希望能为今后在类似地质条件下,公路隧道的勘查、设计以及施工提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   
The Liangshui Natural Reserve in Heilongjiang Province of China was selected as the study area.The authors collected the samples of forest litter (Tilia amurensis,Fraxinus mandshurica,Pinus koraiensis,Acer mono,Betula costata,and mixed litter),soil in humus horizon (0-5cm) and soil horizon (5-20cm),and soil macrofauna (Oligochaeta,Geophiloporpha and Juliformia) from 2001 to 2002.The role of soil macrofauna in the material cycle was analyzed through comparing the macro-element contents among various parts of the subsystems and using enrichment index (EI).The results indicate that dynamic changes of various litters are very complicated.The contents of Fe in each kind of litter increase firstly,and then decrease in the study period.The changes of macro-element contents are greater in the broad-leaf litter than in the coniferous litter,and the mixed litter is in the middle level,but the differences among them are not significant.The contents of Mg and Fe in humus are higher than those in soil,but the contents of Ca in soil are higher than that in humus.The dynamic changes of macro-element contents in soil and soil fauna are not consistent with those in litter.The diplopod presented obvious enrichment of Ca and Mg (EI>1),but it does not significantly enrich Fe.Earthworm has a stronger enrichment ability of Fe than diplopod and scolopendra,but EI<1.Soil fauna can make great influences on the material cycle of the subsystems.  相似文献   
黄河流域甘肃段是甘肃省地质灾害最为集中的区域。截止2019年底,查明地质灾害点共12829处,占全省灾害总量的70.83%。按照水系分布划分,以渭河流域、泾河流域、黄河干流流域最为发育,其他水系次之。依据空间分布特征,划分为永登—靖远等北部泥石流灾害为主的区段、中部崩塌滑坡泥石流集中区段、南部崩塌滑坡泥石流为主的区段和玛曲—碌曲地质灾害轻微发育区段。依据时间分布特征,具有2—5月冻融期、7—9月主汛期两个高发时段。地质灾害具有小灾巨损、群发巨损和链式巨损等致灾特征。单体灾害易形成巨大损失,降雨、地震引发的群发性地质灾害往往损失巨大,同时崩滑流阻断河道形成的堰塞湖风险也常有发生。  相似文献   

现代洪水沉积物的沉积学特征研究是开展古洪水重建的一项基础工作.2018年黄河汛期洪水沉积物在兰州体育公园形成了一道天然堤.对该天然堤剖面的岩石磁学研究显示:沉积物中的磁性矿物既有磁铁矿,又有赤铁矿/针铁矿.磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁、S-ratio和L-ratio等参数在剖面上没有明显变化,指示2018年洪水沉积物源区、磁性矿物的种类和含量变化不显著.剖面下部(66~110 cm)沉积物的磁化率各向异性(AMS)椭球最大轴偏角集中分布(K1-Dec=22.8°±10.3°),上部(0~64 cm)沉积物的磁化率最大轴偏角在上半平面内随机分布;下部沉积物的磁性矿物粒度指标(χARM/χχARM/SIRM)和天然剩磁(NRM)强度低于上部;指示洪水沉积物的下部和上部分别形成于2018年黄河二号和三号洪水期间.由于二号洪水流量及水位陡升陡降、持续时间短,三号洪水水位升降相对缓慢、持续时间长;造成了两次洪水沉积物的AMS特征、χARM/χχARM/SIRM以及NRM强度差异.本研究揭示洪水沉积物的磁学参数能够灵敏地响应不同水动力条件和持续时间的洪水期次,从而具有高分辨率区分洪水事件的潜力.

王月华 《地球物理学报》2002,45(05):624-630
选取中国地区20个地磁台,日本地区3个地磁台的基本数据,使用自然正交分量方法(简称NOC方法)求得1985-199年中国地区地磁场三分量(X ,Y,Z)的自然正交分量的时间函数,即地磁场时间变化的正交模型. 对阶数从1-9的正交分量进行了试验计算,并计算出这23个地磁台分量的均方根偏差(RMS)值. 以1995年为例 ,取kNOC=1-3,将23个地磁台的正交模型值绘出了平面等值线图. 结果显示X , Y,Z长期变化速度的等值线非常平滑,分布均匀,且均具有明显的分区特征,这反映了主磁场的长期变化规律,而其中长期变化速率比较大的地区,反映地磁场的局部特征和有关的地球物理现象.  相似文献   
在地质灾害调查与区划工作的基础上,研究了陕南略阳地区地质灾害的发育类型、区域分布特征,探讨了地质灾害与构造活动、地形地貌、地层岩性、地下水、降雨和人类工程活动之间的关系.  相似文献   
开阳县地质条件复杂,区内山地灾害频发,在进行野外地质灾害调查的基础上,选取高程、坡度、坡向、工程岩组、斜坡结构、断层、水系、归一化植被指数(NDVI)8个影响因子作为斜坡地质灾害孕灾因子。基于GIS平台,采用确定性系数模型(CF)进行开阳县斜坡地质灾害孕灾因子敏感性分析,并通过敏感性指数(E)分析各因子对开阳县斜坡地质灾害的敏感性大小。结果表明:在高程515~993 m、坡度20°~50°、坡向为东南、西和西北向、软质岩组、顺向坡地区、距断层1 000 m以内、距河流800 m以内、NDVI值处于-0.098~0.181的区域,为开阳县地质灾害敏感区;坡度、岩性、坡向、距河流距离、距断层距离、高程6个因子为开阳县地质灾害的主要控制因素,NDVI和斜坡结构具有较低的敏感性;进一步分析表明,NDVI敏感程度很可能受高程1 288~1 664 m区间和北向坡向限制;斜坡结构敏感性主要受坡向东、西2个方向限制。研究成果可为开阳县地质灾害的防灾减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   
The soil conservation service (now Natural Resources Conservation Service) Curve Number (SCS-CN), one of the most commonly used methods for surface runoff prediction. The runoff calculated by this method was very sensitive to CN values. In this study, CN values were calculated by both arithmetic mean (CN_C) and least square fit method (CN_F) using observed rainfall-runoff data from 43 sites in the Loess Plateau region, which are considerably different from the CN2 values obtained from the USDA-SCS handbook table (CN_T). The results showed that using CN_C instead of CN_T for each watershed produce little improvement, while replacing CN_T with CN_F improves the performance of the original SCS-CN method, but still performs poorly in most study sites. This is mainly due to the SCS-CN method using a constant CN value and discounting of the temporal variation in rainfall-runoff process. Therefore, three factors—soil moisture, rainfall depth and intensity—affecting the surface runoff variability are considered to reflect the variation of CN in each watershed, and a new CN value was developed. The reliability of the proposed method was tested with data from 38 watersheds, and then applied to the remaining five typical watersheds using the optimized parameters. The results indicated that the proposed method, which boosted the model efficiencies to 81.83% and 74.23% during calibration and validation cases, respectively, performed better than the original SCS-CN and the Shi and Wang (2020b) method, a modified SCS-CN method based on tabulated CN value. Thus, the proposed method incorporating the influence of the temporal variability of soil moisture, rainfall depth, and intensity factors suggests an accurate runoff prediction for general applications under different hydrological and climatic conditions on the Loess Plateau region.  相似文献   
In this study, we test experimentally the role of compositional layering as a key parameter for controlling melt flow in a natural migmatite during coaxial deformation. We performed in – situ pure-shear experiments on two natural gneisses. The first gneiss is weakly foliated with minerals homogenously distributed. The second gneiss shows a pronounced compositional layering of alternating quartz – feldspar – rich and biotite – muscovite – rich layers. Experimental conditions were selected to obtain homogeneous melt distribution in the homogeneous gneiss and heterogeneous melt distribution in the layered gneiss. Initial melt distribution is not modified by deformation in experiments on the homogeneous gneiss, implying that melting products did not migrate from their initiation sites. In contrast, melt flowed in shear zones or in inter-boudin positions during experimental deformation of the heterogeneous gneiss. These experiments attest to the strong influence of initial gneissic layering on melting pattern, melt segregation and flow during deformation of partially molten rocks.  相似文献   
One of the most applicable geotechnical structures whose analysis is carried out through iterative procedures is the reinforced soil slope. In this regard, the most successful method for the reinforced slope analysis through numerical methods is the finite element method whose updating mesh may result in some difficulties. In this study, the Natural Element Method (NEM), which is a mesh-free method, in conjunction with conventional limit equilibrium is implemented to find the slip surface in the reinforced slopes. Results demonstrate the convergence and preciseness of the present method in comparison with the other numerical methods and conventional limit equilibrium method.  相似文献   
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