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The A-type Harsora-Dadikar granites in the Alwar complex of northern Aravalli orogen,NW India provide evidence for subsolidus-requilibration of feldspars.They record three new discrete stages of albitisation,producing trondhjemite and albitite sequentially at the expense of original granite.Stage-Ⅰ metasomatism deanorthised the magmatic oligoclase and transformed the grey least-albitised granite to pinkish grey microcline-oligoclase granite.Stage-II converted the latter to trondhjemite by replacement of microcline to oligoclase.Stage-Ⅲ metasomatism led to the formation of albitite/albite granite from trondhjemite,where the metasomatically formed oligoclase was replaced by albite.This stage of metasomatism resulted in nearly complete disappearance of amphibole and biotite,producing a monomineralic rock(albitite),which is consistent with Korzhinskii theory of infiltration metasomatism.The reaction fronts delineating the Stage-Ⅱ and Stage-Ⅲ are sharp and easily discernible by their prominent color differences in Harsora on the outcrop scale.Chemically,the mineral transformations during three stages are manifested by the differential gains/losses in Na,K,Ca,Rb,Ba,Sr,Fe and Mg.The formation of albite,Cl-rich marialitic scapolite and Cl-rich amphibole in the albitised granites are suggestive of Naand Cl-brines as the metasomatising fluids.The fluid-rock interactions,which can significantly transform the pristine mineralogy of granitoids,should be carefully considered to avoid any misinterpretations about their petrological history.  相似文献   
New results from deep seismic reflection profiling, wide-angle reflection-refraction profiling and broadband seismic experiments reveal that a series of south-dipping reflectors occur on the southern margin of the Tarim block (basin). However, it is these south-dipping structures that are intercepted by another series of north-dipping reflectors at depths from 30 to about 150 km beneath the foreland of the W Kunlun Mountains. No evidence from the above geophysical data as well as geochemical and surface geological data indicate the southward subduction of the Tarim block beneath the W Kunlun Mountains (NW Tibet plateau), forming the so-called "two-sided subduction" model for the Tibet plateau as proposed by previous studies. So the authors infer that the tectonic interaction between the Tarim block and the W Kunlun block was chiefly affected by a "horizontal compression in opposite directions", which brought about "face-to-face contact" between these two lithospheric blocks and led to the thickening, sh  相似文献   
铲子坪金矿北西向构造蚀变带特征及其研究意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明扬 《湖南地质》1996,15(2):78-80
铲子坪金矿区北西向构造蚀变带,在剖面上由中心硅化岩带向外依次为石英细脉带,硅化含砾砂板岩带,在性质上兼具韧性变形和脆性变形特征,反映了构造及热液流动的多次性。金矿化与早期灰白色奎化岩密切相关。  相似文献   
通过对厄尔尼诺与广西前汛期和后汛期旱涝之间的关系 ,及 5 0 0 h Pa西北太平洋副热带高压特征量的分析 ,结果表明 :厄尔尼诺影响了西北太平洋副热带高压所致使广西前汛期偏涝 ,后汛期偏旱  相似文献   
洪江市大坪金矿床地质特征及其找矿前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
赵建光 《湖南地质》2001,20(3):171-176
大坪金矿床产于黄茅园与中华山花岗岩体之间外接触带,赋矿地层为上元古界及震旦系浅变质绿片岩相碎屑岩系,金源物质丰富,区域构造变形强烈,褶皱断裂发育,矿床总体受NE向大型韧脆性剪切带(F8)控制,矿化明显分为NW向和NE向两组,以NW向矿脉蚀变强,矿物组合复杂,金含量较高,富矿体产于两者交叉处,主要矿体均分布于变形强带内部及附近,矿化与硅化,绢云母化,黄铁矿,毒砂关系密切,目前发现含放脉37条,矿体近30个,找矿前景十分广阔。  相似文献   
断面擦痕滑动矢量法在自贡地区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用断面擦痕滑动矢量分析方法,用 Etchecopar 电算法定量反演了自贡地区的平均构造应力场。结果表明:自贡地区第四纪构造应力场曾发生过重大变化,主压应力轴方向由北西向转为北东向,垂直运动分量加大。这种变化是局部应力调整的结果,并在地表形成切割早期构造的北西向断裂。  相似文献   
中国大陆东部新构造期北西向断裂带的初步探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
前人对中国大陆东部新构造期 (N—Q)活动的北东向断裂 (带 )已有很多研究。笔者根据地震构造、新构造和火山活动等资料并结合Pn波速结构研究结果 ,分析了该区新构造期的北西向活动断裂 ,初步得出 :北西向断裂具有成带性 ,可分 7条北西向断裂带 ;它们有鲜明的新生性 ;均为地壳构造带 ;与北东向断裂带呈共轭关系 ,是在先存构造基础上于新构造应力场作用下正在发育的一套地壳共轭剪切破裂系统。  相似文献   
张家口水泉沟正长岩杂岩体成因的REE和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素证据   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
水泉沟杂岩体位于尚义 赤城断裂的南侧,侵位于太古宙桑干群变质岩中。岩体形成于晚加里东至早海两期。其稀土元素含量为8.543×10~(-6)~211.6×10~(-6),随着岩石的CaO、MgO、FeO、Fe_2O_3含量降低,SiO_2、K_2O、Na_2O含量增大,稀土含量减小,稀土分布模式由右倾直线型变为近平直的“~”型。在铅同位素构造模式图上杂岩体落在地幔铅同位素演化线附近。在ε_(Nd)-ε-(Sr)图解上处于地幔演化线的下方。杂岩体的钕模式年龄低于围岩桑干群的形成年龄。岩体可能来源干上地幔与下地壳太古宙变质杂岩混熔作用所形成的正长岩岩浆。  相似文献   
江娃利  张英礼 《中国地震》1997,13(3):263-270
讨论了华北平原周边1975年海城地震,1937年荷泽地震及1830年磁县地震3次强震的地表地震破裂特征以及这3个地区北西向断裂的全新世活动。研究结果表明,尽管这3次强震地表破裂显示较弱,断续分布,仍反映了存在北西向地表破裂带,活动方式呈左旋走滑兼正倾滑。  相似文献   
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