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Marginal water of east Hainan Island was an area that internal waves occurred frequently, however, few studies was found and mechanism for internal waves formation was unclear. In the paper, China Brazil earth Resources Satellite data (CBERS) was used to detect and calculate distribution, direction, wavelength and amplitude of internal waves in marginal water of east Hainan Island and the mechanism of internal waves formation was also analyzed, results showed that direction of internal wave was off shoreward and wavelength was about 150-200m . The mechanism for internal wave’s formation can be postulated as by upwelling or tide tracing back.  相似文献   
THE EROSIONAL PROCESS OF THE SOFT SHORE OF CHINA IN THE RECENT DECADES WangWenhai(王文海);WuSangyun(吴桑云);XiaDongxing(夏东兴)(FirstI...  相似文献   
甘肃河东年降水量的周期变化   总被引:20,自引:13,他引:20  
利用甘肃河东建站最早的9个代表站的年降水量资料,采用谐波分析和小波分析方法,计算了年降水量序列各种时间尺度的周期,以及10a和20a相空间时间序列的2~10a周期试验;陇南无明显周期;陇南无明显周期。相空间序列的周期试验显示,甘肃中部的准3a周期主要反映在50~70年代,近20~30a则以8~9a周期较为明显;陇东近10a主要表现为准2a振荡。进一步的分析表明,甘肃中部年降水量的准3a周期振荡目处  相似文献   
Terraces are a common feature of Mediterranean landscapes. In many places they are no longer maintained so that the number of intact terraces is in prolonged decline. The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of terrace removal and failure on hydrological connectivity and peak discharge in an agricultural catchment (475 ha) in south‐east Spain. The situation of 2006 is compared to that in 1956 and to a scenario without terraces (S2). The spatial distribution of concentrated flow was mapped after four storms in 2006. The degree of connectivity was quantified by means of connectivity functions and related to storm characteristics, land use and topography. For 1956, 2006 and scenario S2, connectivity functions and peak discharge to the river were determined for a storm with a return period of 8·2 years. The results show that the decrease in intact terraces has led to a strong increase in connectivity and discharge. The contributing area to the river system has increased by a factor 3·2 between 1956 and 2006. If all terraces were to be removed (scenario S2), the contributing area may further increase by a factor 6·0 compared to 2006. The spatial extent of concentrated flow and the degree of connectivity are related to storm magnitude as expressed by the erosivity index (EI30). Although a large part of the concentrated flow (25–50%) occurs on dirt roads, it appears that croplands become a major source of runoff with increasing rainfall. The results suggest that connectivity theory can be used to improve rainfall–runoff models in semi‐arid areas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
沉积环境分析是古地理重建的核心内容,黔北地区寒武系明心寺组沉积环境研究存在较大争议,以致对中上扬子地区明心寺组沉积期古地理格局的认识不能统一。选取寒武系明心寺组发育齐全、出露良好的黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面为研究对象,通过野外剖面观察、室内薄片鉴定及碎屑岩粒度分析等方法对三丘田剖面明心寺组岩石学特征、沉积构造、沉积演化序列、沉积相类型进行了详细分析。结果表明:黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面寒武系明心寺组上段发育大套的石英粉-细砂岩,沉积构造以低角度冲洗交错层理为主,碎屑颗粒的成分和结构成熟度均较高;三丘田剖面明心寺组上段砂岩以双次跳跃组分为主,悬浮组分含量较少,纵向剖面自下而上显示为浅水陆棚→临滨→前滨→后滨演化序列,呈典型的陆棚相向滨岸相变化。综上所述,黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面寒武系明心寺组上段的沉积相为滨岸相。黔北镇远地区明心寺组滨岸相沉积的出现,指示了黔北地区区域上重新认识明心寺组沉积相的必要性,将直接影响对黔北地区乃至中上扬子地区寒武纪古地理格局及其大地构造背景的认识。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAA再分析资料,国家气候中心74项环流指数及云南省122个观测站资料,结合诊断、合成和相关分析等方法,探讨2011年初云南东部极端低温冰冻灾害天气气候特征及成因,并与2008年初低温冰冻灾害进行对比分析。旨在寻找云南低温冰冻天气的预报着眼点,为提前做好防灾减灾工作提供决策依据。研究表明:500hPa高度场欧亚中高纬呈两槽一脊,西西伯利亚高压脊异常强大,贝巴之间为东西向横槽,东亚中高纬呈"+-+"的高度场距平分布,西太平洋副热带高压异常偏东偏弱,南海副高异常偏南偏弱是2011年1月云南东部频遭冷空气影响的大尺度大气环流背景。另外,相关分析发现NINO4区海温持续异常偏冷对应云南东部气温异常偏低。较2008年初持续近2个月的低温雨雪冰冻灾害相比,虽然2011年灾害影响时间较短,范围较小,但冷空气过程频发,昆明准静止锋长时间控制云南东部,最终造成近50年来的极端低温冰冻灾害。  相似文献   
This study on the distribution features of petroleum hydrocarbon in water and sedi-ment off the Fujian shore using data obtained from the baseline research on oceanic contamination in Fujian showed that:during the research preiod,petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in water varied from 5.77μg/L to 37.28μg/L,averaged 14.48 μg/L;was lower in the wet seasson than in the dry season;and was highest in the Minjiang Estuary and Jiulong Estuary in both seasons ,The petorleum hydrocarbon concentrations in shore sediment varied from 14.48 mg/kg to 784.36 mg/kg,averaged 133.3 mg/kg ,and was closely related to sediment types (granularity).  相似文献   
尺坎金矿床地处胶东东部著名的牟平-乳山金成矿带中,区内金矿主要受区域性牟平-海阳断裂上盘的NNE向断裂控制,沿走向、倾向均具膨胀狭缩现象,中生代燕山早期的岩浆侵入活动为成矿提供了热源,古元古代荆山群变质岩系是金矿的原始矿源层。矿床成因为中温热液充填交代型。  相似文献   
近年来,随着经济的快速发展和城市的大规模建设,济南市的泉水保护与经济建设产生了一些矛盾。根据规划,济南市拟在白泉泉域的周边建设济南新火车东站、地下轨道交通等项目,项目建设将会对白泉泉群的喷涌产生影响,根据野外实际调查成果,从白泉泉群的补、径、排角度分析了项目建设对泉群产生的影响,提出在保护泉群的前提下进行新火车站及轨道交通建设的合理化建议。  相似文献   
分布于济南东部六山圈—大有一带的侵入岩,为燕山早期同一岩浆热事件多次侵入形成的杂岩体,依其形成顺序可划分为山张庄、西杜、大有、赵家鹊山四个单元,归并为埠村超单元。该超单元的形成与幔源基性岩浆上侵及同源岩浆分异产生的中偏基性—中性岩浆多次侵入有关,属热气球式膨胀与火山口塌陷复合就位机制。  相似文献   
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