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由于工程需要,对广梧高速公路(马安—河口段)的地震地质情况进行了考察,马安—河口路段所处大地构造性质为东南地洼区,穿越了三个次级构造分区:白土断陷、思劳断隆、云浮断隆。路段附近发育3条断裂:肇庆断裂、河口断裂和吴川—四会断裂。前两者为非活动断裂,后者为活动断裂且星北东向从思劳附近穿过,是未来5.0级地震发生地段,烈度可达Ⅵ度。但路段附近地震活动水平较低,仅发生过4以—5.0级地震4次,最大烈度为Ⅴ度。白诸立交、河口立交的地震地质环境稳定,思劳立交基本稳定,沿线不易产生滑坡与崩塌。 相似文献
This study focuses on the southeast Capital area of North China (38.5–39.85° N, 115.5–118.5° E). Shear-wave splitting parameters at 20 seismic stations are obtained by a systematic analysis method applied to data recorded by the Capital Area Seismograph Network (CASN) between the years 2002 and 2005. Although some differences in the results are observed, the average fast-wave polarization is N88.2° W ± 40.7° and the average normalized slow wave time delay is 3.55 ± 2.93 ms/km. The average polarization is consistent with the regional maximum horizontal compressive stress and also with the maximum principal strain derived from global positioning system measurements in North China. In spite of the uneven distribution of faults around the array stations that likely introduce some amount of scatter in the shear-wave splitting measurements, site-dependent polarizations of fast shear wave are clearly observed: in the northern half of the study area, the polarizations at CASN stations show E–W direction, whereas in the southern half the polarizations exhibit a variety of possible azimuths, thus suggesting dissimilar stress field and tectonic frame in both areas. Comparing the splitting results with those previously obtained in the northwest part of the region, we find a difference in polarization of about 20° between the southeast and northwest parts of the Capital area; also, in the southeast Capital area the average time delay is smaller than in the northwest Capital area, thus making clear that the magnitude of crustal seismic anisotropy is not the same in the two zones. Being the shear-wave splitting polarizations in the southeast Capital area, which lies on the basin, clearly different from the observed polarizations in the northwest Capital area, where uplifts and basin converge, it is quite evident that the shear-wave splitting results are consequence of the tectonics and stress field affecting the two regions. 相似文献
为了研究湖北地区地震震源参数特征,本文基于湖北数字地震台网记录到的S波观测振幅谱,通过遗传算法获得湖北地区的介质品质因子和台站场地响应,并在此基础上计算了湖北地区地震震源参数。结果显示,湖北地区介质品质因子Q值随频率f变化的关系式为Q(f)=501.8·f~(0.309);对于大部分台站获得了与其岩石基底相符的场地响应,没有出现明显放大效应;地震震级与地震矩对数间呈线性关系,即lg M_0=10.06+1.093M_L;震源半径与应力降间呈双对数线性关系,即lgΔσ=10.52-2.01lgr;地震矩与拐角频率间整体上呈反相关;地震矩与应力降间关系不显著。 相似文献
In this study we present the results from field work in northern Vietnam regarding the occurrence of the warty newt species Paramesotriton deloustali and P. guangxiensis in disturbed and undisturbed habitats and the presence of parasitic water mites of the genus Hygrobates (sg. Lurchibates) (Acari, Hydrachnidia). We report the first evidence of mite parasitism in P. guangxiensis and analyze differences in the infestation rates between both Paramesotriton species and habitat qualities. Furthermore we present the first indication of the detrimental effects of these parasite-host interactions.Our preliminary assessment seems to support the sensitivity of P. guangxiensis to habitat disturbances, as the average number of captured newts per stream was twice as high in undisturbed habitats as in disturbed ones.Until now a very specific parasite-host association was supposed between water mite and newt species. However, our results show the first evidence of a water mite species of the subgenus Lurchibates (Hygrobates forcipifer) parasitizing more than one host species, in this case not only P. deloustali (already known) but also P. guangxiensis (new record). The overall infestation rate was 27 % for P. deloustali and 71 % for P. guangxiensis, from which 100 % and 77 % of the mite-incidence occurred in undisturbed habitats, respectively. Furthermore the parasite load of the newts was clearly higher in prime quality streams: the parasite load in undisturbed habitats was very similar between P. deloustali (19.64 mites per newt) and P. guangxiensis (20.13 mites per newt), however it was significantly lower for P. guangxiensis in disturbed habitats (8.86 mites per newt). Future research should bring more detail on these parasite host associations, especially on the effect of parasitism on the newts. Warty newts are already threatened due to their shrinking natural habitat and overharvesting. We report the first concerns that mite parasitism might be a critical additional stress factor in undisturbed habitats. 相似文献
利用鄂西地区长时间段宽频地震台站的三分量背景噪声记录,采用波形互相关方法得到台站对间的互相关函数,并通过聚束分析获得瑞雷波和勒夫波的慢度谱,研究鄂西地区背景噪声源的时空分布特征。结果表明,5~10 s周期范围,背景噪声来源于南太平洋且没有季节变化;10~20 s周期范围,慢度谱上显示明显的能量环,表明噪声源来源于多个方向,且表现出强烈和急剧的季节变化;20~40 s周期范围,慢度谱上也存在明显的能量环,其产生机制可能与此周期下提出的次重力波机制相似。在不同的周期范围内,噪声源分布方位有所不同,但在周期10~40 s范围噪声源在各方向均有分布。因此,利用长时间段连续噪声数据计算的互相关函数在周期10~40 s范围内满足背景噪声面波层析成像的理论前提。 相似文献
Jonathan F. Nott 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1992,17(4):361-374
The long-term evolution of streams in the Shoalhaven catchment of southeast New South Wales has been a contentious issue for decades. Several authors have suggested that the Shoalhaven River was captured at the sharp eastward bend near Tallong: this has been used as evidence for the westward migration of the east Australian divide in this area. Other workers, however, have argued that capture did not occur and that the location of the divide has been stable throughout the Tertiary. A vast sheet of sediments which spread across and infill a palaeovalley network cut into a broad undulating plain in the middle Shoalhaven catchment provides a record of stream behaviour since at least the start of the Tertiary. This record shows that the Shoalhaven River and many of its tributaries have maintained almost the same courses since at least the very Early Tertiary. This provides strong evidence against the capture hypothesis. The record further suggests that during the Paleogene these streams were graded to a level within the southeast Australian highlands; their depths of incision thus cannot be used as evidence for the extent of uplift of the southeast Australian highlands during this time. 相似文献