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Mastura Mahmud 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2009,30(3):312-326
The large‐scale forest fires that occurred during the major El Niño event in 1997 can be counted among the worst environmental disasters in Southeast Asia. This study investigates atmospheric mesoscale features over Sumatra and the Klang Valley in Peninsular Malaysia during the resultant haze episode of September 1997 utilizing a limited area mesoscale three‐dimensional meteorological and dispersion model, The Air Pollution Model (TAPM). Mesoscale features that would not be highlighted by global numerical prediction models, such as the daily land and sea breeze conditions at the selected air pollution stations located near the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, were predicted with an Index of Agreement of 0.3, which implied a moderate conformity between the predicted and observed values. Tracer analysis of air particles at a selected location in the Straits of Malacca verified the existence of the landward and shoreward movement of the air during the simulation of the low‐level wind field. Air pollutants from the burning areas of neighbouring Sumatra just across the straits were transported towards the Klang valley during the daytime and seawards during the nighttime, highlighting the recirculation features of aged and newer air particles over the seven days (13–18 September) of the model simulation. The presence of the central Main Range east of the Klang valley to a certain extent limited further eastward movement of the air particles. Near calm conditions at low levels were simulated from midnight to midday on 14 September, where the movement of the polluted air particles from the uncontrolled burning in Sumatra was confined within the Straits of Malacca. Turbulence within the planetary boundary layer in terms of the total kinetic energy was found to be weak from 14 to 15 September, congruent with the weak strength of low level winds that reduced the ability of the air to transport the pollutants during the period of severe smoke haze. Statistical evaluation showed that parameters such as the systematic RMSE (root mean square error) and unsystematic RMSE for the zonal wind component were slightly higher than for the meridional one, indicating higher errors between the observed and simulated zonal values. Otherwise, the equatorial meteorological parameters such as wind speed and temperature were successfully simulated by the model with comparatively high correlation coefficients, lower RMSEs and moderately high indices of agreement with observed values. 相似文献
江南造山带中段幕阜山稀有金属矿集区是我国东部重要的锂铌钽资源基地, 区域锂资源主要集中于锂辉石伟晶岩中。但此类伟晶岩常受到岩浆出溶热液的叠加作用, 导致锂不同程度的流失, 因此新鲜锂辉石伟晶岩的产出条件与精准定位, 成为区域成矿理论研究与锂资源勘查的突破重点。笔者研究团队近年来在幕阜山地区新发现的黄柏山锂铌钽矿床, 产出了区域少有的大规模新鲜锂辉石伟晶岩脉。本次研究在黄柏山矿床已开展的化探、探槽、钻探等勘查工作基础上, 系统总结了矿床的地质条件, 精确厘定其成矿时代, 初步建立了仁里-黄柏山矿田成矿模型, 并进一步指出区域找矿方向。黄柏山矿床位于幕阜山岩体西南缘, 矿床内伟晶岩总体沿片岩片理产出, 其类型主要为(白云母)钠长石伟晶岩和锂辉石钠长石伟晶岩, 稀有金属矿化组合为Be-Nb-Ta-Li, 稀有金属矿物主要为绿柱石、铌钽铁矿和锂辉石。矿床内锂辉石多为新鲜无蚀变(>96%), 少数晶体边缘具弱蚀变或锂辉石+石英蠕虫状共生结构, 为岩浆演化晚阶段流体出溶导致的弱酸性交代所致。三种类型锂辉石的Li2O为7.72%~7.82%, 基本未发生锂的流失, 这与区域构造交汇导致容矿空间封闭性弱, 岩浆演化出溶热液第一时间运移扩散有关。黄柏山矿床稀有金属成矿作用发生在早白垩世(133.0±1.5Ma), 与幕阜山矿集区二云母花岗岩成矿阶段时限(135.8~133.0Ma)一致。本次工作通过对仁里-黄柏山矿田伟晶岩地表类型分带的重新厘定, 结合区域已有的成矿母岩及伟晶岩垂向分带研究成果, 提出黄柏山矿床、仁里矿床、深部成矿母岩三者从西至东呈现出由高至低的三维空间分布特征, 初步建立矿田"体中体"模型。该模型及稀有金属成矿作用特点显示, 矿田西南部冷家溪群与幕阜山岩体接触带区域, 尤其是高地形地区, 仍具有锂找矿潜力。 相似文献
Southeast Asian countries suffer from severe coastal hazards each year. A large number of these countries are incurring consequential
costs that impact their national economies. It is crucial, therefore, to analyze the impact of such hazards on their economic
development and provide a solid basis for future development strategies. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship
between the economic development and the losses from coastal disasters, and to identify both the impact of hazards on the
development, as well as the function of such development on the resilience to hazards. The data envelopment analysis (DEA)
method is employed to build the assessment models. Data from 1995 to 2005 from eight Southeast countries are analyzed using
the DEA models. A set of “resilience index” of these countries are concluded from the results. It is found that the economic
development does not contribute to the strengthening of national resilience to coastal hazards. Inappropriate development
could even impair the resilience. Additionally, the resilience to coastal hazards is impacted by various factors such as the
allocation of resources and external assistance. From the analysis, a clear image is gained of the interaction between economic
development and coastal hazards, which provides a basis for future development strategies.
Yi-Ming WeiEmail: Email: |
2010年上海世博会即将开幕,从世博会角度下探讨城市群发展也成为研究的热点问题之一。本文在分析上海世博会的价值理念和四大效应的基础上,立足于湖北长江旅游城市群的发展,提出其互动发展的创新思考,对未来湖北长江旅游城市群发展具有借鉴意义。 相似文献
野外和室内研究结果表明,四道河地区面理化含榴花岗岩由古生代沉积岩变质而成.在元素地球化学特征上,具有与岩浆成因的碱性花岗岩一致的特点:高硅(SiO2=75.24% ~ 77.23%)、富碱(Na2O+ K2O =6.87% ~8.84%)、低铝(Al2O3=11.00% ~ 12.78%);富Rb、Ba、Th、U等大离子亲石元素和Pb,贫Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素;稀土元素含量较高(ΣREE=101.08~180.1 μg/g),轻稀土元素相对富集(LREE/HREE=3.1 ~ 6.8),铕有中等负异常( δEu=0.30~0.68);锆石成因类型及定年结果表明,老核(继承锆石)是异地多时代(元古代-古生代),其寄主岩的原岩是沉积岩,时代不会早于古生代. 相似文献
东南沿海地震带地震序列特征与迁移规律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了中国大陆东南沿海地震带地震的迁移规律和序列特征,以及与台湾地区Ms≥7.0级地震的关系。所得结果对该带的地震趋势估计有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
利用剖面浮标的温盐观测资料和上层温度观测资料以及ECCO风应力数据研究了东南印度洋各主要海洋锋的位置、走向和风场的季节变化,并初步分析了亚热带锋(STF)和亚南极锋(SAF)的成锋机制.季节平均的夏季和冬季厄加勒斯锋(AF)分别可以延伸到80°E和82°E,AF在多数情况下可能与SAF和南亚热带锋(SSTF)汇合共同通过Kerguelen-Amsterdam Passage.在克尔盖伦海台以东海盆区,冬季SAF和PF的路径均比夏季偏南,在其他海域二者路径的季节差别不大.克尔盖伦海台以东的深海盆由北向南正负风应力旋度高值中心交替出现,且位置季节变化很小.85°~105°E之间零风应力旋度线位置冬季比夏季偏北.STF位于辐聚区,埃克曼抽吸导致的表层水辐聚可能是STF产生和维持的原因.SAF位置的季节南北摆动幅度小于风应力零旋度线的季节摆动幅度,夏季SAF位置略偏于风应力正旋度区,而冬季大多位于负旋度区,因此风应力旋度不是SAF形成的直接原因. 相似文献
湖北大冶铜绿山铜铁矿床是长江中下游西段鄂东南矿集区一个大型夕卡岩矿床.围岩为三叠系大理岩及白云质大理岩,决定了其发育丰富的钙镁质复合夕卡岩矿物组合,包括石榴子石、辉石、角闪石、绿帘石、金云母、绿泥石等.本文详细描述了夕卡岩不同阶段矿物的特征,并对矿物进行了电子探针分析(EPMA)及碳、氧、硫稳定同位素研究.结果表明石榴子石形成于三期,成分上属于钙铝—钙铁系列,且从早到晚具有从钙铝向钙铁榴石演化趋势,反映出成矿溶液由酸性向碱性演化.环带结构的石榴子石和绿帘石从核部到边部Fe含量增高,说明磁铁矿是在Fe浓度升高的碱性溶液中沉淀.辉石为透辉石.角闪石属于单斜角闪石中的钙质角闪石,包括透闪石,韭闪石和少量阳起石.矿物成分分析表明辉石和石榴子石的Mn/Fe值与矿化金属元素存在一定的联系.相对于钙质夕卡岩,镁质或含镁质夕卡岩是铜铁矿体交代的更有利岩石.矿床硫化物的δ34 SV-CDT均为正值且变化范围较窄,介于0.6‰~3.8‰.成矿阶段方解石δ13CV-PDB变化于-2.9‰~6.3‰,δ18OV-SMOW变化于9.6‰ ~ 12.6‰,成矿后方解石的同位素值明显增大,δ13CV-PDB为-0.9‰ ~ 1.3‰,δ18OV-SMOW为15.2‰ ~ 17.3‰,趋向于围岩的同位素值.研究结果说明成矿阶段的硫和碳来自于深源或地幔,而成矿后期碳与地层发生明显的同位素交换反应. 相似文献
湖北省钟祥第四纪冰缘融冻构造的发现及其意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
笔者于1986年在钟祥首次发现了第四纪地层间的冰缘融冻构造——古冰楔与揉皱,其时代为早更新世末期—中更新世初期。它的发现不仅为建立本区第四纪地层层序,而且为确定更新世北方冰缘冻土的南界和研究长江中下游更新世古气候环境的演变提供了重要的科学依据。 相似文献
松辽盆地东南隆起区白垩系嫩江组一段沉积相、旋回及其与松科1井的对比 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对松辽盆地东南隆起区嫩江组剖面进行厘米级刻画,分析其为一套深湖相与滨浅湖交互相沉积。在滨浅湖交互相沉积段,水体频繁波动,且波动幅度大。根据颜色、岩性将嫩江组一段地层划分为34个米级旋回,Fischer图解分析将米级旋回归并为11个五级旋回和2个四级旋回。剖面中发育的介形虫灰岩、白云岩结核和火山灰层在松科1井嫩江组一段连续取心中都有响应;剖面和井的Fischer图解对比发现,第15个旋回开始到第25个旋回结束,松辽盆地沉积中心向西北方向迁移,且可能伴随着盆地东缘的抬升运动。 相似文献