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面向服务的移动GIS开发与应用逐渐成为移动GIS领域研究热点和发展趋势。本文首先介绍了Android终端和UCMap开发平台等相关知识;其次详细研究了基于移动GIS应用的Android平台开发环境搭建和基于UCMap平台的Android终端应用二次开发模块;最后提出了一种基于移动GIS应用的UCMap平台开发与应用模式,并在Android平台上进行了相关技术验证,对移动GIS应用研究具有较高的技术参考价值。  相似文献   
We measured total selenium and total mercury concentrations ([TSe] and [THg]) in hair (n = 138) and blood (n = 73) of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from California to assess variation by geography and sex, and inferred feeding relationships based on carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes. Harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites had significantly greater [THg], and lesser [TSe] and TSe:THg molar ratios than seals from a relatively uncontaminated site. Males had significantly greater [THg] than females at all locations. Sulfur stable isotope values explained approximately 25% of the variability in [THg], indicating increased Hg exposure for seals with a greater use of estuarine prey species. Decreased [TSe] in harbor seals from Hg-contaminated regions may indicate a relative Se deficiency to mitigate the toxic effects of Hg. Further investigation into the Se status and the potential negative impact of Hg on harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites is warranted.  相似文献   
营养盐因子对龙须菜和菊花江蓠氮磷吸收速率的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在实验室条件下,研究了营养盐因子对龙须菜和菊花江蓠N、P吸收速率的 影响,分别对不同氮和磷的浓度、氮磷比及不同化合态氮对这两种藻类氮、磷吸收速 率的影响进行了实验与分析.结果表明:在适宜范围内,两种海藻对氮、磷的吸收速率 随介质中氮、磷浓度的增加而增加;不同氮磷对两种海藻N吸收速率的影响不存在 显著差异,但对磷吸收速率的影响非常显著,最高对磷吸收速率在介质的氮磷比为 10:1时;海藻对NH4-N的吸收速率随着NO3-N/NH4-N比的降低而增加,对PO43-P的 吸收速率与对NH4-N的吸收相似,而对NO3-N的吸收速率与对NH4-N的吸收相反.  相似文献   
In recent years many fuller ship hull forms have been designed and constructed in various shipbuilding countries, but the data available for the development of the fuller forms are inadequate from the point of view of preliminary ship design. In this paper the authors describe how they have systematically tested vessel forms of block coefficients ranging from 0.80 to 0.90. The analysis and presentation of the test results have been made in such a manner that designers can produce hull forms like those of tankers and other bulk carriers quickly and reliably.  相似文献   
The response of a sub-arctic, deep-sea macrofaunal community to a simulated food sedimentation event was studied by means of a stable isotope “pulse-chase” experiment. A food pulse was simulated by adding 500 mg C m−2 of 13C-labelled diatoms, Chaetoceros radicans, to sediment cores retrieved from 1080 m in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Carbon uptake by specific macrofaunal groups was quantified after 3 and 6 days of incubation. The carbon uptake of the dominant taxon (Polychaeta) was quantified at the genus-, and where possible, species-level, representing a data resolution that is rare in deep-sea tracer studies. The macrofaunal community reacted rapidly to the diatom addition, with 47% and 70% of the animals illustrating 13C-enrichment after 3 and 6 days, respectively. Approximately 95% of C uptake was located in the upper 2 cm due to the particularly shallow vertical distribution of the macrofaunal community and the nonexistent tracer subduction by burrowing species. Polychaetes of the families Ampharetidae and Cirratulidae were among the most heavily labelled with above background enrichment reaching 1300‰. Approximately 0.8 and 2.0 mg C m−2 were processed by the macrofauna after 3 and 6 days, representing 0.2% and 0.4% of the added carbon, respectively. It was not possible to differentiate sub-surface deposit-feeding polychaetes from predator/scavenger- and omnivorous polychaetes using their natural ??15N signatures. However, the combination of natural abundance ??15N data and 13C-labelling experiments proved to be useful for elucidating trophic relations in deep-sea food webs. This study confirms that macrofauna play an active role in the short-term carbon cycling at bathyal depths even at sub-zero temperatures and highlights the need for detailed knowledge of the community structure in understanding carbon processing patterns and early diagenesis of organic matter in marine sediments.  相似文献   
实验于1996年5月~9月对3种规格养殖中国对虾在不同条件下的耗氧率和排氨率进行了测定。结果表明,温度、体重、盐度和摄食状态对其代谢有显著影响。耗氧率(QO)和排氨率(QN)与温度正相关,lnQO=0.058T-2.894;lnQN=0.076T+1.116;而与体重呈负相关,QO=0.515W-0.126;QN=25.05W-0.199。在盐度5~35范围内,中国对虾(3.025g±0.088g)的耗氧率和排氨率在盐度28时最小。中国对虾(3.13g±0.072g)摄食沙蚕和配合饲料,在饱食状态下耗氧率比饥饿状态下分别提高了83.9%和29.3%,排泄率增加了113.8%和93.6%,表明摄食时蛋白质代谢增加显著。  相似文献   
俄罗斯科学院N.S.库尔纳可夫普通和无机化学研究所,是由铂和其它贵金属研究所的普通化学研究室与物理化学分析研究所及物理化学部的高压实验室在1934年合并而成。由于上述两个研究所均创建于1918年,所以,该研究所的创建日定为1918年5月11日。由于科学院士N.S.Kurnakv,L.A.Chugaev教授,I.I.Chernyaev院士,N.M.Zha-voronkov,A.A.Grinberg,I.V.Obreimov,Ya.K.Syrkin,G.G.Urazov和I.V.Tananaev等人…  相似文献   
内蒙古半干旱草原的氨气挥发研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解草原生态系统氨气挥发情况、历史放牧的影响及其影响机制,2005和2006年生长季期间,在长达17年放牧处理的样地上测定了5个放牧强度下的氨气挥发量。结果表明:氨气挥发随季节变化波动很大,春季和初秋高,晚秋和夏季低,变化范围为0.88-3.52 gN ha~(-1)d~(-1)。土壤pH值、NH_4~+-N浓度、湿度以及容重对氨气挥发控制作用较强。但是容重的影响与其他3个因子的影响作用相反,而容重的大小直接受不同放牧强度影响。虽然不同的放牧强度对氨气释放的影响在统计学上来说并不显著,但是,相对不放牧的情况而言,氨气挥发量在放牧情况下更大。而土壤氮浓度、植物生物量却在放牧的情况下更低。这些都意味着放牧草地生态系统比不放牧草地生态系统恢复起来会更慢。这种关于草原生态系统氨气挥发的研究意义重大,因为它有助于加强了解氮素丢失对草原各进程的抑制作用,同时对制订适宜的放牧及施肥措施从而达到合理利用资源的目的也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
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