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The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.  相似文献   
根据地质、地貌及地球物理资料分析,探讨展布于云南边陲哀牢山两侧的北西向断裂组成的红河断裂构造带,在东南亚的延伸特征。提出在该延伸带两侧沉积建造、构造活动,地球物理场和大地构造发展上均有显著差异。并进一步探讨该断裂构造带在大地构造上的意义。  相似文献   
湖北浠水蓝晶石铝直闪石片岩中的冠状体结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
游振东  吕学淼 《地球科学》1990,15(4):345-356
After a major flood in Jakarta in 2007, the government of Indonesia partnered with a consortium of Dutch engineers and designers to produce a solution. In 2013, this consortium proposed a plan for the Great Garuda, a megaproject that combined a deep seawall and private real estate, both in an archipelago of reclaimed islands that would be shaped like the mythical garuda eagle, Indonesia's national symbol. Despite a range of infeasibilities and opposition, the Great Garuda became the most prominent vision for the city's future. This article argues that the promotion of the Great Garuda was a process of ‘hyper‐planning’, which projected the city as a national triumph and a global spectacle. The plan served the political objective of creating the mere possibility of a ‘new Jakarta’ apart from the perceived chaos of the current capital. Further, the plan functioned as a performative object through its iconic imagery and its circulations. The process of hyper‐planning simultaneously projected a future of urban success, but also displaced the contingencies of the future to the private sector, beyond the purview of the state.  相似文献   
秦媛媛  孟堃 《四川地质学报》2013,(4):394-398,403
重庆云阳石梁剖面位于上扬子板块北缘南大巴山冲断带位置,早三叠世飞仙关期处于城口-鄂西海槽西侧位置,对该剖面的详细研究,有利于恢复飞仙关期川东北碳酸盐台地东缘的沉积演化过程.研究认为,该剖面飞仙关组-段属于斜坡相沉积;二段下部继承碳酸盐台地东缘斜坡相,中部发育典型的台地边缘滩沉积,其顶部则演化为局限台地溺湖环境;三段由开阔台地及局限台地渴湖沉积构成;四段属于典型的局限台地潮坪沉积城口-鄂西海槽西侧飞仙关组由两个向上变浅的沉积旋回组成,通过与相邻位置的井剖面对比认为。相对海平面变化控制了城口-一西海槽西侧飞仙关期沉积相演化。台地边缘滩基本发育于相对海平面下降时期  相似文献   
早寒武世黑色岩系中蕴藏丰富的有色金属、贵金属、稀土金属、石煤及非金属矿产。其中,位于扬子板块北缘的南秦岭褶皱带下寒武统钒矿资源潜力巨大,笔者以鄂西北为例,探讨该类钒矿床地质特征、成矿规律及成矿条件。鄂西北钒矿床产于下寒武统底部富含有机质的炭、硅、泥质黑色岩系中。矿层形态简单,产状稳定,埋藏浅,分布广,储量大。成矿受地层、岩性、古构造和古地理条件控制。钒矿床初始富集属受制于生物―化学成矿作用,后期构造改造作用对矿化分布及富集有一定的影响。认为鄂西北钒矿床具有生物成矿与海底热水沉积成矿双重特征,矿床成因类型应归属于生物化学沉积―变质改造型矿床范畴。  相似文献   
使用国家气候中心的区域气候模式对1961~1990、2001~2030年湖北省逐月气温、降水量的预估值(格点0.5°×0.5°,A2情景),以1961~1990年湖北省平均温度和平均降水量为基准,计算并分析未来30年(2001~2030年)及每10年年平均气温、降水量变化趋势。结果表明:(1)未来30年湖北省年平均气温普遍呈上升趋势,上升幅度在0.19~0.39℃之间,平均0.27℃,鄂南增温比鄂北快,其中2021~2030年增幅最大,2001~2010年增幅最小;(2)年平均降水量湖北省大部呈减少趋势,表现出南增北减、东增西减的特点,2001~2010年变化不大,2011~2020年绝大多数站点均有不同幅度增加,2021~2030年全省各地呈一致的下降趋势,湖北省南涝北旱趋势将有所加剧。  相似文献   
石振荣 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):109-112
湖北竹山县寒武纪碳硅质板岩层间破碎带内有大量蓝色的磷钙铝矾、纤磷钙铝石混合物与绿松石共生,物理性质表现为致密坚硬而性脆,吸水性强。化学成分分析硅和铝的含量高,磷含量少,并含有少量的硫和铜,是溶液为酸性时的产物。  相似文献   
运用LA-ICP-MS方法对湘东南泗洲山地区南华系大江边组上部泥质岩和震旦系(埃迪卡拉系)埃岐岭组底部变泥铁质砂岩碎屑锆石进行U-Pb测年,分别获得了28组和92组U-Pb有效年龄.前者锆石年龄主要集中分布于693 ~ 897 Ma(占67.9%),1810 ~1916Ma(占17.9%),1974~2177Ma(占14.2%)三个区间,最年轻的谐和错石年龄为734 ±4Ma(MSWD=1.07,n=4);后者锆石年龄主要集中分布于570~699Ma(占9.8%),715~ 774Ma(占7.6%),882~1272Ma(占67.4%),1300~ 1681Ma(占7.6%),1899 ~2490Ma(占7.6%)五个区间,最年轻的谐和锆石年龄为634±7Ma(MSWD=1.09,n=4).研究认为,大江边组上部地层的形成时代<734±4Ma,与澄江组顶部、牛牯坪组、岩门寨组、拱洞组及隆里组等地层形成时代相近,揭示“板溪期”地层的顶界年龄及江口冰期开启年龄< 734±4Ma;埃岐岭组形成时代<634 ±7Ma,与陡山沱组及蓝田组等地层形成时代相近,支持南沱冰期结束于635Ma左右的认识.综合研究认为,大江边组和埃岐岭组的物源可能分别主要来源于武夷地块南东部和南岭—云开地块南部的一个Grenville期造山带.推测物源的转换可能与南岭—云开地块、武夷地块在两组沉积时期之间聚合或紧邻有关,其时限约为734~634Ma.  相似文献   
湖北省经济对外开放度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
改革开放以来,中国的对外开放水平不断提高,但各地区之间差异显著。文章采用1990~2002年的统计资料,对湖北省经济的对外开放度进行测定和分析。结果表明,自1990年以来,湖北省经济的对外开放度虽有了明显提高,但仍与东部沿海地区存在明显差异,且省域内部的差异也十分明显。据此,提出了进一步提高湖北省对外开放水平,推动其区域经济可持续发展的战略构想。  相似文献   
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