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Sea urchins can alter the composition and dynamics of algal communities by grazing. Changes in their displacement capability can influence their grazing and thus their effect on algal communities. The daily and monthly movement of Paracentrotus lividus inside and outside a marine reserve in the NW Mediterranean Sea was studied in order to determine the role of predation in sea urchin movements and its potential grazing impacts. During the 3‐month study, the total distance travelled by sea urchins ranged from 71.8 to 673.6 cm (mean = 379.2 cm, SD = 221.3). Home ranges (distances from the initial position) were between 50 and 302 cm (mean = 150.7 cm, SD = 99.4). Movements were not directional but random, with a mean of 150 cm around the initial position. The activity of Paracentrotus lividus was significantly higher at night than during daylight. Total displacement at the end of the experiment was significantly higher in the unprotected area than in the reserve, as was the home range. The linear distance travelled in a 24‐h period ranged between 6 and 220 cm with a mean home range of 51 cm. These results agree with those of other authors, and allow us to rule out major migratory processes of sea urchin populations in this area. Nevertheless, these results underline the role of predatory fishes in reducing herbivory pressure by trophic cascades, reinforcing the evidence that sea urchin escape behaviour may be an important factor in structuring algal communities.  相似文献   
We used non-destructive methods to study the bi-monthly changes in standing stock, turnover, and net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of Spartina alterniflora in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina, from 2005 to 2007. Tillers were tagged and counted bimonthly and a weight:height relationship developed for the live and dead stems in a regularly flooded zone (low marsh, LM) and an irregularly flooded one (high marsh, HM). The annual tiller natality in year one compared to year two decreased from 440 ± 68 to 220 ± 58 new individuals m–2 yr–1 in the HM and from 500 ± 103 to 280 ± 97 new individuals m−2 yr−1 in the LM (μ ± 1 SE). Tiller mortality averaged 670 ± 70 individuals m−2 yr−1.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the composition, abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the inner shelf area off Bahía Blanca Estuary on the SW Atlantic Ocean during late spring. Eggs and larvae of Brevoortia aurea, Engraulis anchoita, Parona signata, Sciaenidae spp. – such as Cynoscion guatucupa and Micropogonias furnieri –, and Odontesthes argentinensis were found. Species richness was low probably as a result of season and shallow depths. Ichthyoplankton abundance reached values close to 10 000 per 10 m−3 (eggs) and 4000 per 10 m−3 (larvae) and displayed a spatial distribution pattern with maximum abundance values restricted to a band parallel to the coast. Differences between egg and larval patterns, probably derived from a different displacement and hydrodynamic behavior, were observed. Egg and larvae distribution patterns were found related with spawning areas and to directly depend on salinity and mesozooplankton. The larvae distribution pattern, in particular, was found to inversely depend on particulate organic carbon. In addition, the geographic location of egg and larvae maxima strongly coincided with a saline front reported for this area in springtime, thus suggesting a direct relationship with it.  相似文献   
阿根廷油气资源丰富,并且油气财税条款较为优越,与国外大型油公司和中国油公司均有油气勘探资产合作,适合我国海外油气勘探投资。阿根廷海域13个盆地以转换断层为界,可划分为南部盆地群和北部盆地群,南部、北部盆地群在早期裂谷盆地的基础上分别逐渐演化为前陆盆地和被动大陆边缘盆地。南北盆地群由于盆地类型不同、构造演化不同,导致其构造特征、地层充填特征和油气成藏条件等方面具有一定的差异性特征。通过对阿根廷海域南部前陆盆地群和北部被动大陆边缘盆地群构造演化、地层充填、烃源岩条件、储层条件和圈闭条件对比研究,对阿根廷海域盆地石油地质特征有了进一步的认识,指出南部的前陆盆地成藏条件要优于北部被动大陆边缘盆地。分析表明,南部盆地群中的马尔维纳斯前陆盆地为剩余有利勘探区,该盆地勘探程度低,已证实具有油气发现,推测盆地中南部为有利构造带,或许将成为阿根廷未来的勘探热点。  相似文献   
The main carrying phases of mercury (Hg) were analyzed in a 120 cm sediment core taken at the Laguna del Plata (LP), a small lake connected to the main water body of Laguna Mar Chiquita (LMC) during highstands. LMC is considered to be one of the largest saline lakes in the world representing a sensitive climatic indicator due to its frequent lake level variations at millennial and interdecadal scale like the last ones that started early in the 1970s and after 2004. Total particulate Hg (HgTP) concentrations vary between ∼13 and ∼131 μg kg−1 indicating a system with low pollution. Selective extractions with ascorbate, HCl and H2O2 were performed in the sediments and they revealed that Hg is associated mainly to reactive sulphides in the base of the core, while in the middle and upper part the organic matter seems to be the main Hg-bearing phase. The highest and most important peak was found in sediments accumulated between 1991 and 1995. More than a punctual source of pollution, this peak is likely related to two eruptive events occurred in the Andean Cordillera in this period: the eruption of Hudson volcano in southern Patagonia that occurred in 1991 and the one of the Láscar volcano in northern Chile that occurred in 1993. In both cases, the respective ash plumes were documented to have reached the Laguna del Plata region.  相似文献   
This paper is focused on a geologic "regional rift basin system pattern" and its stratigraphical-geochemical relationship. This is mainly based on the littoral shallow marine sedimentary succession paleogeography and deposits. These successions characterize the large extensional intracratonic Chaco rift basin system evolved from the Upper Cretaceous ( Late Campanian-Senonian-Maastrichtian-Early Paleocene) to Quaternary time. The siliciclastic littoral shallow marine successions were deposited from Early Senonian-Maastrichtian to Late Miocene during three main successive littoral shallow marine transgressions of continental extension.These transgressions happened over the wide pediplanized terrains of South America. These lands exist west of the more positive areas, between the Brazilian Shield and the foreland massifs that were settled in the more westernwards areas. Later, these regional foreland massifs were coupled and raised to the Andean Orogen Belt during the last 5 million years.The extensive intracratonic pediplanized low topographic relief areas were the reservoirs of siliciclastic littoral shallow marine succession deposits during the three successive widespread vast continental littoral shallow marine transgressions.The first transgression began at the Latest Campanian-Senonian and/or Early Maastrichtian time. After this episode, the sedimentary depositional systems continued during the Cenozoic until the Latest Miocene. These successions constitute a major allostratigraphic unit.The limit with underlying units is the regional unconformity between the regional volcanic event (Jurassic-Cretacic and interleaved eolianite sandstones) at the base and the undifferentiated Quaternary sediments (called as the Pampeano and Post-Pampeano Formations sensu lato). Based on many facies analyses there had been checked out different levels in the eustatic sea level variations within the allostratigraphic unit.Three major stages of extensional climax were recognized and related to the stages of conspicuous eustatical sea-level variations. They happened during the Latest Senonian-Paleocene, Eocene and Miocene.The first transgression occurred during the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene although the sedimentary deposits related to this event are scarce, which are only a few meters in thickness. However, the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene succession is very well recognized in the actual pre-Andean zone in the north-west of Argentina and Bolivia (the Sierras Subandinas and the meridional imbricated fault systems just joint to the actual orogen, I.e. , Quebrada de Humahuaca outcrops).During the Eocene and Middle to Latest Miocene occurred the second and third extensive regional littoral shallow marine transgressions. They are present either in well log registers as in most widespread outcrops on the entire Southamerican continent.The regional analysis led to the deduction of long periods of tectonic quiescence, at least three of them. They may be inferred and synchronously related with eustatic highstand sea level variations that occurred during the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene, Latest Eocene-Early to Mid Oligocene and Middle-to-Late Oligocene-Early Miocene.The structural style is related with major extensional N-S strike faultings (regional tilted and faulting blocks). On the other hand, quite a number of strike-slip faults (mainly of regional characteristic) are present crossing the area. They have a clear influence on the accommodation and transfer zones of the rift basin system. The strike is north-west to south-east on the border of the basin, to the west, in the contact with the Pampean Ridges and the narrow-meridionally-extense Sub-Andean folded trend ( mainly Paleozoic units belonging to the so-called Sierras Subandinas geological province). Also, at the western edge of the studied area, there exist many large shear zones and upthrust faults. The strike-slip regional faults dislocated the Pampean and Sub-Andean blocks due to the interaction of crossing regional tilted and fault blocks.For this reason, an en echelon regional block model is characteristic. Incipient contaminated igneous activities were associated with this cortical weak zones. Domes, needles and necks of volcanic and sub-volcanic origin appear as the landscape of the region.A part of the igneous activity was dated on Latest Pliocene although mainly corresponding to Pleistocene and Holocene. This deduction is obvious because their morphological constitution was never eroded. The volcanic aparatous are morphologically unmodified from their extrusion to present days.All the studied successions seem to resemble a long persisting erosive, transportation and deposition episode. This phenomenon is linked to a large regional (continental) unconformity dated at Late Cretaceous. The entire analyzed sedimentary succession deposits and their siliciclastic facies associations correspond clearly to a "heterolithic facies succession" which is very common within persisting tide-dominated depositional systems (passive margins). In fact, this is what happened during Cenozoic times (Torra,1998b, 2001a). The heterolithic Miocene facies deposits constitute one of the best continental exposed examples.Paleogeographical evidence showed that the Paranense and Amazonic Sea transgressions had been a littoral shallow marine connection during long time from Middle to Late Miocene. During the Late Cretaceous and Eocene periods marine connections were also active in the region. This fact is strongly supported by the tectonic and geomorphological framework of the proto-Southamerican continent, fossil remains and similar sedimentary deposits.The geochemical results showed an outstanding similarity among the three sandy-muddy successions herein studied. Both major and trace elements always show the same geochemical patterns. Specially mentioned are the elements gallium, cesium, chromium, barium, vanadium, thorium, zirconium, rubidium and strontium because they present very constant values through all successions.The Paranense and Amazonic epicontinental seas had been connected to the Pacific Ocean during the three marine episodes. The connections were formed by narrow inter-mountain valleys, present in the preAndean foreland massifs. These events occurred prior to the main orogenesis elevation of the Andean orogen belt in the last 5 to 1 Ma ( Pliocene-Latest Pleistocene).This paper shows, for the first time, a synthetic stratigraphical-geochemical "regional model" for the carries many unexamined-unexplored natural resources which need more regional and local studies for their evaluation. This is in spite of the area that has the problem of a significative vegetation coberture and scarce good outcrops. The development of modern techniques of dataacquisition will help to overcome these difficulties.  相似文献   
钱鑫  冯庆来  王岳军 《地学前缘》2016,23(6):287-298
琅勃拉邦构造带内放射虫硅质岩含有放射虫Entactinia vulgaris Won, Entactinosphaera palimpola Foreman和Belowea variabilis (Ormiston et Lane),时代为早石炭世,为老挝境内首次报告。硅质岩样品具有很高的SiO2质量分数(95.29%~98.17%),大部分样品表现出相类似的稀土配分模式,部分样品配分模式图表现为上凸状,具有中稀土富集,均具有明显的Ce负异常,Ce/Ce*值为0.64~0.74,其中部分样品具有Eu的负异常,为0.58~0.68。Y/Ho比值为31.05~40.96,类似日本Sasayama中-晚二叠世的远洋硅质岩。地球化学显示其为含酸性火山碎屑非热液成因的远洋硅质岩。这些研究证实了在思茅板块和印支板块之间存在一个开阔的石炭纪时期弧后盆地。  相似文献   
Economic and urban development in the province of Tucumán is closely associated with its hydrological network. In spite of the regulatory efforts to preserve the quality of the water resources, the lower basins of the majority of the rivers are contaminated with organic effluents derived from sugar-mill and citrus industry. In this paper, the conditions of the Colorado River basin are described. At its headwater, the lithology and geology determine the chemical composition. Calcite and gypsum dissolution and silicate influence water composition, which is slightly perturbed a few kilometers downstream by geothermal waters discharged by a tributary. Close to the discharge into the Salí River, the Colorado River receives a high organic matter load from the highly polluted Calimayo stream, which produces an increase in the organic matter and depletion of dissolved oxygen with redox conditions that promote the reduction of sulfate to sulfide.  相似文献   
Sedimentological, malacological, and pollen analyses from 14C-dated alluvial sections from the Luján River provide a detailed record of environmental changes during the Holocene in the northeastern Pampas of Argentina. From 11,200 to 9000 14C yr B.P., both sedimentary and biological components suggest that the depositional environment was eutrophic, alkaline, and freshwater to brackish shallow water bodies without significant water circulation. During this time, bioclastic sedimentation was dominant and the shallow water bodies reached maximum development as the climate became more humid, suggesting an increase in precipitation. Short-term fluctuations in climate during the last stage of this interval may have been sufficient to initiate changes in the water bodies, as reduction of the volume alternated with periods of flooding. The beginning of the evolution of shallow swamps in the wide floodplain or huge wetlands was contemporaneous with a sea level lower than the present one. From 9000 and 7000 14C yr B.P., mesotrophic, alkaline, brackish, probably anoxic swamps existed. Between 7000 and 3000 14C yr B.P., anoxic calcareous swamps were formed, with subaerial exposure and development of the Puesto Berrondo Soil (3500-2900 14C yr B.P.). A trend to a reduction of water bodies is recorded from 9000 to ca. 3000 14C yr B.P., with a significant reduction after ca. 7000 14C yr B.P. A shift to subhumid-dry climate after 7000 14C yr B.P. appears to be the main cause. During this time, an additional external forcing toward higher groundwater levels was caused by Holocene marine transgression causing changes in the water bodies levels. The climate became drier during the late Holocene (ca. 3000 yr B.P.), when clastic sedimentation increased, under subhumid-dry conditions. Flood events increased in frequency during this time. From ca. A.D. 1790 to present, the pollen record reflects widespread disturbance of the vegetation during the European settlement.  相似文献   
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